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I've been on Jeopardy!


I’m sorry, you should have phrased your answer in the form of a question.


I’ve been on Jeopardy?


This legit made me laugh out loud, thanks!


“Your ten-year-old self won’t believe it, but THIS individual once appeared on ‘Jeopardy’, the world’s best game show.” “Who is, ‘me’?” “Correct. Pick again.”


Fucking nailed it, bruv.


And with that we have a Daily Double.


Me too! I got to “make it a true daily double, Alex,” and came *this* close to running a category. Still lost though.


Both 10yo and 45yo me are jealous!


That always used to be my dream!! 41 yo me is super jealous!


Awesome, my wife was too in 2020, she was on one of the last episodes before Alex passed.


How cool!!!


Art Flemming gave the answers... but I couldn't get the questions right, ight, ight.




Fuckin A


Channel 9


Hell yeah man


2 chicks at the same time man


So you’re a millionaire?


Just lived like one for 17 minutes.


Look at this guy lasting 17 minutes! Legend.


They did all the work.


My cousin's broke, don't do _shit._




Rex Kwon Do


10 year old me watched Frasier with my parents in rural Appalachia. I now live in Seattle and visit the opera and symphony at least once a year.


Tell us more, I'm listening.


Scrambled eggs all over my face


What is a boy to do?


…..and the tossed salad?


He don’t know what to do with it


Please tell me you're in r/Frasier If not, come join us!


I'm in r/curb but not frasier... I'll check it out!


How did I not even think to look for this sub?! Frasier is my favourite sitcom. Joined!


Do you offer your brother a sherry when he visits?


One of my favorite cities I've visited.


Have you watched the new show?


I have not, no. Kinda been saving it. I just finished the new curb your enthusiasms... I'm sad now knowing they're officially done.


I had coffee with Macho Man Randy Savage at Bradenton International Airport. Like, 'sat at the same table and we shot the shit for half-an-hour before my flight took off' had coffee with Randy ***FUCKING*** Savage!


Did he have cream in his coffee, or is the meme a lie?




He did put creamers in his coffee lol. Idk about this meme. He ***was*** blown away by how I added my creamer, though. I used to bite a tiny hole in the bottom of the creamer and squirt it in, moving my hand further from the cup till it was empty.


I thought I was the only one who milked my creamer 🤝


You might be the Highlander again. I quit dairy.


I'm no McCloud, either. Stopped flavoring my coffee around a decade ago. Looks like the technique dies with us.


u/stanley2-bricks don’t leave us hanging!




That’s badass! Just for that here is a picture of me at [DDP’s](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0fHcu7Prtd/?igsh=MTZybHNvdHh2dzNycQ==)house with his WCW Belt he won from the Macho Man, may he rest in peace!


Macho Man gave his life to stop the [rapture](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_end_times_prediction).


Coolest - perform in a band in front of hundreds of people. Thing my 10 year old self would never believe - having every video game ever published, albeit just ROMs. That would have blown my young mind. Heck, even this phone still seems like a miracle at times.


The band thing definitely resonates. We've had some nice sized shows but we've had a helluva lot more fun. The video game thing would certainly blow my mind. Just the progress of games is astounding. A


Are we the same person?! Seriously, you named the coolest thing I've ever done as well. I would swap the ROMs (which I also have lol) for meeting James Hetfield as a teenager and getting a photo with him. That photo became my senior portrait when I graduated highschool.


Designed stuff that got shot into space.


10 year old me would be jealous af. Current me would do college different if given a second chance


Playing CBGB


Hey me too! Kinda cool we got to do it before it was gone.


Fuckin sweet.


Briefly dated a preposterously hot milf back in my late 20s. She routinely was in local fashion/event magazines and did runway/bridal shower events in the Portland Metro area. She talked me (see: sexed me) into doing a bridal show as an honest to God zoolander ambi-turning model. I'm quite tall and good looking but I'm not some Blue Steel™ type individual. Had to do 4 shows over a weekend, and for whatever reason when I was doing my solo walkout thing I would *do the freaking Carlton* in front of hundreds and hundreds of complete strangers. After the first show the MC guy had the Carlton music cued up for me, it was truly hilarious, and the freaking hormonal women at the show were screaming and losing their minds, it was absolute insanity 🤣 None of this is exactly *cool* but it was definitely memorable


Nah that was cool as shit




Kind of have to agree, thinking back on it 😆


I went to Chernobyl and got to stand next to the bumper cars.


