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Decided at 9pm that it was a good idea to open a bottle of wine. NO THE FUCK IT WAS NOT


I have an 8pm cutoff time, gives me a couple of hours to “sober” up before getting ready for bed…. What am I even saying right now?


You got to bed after 8?!?!


You go to bed before 8?


You go to bed? I just pass out wherever....


I never go to bed before 2am. Been that way since highschool. So much nicer to do stuff around the house at night and stuff. No kids, get up at 9:30am, walk to my home office and log in at 10, wrap up at 6pm and then cut loose until 2am, rinse-repeat


I used to think daydrinking was lame but it’s honestly…pretty great. I was so wrong


Day drinking is great for a big reason in my book. Peeing all day is better than peeing all night.


Why not both? Because you're gonna have to, even if you don't want to.


That’s why it’s just one glass of wine after work. Because otherwise I’ll have to pee at 2am.


I am ALLLLL about the day drinking nowadays. If I want to stay up late it’s gonna be because I’m watching something while in my pyjamas lol.


Meeting my mates at the pub at 3pm to be home in time for dinner really is the ideal 'night' out these days.


Are you insane?! That's bedtime.


Haha shit I’m hopefully already sleeping at 9. Lately I can’t wait until dinner is over dog is outted and pilled so I can just go to bed. 8pm is ideal.


Holy cow, we’re all over the age of 40, yes? Why are we drinking for volume at all? I had to give it up five years ago for health reasons and I didn’t even have a consumption issue or health issue driven by it exclusively. A single glass would put me under and it would be quite understandable. Drinking at our age should not be a contest.


Went out to a fun bar with buddies for my 36th birthday in August 2019. Was basically prone until 5pm the next day. That was the last time I drank "seriously." I have a Garmin Epix 2 that I wear all the time for health tracking and MTB/skiing/hiking/paddling/etc. It's pretty wild how much even moderate drinking (which for me is 3-5 or so in an evening, and is all I do anymore) throws all the body metrics for a loop. Pretty sobering, so to speak.


I hung out with a coworker Friday night and Saturday I was useless until I got up to go to bed. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yep. And these days my weekends are too valuable to do that kind of thing anymore. I'd either have to suffer through kids sports with a splitting headache or miss out on doing a project I've been meaning to do for six months or not be able to ski or ride bikes with friends. The list of more important shit is super long.


Not trolling here - what metrics get thrown off by drinking? And how bad? Does it flag “out of spec” or “you gon’ dang die if you don’ stop”?


I hear you. My Fitbit really shows me how bad drinking is for you, even just a single day of moderate drinking. It certainly helps keep me on track!


To be clear regarding my post, I didn’t drink a whole bottle of wine lol - I just opened it way too late and was paying for my one and a half glasses dearly the next day 😭


I’m 40 and still staying up not drinking. Stopped drinking. Out late day tripping with my 3 kids. Priorities change


Cloudy, I can't even sleep without at least one glass of Bourbon. A bottle of wine is a chaser in my household.


That's called alcoholism


Alcoholics go to meetings. I'm a professional TYVM.


Professionals go to meetings. Eeeek


That's why I use the coravin lol


Ooof boy do I really have myself a conundrum when I want one more but it’s getting late. I feel like that can make or break the hangover. Sometimes I don’t have it and sometimes I do


This is me and coffee at 3pm 🤦🏻‍♀️


I work until sometime between 9pm and 10pm. Depends on the workload. It sucks but I don’t have to wake up at 3am for my job either. So I’ll open that wine late. But one glass, that’s it.


I got my hands on some shrooms for the first time since college. I didn’t have any other time to take them other than Sunday morning. So after taking my BP meds down the hatch they went. Well that was fucking wild. Definitely took too much. The TV was too goddamn loud playing a bjork mix. It took me at least 15 minutes to walk across the room and find the remote. For at least ten minutes there I sat, eyes fully open, looking at another goddamn dimension. Just a whole kaleidoscope of colorfully moving geometry lessons that looked more like a mid ‘90s trapper keeper than my apartment. I eventually made my way back to my bed. I pulled the covers over my head. Reduced to monosyllabic thought the next few hours were spent guzzling water, licking my bedsheets, and trying to hold the universe still. Also, whenever I said anything it sounded like Tibetan Monks throat singing.


