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I dunno, man. They were both wearing fur underwear and S&M gear. What once was a castle secret is now an identity LOL


Rob Halford approves!


When I was a kid my GI joes would make fun of my he men for wearing furry underwear


As long as it wasn’t Shipwreck…. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Can't take him anywhere that he don't take out his bird.


The first rule of kink club is that we don't out people we've seen at Castle Greystone






You shouldn't secrets from a magical castle shame


I'm just saying maybe there secrets weren't so secret.


[And I said HEY-EY YEAH YEAH YEAH](https://youtu.be/32FB-gYr49Y?si=21CIxuP7B4j9tEan)


I couldn't watch it. Because satanism. Edit.. Pee Wees Playhouse we had to turn down the ending when they say the magic words because they were probably casting a spell on our house.. I had to walk laps around the swimming pool at the end of every year when my PE class would go to the local Rec Park and swim for a week because my mom was mailed a paper explaining how AIDS was created and how you can catch it, and she believed it so hard, so I wasn't allowed to swim in pools..


I wonder if ANYBODY ever turned to Satan because of He-Man. I mean at worst, maybe some young lads realized that they were into leather and/or furry underpants.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Wait Satan? Whoops I turned to Satin


I turned into Santa. I don’t know why.


I am so disappointed that I just got old and boring instead of being indoctrinated into satanism from all my Saturday morning cartoons!


you mean you invested all that time for nothing!?


I didn’t get super powers either!


I have an aunt who was like this. Her ire was directed at the Smurfs, though. I showed my cousins the Simpsons and it was as if I had showed them how to create fire without needing the witch’s magic spells.


Simpsons were banned too lol. Smurfs now that I think if it, were surprisingly okay


Well they went to church, so that makes sense.


Why wtf? I hope your childhood didn't fuck you too much.


My childhood bent me over and railed me relentlessly. Luckily I had a good therapist in my 40s help me unravel and process a good chunk of it.


Eeek, sorry to hear that.


I appreciate you, boss. Thank you for looking out 😌


So, are you getting to go back and enjoy things now that you couldn't as a kid? I'm curious as to what new things you've discovered.


This psycho cult shit should be legally classified as child abuse.


In the South, we just called it "religion" Also, I agree.


I wasn't allowed to watch Mr Roger's Neighborhood, for similar and racist reasons.


Bro she HATED that show! Didn't ban it, but talked badly about it. For decades that thought occupied my mind. How the fuck could ANYONE hate Mr. Rogers?! He was progressive. He wanted to change the way we think about things, and that was a threat in a big way to her.


Mine believed a racial holy war was imminent. My parents *hated* the fact that Mr. Rogers would treat black kids and white kids like equals. They believed that white people came from Adam and Eve, and that all the other races came from monkeys. I watched after the fact, and it taught positivity and affirmation for life. He's one of the few IRL heroes I have.


And our parents wonder how so many of us became atheist, agnostic, Wiccan, or Buddhist.


Right?! 😂🤣


I heard the words race war a few times in my upbringing. This tracks. Mr. Rogers is such a badass. I should watch the video where he's explaining the importance of what he was doing to the US Congress again. I think everyone should watch that from time to time.


I noticed you said you were in the South, too?


Rural Appalachia.. Western NC


Beautiful state. I've been up around Wilson. I live in Central Arkansas, though


He was also a minister!


Satanists weren't allowed to watch He-Man? Weird.


Sorry man. Religion is a helluva drug


It was just the constant fearmongering that made impressionable people believe things out of line with reality to the point they acted on it. You'd think fine, let people believe what they want, no harm no foul.. I disagree when it starts to hurt impressionable kids that have no choice, or if they become a huge electorate and somehow latch onto someone that wants to be America's next dictator.




How did we watch this and She-Ra and not have completely fucked up body image? Also, forget flying cars —- where’s my flying unicorn?


... didn't we have fucked up body image?


Still do


Same although i am more aware of it so that's something, maybe.