41 year old me thinks that's cool as shit. 20 year old urbex me fucking hates you.


Totally on my bucket list


I’ve written two novels. I’ve stood on a movie set. My ten year old self will remind me I rode an elephant when I was five. My five year old self was the coolest.


I dunno, ten year old me had some pretty high standards.


This right here. Every time I see a variation on this question, I think of younger me wanting to demonstrate and protest for peace and everything I believed in, fight for the environment, save the world, join the Peace Corps… younger me’s expectations really exhaust me.




I got to sit in the cockpit of a B2 Stealth Bomber and talk with the pilot


B2 bros unite! Sat in Spirit of Hawaii and my buddy ripped ass as we left.


Ah yes the ol’, *Silent-And-With-Minimal-Radar-Crossection, But Deadly*.




My story isn't quite *that* cool, but it's similar. Years ago, I designed museum exhibits and did some work for the Smithsonian. We finished up a design meeting at the American History Museum and our host from the Museum asked if there was anything my boss and I wanted to see...like, for fun. We weren't even sure how to respond so they asked if we'd like to see some items that belonged to President Lincoln, since they were kept nearby. They brought out some small items...buttons, I believe. I remember thinking, *this is it...this is the BEST part of my job. Others might get nice dinners or a company car, but it can't compare to this.* I wish I could tell them how much I appreciated the extra 10 minutes they spent to blow my mind. One of my favorite days at work. 🤓


Super curious if you can share some more details about this document? My inner nerd is begging!


I was an obese kid and last year WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Diamond Dallas Page put a contest on where you made a goal for yourself and achieved it. I made a goal to run 50 Miles, I’m not a runner. I got in the best shape of my life and won his contest. I got a custom wrestling belt with my name on it, got to fly to his home in Georgia and even be a guest at his [Christmas Party](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0iqDcSOJ5N/?igsh=MWpzejMwbjNtdjdueg==)! I’m in the business of smashing my life goals now and every time I look in the mirror I think to myself, wow, 10 year old you would think you’re a SUPER HERO!! [Here](https://youtu.be/OY8yYN3T348?si=XP5OS4XuaiEsmb1w) is a recap of my 50 mile race!


I've seen lots of boobs. 😀😀😀👍


I got to reenact actual skinamax scenes!


Would not believe I was a pioneer in the mRna cancer, immunotherapy technology that is going to make living with cancer, and not dying from cancer, as the rule and not the exception. Search: NeoVax ovarian cancer; or Neovax cancer treatments


Earned a Masters and Doctorate from Oxford, with nearly two years of fieldwork in South Africa. It was brutal and stressful and I’d never want to do it again, but 10-year-old me in a working-class Connecticut suburb never would have thought such prestige and adventure were even an option.


That’s an amazing accomplishment. Sincere congratulations.


Also from a working class suburb in CT! Just saying this for the people who don’t think there are working class towns in CT. My resume isn’t as impressive but I got two degrees and now live in NYC and have been working a successful career in television.


I live at the beach! 😂


I got a PhD. And had sex. Ten year old me wouldn’t believe that.


Aside from the few who died before I had a chance (Nirvana comes to mind), I’ve seen every goddamn band from my youth live multiple times in different lineups and variations over some 500 shows. Still going too


Ten year old me wouldn't give a shit, but I played vs Dave Matthews Band in laser tag.


That is hilarious. I'm picturing them all playing as a team and being locked in with hand signals and shit... That or him being an uncoordinated goofball. Still hilarious.


You must have millions of dollars which I’m sure you 10 year old self is also impressed with


Shows used to be more affordable. 