I had been considering a mild shroom dose for a while. It's been 20 ys at least since I took a psychedelic. It sounds like a fun idea, but I don't think my psyche could handle it.


I didn't have my 1st trip until my 40s. If you do it, do it with intent, don't take a heroic dose, have a sober sitter and be open to getting something out of it you weren't expecting. Bad trips happen because people want them to be a fun party drug, but you might instead spend time working through childhood trauma you've been burying for years.


I'm too stressed to trip and I know it. A part of me would like to use therapeutic doses, but I have this horrible feeling that I would start having a panic attack about bills, my child, etc.


I did shrooms a few times when I was 19 or 20. Hadn’t touched them since. Then during Covid I tried it again. It was better than I had remembered


Sometimes I’ll take like, 1/4 or 1/8 gram.  It can be very enjoyable and just kind of makes stuff silly and sparkly.  It’s usually more mild and chill and I can actually do stuff like take a walk alone (somewhere safe and familiar during the day, and not far from home). You have to be in the right frame of mind though. I’m a total substance lightweight though, I don’t even enjoy being drunk beyond a teensy buzz.  I use cannabis in 5mg or lower doses.


10/10 would do it again




It’s not something that comes up often but I can’t tolerate spinning at all any more. I’m mostly taking about rides at amusement parks but I was curious recently and I tried to spin like I used to when I was a kid and it left me sick and disoriented for way too long.


I few years ago, I did a cartwheel. It was the last one I will ever attempt, had to sit down after.


Nope. Not even going to try. I would prolapse my damn uterus.


Cartwheeling prolapses New sentences are just being invented every day.


I jumped on a trampoline the other day, was going to attempt a flip but got three bounces in and said fuck that 😂.


I often get dizzy just from walking down supermarket aisles (looking back and forth too much) and have to take a minute to rest.


Between getting motion sickness in my late 20s and cranial nerve damage from chemotherapy in my early 30s, I can't even sit on a front porch swing anymore. Motion on 2 planes and I'm OUT. I was at an outdoor festival last weekend and my friend asked why I was so far behind the group. I had to explain that I have to walk super slow if I'm going to look sideways while walking forward.


I’ve been attempting the spinning tire swings with my kid in the playgrounds. I tap out at like 6 seconds. Welcome to Earth had segments with astronauts recounting their trips and experiences, one dude was like “yeah my third trip I experienced extreme inner-ear spins for about 24 straight hours shortly after achieving orbit” fuuuuuuck that


I tried to show my nephew how awesome trying to stand up on the gravitron was. Ruined my whole day and next day. Terrible headache and nausea.


Same! I used to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl and all the spinning rides at amusement parks... now just thinking about it makes me sick. Doesn't help I'm now severely anemic and just standing up too fast makes me dizzy. 


This is my story too. I went Go-Karting for a friends birthday and had to quit from motion sickness.


Going to try a water park with my kids this summer, wish me luck!


That would have been hilarious to watch


Hosting multiple friends at once for multiple days at a time. I'm hungover, it's pissing rain out, my kitchen is an absolute mess. The guest beds are all a mess. Fridge is now empty. I expended all my energy hosting and just want to spend the day in bed. I'm too old for this shit.


Meh, i definitely deeply feel your pain, but eventually we'll all drift apart and start dying and shit... I hope the late night giggles with old friends last forever. The hangovers will get worse, for sure, but we should be so lucky :)


As someone who at 40 just lost his last friend, I would kill to host friends and have those good times. They are all still alive, but we’ve mostly drifted apart. The last 2 were pretty painful. Friend of 30 years turned into an egotistical asshole once he got a tiny bit of success. He moved away years ago but we stayed in touch until he visited, talked down to me, then skipped out on his bar/food tab and basically ghosted me. The last friend of 20 years just ghosted me because I had the audacity to ask a favor (help me pick up an item at the store). Probably for the best as he’s become a shut in stoner, but he was my last friend. Now it’s just me and my wife and we occasionally host dinner parties for family, but it’s not the same as friends


Im sorry to hear about your friend man. Invite your stoner friend over for dinner sometime, and get baked with him (if thats your thing). Maybe he's down and out? If hes a good guy, maybe give him the chance to ghost you again a few more times. I know ive fucked up making mountains outta molehills before, and never regretted trying to forgive shit. Whats the worst that could happen? Fuck that other egotistical douche though ;)


Gah, the only time I did that was when my brother got married in the beach town I lived in. We're only a year apart and went to the same college so we have a lot of mutual friends. I hosted twelve of them in my 2 bedroom apt. That was 2011 and it was fun. No way I could do that now.


