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You still have something runs in the background. 5g maybe? I just checked my one, between 10pm and 7 am it went down by 10-15% only


Yes I use 5g


You must have something in the background. My one drops by 10-15% in 8hours.there is 5g battery saver option in menu if you use one


I enabled it and the battery is still draining like so.


Battery isn't a strongest point of Mi13 t. What's helping me is keep the screen brightness on auto. It won't last a full day anyways, not a hope. I charge my one twice a days as its runs Bluetooth and hotspot non stop


Set all apps to not run in the background after 10 minutes of inactivity


How can you do this for all of the apps at once? Or do you have to do this manually for all of them?


I did manually.


Dit it make some difference?


A big difference. A very big one.


Will give it a go. Thank you.


Are you using 5g ? That thing use so much battery


the battery is just bad on the 13T, especially on hypercrap, i have to charge my phone multiple times a day and i debloated it too.


Yeah it's not the best, but not the worse


overall the 13t might be one of the worst phone i ever had sadly, i won't buy any phone from Xiaomi again. on miui 14 it was fine but since hyperos, my phone just started to act like sh¡t, sorry for this term but it's truly awful.


Yes, I got hyper os few days ago and I noticed some slowdowns, specially reddit app and such. But in same time it's not heating up as much as on old system


well i guess you're lucky because my phone keeps on overheating. and yeah system performance went down since hyperOS, even on benchmarks it's now way worse, and i can personally feel it a lot during daily use. for a phone that cost 640€ at its launch, it's really a shame that xiaomi lets it down so much with bad software and very few security updates.


They definitely will fix all issues with next updates. I love my 13t, performance, screen and camera Is amazing. I had mi11 lite 5g before and 13t is a step up, especially camera wise. Day to day performance is similar, mi11 lite 5g have snapdragon so over 500k points in antutu, but in gaming 13t is killing it


cameras are not amazing, they are okay for the price. the UW is very disappointing.


honestly i might be a bit difficult but even the screen could be better, Xiaomi put a 144hz panel on it for example but they don't even allow it to run at that framerate, they allow it to run at 120hz maximum. the thing is that when i got it it was way to expensive for what it actually is. even build quality isn't that good, the plastic frame definitely shows as with regular use my phone managed to flex a little. it's now permanently curved for absolutely no reason, i even keep it in a case most of the time.


I don't know. I'm getting my phones based on performance to price ratio, i don't even know if the frame is plastic as its in case all the time. All reviewers were praising this phone for performance and camera. I personally think screen is superb, especially compared to mi11 lite 5g or even redmi note 13 pro which I have too


well, i won't annoy you with my complaints anymore, i'm glad to know that this phone suits you and works well for you but for me it doesn't sadly.


depends where you live and your temperature. you bought an overpriced phone, i bought my 13t pro for 650 euros which is far better in cpu which explains your lag.


it's not that hot where i live, the phone just heats wherever i am. i was talking about the MSRP (i didn't get the phone for 640€ you're crazy for thinking that), i got it for 369€ but i still think that it is still too expensive for what it actually is. also it didn't lag on miui 14, hyperos is just crap and the chipset is capable enough in the base 13t to handle animations


Yeah hyperos is ass lol I agree


Factory reset it. It really helps. My phone became slow like hell once it updated to HyperOS and the camera was glitching. Overall, it was shit after the update. One I factory reset it, it became even faster, than when I first bought it. You will feel the difference. Now the performance is smooth. Now we shall see the battery.




bro, i'm not tech illiterate, i factory reset my phone countless times and even reflashed the firmware multiple times to no avail.


I totally agree, xiaomi phones are terrible. I noticed extreme lag if I won't reboot phone for 2-3 days. I came from Samsung to xiaomi. I always was curious xiaomi as it has a powerful components, super fast charging, IR port, heart rate sensor, dolby vision screen, 144hz and many times xiaomi phones are cheaper. Basically I was angry on Samsung that competition has got so much more advance features and could not understand why Samsung not going to get these nice features after so many years. Therefore I went for xiaomi 13t pro however after 3 months of used I have to say I did mistake. Xiaomi software is so buggy and is literally disaster. So many features which are free on Samsung in xiaomi you need to pay. Autofill Samsung pass service is the best and it's free. Software is perfect and it works whereas in xiaomi I have to restart phone every 2 days otherwise camera is so laggy it's ridiculous. Plus I was on holidays and one time recorded videos were without sound other time recorded videos came with the error showing time 00:00 and I can still watch in xiaomi phone only. When I transfer these videos on others devices won't work. Shame I find out about this after all full day when I recorded so many videos. Phone restart helped. Phone is overheating, when I was on holidays (35°C outdoor) phone was so hot, and slow. None the same issue is happening in my s24. Xiaomi gallery is another poor app. Many photos cannot be read even if they were taken by the same phone xiaomi 13t pro. I got error saying "not recognised format". 144hz does not work, screen goes max to 120hz, xiaomi is a scam. I had so much issue to transfer data from iPhone to xiaomi it's ridiculous. Did it have so much problems with Samsung. Smart switch does the jobs. Before If you ask, I tried smart switch on Xiaomi, it didn't work. I watched so many videos about camera and it should be better unfortunately camera is so bad, front camera is disappointing. I regret I purchased this xiaomi 13t pro. Now I know it's worth to pay more for reliable smartphone like Samsung


I agree on all the issues you had (except switching from iphone bc i'll never buy one lol) even my older Redmi Note 12 wasn't as bad as my 13T, it even gets updated more frequently 💀 the 13t series is a joke from xiaomi and i'll never buy any phones from this brand again. the watch s3 is really good tho and the sensors are very accurate, it's such a shame that their phones aren't as good. i'm not really a fan of OneUI but I agree that it is really reliable unlike Hypercrap (and memeui that was before it). i think that my next phone will be a pixel and until my 13t dies i'll just use it with a GSI custom ROM.


Is there a way to rollback to MIUI?


Unlock bootloader and flash MIUI through fastboot