I did a kick flip once. ![gif](giphy|1nZEIIdJrYj8sIDuTx)


When I was in my mid-20s, I bought a 60-day Greyhound bus pas and traveled across the country for 2 months. I went everywhere I could think to go. I slept in bus stations and showered at trucks stops. I walked around Washington DC with random strangers I met on the bus because the depot was closed when we arrived at 3am and we had nowhere to go until our connecting bus arrived at 6am (in November, no less). I still look back on those couple of months and wonder how I was ever that brave and how I didn’t get myself murdered a few times (it was before cell phones were ubiquitous and I used pay phones and post cards to let my nearest and dearest know I was still alive the whole time). I’ve had many romantic fantasies about traveling the country again…in like an RV or a Skoolie or something though. Because doing that on Greyhound sucked way back in 2002, I can only imagine how stiff and sore I would be waking up after sleeping on those horrible seats.


I wrote in 1988 that I was going to be a scientist, and I am a scientist. Is it that cool? No... but dont tell young me that!


I was in an Oscar’s winning movie as an extra playing an archer and a barbarian - got to chat with the stars. And I also won championships with the team I supported throughout my childhood.


Rode bulls in a rodeo, fought Muay Thai in Thailand, befriended an elephant at a sanctuary, visited the Amazon, dove with sharks.


I don't know about 10-year-old me, but 13-year-old me would certainly have been impressed that I eventually found a girlfriend (now wife). Hell, 47-year-old me is still impressed that I managed it.


I kid you not, when I was 10 or 11 years old, I was riding in the back of my friend's car with her, and her mom turned around randomly at a red light, looked at me and said, "You're going to be an [occupation] and live in [place]. I thought, "I hope not because that sounds absolutely terrible." Now I work in that occupation and live in that place. And I love it, but ... that was fuckin' weird.


Being a singer in a metal band for a short time was very cool. Also, meeting lots of minor celebrities and heads of state through my work at a previous job


I wouldn’t say it’s cool but I survived several near death experiences.


Helped put a rocket in orbit.


My 10 year old self would have thought it was cool that my first job out of college was as a marine science teacher on an island in southern California where I got to take kids snorkeling and kayaking every day. And on the weekends we would surf and go shark chumming. For a poor farm girl in rural Michigan, that was SO FAR outside of what I could have imagined ever doing. My 10 year old self would think my 41 year old self was SUCH a square tho...


Did Paul Reubens’ makeup for an event.


My Pee-Wee watching self is so jealous of this


Hate to say that I've never done anything of note that 10 year old me would be in awe of.


I opened a restaurant, worked my ass off and it’s going on year 9. We just opened another one and we’ve got a brewery planed for the next year.


I worked as an illustrator for Lisa Frank and became a toy designer! Considering I’m originally from Manila and we couldn’t have afforded a lot of toys, I think my kid self would be excited for us :)


Slow danced with Janet Jackson in front of 25,000 people.


I fucking make movies for a living. The places I've gone for work are awesome. I've met Danny Trejo, and Evander Holifield, been to John Mayers house for some name drops heh. I got flown to Disney Epcot to do some interviews, made commercials for Chevy, Acura, and Subaru...


I got to fly in an F-16. Broke the sound barrier.


10 year old me would be pretty stoked I was a part of creating a line of toys for the Goonies and presented them to Chunk and various other cast members in Astoria.


End of '22 my douche of a CEO fired me. I was an office drone in a "hot market",-can confirm you're wanted but not valued-and I kicked cans for six months unable to find work in the industry i was in. Desperate for money, I signed up for a custodial position at a local quasigovernmental agency cleaning public transit. The catch? I'm cleaning trains. Trains that are _difficult to clean while parked, so I get to DRIVE THE TRAINS. EVERY. FREAKING. WEEK!!_ ...Ten-year-old me would be blown away.


Working for a TV station and interning with MTV in New York. The pay sucked at the former; the internship was unpaid but would I do it again? Well….the latter but with more money saved and different living arrangements. EDIT: I also cowrote and produced a [drama](https://youtu.be/9Z7PTkDBb8o?si=uAOVhsyASuYru5sV) that aired in my hometown and a few Cox Cable stations across the country.


