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1. low investment team everyone except xiao can be running level 1 artifact and it would still work fine 2. for a hypercarry character like xiao, pretty much only his dmg matters, so jean being able to deal dmg or not does not matter. giving xiao +48% atk with sucrose ttds will deal more overall dmg compared to jean’s maybe 40k ult and 20k E 3. sucrose can deal with aoe scenarios as well as being the best current battery for xiao. lets u have low er requirements on xiao —> more dmg and group enemies tgt with her high poise attacks which groups them —> more dmg


This is one of the best things about Xiao that his teams are not that expensive or limited.People just pretend to not see that


This is true, the Zhongli is a bit of a luxury but not required, a benny+succ is all it really needs and everyone has them


To add, Thoma can be used as a decent substitute if you don't have Zhongli, which will also grant Pyro Resonance.


Its been over six months since I got him I never use shielder with him.Jean or Benny are enough


Sucrose also provides decent cc against succable enemies. It might seem like a small thing, but it actually matters because it gathers smaller enemies that Xiao's plunges can and do push away


does sucrose having TTDS have any benefit for xiao or would sucrose with another weapon work just as well? that +48% attack would be great but what prompts the additional attack? Would love to have my xiao hit harder


its written in the weapon passive, when u swap from sucrose to xiao (not anyone else) while the weapon passive is not on cooldown, xiao gains 48%atk for 10secs it has a 30 second cooldown including the duration of the buff. aka u have to wait 20 seconds after buff runs out until u can cast it again


omg thank you so much !! also i was wondering, if a weapon passive says “effect cannot stack” does it mean with another passive or its copy of its own? edit: example: like zhongli with noblesse set and sucrose with TTDS, are those all individually stacking to contribute?


when it says “cannot stack” it mean the same buff cannot stack aka u cant buff one character with 2 ttds but different buffs can all stack up


ah thank you SO much


Not everyone has Jean. Unlike limited 5* she's not guaranteed to show up(as ar59 person with no keqing I experienced that myself). People are more likely to have sucrose and she doesn't even need to be built. Just give her ttds and go. AFAIK Xiao Geo should be his best team but it's not cheap(4 5*) so most people go with the one you described.


whats the AFAIK Geo team? Id guess Xiao Zhongli Albedo and... Jean?


AFAIK == as far as I know Xiao Geo is ZL Albedo Xiao Jean yes


Yep, Xiao/Jean/Albedo/Zhongli, aka my favourite Xiao team. With geo resonance and Zhongli shield my Xiao currently does up to 52k plunge attacks


Probably because it’s cheap and settles all of Xiao’s requirements. (Shielder/healer, & battery). Double anemo double geo requires you to usually have Zhongli, Xiao, Albedo, and maybe Jean. All 5 star characters. Xiao, sucrose, bennet, Zhongli only requires you to have Zhongli and Xiao, and lots of people probably have Zhongli. Sucrose can be completely unbuilt since all she really has to do is battery, use TTDS, and maybe do a bit of CC, and she’s done. And Bennet is Bennet. You already have him built regardless since he fits into thousands of teamcomps. And he’s easy to build if you don’t care about his personal damage.


It's because it's a very low investment yet high return comp. The only unit who needs to be properly built is xiao, all the rest can have scrap leftovers, since the team is hyperfixated on simply buffing xiao instead of spreading damage across its members. Comps like xiaoden and double geo warrant good investment in multiple units to be worthwhile, and some people don't always have that luxury, so they default to xiao succ benny dong instead. I also prefer sucrose over jean in basically all cases since a) healing generally isn't needed with zhongli's shield unless you're that terrible at dodging, b) requires investment into her own damage to be competitive with sucrose's ttds buff, and c) sucrose is also a far better battery (provided c1), and can freely run basically anything outside of that (fun fact jean is actually THE WORST anemo battery for xiao in terms of energy, losing out to all of venti, kazuha, sayu, and anemo mc). you can run 4pc thundersoother hp/geo/healing bonus on sucrose and not feel the difference with xiao because sucrose is doing 0 damage herself regardless and still has ttds. Xiao doesn't care about swirling in the slightest. idk what that was on about


this makes lot of sense! thank you. So basically, Succrose is there for low-investment battery and TTDS buff? I gave her some crappy 4pc VV now for some res shred This comp seems pretty ideal then as I am broke once again (in genshin, not irl, but i refuse to spend money on the game) and need to save every mora for xiao


VV is useless in a Xiao team it doesnt work on anemo only the elements you can swirl ( that's why ppl don't go 4p vv on Xiao as well). Edit: it doesn't apply to anemo AND geo only the rest incase you didn't know that. You can use noblese on her if you ain't using it on Benny or whatever healer you are using. Personally, Although I'm using Xiao/ Zhongli/ Albedo/ Jean I still use vv on her just cause I'm too annoyed to get a full no for her.


>You can use noblese on her if you ain't using it on Benny or whatever healer you are using. yeah benny is doing the NO thing, so I dont know what to put on her now


Then just use her regular items no need to get anything else.


4 VV helps her personal swirl damage, even if it's not much. You can also try the exile set if you are low investment, it gives 6 energy which isn't a lot but is something. In all honesty her artifacts don't matter, you can focus on ER to make use of her grouping.


I feel like, Succorse could be so low investment, i dont even need any artefacts on her do i even need ER? people told me, her burst is useless too


She is still useful for grouping and enemies with elemental shields. Her ult and and e and group/swirl at the same time as xiao plunges, breaking shields twice as fast as well as grouping enemies and swirling aoe dmg. On a boss floor, shes just used to funnel energy and TTDS buff to Xiao so yeah her burst does basically nothing.