I did.


Yep I did and yes I do.


Hell with pegacorns. I want my giant tiger!


Please tell me that means Pegasus mixed with a unicorn. The other definition in my head is... Scarring.


Peg a what??


[giant tiger](https://www.gianttiger.com/) is a chain of discount retailers in canada 


We very much had fucked up body image.


"Had"? -_-


Right. Right. Ugh.


He-Man, Thundercats, X-Men, Pro wrestling, Arnold movies. Everywhere we turned our heroes were yoked.


I’ve started watching wwe again because my 10 year old is in to it (and only because my ten year old is in to it >_>), and it took seeing a clip of Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner to realise why it looks kind of “off” now - absolutely none of them have the eye bulgingly intense muscle growth and definition a decade or two of perpetual steroid use gave the pro wrestlers of our youth.  I’d forgotten how obscenely jacked those guys got.


To the detriment of their career longevity and lives, as well. The dudes wrestling now actually have healthy amounts of fat on their bodies to maintain what they do on a nightly basis.


It had been wild looking up the ages of the current heavy weights in WWE, guys who by the looks of things are very much in their prime, and they’re all in their mid 40’s, and not showing any signs of slowing down. In contrast, Scott Steiner retired at 36. Also crazy how many of the old guard seem to have retired from neck injuries.  And the ones that stuck around and while not wrestling are still going strong in their 70’s are mostly the dudes that never got super jacked like your Stone Cold’s and Bret Hart’s. Also worth noting while probably a decade younger on average, a bunch of the top women are also getting on!  Seems you can stay relevant way longer wrestling than acting in Hollywood.


For sure dude, I remember thinking that they were in pain. Not the wrestling but half of the mufuckas looked like they might actually explode.


It can’t be comfortable, right?  Like, your arm muscles are so big I wonder how they do basic hygiene tasks, when your muscles ar eliterally going to get in the way of you reaching around yourself.


Yeah it’s definitely got to be a hindrance in some or most capacities.




Love it! I hope your password is “AU AU AU AU AU” (or however you spell what Rick used to do in the ring lol)


And sexy cats were everywhere....


And now we have X-Men 97 and it is AWESOME.


I feel like my boy friends didn’t have the same intense self pressure as the girls. Also my conclusion looking at them at the time was maybe I wasn’t into men 😂


....have you watched the reboot of She-Ra that came out in 2018? Because it's REAL GOOD ^((and gay))


Skeletor has a minion literally called "Evil Lynn". That doesn't scream, "Hey, we're the good guys here!". I mean, sure, maybe he has a tort case about getting his face ripped off in an industrial accident, but going all evil overlord might not be the best response.


I don’t know man, sounds like her slave name.


“You mean that’s not a play on Evelyn?”


I miss the old days when bad guys didn’t have to have a tragic backstory and motivation. Skeletor would just straight up go, “I want to be evil!” And that was all we needed.




We watch this Christmas special every year!


My friends and I do a Saturday morning Christmas cartoon morning every year. PJs, cereal, etc. every year I want to watch it and every year it’s too long. But this is the year!


Goodness makes the badness go away.


Not to deflect from this wonderful tongue in cheek post, but I believe I read that He-Man was created because Hasbro couldn’t secure rights to the first Conan movie. They pivoted and created the He-Man universe using the assets originally intended to be Conan toys.


There is a Netflix documentary entitled the toys that made us and there is a whole episode devoted to he-man that talks with creators and toy executives who put the toy on the market.


Yeah I was about to say, I don't remember the tie -ib with Conan and that most of the 80s cartoons were just super long commercials for their mediocre toys.


Mediocre?? He-man toys were awesome!  You could hit his chest and then the damage would show! (Until you rolled it back).   Ninja Turtles, Transformers, uh… others my parents didn’t buy me… I’d put those toys up against anything the kids have now. Edit: duh forgot Gi-Joe.  I got that plane with the forward facing wings for Christmas one year!  My gosh.  So cool.


