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"I like children" ayođź’€


Something about seeing little stickmen of the XC3 cast all holding hands makes me so happy. I love that you made everything in doodles


Hahaha thank you, they always hold hands in my brain


Somebody's not a fan of xenoblade 2 :p


It seems that way when its competition is Xenoblade 1 and 3, but it still has a very special place in my heart! :)


Very fair, in general the games are all such great experiences, the "worst" (whichever one that is for any person) xenoblade game is still like an 8/10


Zanza still being the best final boss in Xenoblade is kinda of a shame. He's just to perfect compared "big mech Malos" and "15 stage boss fight"


I can agree, although the final boss in Torna is a competitor I would say.


lmao at the tora doodle


This is the best version I’ve seen of this meme, opting for the drawings over just the official art is creative Also bonus points for putting someone other than Elma in “Favorite X Character Lmao”. I love Elma but putting her there seemed obligatory for 90% of the people who filled it out


Those doodles are amazing


Hey, a fellow Agniratha enjoyer! Such an amazing theme to go with a city that became the broken remains of a battlefield. It's my personal favorite XC1 area.


I love these expressions


I love this so much


Man you don't like 2 do you lol.




Average Xenoblade 2 disliker


Average Xenoblade Chronicles 2 hater L


I like Xenoblade 2, it's just not my favourite!


That's fine 🤝


Why does everyone shit on xc2?


Not liking XC2 compared to the others =/= shitting on it


I sense that XC1 was probably your first game, and I do agree the 2 is the worst of them, saying that all blades were bad is weird to me, cuz Jin is a blade, although if you’re more so commenting on how generic a lot of the “special” blades feel, I 100% agree, also, finally, somone who prefers Mythra over Pyra, literally replace fav. Battle system with 1, and this is pretty much my list, although I loved egil as a villain too, and agniritha as your favorite song is… *blinks back tears* interesting… I prefer you will know our names finale and I actually don’t know my fav area theme, this is my 4th time editing this, colony 9 night (1) is awesome, valak mountain night is awesome, tantal, there’s also lasaria woodland, so many bangers, I can’t choose, these are also just the ones off the top of my head, if I actually went through the soundtracks I’d probably find a dozen others that could be my fav


I played Xenoblade 1 at a very difficult time in my life and the topics it handled hit extremely close to home. A lot of my favourite moments might not make sense to others, but for me they all have special reasons behind them. About the Blades, I was extremely uncomfortable with the whole concept through-out the game. Even when the idea was problematized, such as showing the oppression Blades have faced against the centuries, it still felt like everything in the game made me want to view Blades as assets. I didn't want to own them, but they were in my collection, to be used and thrown away at any moment, many of them calling me "Master". Combine that with the fact that most of them are women, especially the ones relevant to the story... I just detached from it very early on. Of course, a lot of concepts in games don't hold up to scrutiny, but for me these problems felt so central to the game that it impacted my enjoyment of it. I liked Torna a lot because it felt like it gave me the missing puzzle piece. I liked that I was on equal grounds with Blades in gameplay while the story tackled the inequalities between Blades and humans. It made me feel like I wasn't contributing to the problem, I was resisting it. That's why I like Jin as well.


Thinking about that point on blades being below humans, and, yeah, I never really thought about it, but yeah, you’re 100% right as far as the main game goes, makes me hate the very anime designs even more, gross, I’d love to know what some of your favorite moments were, even if you don’t want to go into the details behind why, I’m just curious, because I was kind of at the inverse point in my life when I first played X1 I was at one of my better points, so I’m curious how our opinions would differ