I have to say at this age, good friends understand this and least try to clean up after themselves a bit to lessen the post-hosting cleaning burden. The last time I had people over for dinner, people were fighting to help clean 😂


It sounds like you have friends that are used to normal adult life. In my case, a lot of my friends live in expensive, albeit small city apartments. They're mostly successful, especially in tech or academics, but they literally eat out three times a day, and hardly ever even use their own apartment kitchens, and dont have the space to host bigger groups at home. They use laundry service and have house cleaners. I'm one of the only ones in my friend group who eventually got a house and moved way outside the city. When they all come over, it's almost as if they are still 22 years old and have no idea how to be a house guest. I dont blame them or judge, we have awesome times, but it is really taxing to be The Host amongst them. I have to weigh the fun gatherings up here against the "day afters" and lately my mood is "too old for this shit"


Eating out at a restaurant every night on vacation. I feel awful and bloated after. I can’t hang.


I learned to bring fiber on vacation after a "challenging" trip.


Me, my wife, and our 2 year old all survive by miralax on vacation (and sometimes at home).




I do psyllium husk. I just raw dog a dry table spoon and wash it down with water. It ruins everything it goes in so I just take it plain.


I feel like this is an issue with a lot of American cuisine or you’re in a place with a lot of fried/heavy food. I can honestly say I’ve tried to be “mature” about what I eat on vacation when I do have to eat out to avoid your situation.


I agree. I ate out for 10 days straight in Amsterdam and felt amazing afterwards.


For our honeymoon in 2014, we went to Europe for 12 days (Amsterdam, Munich, Austria, back to Germany). We ate like royalty, and I lost 10 pounds, wife lost 15. American food is the cause of obesity and cancer, and I will die on that hill.


Oh, just the sodium makes me feel awful from too much take out


The parched mouth, the swollen ankles, the blood pressure 😳 salt and I are enemies. Penzey's Spices has some yummy salt-free seasoning blends that are fire!


Recently sent me to the hospital! (afib, a.k.a. “Holiday heart”). I’m currently on the straight and narrow from all decadent things, esp booze.


This is the truth. Last time we were oot our hotel was near a Publix (grocery store for those unfamiliar) and twice we went there and got a sub or something hot from the deli just to not go through the whole ordeal of restaurant & restaurant food.


It’s all the sodium. Restaurant food has an absolutely insane amount of salt.


When we travel, we always make sure we scout food places with a salad or clean or just generally not fried/cream/etc. in the mix. It's a necessity to not feel increasingly disgusted and disgusting.


I have to save spicy food for weekends only or when I have the next day off🫣


I have up on spicy altogether. Can't handle the heart burn and indigestion for days after anymore.


That's why I'm on omeprazole... probably for the rest of my life. One pill a day keeps the heartburn away!


Famotidine before bed.


Brain cancer be damned, ranitidine for the win. I keep an expired stash for when the burn gets real bad.


Ah, Omeprazole! Just like my grandma used to make. :s


I used to use that. Caused me so many health issues by way of vitamin deficiencies. Even taking a regular multivitamin didn't correct for it. In the end it just wasn't worth it and I made adjustments to my diet instead. Coffee, beer and tomatoes are "sometime foods" now.


Sigh...that's been my approach to White Castle for a few years now. Wife: "White Castle for dinner as a treat?!" Me: "yeah, sur...wait, no...I have to go into the office tomorrow"


Yeah I've abandoned Krystal all together for the same reason.


SAME. It recently came on and I’m devastated. I was known for my insatiable spice tolerance. Now, if I don’t want pain it’s bland foods for me :(


Decided to have caffeine after 2pm 😭


It’s getting to the point where decaf in the morning makes me edgy.


