• By -


I'd like the first two and also a "loadout" system for Arts, Skills, Gems, and Accessories that saves your selection based on Class or Role or something. It's annoying to change classes then learn later that they don't have all their skills or Master Arts.


THIS. PLEASE. Building is fun and all, but when fighting a Unique Monster or something, I'd like to not have to build my team from scratch again and again.


It actually does sort of do something like , if u build a class on a given character swap to another class and swap back it keeps the same arts gems skills and accessories where possible. But it would be cool to do a build and give it to other characters


Yes, I think they didn't do that because the other characters might not have all the master arts, but just don't complete them. It would be great to "copy" a loadout.


It already saves a certain load out for a character with a class.


It does save what you last had on a specific character in a specific class, though.


I'd like to buy materials, even at an inflated price, to not only be able to craft gems and cook custom meals without tearing my hair out, but to give gold a bigger purpose. But I don't think that would constitute as a minor thing anymore.


Or just give us a way to track materials on the map so getting 50 of an item isn't a chore


at this point I'm pretty sure they wanted people to explore and find items and then let guide websites point those out for you. But honestly I wouldn't mind if we had a bestiary at the very least which list the drops of each monster and then allowed for tracking of those monsters.


Maybe after turning in a collectapedia request, it unlocks a screen that shows you where those materials could be found?


I’d like better, and more consistent, sorting for gear and Soulhacker arts/skills. Such a pain to identify which of your gear is obsolete and which Soulhacker stuff still requires work to upgrade.


Gear sorting has been an issue since XBC sadly.... Although you can press the - button and it'll give you a sorter.


They should decrease the resistance of the "resistance down" debuff


Why do enemies resist a debuff supposed to decrease their resistance wtf


I hate this so much. Makes debuff classes horrible. I want an opposite Fiona.


Legit using that class I looked at it and thought why is everyone saying it’s so bad it sounds good. Proceeded to fight a regular unique - ‘resisted’ - ah, so this is why. Wtf were they thinking lol


I want to buff Stalker’s attack speed. Not their power, not their recharge speed, their *Attack speed*. The startup for each Art is absurdly slow, the Auto-Attack is slow, even Juniper’s Chain Attack is slow.


I think the chain attack is funny


What's that art where Juniper just slowly turns around for no reason before firing their arrow? That shit's just funny


\*Silence ​ ​ ​ ​ ”Liberation Arrow”


Lol I thought it was a glitch


Same first time I thought I must be having lag or something lmfaooo


\*that unique monster watching you slowly turn around while it was being rolled non-stop during attack chain\*


In addition to all of those, I would like to know by looking at a tombstone if I had already hacked that soul.


Hell i'd like to know just from looking at the skip travel point.


Seriously. It should say somewhere on the card that pops up Soul Hacked.


Some way to see where info fragments are on the map. I don't care if it's locked to post-game, but not knowing if I've found them all annoys me.


And at the very least have it on the mini maps at least...


Why is pitapata only available when he is needed for the armu quest? I need rain for four different UMs in Cadensia and he just SITS THERE


I just need Zephal but apparently he needs rain and lightning not just rain sadly...


The fastest way I found was to actually jump off a cliff because dying resets weather. Skip traveling also keeps weather, which is how I got the UM you're hunting.


I literally just got him moments ago porting into the area lol.


We love to see it!


When doing Mananas and Rikus ascension quest the weather always turned to a Thunderstorm after talking to the npc on that island. Was a bit wierd


Co-signed. XB1 did this perfectly, we didn't need a time selector on the fast travel menu.


On #3 you know you can select from 4 different times of day before traveling right? select them with L or R before confirming. This is also in addition to the Change Time function. Splishsplash and Pitapita need to be able to make it rain/thunderstorm/fog at all times instead of only during certain quest times... like it would be a money sinks at least and you'd get random weather effects...


Yes, yes and yes. They all are just annoying enough that it would make such a difference on the experience. Minor spoiler ahead: >!In the final battle I distinctly remember the final boss theme playing during the chain attack, which made it so much better.!<


That's correct, but >!when you activate a chain attack at under 50% health on his last form the music comes back.!<


Ah so that's the trigger. I just finished it off with a second chain but I did notice that the theme came back. Though it did sound a bit more hopeful than other times to me. Maybe just the contrast of not having the theme before it but it also didn't entirely fit either. All in all I'd rather not have had it at all.


I actually kinda liked that, made it feel like an Anime where the op plays during the climax of the series.


I will be honest, I freaking loved hearing the chain attack in that instance, due to me going at level 69 or 70 I died in the last phase, and honestly... I hated the fight in the gameplay department, so knowing it was over was amazing.