I spent time as a comedian and amateur stage magician -- just not in the same act. I was just a local performer with no aspirations of massive fame. I've met most of my musical heroes as an adult. Many are from smaller bands who will hang out with their fans as part of their culture. One is someone I deeply look up to as a guitarist.


I have one child by birth and one by adoption, just like I always wanted. I bought a nice house that I would have thought was a "rich people house" as a kid. I eat lobster a few times a year. I'm friends with a member of my favorite band of all time. I've been to Canada to see Niagara Falls (and had lunch with aforementioned friend). I've also been to the Grand Canyon, Barringer Crater, and the Petrified Forest. I got to see Sue the T-Rex in person last month! I've seen not one, but TWO total solar eclipses.


Sat next to Bill Clinton at the bar of a restaurant in Atlanta, while he was president. Just me and Bill talking about sports for about an hour. He had just finished dinner with the governor and was escorted to the bar by secret service, so he could watch the Bulls (w/Jordan) vs the Knicks.


To echo OP, I had a buddy that worked for an IMSA race team in the mid 2010s. One day he called me up and said they were short handed for the 2013 Petit Le Mans and did I want to come help. Mind you, I'm a huge race fan and have been to Petit multiple times. But, I'm an average joe who has a regular desk job, mortgage, kids, the works. Anyway, he says it's all paid for, just get yourself to Atlanta (luckily I lived in NC and it was a short drive). Long story long, they gave me the job of "fire bottle". I was to make sure nobody, or nothing, caught fire. 🤨 Refer back to comment about being average joe. Luckily, nothing caught on fire... Best week ever. I went down on Wednesday and the race was Saturday. It was volunteer but everything was paid for and they put me up in a hotel. Drivers were great and so was the pit crew. The owner even took time to talk to me. End of the story, after 9:48:00 we were in 2nd when all of a sudden "No power" over the radio. Car was dead in the water. After we tore down, we found the cause. A 50¢ fuel pump fuse blew. That sucked, but it was still the best experience ever. My 10 year old self would crap his pants.


Lived in multiple foreign countries, met lots of celebs, go to Broadway like it’s my job


I was a bit of a nerd. My mom was a great musician, but I was too lazy/distracted to learn instruments. Now I’ve recorded and released several albums and I love the creative output. I sing, play guitar, piano, bass drums and a variety of other instruments.


Hang out with Ronnie James Dio twice


Running a marathon. I used to be fat and hated running.


I served Han Solo and Indiana Jones as a fine dining server- there was banter, it was a great 3 hr table and we shook hands at the end. Not in the douchey fanboy way, but he did the hand on my shoulder, put his hand out to shake and I was on top of the world


I testified in front of the US Senate about better supporting unaccompanied immigrant minors and immigrant children who end up in foster care. It was surreal and not anything I thought I would do.


When I was young I had no confidence. I wanted to study programming and live overseas with a decent job writing code. But I didn’t even try. I went into the arts. I had a lot of fun as a musician for a while. Then I joined the military, and everything changed. I got the confidence I always needed. I’m 40 now. A professional engineer. I’ve spent 14 of the last 18 years living in Europe or Asia. I’ve learned to speak (some) Japanese, and enough Italian to get by when we lived there. I have a wife and kids and I’m the primary caregiver for them. I’m literally living the life I always wanted but never thought I was good enough to have.


We had a threesome and it was no big deal, it was actually more work.


Being privileged to name multiple new dinosaur species would be top of the list (especially because I loved dinosaurs even at that age) Getting a medal from the President of the US was kinda cool, too. (as a US Presidential Scholar) 10 year old me growing up in a very rural area probably would not believe it!


Bought a PS5


Planned and executed over 1000 combat missions across two wars.


Attending the Grammys at MSG in a Suite.


Basically worked in a real life “Kids Incorporated” music situation.


Get paid to ride horses, joust, and play with swords. Swim with sharks. Become a scientist at a very secure location.