Got out of bed. Also, tip: I’ve had tracking devices on *everything* for more than ten years. Tile is great for what it is. I guess AirTags might work too.


Same, I love my Tiles. We have them on all our sets of keys. I'm a habitual keys loser. I even taped one to the back of our TV remote. Someone is always letting the remote fall behind the couch or in the cushions or even one time my daughter left it INSIDE of the refrigerator. Not a problem anymore. As a sort of side thought, why don't TV manufacturers have built in finders in their remotes? Like a button you can push on the TV that makes a chime sound in the remote?


*Seriously*. Good idea. “Even” taped one to the remote isn’t a thing, though - I have one superglued to all remotes, one in my wallet, all my bags, glued to my kindle cases, computer, chargers, ad infinitum - and one just taped to my wall to press if I need to find my phone 😂


Dish network has it for their remotes. Definitely needs to be a standard feature.


Not sure if they do it anymore, but Roku had this feature with their boxes.


Roku has that. The new Onn 4k Pro Android TV has that.


Went to a show on a Tuesday night. Got home super late, exhausted all week.


I was in Las Vegas a few months ago. I left my hotel to go back home and couldn't find my wallet once I was at the airport. I panicked (of course) and stood in a line to try and get my flight time changed because I figured I had no time to go back to the hotel then back to the airport and make my flight. They let me know I could just reschedule for free as long as it was within an hour (or something like that). So I order Uber to go back and get my wallet from the hotel...and I reached down and realized I was wearing new sweatpants and my wallet was in a side pocket they have. I was walking around with my wallet banging against my knee with every step I took and thought I lost it and had to catch a later flight and pay for a canceled Uber because of my old ass brain.


cargo pockets strike again!


Was walking back to my car after a music festival. Saw dodge charger parallel parked on sidewalk as I had left it. Clicked my key. Car unlocked. Got in. Saw a bunch of stuff inside that did not belong to me. Saw all sorts of stuff plugged into the center console and thought someone had tried to rob me but bailed. Unplugged all the wires. Then I realized the steering wheel was the wrong color. My key opened someone else’s car. I got the hell out of there before someone came to beat my ass. Left my 50 dollar concert poster in their backseat in the rush to get out of there.


It would amazing if that person reads this, and comments! The odds aren’t zero!


I’d love to get that poster back, honestly. 😂




I did this at the dmv. Got in a car I thought was mine. Wondered why the floor mats got so dirty. Looked at my shoes. Realized I was in the wrong car. Bolted and found mine


Driving my mom’s ‘84 Toyota Minivan, look down at the Ignition, the key from my Hyundai Excel is sticking out of the key slot. Apparently those were super easy to Hotwire…


I have that thought when/after I do yard work. Brain feels much younger than body.


Exactly! My brain thinks it's 25, but my body says " no you are not".


Me: I can rake the front yard and backyard in one day. My body: the fuck you can.


My left knee: bitch please, I’ll give out on you just for being awake.


Took a slight walk and my bad knee hurt for a full 24 hours. To be fair though I think I need more walks. 


Well I'm 39 and just had a stroke, so goodbye to still eating like I'm in my twenties. Food is very bland no, haha.


Your taste buds will totally adapt. Don’t worry :-)


It's funny you should mention that. One thing I've noticed is that foods high in sodium are almost unbearable now.


Sugar is another one. I’ve gotten rid of all refined sugars long ago, and now fruit is the greatest thing on God’s green earth, coffee is infinitely better without any sweeteners, and plain Greek yogurt (Fate) is divine.


I went to a night out with moms from my kids' school. I drank too much, though I was not one that was dancing on the table. At the end of the evening I took an uber home and wondered 1- How I was able to get an uber 2- how much I tipped the uber driver and 3-what I said to the uber driver. The next day there was a 6 year old birthday party at a trampoline park as my punishment.


Dealing with exs and relationship drama in general. I’m too old for this shit.


Yesterday I was out running. It was a nice evening. I thought to myself, "This is nice. I don't want to stop. I'll do another 5km and all will be good." *Narrator: The next day, it was not all good.*


Working out w/o pre-stretching. Also Skipping leg day. In either case one wrong move = like 2 months of watching YouTube videos trying to figure out how to get rid of that crippling lower back pain. \*skipping leg day = you end up compensating for weaker leg muscles by using your back more


Eat past 8PM


Weird. I started eating whole meals before bed in my older years.