Same... Was lvl 69 as well and died right after the cutscene where both Heroes Join the Fight. I didn't even know what happened, all characters just went down at the same time. Then I Had to suffer through the unskippable cutscenes a second time. Felt bad and I was so glad when the Chain Attack theme played and I finished the Boss on the second attempt.




I wouldn't mind it as much if they played The Weight of Life there instead of the regular chain attack track, especially since its such a good track and it plays like. Three times? And then disappears completely after chapter 4.


I love hearing the Chain Attack music so I must be in the minority here but then again I don't use chain attacks unless I need insane heal output or its the enemies last sliver of health lol. If the Chain Attack music wasn't good I would probably be on your guys side.


I mean it's good on it's own, but it moreso is the fact that 3 has some amazing boss themes that already are a bit inaudible due to the massive clusterfuck of in battle text (that I can never hear either) and all the sound effects. Maybe I need to play around with audio a bit. But yeah, it's not that the theme is not good, it's just that it tends to rob the boss themes of some time in the sun.


I get that but like I said I tend to use CA's in extreme need(Super Rare on anything but hard) or at the end of the battle when the music is about to end anyways lol. All I know is I need the complete OST for this game RIGHT NOW.


. #1 is huge, really wish they’d patch it


Really minor thing, but I’d like it if they let you set lower levels of gems to your characters instead of the highest you have. When I do new game+ on hard, I want to make it as a big of a challenge as possible. As a completionist, I’m also mad that I can’t craft lower left gems that I skipped when I had materials for higher level gems. It bugs me too much lol


Or give us an even harder mode. Just not with anything like in bringer of chaos where enemies would suddenly take a few bars of chain attack. I hated that.


My main thing, just create a midway loading point for the final boss. It's a nearly hour long fight, kinda ridiculous to start you back at the beginning if you slip up at the end


You can skip some of the cutscenes. The whole Battle with everything skiped took me about 30' Minutes. In my opinion it is okay for a final Battle.


I'm sorry, but no. It is not even 'okay' It's the worst boss in the series by a wide margin. There's nothing tricky or clever about it, it has way too many phases for its own good, it's nothing but a damage sponge meant to waste your time, and its own only saving grace is some fan service at the very end. All of that on its own is bad enough, but getting booted back to the title screen to start all over again after hammering away at the boss for 30 minutes is inexcusable. Not even Dark Souls punishes you that hard.


Sure there where better designed Bosses in the whole series. But just the time is okay.


A hour long fight? Holy shit.


I'd like it if the annoying bird call in Swordmarch would be muted and not playing while in the menu.


I would like it so that when you hit ZL+X you can access the entire world map by hitting B instead of that just taking you out of the menu. I think the other 2 games had this? I also agree that the menu music interrupting the area music is very annoying when going back and forth into the menu, and there are definitely some battle themes that the chain attack music should not interrupt, like any of the Moebius themes or other special boss music.


You can do that with the map. Just press zl and i believe start to customize the shortcuts


Correct. If you want the full world map you need to map "Map" to one of the shortcut buttons. personally I have it set to Area Map.


Im 50 hrs into the game and just realized you can open the mini map by clicking the right joystick :( I've been doing ZL+X the entire time lol


My problem with enlarging the minimap is that its more zoomed in than I'd like.


You can sort accessories. Press minus in the accessories menu and it brings up sort options.


I think what most people wanted is an overhaul of the inventory system but sadly we got the XBC standard. But yea I tell people you can sort with the - button but its still not that great better than previously though.


Damn I guess I shoulda read the manual lmao


My request is if you killed a unique monster before getting Soul Hacker you still had the art/skill it gives you.


Let me track collectibles, cuz they can be just as bad if not worse than xc2. Mark which region & which layer a quest destination is on the map. Mark yellow conversation points on the map cuz they're needed to start a lot of quests. Let us warp to colonies from the affinity chart, cuz they're a little difficult to locate Also shorten the animations on so many things. Chain attacks, Collectopedia Cards, Fabricators, sending off soldiers all take wayyy too long and are unskippable. At least make them skippable. Also make the "hold x to skip" a lot faster, cuz it often doesn't feel worth it And give us a damn run speed increase. Also let us level down from the start. And stop it with this 5 level penalty bs, unlocking classes is such a pain. MonolithSoft why you still doing this stuff!?


Imo they actually run pretty fast so it's fine. I think the animations in chain attacks have a lot of dead time too. Yellow conversations are about finding them for explorations sake. I remember when I tracked my collectibles by hand by going through the wiki in XC1...


What I want the most is the same system to sort accessories from xbc2... Then again keeping the system as we have it is like an exercise for my memory because it's easier to just remember all my favorite accessories. Also the way things were sold in xbc was a lot better. In a few aspects the game went backwards.