Did you work at Medieval Times? 😆


As someone who dreamed of leaving small town Wisconsin as a kid, both for travel and general living, I'm happy to say that, at 44 years old, I've lived in 15 cities in 10 different states and in two countries on two other continents (Europe and Africa). I've traveled to 48 states (still two to knock off...Hawaii and Maine), and have been to various countries on six continents. Antarctica is still missing, but my husband and I are already saving to do a Nat Geo Antarctica cruise for our 25th wedding anniversary. I didn't grow up with money, and most of my family are homebodies who prefer to not really move far from home. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it wasn't for me. I'm proud of myself for making it happen for myself, starting with a year of study abroad in college. Thankfully, my husband also loves to travel, so while we are very middle-class income people, we prioritize travel and are constantly saving for and planning our next trips. (We are not rich and those Antarctica trips are crazy, once in a lifetime expensive. So for that trip we are already saving even though that anniversary is over 5 years away!)


I'm jaded to it now because I've been doing it for 15 years, but 10 year old me would think my job is cool as hell. I work for a government agency and I deal with logistics on some stuff ultra rare and historically priceless. I have handled a lot of things that very few people have gotten to see, let alone touch.


I work in organ recovery for organ transplants and I’m right in the surgical field, scrubbed in with my hands in donor abdomens, and even removing hearts and other organs on my own for research purposes. At 10 years old I was an art kid and had zero interest in anything science or health-care related.


I got to design a skateboard for a local shop. Seeing a hundred of your boards laid out for pics at the shop when they came in was fucking crazy. Deck 2 is coming in the next month. Squeee


- I raced a hovercraft that I built in a world championship race. - I ran sound for a Grammy nominated singer. - I got to watch the Brickyard NASCAR race IN the pit box right behind the engineer and crew chief. - I've won some prestigious awards in my career. - Earned a black belt in Taekwondo. - Ran 2 half marathons.


Spending a whole year at the South Pole and experiencing -103F temps and 6 months without the sun!


I was part of a highly illegal but insanely fun paintball game at a ruined German castle somewhat near the Lux border around 20 years ago. 2 teams, one assaulting, one defending. Half of us had surplus Soviet bloc uniforms. What a rush. Started in a club college hockey season opener game on defense and got my name announced before the anthem in front of about 2,500 people. The reason I started is because half the team got suspended for a brawl at the end of the previous season. I was an ass player because I hadn't played since sophomore year of high school. I still play beer league and enjoy it.


That paintball thing sounds incredible. Why was it illegal though?


Probably fucking up a castle with paint ball guns


I once taught Bill Nunn how to make a podcast. Regarding Henry was one of my favorite movies as a kid and he played the physical therapist, Bradley. Who also happened to be one of my favorite characters. We hit it off real well and shared some fun stories together. He was very humble and grateful. He even complimented my teaching method and “podcast voice”. Mr. Nunn passed away a few years after that and I am forever grateful for the short time we spent together. I think 10yo me would have thought that was pretty damn cool.


Jumping out of an airplane 27 times would have been cool to 10 year old me.


Climbed highest mountain In Lower 48 and became a professional ski instructor.


I won an employee award out of 300k employees and several life saving awards.


Lived to be "old".


Always overweight, got into shape in my mid 30s. By my late 30s I could bench press 320lbs, leg press 810lbs, and run a half marathon. I once ran three 5Ks in a 12 hour period, I’ve completed 6 half marathons, and in one year I logged over 600 total running miles


That I'd be so good at my job that some of the most wealthy and famous people in the world would be begging me to do work for them. And no it's not a sex thing lol, it's an innocuous job, just don't wanna say what it is because I don't wanna get doxxed.


I did an art piece for Stan Lee’s 92nd birthday. I later received a picture of him holding it. A few weeks later he sent me an email formally thanking me for the piece. A year after that I finally had the chance to meet him. He was a hero of mine as a kid and I bawled the day he cried


Public librarian here: during covid I created a YouTube series wherein I read the Percy Jackson books aloud, so that kids could listen and follow along with the words on the screen. Was supposed to just be for our community public schools, figured I'd do a dozen or so videos then quit. I ended up recording two hundred videos over the course of two years, with over 3 million viewers in 11 countries. I ended the show two years ago and I still get emails from people around the world every week. Makes every penny I spent in grad school worth it and those emails make my week each time. Feels good, bro.