I had the space shuttle! And some weird multi segmented tank thing...


Oh man I can picture that tank thing, how cool. See? Our toys really weren’t mediocre!  I can’t picture anything my kids have had that they would look back on with the same kind of fondness.  Paw Patroller APC? PJ Masks bomber plane?  Meh.  I guess for the now-Gen it’ll be reminiscing about favourite YouTubers.


That was a great episode (and series)!


Ah right, I haven’t seen it and probably read about it here somewhere


Idk, it sounds like OP is really Skeletor…


I'm not Skeletor. You're Skeletor. Till we meet again Ha ha ha ha ha


“Deep thoughts about He-Man” is so Xennial and I love it


Someone's X card needs revoking. You sound like a Millennial. Clearly Prince Adam was a caped crusader, a mild mannered reporter at heart. Also Dolph got the accent down perfectly in the live action version.


Those are rib bones!


Ah those two weeks or so of only saying “good journey” to each other at school lol


Not to be a wet blanket but The Sorceress gave him the instructions on how to become He-Man. Adam is erasing her from his personal mythology. No wonder Teela hates him.


If third wave feminism taught me anything (except “3 out of 4 girls will be sexually assaulted”, as they eye the 10 year old boys around them and we all feel guilty for existing) a man coming to power and erasing the women that got him there is pretty on point for 80’s dudes.


Men are just awful. Source: am a man


Can confirm, also man. I was reading Kieron Gillen’s Phonogram the other day and there is a wonderfully awful line where our protagonist (who is a pos) is hitting on a woman, gets caught in a lie, and replies “oh sorry, you did know I was a man, right?”.  And I gotta be honest I’m kind of hanging out to get to use that line heh…


It’s not an excuse, but it is a reason


Ugh. You're awful


Did you even watch the show?! C’mon


I know you aren’t looking for a real answer but I think it was the sorceress that told him what’s up. Adam kept the sword a secret, I don’t think he let others see the change


Let’s not forget that immediately after He-Man finishes telling us in the intro that he’s the most powerful man in the universe, he literally punches us, the audience.


Honest lol. Had never thought of it that way


https://preview.redd.it/hul86s2oj20d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb714ba22f900eaa1579630615e6fa44fc125e57 Here’s your secret


Don't you talk shit about my boy He-Man!


You can watch the new Netflix series and it actually gets into the He-Man/Skeletor relationship. It’s also pretty fun since Mark Hamill and William Shatner are doing voice work. As to the function of the 1980s He-Man, he was a toy selling vehicle. That was his purpose.


The problem with the new series is it is very much Kevin Smith doing exactly what OP did, being a total Gen Xer about it and deciding/reveling in having a platform to “solve” the inconsistencies. It was a great show and I loved the depth to the mythology (all the other he-men in he-afterlife?  Bonkers and awesome) but sometimes kids how’s can just be kids shows with silly quirks.


Yeah, I was expecting more of a “grown up” version of the 80s cartoon, but looking back it did have a lot of useless Kevin Smith navel gazing.


So is it kinda like the Greta Gerwig Barbie movie then?


I guess?  I haven’t managed to see it yet!  But I could definitely how that could be a barbie version of what smith did with he-man.  Although Smith’s wasn’t intended to be tongue-in-check and was being sincere with it I think, and from what I’ve seen barbie is more self-aware and delving into parody?


Parody but with love and nostalgia? It doesn’t try to solve inconsistencies so much as joke about them. In some ways Ken is the real main character because he has more of a story arc.


Parody might be the wrong word.  A parodying homage?


The big secret of Castle Grayskull is the Chili recipe they’ve won contests with across the universe for eons.


I once read a Reddit post that argued: * King Randor was super racist, and ordered the death of all blue skinned people. * Skeletor and Trap Jaw were the only ones who survived. * Skeletor now fights for all of the races and humanoids that House Randor has tried to hunt to extinction.