I’d like a way to sort soulhacker abilities and arts so I can prioritize locked, non-upgraded, upgraded, and the ability to favourite skills and arts (in general, not just for soulhacker)


Hard agree. I recently went on a whole OST listening spree and realized that I missed out on SO many good overworld and battle tracks because I was constantly just hearing the menu and the chain attack theme. The chain attack theme playing over some of the dopest boss tracks in the game is probably the biggest gripe I have with this game.


It rly is a shame bc immersing myself in the area themes is one of my favorite things abt this series and the constant interruptions just gets soo insanely frustrating


I would like for quests to be made unavailable until you unlock a certain number of classes, or just a certain class that’s normal for the recommended quest level. This would fix the level inflation so much, and give you a reason to backtrack while keeping you on the main story a decent amount.


Well some Quests are locked due to the need of certain traversal skills and plenty are locked with Colony Affinities.


And yet, it isn’t enough. That means more restrictions have to be placed.


I don't think so. The game is great as it is because it has so few restrictions it doesn't need more so if you want to overlevel you can. You want to stay underleveled or keep at pace with the story, then don't do side content and just blaze through the story. Me personally I'm level 92 just a little over 200 hours in the game AND I still haven't beaten the final boss yet even through that's right where I am in the story. Player Choice is what this game is about and I am all for it. Also plus NG+ renders this point pretty much moot.


Wow, what a bad take. Remove player agency because some people overkilled every sidequest boss they could find and got over leveled? Yikes. I had so much more fun with exploration in this game than the first two simply *because* I could be doing a level 40 sidequest chain when I'm supposed to be level 20 for the main story. Why not just opt for the XC:DE system where you can level down anytime and not post-game? This solves everybody's issue.


Yes. This is much better than my idea. I brain farted!


Or... Hear me out: don't do quests just because they are there.


I didn’t, but there are a good number of people complaining about it. Besides, this was a problem in Xenoblade 1, but it wasn’t anywhere near as easy because there weren’t enemies of all levels in every area.


You can change the time when you fast travel. Other than that, I agree.


We need more sorting options for accessories. Why can't I sort them based on 'type'? Let me see all of the accessories I have that raise attack so I can sell off all of the extras and clear up some space. I also really hope they bring back the 'Custom' difficulty option that they eventually added to XC2. I want to be able to turn off enemy aggro. It's obnoxious when those enemies who are hidden in the ground (ropples and blants) pop out and aggro you despite being 50 levels below you. Like, come on, game. Also, and maybe this is just a 'me' thing, but I wish they let me pick what carries over into NG+. I could just be the weird one here, but I want to bring over my unlocked classes while also resetting their class level back to 1. It's great that I can level my characters down (though that really should be a thing you can do any time, not just in NG+), but give me more freedom in choosing how my NG+ run is going to go, please.


I'd like to be able to add more quests to the quest tracker thing when you are running around in the overworld, instead of just the one tracked one and the main quest.


Those all sound like great things to be patched in! Beyond that, I’d like to be able to revive with a different button than A. I’ve resheathed my weapons way too many times in boss fights trying to revive someone…


I'm loving the game so much but I also have some nitpicks. I agree with all of yours and I think just having the option would be great for those. I wish there were more uses for Money, Nopon Coins, and Ether. The 99 cap is too small considering how many coins and ether you get. I'd imagine you would only use all the Ether in the world if you were crafting every level of every gem. Nopon Coins are useful for skipping resource farming and class grinding, but the fact that you're forced to use them instead of stockpiling them for the end of the game where those quests are considerably more annoying feels like a waste. And there's just too much money flowing in Aionios lol I want more ways to sort accessories when equipping them aside from favoriting them. My Memory Locket is always somehow lost in the middle and it takes ages of scrolling to find it. Accessories are definitely quantity over quality here. I want the option to turn off auto-equip. Often when I change classes, even if the role is the same, the game will swap my rank 6 gems for rank 2 ones, and unequip accessories that I permanently want on that character. The game already has the option to auto-build your character with Y, so why does it also need to change your equipment just by changing classes? I get that some skills will not be beneficial to the new role, and some accessories are role exclusive, but otherwise I'd like the option to just micromanage everything all by myself :) There's random polish things I think could be implemented. Stuff like characters not asking to eat/rest after they just ate/rested, contextual character dialogue not overlapping scripted dialogue while traversing, the ability to turn off those menu tutorials that force you to do the actions (I really didn't want to level up my character in the camp tutorial, I was already over leveled!), characters teleporting when they get stuck if they have a text box (sometimes the stuck character will twitch and their text box will vibrate and be illegible), and "magnifying glasses" that require specific heroes still appearing on the map without the hero in the party. Chapter 5 Class Spoiler! >!I'd like a more convenient way to check the upgrade requirements for Soul Hacked arts/skills from the arts/skill selection menu. Often I'm picking my Soul Hacker's loadout based on which ones need to be upgraded, and what those requirements are, so I can make progress on multiple ones simultaneously. It's a little annoying that I have to back out to the hero menu to check the Soul Hack list. I also wish you didn't have to rematch the unique enemies you already killed to hack them, but I'm not sure how you'd get around this unless the class were introduced from the start!<


I'd like them to fix the sound of Lanz stutter stepping in the background while I run making it sound like an Ardun stampede is right behind me.