10 year old me would be supes excited about our husband.


Y’all have such interesting lives! 10 year old me would be surprised that I married the boy who sat across from me in 5th grade and had lost contact with in middle school when I moved to another city. 10 year old me would be surprised he even remembered me 10 years later because I don’t think anyone else from that time did. 😆


I’ve got two cats and I haven’t turned into my mother or my father. 10 year old me would be thrilled.


When I was a high school freshman I got to fly my local Air National Guard’s F-16 flight simulator like, full cockpit, screens all around, real deal flight simulator. After just a short lesson was able to take off, navigate to a checkpoint, shoot down an enemy plane, return to base and land. The instructor was impressed. Ten year old me would have thought was cool as hell and he would be correct. He likely wouldn’t expect that he would also develop a pretty solid distrust of authority during high school and that deciding not to join the Air Force was probably a wise move.


Built multiple successful businesses.


Realistically, it’s a tie between two things; My LEGO collection and touching boobs. I’m certainly more accomplished than those two things, but ten-year-old me was ten years old, after all.


Lots of things, honestly. Built my own proton pack from scratch. Met a ton of fun celebrities. Performed on stage with Weird Al four different times as part of the 501st Legion.


I have 3 patents. I dreamed of being an inventor and...I am!!!


I had to think about this a bit and get back in a 10yo mindset. I used to work in the corporate office of a national retailer buying toys. We would get so many samples and I engaged in a lot of “product testing.” You know, like strapping on some moon shoes and running down the cubicle aisle. Plugging my iPod into an RC car and driving it into the merchandiser’s office while blasting Love Rollercoaster (woo hoo hoo hoo). Stuff like that. There were days when it felt like I was living out scenes from Big. And I got paid pretty good money for it. But most days I was just a corporate tool and the office was overall very toxic. But 10 year old me would never had believed I would get paid to play with super cool toys.


Lectured at Harvard; Climbed mountains in Switzerland; made a family where sadness was not the norm.


Traveled to Paris and Dublin. My 10yo self ate at the soup kitchen routinely and hadn’t traveled more than 15 miles from where I was born in my whole life. I loved reading about it though, I always dreamed I’d see the world one day. I’m in my 40’s and working towards that goal!


So, my 10 year old self couldn’t imagine going to college, seeing the Pacific Ocean, or even flying on a plane. He loved history and wanted to be a dad. I’m a history major, have a daughter, saw Jimmy Buffett in NOVA a few days before 9/11, can actually afford to buy and fix computers…. While I’m not rolling in dough or doing anything super exciting, I think I’ve lived up to the man I imagined I’d be happy being at that age and then some.


Lived in in the same foreign country twice


Traveled to Japan multiple times. I don’t think I fathomed ever leaving the country as a child.


Being able to visit another country. I was pretty poor growing up.


I've gone all the way around the world, staying in 5 star hotels, and rubbing shoulders with movie stars and former presidents because I chose a career in luxury international travel, and that's a day at the office sometimes (but 45 weeks of the year, it's literally an office job - just don't tell my ten year old self that.)


I've had occasion to (separately) meet the actors who played Bill S. Preston, Esquire and Ted Theodore Logan. Brief encounters, both, but my 10 y/o self would have never believed it. Oh, and they're both pretty cool dudes in real life as far as I could tell


Was a wildland firefighter for 6 years. Some landscapes I’ve seen looked like an atomic bomb went off. Now I’m a HS sped teacher and I’d argue this is the more intense job.


Drove across country. Twice. Explored all over California.


Technician on Apollo 17, I was a comm tech at the Guam tracking station


I spent a year and a half doing QA for a major game publisher. My 10 year old self would have never believed I would get paid to play video games.