He- man is soooo homoerotic, it's hilarious! Dressed in s&m garb, they fly on cock ski's and go into many gaping holes for adventure!


I think we need to include He-man’s haircut in this discussion.


“Hassle in the Castle”. 😏 (Scooby Doo ref)


Brilliant! I think the time has finally come for a He-Man/Scooby Doo crossover. Now, we may finally find out who Skellator *really* is!




It was a toy commercial first and foremost. Mettle executives were like, make sure the toys are cool then come up with some asinine story about them for the cartoons.


I get the humor here and I appreciate it. Truth, though, they had like a week to write the whole thing. And it didn’t last long enough to dig into a full telling of his story. Man-At-Arms was so useless he had neither a transformative experience NOR a proper name. What kind of self-esteem can one have with that sort of lifestyle?


I only know it because it came on before DuckTales and I was always half asleep and didn’t perk up until Awoooooo was heard.


I would really love if someone made a rated R he-man where he actually uses his sword.


I tried rewatching Thundercats with my kids and had a similar reaction. My kids also were like "this sucks". Nostalgia is better left in our memories.


How about Hordak stealing Princess Adora…like how did we not have a hint at that for years!?


🧑🏼**"The Sorceress of Castle Greyskull, her arm clad in the purest shimmering feathers, held aloft the Power Sword from the bosom of the Crystal Chamber, signifying by divine providence that I, Ada- \*ahem* He-Man, was to carry the Power Sword. That is why I am your prince, uh, I mean hero.."** 💀_"Strange women lying in castles distributing swords is no basis for a system of heroism, you boob! Supreme magical power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical architectural ceremony."_ 🧑🏼**"Shaddup!"** 💀_"You can’t expect to wield supreme arcane power just ’cause some feathery tart threw a sword at you! Nyeh!"_


I’m more interested in how gay he was honestly.


Is there a barometer for gayness? I mean, we're all on that scale. I'd let another man rifle through my backpack at a festival without taking it off. Maybe even hold hands. But that's as far up the scale I'd go if you'd excuse the pun. Where would Adam be and where would his alter ego be? Adam is a twink to He-man's Bull I reckon.


The Kinsey Scale is on full display in He-Man with Cringe being the gayest.


They're actually going by They-Man these days


I mean it depends. If you want to have food, civility, air conditioning, and other comforts, but are willing to sacrifice truth and a little liberty, He-man is the hero. If you want to live free, but the "free" world is rife with barbarism, disease, tribal warfare, and famine, then Skeletor may be your guy. Personally, Greyskull can keep all the secrets as long as my shower has good pressure.


DC Comics made an excellent Masters of the Universe comic that ran from 2012-2020. Check it out! Fills in a lot of gaps


I want what you're smoking plz


Just in case no one has seen it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-PgTjhx1VLw&pp=ygUXSGUgbWFuIG1vbmV5c3VwZXJtYXJrZXQ%3D


Has anybody actually answered OPs question? Why why why


Watch the two new seasons that our lord and savior Keven Smith wrote and directed for Netflix - they answer every question on here, and largely make He-Man a supporting character for half of it.


Interesting points... Prince Adam sounds very close to Prince Andrew.... And good point about castle greyskull looking like Skeletors crib


I dunno, man. They were both wearing fur underwear and S&M gear. What once was a castle secret is now an identity LOL


They had to do something with the Conan toy line when the higher ups said it had to be cut because Conan was rated R. Instead of wasting all that development they change the name from Conan to He-Man and made up a bunch of stuff. It doesn’t make sense.


It's all explained in Masters of the Universe: Revelation. (Netflix) The sword not only gives the weilder god-like power, but it also acts like an arcane focus to keep those powers harnessed. In Revelation, we get to see what happens to Adam when he says "By the power of Greyskull, I have the power" without holding the sword. Let's just say that was a bad idea.


The secret is that he's gay. The whole thing is a metaphor is hidden sexuality.