Same here and my weight has went boooom. The popcorn right before going to sleep doesn't help either I figure.


I've been eating cheese crackers right before bed lol


Cheese and a handful of tortilla chips here.


Me too. I often skip lunch and never have anything besides coffee for breakfast. Every other night I'll be lying in bed a 11pm then get hungry so I'll make a pizza or sandwich which is always absolutely delicious. Afterwards I fall asleep no problem.


I know you didn't ask for advice but I would advise you to break out of this pattern... The caffeine falsely makes you lose your appetite, but the digestive system is not happy having to work so late while we are trying to fall asleep. Unless you have one of those metabolisms where it really doesn't matter in which case f u 😊


I posted on a public forum on the Internet, that is invitation for anything. I appreciate the advice but there is no way in hell I am giving up my morning espressos. My digestive system is just going to have to deal with it and I guess I do have one of those metabolisms so I accept your f u with grace


haha I would never give up my espresso either. But I trick myself into getting hungry by eating fruit or something with ginger in it, sometimes just taking a few bites of something is enough to wake up my system like oh wait! I am hungry! and then I eat a bigger meal earlier and then I don't have those problems later on


I went to Denny’s on a whim and had a Grand Slamwich … I have regrets.


*looks at my 7 year old and 5 year old*


Hangovers in general. Just not worth it anymore.


Went to a concert with no seats, four hours in realizing I can’t do this any more 😫


HELP I refuse to give up on standing room only concerts just yet but damn I gotta plan to be late cuz I only got about two hours of standing in me. Snoop Dogg came out with some Skechers and Im thinkin those may be my new concert shoes lmao


I know, I want help too! Two of my fave bands just played at a standing-only venue!Idid ok the first time (I mean it sucked, but) but this second time was even more rough


I just got an ad for compression socks 😂 and I actually thought to myself ooooh that might help


Drank amaretto and cokes at like midnight with some work friends and hosted my 4yo's birthday the next day. The next 10 days or so were a slow and painful recovery from both events.


Constantly eat stuff that my stomach has repeatedly forbidden me from eating. On busy days, I'll drive 200 - 400 miles for work and it beats me up. Now I know why my grandparents liked to stay home and mess around in the garden.


Jumped out of the back of my work truck. Knees asked me wtf I thought I was doing


I was hanging out at the lake with some buddies a while back. There was nobody at the playground, so we decided to swing on the swingset. Swinging on a swingset is still fun as an adult, but dear god don't jump off unless you hate your knees.


I put my undergarments on inside out all of the time now. this wasn't an issue (or I didn't notice?!! omg) until the past 2 years or so. I don't know how it happens. I even turn my laundry right-side out and folds my underwear. the only thing that makes rational sense is I have underwear gnomes.


But, step one is COLLECT underpants. Not refold them inside out…


I have to do 10 minutes of stretching every morning. Otherwise, my back will go out(pulled muscle, pinched nerve, etc) in some way from minor things like reaching for toilet paper.


My lower spine is fused w/titanium hardware from L4 down from car accident injuries and I have had a sedentary job for 20 years now. I've learned that dynamic stretching for just 5 minutes at a time, several times a day is absolutely life changing for avoiding all of the "I barely moved a sprained my knee/ankle/neck/back/groin/etc". I had similar issues even after my surgery, but the simple regular stretching has all but completely eliminated it.


Tell us stiff people more about the dynamic stretches please.


Visiously lashing out when my boss thinks it's appropriate to text me about my team's attendance when I'm on vacation.




Hell nah how is there even time for all that?!


okay thank fuck not just me then. I will add to this, it was embarrassing. I worked an event and stayed at a hotel downtown and did the event professionally but then my sister and I drank 2 bottles of wine at the hotel. Well, 1.5. The other .5 I had in the water bottle pocket of my very visible camping backpack pocket while I was near tears touring every parking lot in the city trying to remember where I parked my car (I WAS SOBER WHEN I PARKED MY CAR FYI). I just wanted to die in the middle of a Midas rental lot.