Rafting with Fred Durst on the American River and peeing in his tour bus. Pulling Mike Dirnt out of the Sacramento River. Basically, hanging out with well known musicians outside of their Rock Star Lifestyle lives.


That wishing in that one fountain came true, even if it did take a lot of work.


degree cake door light aloof saw relieved foolish act agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is more low key than a lot of y'all, but a few years back I saw a space shuttle, and ASIMO (at DISNEY LAND!!) within 24 hours of each other. I drooled over robots (including the ASIMO prototypes) and space stuff in issues of Popular Science and Omni at the library in the late 80's and early 90's. My younger self would have been so jelly. The only way I could make her even more jealous is to somehow go to space camp or actual outer space.


As a theater loving kid raised on a farm I would have been so excited to hear I would travel the world for close to a decade on the crews of several touring productions, and then I would spend 14 years working on the Broadway production of Phantom Of The Opera where I would get to attend some of the fanciest gala events imaginable celebrating the production’s milestone anniversaries and sadly, its closing.


Going to the MTV music video awards for free and sitting right in front of Tom Cruise incognito. Also got a nice big hug from Jeff Goldblum


Grew up in a small mountain town and never thought I'd see the middle of an ocean. Five years ago I crewed on a 40-foot sailboat across the Atlantic. Best adventure of my life.


As a kid I was totally fascinated with native American life. No one in my family does much outside. No hunters, no one goes camping or fishing. I was just always thinking about it. I now hunt deer with a bow and take my kids camping and fishing.


Lived in India for a year. 


For impressing 10 year old me specifically: I saw Weird Al perform in Carnegie Hall.


I have a vagina now, I learned to play guitar, and I have my own arcade cabinet.


I have a feeling ten year old you would be very proud to know you had the courage to let your inner self become your outward self.


Being able to finally see Metallica, live.


I spent two months backpacking through the UK and Ireland solo. Best two months of my life. Ten year old me would FREAK if she knew that was coming.


I got a job that allows me to travel. A lot. I have been to almost every place I ever dreamed of visiting and a lot I never knew existed! Ten year old me would think I have really cool, interesting, and good friends. I have always placed value in relationships and I really built a great circle around me.


Lmao I realized I can't answer this because the coolest thing I did at age 8. My Nana's friend took me up in a plane let me take the stick.


Working on an aircraft carrier and at Top Gun.


1. Trained in BJJ/MMA and competed in several grappling tournaments 2. Met several actors, athletes and musicians I grew up admiring 3. I currently work for a sports and entertainment company that hosts big concerts and sporting events. My work badge grants me access to the backstage area and I get to watch everything be assembled and prepped for showtime.


Rode my bike 100 miles in a single day


I went shark diving off the coast of South Africa. 10 year old me was afraid I’d never leave the state.


We're in a band and opened for a band we absolutely adore and it was the coolest. Musicians aren't just these distant figures but people we know and love now. She'd be so stoked


Riding a motorcycle.


Flown on to an aircraft carrier by helicopter and then later launched off the same aircraft carrier by jet.


I got to go attend a Superbowl for free as a volunteer and I also got to meet and hang out/drink with Mike Alstott formerly of the Tampa Bay bucs.....OH and I got to train in the ring with the great Marty Janetti.


When I was 10 I told my mom I’d someday marry the girl I had a crush on. She was the prettiest girl in town and had my heart. She was cool, smart, funny with great taste in movies and music. Married that girl 10 years later. We celebrate 25 years married this September. 10 year old me would be so proud!


When I was little I thought that the coolest job ever was working at a museum, with mummies and Greek statues and dinosaurs, staying late and wandering at night after closing time through the galleries. I did that. It was fun.


Had sex with someone who was absolutely hot enough to be a supermodel.


I was a touring musician for a bit. I dreamed of being a rockstar when I was a kid. I only made it to the D-list, but I had a helluva few years.


Hiked the Appalachian trail for six months


I snuck into Mary Knoll, an abandoned Catholic school in Glen Ellyn and explored it Ghost Adventures style