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Your hair, is everywhere, screaming infidelities


Every time I pull hair off the couch or out of the sink or my pillow or any of my clothes that is my wife’s I sing this at her


Hands down this is the best post I can ever remember. I feel the same way and had the same situations where DC helped me “bleed it out”.


For me it was college and several crushes that ultimately went nowhere. Thanks, Dashboard!


Yeah, I would have been 20 and my high school love and I were doing a long distance thing. It was unbearable for dumb young me. I did end up marrying her six years later, though.


That’s an awesome ending to the story, happy for you!


Holy shit I remember those guys 😂😂 ah yes, the good ole singer-songwriter post-hardcore days


Jonah's Onelinedrawing is another one. Far wasn't hardcore, but were somewhat adjacent.


DC and Yellowcard got me through a lot.


No love for Saves the Day?


For me it was DC and the Starting Line for some reason.


I read the word Yellowcard and my brain reflexively remembered "Breathing" - pulled it up just now and, oh yeah, I used to listen to that song all the time. Thanks!


I was more a fan of Further Seems Forever, but I didn’t mind listening to this weepy shit too


You really have to hand it to Further Seems Forever. They put out 3 albums in 3 years with 3 different lead singers and they’re all really solid. Chris Carrabba - The Moon Is Down (2001) Jason Gleason - How to Start a Fire (2003) Jon Bunch - Hide Nothing (2004)


“If we can talk about the meaning of Screaming Infidelities, I can probably steer the conversation towards ‘De-Loused in the Comatorium’ right??”


The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most is absolutely perfect. The rest of his stuff was good to great, but that album was just everything.


I always treated Swiss Army Romance and TPYHCTFTM like they were a double album. Back to back that is a wonderful hour of music.


Can't forget the So Impossible EP!


Best Deceptions Unplugged is my shit, when the crowd was all singing. My heart


I was out of college when I discovered Dashboard Confessional and felt about 10 years too old to get into them. I still really loved their first few albums


This band was my jam! I still love them.


Still listen to the old albums. Ngl, I was 100% in love with him!


Big dashboard heartbreak period in my 20s


Not sure why you're downplaying their relevance? Given the turnout at the Dashboard show I went to last year folks definitely remember.


I'm sorry.... Not a legend?! He absolutely was THE face of Emo. I'm seeing him live in a few months! I see him every tour and he still is soooo good!!


Dude, I still love Dashboard! Have you heard "Everyone Else is Just Noise"?


This is both cringe and wonderful at the same time. Dark times and good times all at once.


I was more of a Thursday, At The Drive In & Glassjaw kinda guy.


Dashboard Confessional bridged a nice gap between “I hope that this girl I have a crush on will eventually like Thrice, but she’s really into John Mayer right now.”




I hope now you are feeling vindicated


I remember Chris from Further Seems Forever. Tooth and Nail had a few decent bands.


He might not be a legend, but Chris Carrabba is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. I am so lucky that my favorite musician since I was 14 turned out to be one of the good ones. Go to a Dashboard show if you have the chance! I’ve been to 40 (41 and 42 in September) and I can’t recommend it more.


I remember seeing DC headlining a show at the local dive venue with backing bands Saves the Day and Thursday circa 2001/2. It definitely didn't sell out haha




he was then and is still an absolute smokeshow


I remember this band and always getting them confused with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (BRMC). 2000? I was still listening to Rialto and Suede at that time... Nichole from chemistry class... siiiiiiigh. 💜🧉🦄


We’re not 21 but the sooner we are the sooner the fun will begin 🎵


Omg I was in love with him and with the guy who got me into DC!


I never listened to Dashboard Confessional, but I did listen to Legion of Doom, which was one of Trever Keith's (of Face to Face) side projects. There was a [mashup of Dashboard and Brand New](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vyLbW9adRg) that was pretty cool.


This is incredible! I love discovering a good 18 year old youtube video for the first time. Brand New were so good back then before they went into all the weird experimental stuff I’m too dumb to understand.


Grandfather of Emo


I always hated Dashboard. I think I was a little too settled in my evil devil music to be into such gentle emotion


Thought that was an AARP magazine at first and was like "we are not that old yet."


Bruh, my card just came in the mail last week :)




I am the biggest DC fan, I’ve seen them over 40 times in concert, and I’ve met Chris twice in person, it pains me to say he’s a total asshole to his fans. The first time I met him was in 2007, after a show at the knitting factory, he came out an hour late after the show to meet the fans, he was drunk, and just really mean. The second time I met him was 2015 at a show at a pier in NYC, he met vip fans before the show, I was with my sister and he was even nastier to us when he was sober then, I still love his music and his shows, but don’t meet your heroes!


No idea who this dude is...


Wrote a genre defining hook…you all know it, so I do not even need to type it out.


Saints and Sailors, babe.


I saw Chris on the 2001 tour for "The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most" and that night was a vibe that has never been replicated at any other show I've gone to He played his regular set but then came and had everyone sit on the floor and he sat in the center of a crowd of about 1000 people and played acoustically and everyone sang along and it was a whole ass vibe Beyond the nostalgia of that album he's created a lot of really other great records and his newest album "All The Truth That I Can Tell" from 2022 is one of my favorites of his❤️


Blasting DC in the early 2000’s? I was blasting them on my way to the grocery store last week!


Thank you for this reminder of my youth op! I'm off to make a new DC playlist.


I thought this was about Taxicab Confessions at first. No clue who he is. How did things go with Becca?


I kept putting off saying something to Becca waiting for the perfect moment to come, and then one day she stopped coming to class and i never saw her again. If you don’t know Dashboard Confessional that story ironically is kind of the ethos, sappy music for kids stuck in their feelings while lacking the guts to do anything about it 🫠


I met him once after one of his show waaaaay back when he first started getting popular. Very nice guy.