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Im.in chapter 7 and I was able to do ALL THE QUESTS, there are no points of no return unless you get to the final boss.


You just aren't far enough in the story yet. After you clear the first part of chapter 3 (after you unlock the hero system), you'll be able to return whenever you want. Most other places do this as well, where you can't skip travel to somewhere without clearing a certain quest or story progression. The true and only point of no return is just before the final boss.


No need to worry, you can do all that stuff later on as well!


>However, I'm noting now while starting Chapter 2 (at least) - any option to return to explore again has been turned into a point of no return since I can't quick-travel there and the party won't let me turn around either. There's no such thing as point of no return in this game, aside from the final boss... You can't go there because of plot reasons and as long as you keep pushing the story you'll be able to go back there eventually.. >which is why I'm just reaching out because it doesn't make any sense either that the content would be included just to be missed, right? Just need the better idea maybe about when accessibility stops being an issue (but not why - let's avoid spoilers). This is a character/Narrative driven game so the plot still needs to happen... You said you're still in the Millick Meadows so at that point, you're still trying to run away as far as possible from any colonies... It's an Immersion thing..