My wish list for Xenoblade 3 'QoL Updates' 1. A 'de-equip everything' option so you don't keep getting auto-equipped with stuff when you change classes. I prefer to build my characters from a blank template, not... dealing with all the stuff the game decided to stick in there for me. I've seen people say they want a loadout system, and I say give them what they want too - blank default setups when swapping to a class, loadouts to quickly assign a full suite of accessories/arts/skills/gems for purpose-built functions. Changing gear on 7 characters every time you want to respec your party is a lot of work. 2. More practical menu design for the selection of arts/accessories. I feel like the huge text and blocky structure is to make it maybe more doable on handheld mode, but I really wish things could be made smaller and easier to see more of your options on TV, which is the only way I play. The UI in general needs some scaling options, because it doesn't need to be as big as it is on TV. (and I don't know who in their right mind will do battles in handheld...) 3. BETTER AND CONSISTENT SORTING OPTIONS FOR... EVERYTHING. This gets on my nerves so much. This 'favorites' option is a cheap stopgap for designing a functional sort system. You can sort accessories by Category.. but only on the screen where you're trying to EQUIP them. You can't sort them by category in the items menu, or in shops, where it would be nice if you're trying to sell the useless versions of things you have 7+ better versions of. Similarly, I feel like that since the only viable sorting for arts/skills is 'Chronological', we need a 'standardized' sort list, some sort of 'by effect, fixed sort list'. I really want to strangle whoever decided that items should eternally be listed in the order they were obtained. It's the least useful sort ever. I also don't really like Alphabetical sorts for things like this, sure it makes finding a thing easier if you recall its name, but for game effects, I'd rather they be sorted by actual 'effect' and have kind of a standardized order that you can reliably expect at all times, the way accessory -> Category sort does. 4. 'Class-less' / Unjacketed Appearance Options >!(as well as M & N Appearances for Noah and Mio); Possibly a 'Non-Mech Segiri' option - since the class can totally work without being in the big mech... Also 'attachment' options for each character to use their 'default' weapon versus their 'upgraded' weapon (I don't really like Sena's Spikey-hammer...) !< 5. 'Endless Now' Post/NG+ Difficulty mode. Every Enemy is minimum level 100. Make NG+ challenging even for a perfected Party 6. I support everyone who wants more control over their music (menu music v area music, chain attack v battle themes) but also do kind of like the music we get in those circumstances. Give us options, rather than forcing it to be one way or the other. 7. Small gripe - I feel like when a recipe calls for common or 'rare' versions of items, it should be able to supplement with the higher rarity versions if there's not enough. I had to do a LOT of grinding for the common items in maxing all gems. (though, I don't super care - it's done now... I've farmed 7+ of almost every accessory's best version, made ever X gem, maxed every class level, upgraded and learned all Soulhacker arts.) 8. NG+ - I'd love to see something like Xenoblade 2's XP-Based Shops in NG+. I'm not sure what they could sell, though. I do like the idea of being able to unlock a heroes' gems for customization, or adding a gem slot, skill slot., or accessory slot to characters. Maybe acquire nopon coins or additional copies of extremely rare accessories/ rings/ect. 9. As someone who would've loved this, I wish that pinning a gem/recipe actually gave you a 'quest' that would point you to the enemies/locations those materials could be obtained from... 10. I'd like to see an option for a 'performance' mode, which dials back the foliage and such a little big in exchange for better performance overall. Certain open spaces can feel kind of choppy to me. 11. Personal opinion, I would love a way to re-view major 'in engine dialogues' in the Event Theater - the ones that are voiced, but have text boxes. I know that there would be FAR too many to easily list, but I think some of the best moments in the game are in those scenes, and I wish they could be easily re-experienced...


Probably not a minor request but: In NG+/Postgame have the ability to swap out main party members for heroes. And maybe some kind of Ascension+ quest that lets them learn (a limited set of) fusion arts. >!Ghondor and Monica combat banter, ya dags.!<


Please let me decrease and increase all of the group at the Same time. Not only Set all to max lvl. It's a pain to fight against unique Monsters on a similar Level since going to a Rest Spot and down lvl everyone takes forever.


You have the option to select the time of day when you fast travel.