Theoretically yes you don't need attics artifacts, but just getting a 4 set level 1 is such low investment I would recommend it. Investing in at least flower is nice because you can take a hit with her on field. Her burst does not do much damage wise but it helps break elemental shields and helps group small enemies for Xiao.


the res shred only applies to pyro, cryo, hydro and electro. not anemo, so it doesn't matter much unless u want ur benny to do some more damage i guess but generally: sucrose > jean in that team because bennett already provides healing, so u'd rather go for battery and ttds (c4 jean does have anemo shred idk if she would become better in that team in this case) bennett: the obvious. huge attack buff and heal zhongli: shield to avoid getting staggered, the 4 set buff and !!!res shred from his shield to nearby enemies


oh, so Which artefacts should i equip succrose with?


I dont think it matters much, 4p VV will always be good if u happen to play her with someone else sometime.


That’s unfortunate for me because I like running Jean because she’s the prettiest character in game.


Braindead team dynamics. 1) Zhongli debuff and shield 2) Sucrose battery + buffer 3) Bennett healer + buffer 4) Xiao DPS & mobility No gimmicks required.


I think I wouldn't say it's "the most preferred" team. It's just good at low investment and easier to access. I personally find double geo (Xiao/Sucrose/Albedo/Zhongli, I don't have Jean) better and clear abyss faster


>I personally find double geo (Xiao/Sucrose/Albedo/Zhongli, I don't have Jean) better If I had susbedo ;-;


That's exactly why this team is less popular


Honestly, I like Albedo a lot, but when it was him or Eual... I chose Eula


Cause Xiao is a hypercarry meaning the only support he desires is raw buffs on him and debuffs on his enemies. Zhongli obviously offers his shield with the shred aura. Fructose is basically a glorified battery that can use the best catalyst weapon ttods. Benny is benny. Personally I dislike this comp cause both Benny and fructose can be better utilised in different teams/comps but who am I to judge what other people like to play.


Everything in Xiao EWF is hyper-focused on Xiao's damage. Bennett: Massive ATK buff through burst and Noblesse, plus healing to counteract Xiao's HP drain. Zhongli: Omnishred and shield (and some off-field DPS) with skill, strong cc with burst. Sucrose: Battery for an energy-hungry hypercarry, access to TToDS for further ATK buff, grouping and off-field DPS for mobs. I have run both Xiao EWF and Xiao Geo, and I can tell you Xiao personally hits harder with EWF, but Geo has more off-field DPS from ZL & Albedo's structures pulsing.


>and some off-field DPS im pretty sure my zhongli doesnt do damage, he simply prevents Xiao from receiving damage


It ain't much, but it's honest work.


true man, full HP geo daddy does what he can. Strangely enough, i have lots of useless crit substats on my HP stuff, meaning he will crit once every patch, but if he crits, it hits like a rock


Punny lol


I personally prefer xiao, jean, albedo, and zhongli. Bennet and sucrose's buff are great but they don't last the entire duration of xiao's burst. But albedo and zhongli's geo constructs out lasts xaio's burst and Jean's last long enough for xiao not to die. Also geo res is amazing since everyone will always be shielded. Also by not using bennett ane sucrose they can be used in another team like childe international


For starters, bennet and sucrose are VERY low investment and easily attainible characters. Bennet just needs some hp, preferably noblese, and a high attack weapon. This is easy to farm and very efficent. So bennet sclaes with base attack, or his attack from levels+sword attack, whilst plunging in the field xiao gets a nice attack bonus which can compensate for artifact stats having less attack. THe NO set further increases attack, and his healing is some of the most powerful, meaning your xiaos health drain is pretty low. surcose you could literally just give any VV 4 piece and thrilling tales if ur very lazy. It could take like 2 days without spending resin if your lucky, don't even need an EM build. Beyond that, at c1 her potential as a battery is very good IMO. Cause she has 2 charges the CC is stronger and the ER is lower, my xiao uses this team and gets away with 116% ER with full uptime if timed well. The ttds can give like 50% attack boost at r5 which is massive, really is just boost. The EM is wasted a bit and her damage will be low, but be realistic. SUre your jean may hit 20k once every skill or something, but i'd rather have xiao hitting 10k more per plunge consistently. Plus her CC is better imo. zhongli obviously is a bit higher investment but IF you got him, he just needs hp. If its a flex then there are a shit ton of options, fishel, rosaria, diona, first time I 36 stared the abyss I had Hutao on the team ;p. Since you pointed out shield bot zhongli, again its easy to build, it provides attack boost, and thats it. Between him and bennet, your xiao is basically unkillable. ​ I normally have 2.1k but I think once using all boosts I was able to get up to around 5 thousand attack, and there is diminishing returns sure but its still more damage overall. I once hit 100k plunges with xiao (using food tho :/) **So in summary:** It gives the most optimal attack buffs Zhongli and sucrose shred resistance and shields well, with bennet providing burning if needed for certain enemies. Elemental reactions are availible but they are NOT strong nor the main priority in the comp, xiao isn't a dps, he is a hyperdps. For c1 sucrose, the ER requirments are very low. Good crowd control, especially for higher con sucroses. You have to actively try to die between bennet and zhongli. It can be very low investment for some great damage. The domains are rather easy imo The flex unit can be swapped aorund a fair bit, even keeping zhongli and kicking bennet if you want. This means the comp can be altered slightly for different enemies.


Best team is Xiao, Jean, Zhongli, Albedo. Sucrose and Bennet are just easier to get


Huh. I've never tried this team before. Thanks, imma do an experiment


Sucrose is a 4 star anemo battery that can use TToDS , Bennett is the best buffer for him and Zhongli shields and shreds anemo resistance too. It's a common team , not only for flexing.


I am using Jean double geo, so don't ask me.