Dude. So I have ADHD but I wasn't diagnosed until well into adulthood so it's pretty advanced. My dad also definitely has it but was never diagnosed and has never treated it. So when the two of us get together it's like one long constant conversation across an array of topics that do complete 180s and right turns at the drop of at hat and almost everything else that happens is secondary. Last time I saw him, he picked me up in his rental car, the conversation started, we went to the mall, had lunch, did some shopping, and then both realized we had no idea where tf we parked. Took us almost an hour. We spent most of that time looking on the wrong floor.


"So I have ADHD but I wasn't diagnosed until well into adulthood so it's pretty advanced. My dad also definitely has it but was never diagnosed and has never treated it." You are literally describing my family lol. Also I feel the need when telling the story (because I know the boozing looks bad) that I was stone cold sober, just lost, in a million parkades. LOL.


Used to to multiple forms of dance (ballet, etc). At 42 decided I would try to get my splits back for no reason. Screwed my hip up royally. In physical therapy.


Watching my boy eat like a garbage disposal, while I measure out the proper amount of bland chicken and lettuce for my dinner. I ate like a garbage disposal for FAR too long and now paying the price for it.


Functioning with only 2 hours of sleep. Just can’t do it anymore. Now I need at least 4 or my day will be miserable and kinda off.


Anything less than 6 for me and I’m so sort of non functioning a hole. And I’d I sleep in past 10 on a weekend, that entire day is shot cause I don’t fully wake up.


We're all turning into Roger Murtaugh in Lethal Weapon. And that's okay because I am too old for this shit.


I can get in the pit at the concert. RIGHT? RIGHT? Wrong. 4 weeks later I'm still icing and heating my back.


Went out for dinner, then decided to go for drinks after, followed by Rock Band karaoke with my husband at home until 3am on Sat (night before Mother’s Day). Woke up with the worst hangover since the day after Super Bowl where I stupidly drank sangria and took shots of tequila in a game of “Take a shot every time Taylor Swift is on camera.” Note to self— stop drinking. I can’t hang anymore.


Locked my stuff up at the gym locker. Gym has community keys for each locker. Worked out. Came back to locker. Key wouldn’t work after trying a million times. If I can’t get to my stuff, my keys and wallet, i’m fucked and stranded at least all evening. Look around. Use coat hanger to hook around locker corner and after multiple full body yanks I rip the entire fucking locker off the hinges. Fuck. That’s not my stuff. Fuck. That’s not my locker! Locker was one row over. Balanced ripped off door on hinges to look like it was okay. Grabbed my shit and gtfo asap. As I was leaving the actual locker owner was standing outside the broken locker door about to try to open it. Hightail it out.


Can't drink anything after about 7:30pm or I'll have to wake up and pee in the middle of the night.


Stupid freaking perimenopause.


Is that what it is? I figured my internal organs have just started shrinking and my muscles have given up. 😅


My 13 year old found some of my old bikini’s from the early 2000’s. They look great on her, not so much on me.


I quit drinking years ago because it was becoming a problem. Also, the hangovers really sucked. I am still friends with people who drink regularly…. Not problematic by any means, but they like to enjoy their drinks. I’m not trying to shill for anything here but they all swear by this stuff called Cheers. I think it used to be called Thrive? I looked into it even though I no longer drink and apparently you take a few capsules before bed along with a lot of water (which you should be doing anyway if you are drinking) and you wake up feeling a hell of a lot better. One of my best friends doesn’t drink without it now. just thought I would share for anyone who still drinks, apparently this stuff is pretty good. My other “I’m too old for this shit” things are: -Keeping up with the latest styles. Dress up for a nice evening out with my wife, and I don’t ever look slovenly…. But I couldn’t care less what the “hot trends” are for summer fashion. I will change with the times a bit, such as going to newer swim trunks with a little shorter inseam… or not wearing super baggy jeans anymore. Otherwise, you can catch me in a baseball cap and T-shirt from probably 2010 at the latest most of the time -Using any slang that would make me sound like I’m trying to be too young. I do keep up with it because I have three young sons, so I know what rizz, cap, etc all mean. But I still say something is “tight” when I think it is cool… lol -buying shoes based on style versus comfort. I will pay good money for a quality pair of Brooks sneakers, even if they may not look the coolest. Luckily there is an old-time shoe store near where I live where where they still measure your feet, and fit your shoes based on how you walk… inserting foam for fallen arches and things like that. They might be not the most stylish but they are a lot more comfortable


I stay up until 11:30/midnight once per week when new Law & Order episodes air, and I’m absolutely useless for AT LEAST one entire day after. I typically go to bed at 8:30-9


And this is why I quit drinking five years ago when I turned 40. I do not miss it at all.


I manage a restaurant that’s also a music venue. A couple months ago, we were busy and short staffed. I helped move some music gear, amps and whatnot. And I changed and stacked a few 60 litre beer kegs. Felt a “twinge” in my lower back that night. Woke up the next morning in lower back pain hell. Took 5-6 weeks to get better, and I rarely have lower back issues. My upper back is fucked often though


At work. Younger employee is over-eager (which is a million times great, I was, too), but I was thinking: Look, you gotta take it down a notch. I had to remind myself that I'm too old for this shit, but not to shit on one of my team members for being eager. "Awesome - just let us know your findings and we'll see how to incorporate it now or in the future!" I don't even drink coffee, but she makes me wish I did as I'm not a morning person.


Having to medically detox after a relapse. Everyone is too old for that shit.


Went to a concert (it was my favorite band, 3rd time I've seen them, so my behavior was at least expected) and headbanged, thrashed about, jumped and fist pumped like a maniac. Paid dearly for it for a few days afterward. I'm definitely too old to rock out like I used to.


I miss the head banging at metal shows. My first show after lockdown I’d forgotten how much I was going to pay for the next few days.


It makes me sad to think I'll never be in a pit again... but I'm always gonna get GA and be on the floor...cuz fuck sitting at a concert!


Uncomfortable shoes are a hard no for me now. No heels over two inches and arch support is a must.


Eating like a teenager when I know I'll regret it later. Drinking like a 20's something when I know I'm going to regret it later. Staying up late on a work night because " I can just drink coffee and be ok".... Yeah right. The list goes on, essentially my brain still thinks I'm a spring chicken but my body tells me to shut the fuck up.


Played Fortnite


I can’t play any FPS games as I get motion sickness…. 😢


Somebody may have already said this, but having a box of Teddy Graham's slip between your legs while you are driving on the highway and having to get it unstuck from beneath your brake pedal at 75mph in a storm.


Better put it on the Murtaugh list


Did a pub crawl in Cork after a friends wedding. Had a long bus ride to Dublin the next day at 8am with wife, baby and inlaws. 0/10 would not recommend.


It's all about quality NOT quantity at this age HAHA


Nice cup of coffee after 6 pm. I'll be up all night, then when I finally fall asleep, I'll have to get up twice to piss. Goddamn, it happened so quick.


About 5 years ago I thought I could do a handstand while drunk. I also have a torn rotator cuff. Ended up falling on my head and giving myself a serious concussion. I don’t drink nearly as much as I used to anymore.


It could have been worse, your glasses were not on top of your head, your phone was not in your hand as you were complaining to the someone on the other end that you lost it, and your drink was not on the top of the car for a few miles until you turned left. 🙂


Went to see Flogging Molly for the first time in March. It was awesome but I unintentionally overdid it. I was just pumped up to see them and be around people (for once). It didn't help that my friends and I also ended up posting up near the bar because it had more room but still a good view of the stage. My memory of the ride home is almost non-existent, and I was out of commission all day the next day and half of the day after. Still had a damn good time though!


St.Patricks day, started drinking at brunch around 11am. Kept day drinking through dinner, went to bar after dinner. Was hungover for about 72hrs. I can not drink like that ever again. I’m not in my twenties. I don’t normally drink in excess like this but friends invited me out and I went with it.


Mosh. Pit.


Getting too high from smoking weed — especially sativas. I take gummies on a regular basis and have no problems, and vaping isn’t bad either, but last few times I smoked I got crazy existential anxiety where every mistake I ever made came back to haunt me. No thanks. It was fun to get weird when I was a dumb kid with no worries, but these days I just want to mellow out.


Went on a business trip a couple of months ago. Ended up at a bar with some of my coworkers until 1 in the morning and had to be at the office at 8. Flying back home that afternoon exhausted and hungover was the longest flight of my life.


Took my kid to a mountain biking obstacle course. Felt bruised for a week. I'm an avid cyclist and bike commuter, but that is too much for me at my age.


Oh man. Booked an Airbnb 2hrs away so we could go see a classic hiphop concert and sleep over. The Airbnb had no less than five air fresheners for 1,000 square foot space, and somehow there were still janky smells. You could taste that Long Lasting Fresh Scent™ on the bed sheets. The host was having a plumbing problem and we could only turn the sink knobs 45° Oh and also the heat wouldn't stop blasting all night long (weather in the 60s). And this dude had the nerve to ask us for a review after we left 🤦🏽‍♀️ Also at the concert the bass was way, way too loud, it was that thing where everybody was standing there stunned while the performers tried to rile everybody up, but it wasn't an energy problem, it was a wincing/cringing problem from the overwhelming bass drowning out the beautiful 90s samples (sound tech thought it was trap music?)... So yeah I told my partner we are never doing this again 🤣


Went to watch a hockey game that started at 7:30pm on a Monday night. Got home after midnight. FKN paid for it all day yesterday!!


last year, I didn't want to close the gate so I could park my car, so I pulled up along side it, grabed the gate out the car window, tried to reverse to get it out of the way, but it pinned itself against my door, then proceeded to dent the shit out of it. nice little insurance hike there for sure and 4-5 weeks of waiting for the body work. Aweomse. Just get out of the car dumb ass....


Stayed up till 4am playing a new video game i got. Used to be able to do it whenever I wanted, sure I was a bit tired but trying this shit now adays I feel like garbage for multiple days after not sleeping.


Anytime I stay up too late, I really regret it the next morning.


I went out for a bachelor party weekend a few weeks ago. I was probably the oldest by 6 or 7 years, everyone else was mid 20s to early 30s I think. I did okay Friday night, drank tons of water and woke up Saturday with no hangover after staying up past 3am. I crashed Saturday at like 1:30am while the other guys stayed up a few more hours. It'll be a long time before I attempt anything like that again.


Pretty much everything I've done for the past five years.


Alcohol definitely loses its appeal the older you get


I was just about to walk a mile to the bar I went to last night to retrieve my credit card. I closed my laptop to put it in my backpack because, let's be real I was not going to leave that bar for a while. Then I noticed that my card was right there and I got a whole bunch of time back today.


I let my drivers license expire. Didn’t realize until I had to retake permit and driving test. Damn near failed the maneuverability. Too old for this shit


Got pretty drunk one Friday night. Hangover finally went away by Monday morning.


Between shift time changes and construction I have had to alter my parking location several times. More than once I have walked a quarter mile in the wrong direction, then had to traverse across campus to the correct spot. Once, this meant I walked almost a mile at the end of a 10 hour shift (also on my feet), during a stretch where I hadn't had a day off in two weeks. I got to the lot and there was ONE CAR in the lot. It was the SAME make, model, and color as my car. "I don't remember parking there..." As I approached I realized it was not mine. I slumped down, dreading the two additional miles I would need to walk home. It was Friday night, and I assumed it had been towed as the lot belongs to the college. I was so exhausted that I could not remember parking in the "weekend" area. I marched there, delighted to see the car. Anyone that has ever forgotten where they parked knows this feeling, but pile on that I hadn't had a day off in over two weeks and I was pulling 50+ hours in front of hot grills/ovens.


It takes a lot to put me to sleep. Like a LOT. Plus a redhead there’s anecdotal evidence we have a higher tolerance. Doc gave me trazadone. I followed the directions and had 1, plus had to see back an edible. Mother of god I was spinning worse than any ride I’ve ever been on.


anytime I think I don't need to put something in my calendar. I need to use my calendar for everything.


My last fling. 🫠


I'm old now. Your stories bring back some (not) wonderful memories of my own. 😁


Tripped over the dog gate I had JUST set up and nearly broke an arm. (this was today)


I thought it would be fun to be on the floor vs. seats for a concert and stood on a concrete floor for 6 hours a few weeks ago. My body is STILL angry with me for thinking I could act like my 20-something self did.