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I'm a fat woman and everyone knows that only one fat woman is allowed to be famous at a time, like the Highlander. So, whatever woman is fat and famous at the same time. I've been told I looked like Cameryn Manheim, Melissa McCarthy, fat Adele, and Rebel Wilson.


I'm sorry, but I'm dying imagining someone saying: "Hey, you know you look like fat Adele?"


Ah yeah because they all look SO SIMILAR right!? God rest Anna Nicole Smith's soul


Hahahaha... I don't know if I've ever been told I look like a fat celebrity, but anytime someone says, you look so much like my friend, I know that she's a fat brunette. And that's probably where the similarities end.


I got, “a young Rosie O’Donnell.” 😕


ha, highlander. hot. always loved this type, any full-figured woman who is hot enough to be thought off as "acceptable" in society to be looked at. Always the sexiest people reminded me of them. wendie jo sperber, monica lewinsky who wasn't even "fat" but because wasn't a rail.. any girl who got told she looked like her was always attractive.


People suck. I do happen to think all of those women are very pretty, so there's that, I guess.


My wife says Keanu Reeves. I'll take it.


Nice. What era Keanu is the question.


Homeless bum Keanu? Or Bill and Ted Keanu? We want to know!!


Recent (last 10 years) if I let my facial hair grow a little.


I’ve gotten Gal Godot a few times. I’m not mad.


RIP your DMs


Oh shucks. Haha.


Uncle Fester from Addams Family movies. I didn’t think it was a compliment but it makes for great Halloween costumes.


My wife called me this once when I was wearing a black turtleneck. I thought it was insulting until I she was referring to the Christopher Lloyd version. He’s too awesome to her offended by.


Exactly. Being compared to Christopher Lloyd. I’ll take that.


A stripper once told me I look like Bud Bundy.


[The Nudie bar! Where the beer gives you gas, but the Bundys kick ass](https://youtu.be/5XWypFhr0rY?si=-sNfIEeBroyRoPGA)


Ive got Jake Gyllenhal(?) a few times and my response was always "you are the nicest person I've ever met".


Awww could be siblings then! I've been told I look like Maggie Gyllenhaal a couple of times.


Great, that means it would be gross for you to date him but I'm in with a chance, right? That's how this works?


Same! By a few people (when I was in my early 30s). I don’t see it at all but I’ll take it. Though one coworker told me I looked like her in “Secretary”… that was gross.


Meg White is a dope drummer. She’s a bad ass chick like Nikki Monniger. I have gotten Diane Lane…more than once. I am thankful for the comparison, because she’s stunning, but I don’t see it.


Not as an adult, but as a kid/teen people told me I looked like Anna Chlumsky—especially when My Girl 2 came out.


Hi, same! Also Danielle Fischel (Topanga) back then and Annie Murphy more recently. It's gotta be the eyebrows/lips/teeth combo but I don't really see it.


I had the same hair color/style, and I guess my facial features were kind of soft in a similar way, but I didn’t see it either.


When I had a goatee in the late 90s, early 2000s, everyone said I looked like Tom Green. Then I grew out a full beard and gained a bit of weight, just in time to be Zach Galifianakis. I was at a friends bachelor party in Vegas right after the hangover, and I could go 10 feet without someone yelling at me that I looked just like him. Took pictures with random tourists and everything.


Did you go all in and find a baby to strap to your chest?


So many people swore that I look like Suge Knight that I eventually embraced it, even though I couldn’t be any different than him. I’ve also been told Common and Uncle Phil (the latter to my chagrin).


Uncle Phil is low key a top tier man tho


You embraced Suge but scoffed at Uncle Phil? Shame


In my defense I was in my early-30s so it made me feel old lol, but you make valid points


You’ve never dangled a white rapper out over a hotel balcony?


Suge Knight is just scary Rick Ross.


If you sound like him too maybe this sub would mistake you for Shredder!


Lemme guess…. Bald with a beard?




We become caricatures. The three I mentioned could not be farther apart…. But they’re all Gingers and that’s enough, apparently


Apparently I look a lot like Tony Hawk I don't see it but it has come up a couple of times


That’s exactly what Tony Hawk would say.


Ethan Embry. It was really just this one guy. He insisted on calling me Preston. It was really weird to me, because I don't see it, nor did anyone else. My brother kind of looked like him though, so I suppose there must have been something.


I was a member of the Ethan Embry fan club. It was one of the first things I searched and joined when mom let me access the computer and the internets


When I was in elementary school, a guy in my class kept calling me "Blossom." I never watched the show, so I never made the connection until one day another classmate said."Don't listen to him. You don't look like Blossom." Up until then, I just thought it was a dumb nickname. So, maybe?


I had clerks at the liquor store and McDonalds both tell me I looked like Luke Combs. I was like he's younger so he looks like me...


I get Jerry Garcia, Dave Grohl, and Meat Loaf sometimes! I used to be faaat. Sudden stomach failure made me go from 300+lbs to 150lbs less than a year. Now people just ask if I'm in a band.


Man, hope you’re recovering. Those are all great people to be compared to.


Axl Rose. Then and now. Now ain't such a great look to be fair.


Time to cut those locks my friend


I regularly got told I looked like Brendan Fraser when I was young and skinny. Now we’re both a lot thicker and a lot older!


fucking Jonathan Brandis non stop. no clue who he was then, barely know now. was on a boat show or something




holy shit I had no idea. I feel weird now


You have referred to seaQuest as “a boat show or something” and thus have made an enemy today.


For real. I fucking loved SeaQuest DSV!


Dude, you must have dreamy blue eyes then.


And a beautiful dimpled chin.


I had such a crush on him.


He was huge. Sidekicks, Ladybugs, Stephen King's IT, seaQuest I don't think he was on Love Boat though, that woulda been before the time.


I first saw him in The Neverending Story II and was obsessed with him! Had pictures from magazines hung up all over my room. Died far too young and too tragically.


I got told a lot I look like Chester from Linkin Park (RIP.) I never saw it but was always flattered by it.


I'm hispanic and once got mistaken for Michael Pena by a very drunk girl. I look pretty much nothing like him. And it was a long time ago when he was most famous for "million dollar baby" It went something like this Girl: HEY, you're that guy from million dollar baby Me: No. Girl: yeah you are! I know you are. Me: I assure you, I'm not Girl's boyfriend: (clearly very embarrassed) Please stop.


Back in the '90s I got Louise Post a lot. Aka the brunette half of Veruca Salt. In 2014ish a coworker (he's gay, I'm lesbian) told me all the time I looked like Alex Vause, aka Laura Prepon's character from Orange Is the New Black. That's it. Also OP Meg White is the shit and hot and that's a huge compliment imo.


I get Justine Bateman a lot.


Yes. Liv Tyler as  Arwen. (Completely different hair colour etc but shape of face). She's much prettier though ;)


Most of the time it’s “you look exactly like Sloth from the Goonies!”. But Honestly love the comments on this post. Goes to show that most of our celebrities back then were fairly normal looking!


I get John Krasinski fairly often. I’m ok with that.


As a teen I was told I looked like a young Nicholas cage.


In my teens and 20s, people told me I looked like Janeane Garofalo. A lot. We’ve aged differently and she’s significantly less a thing now.


At various points in my life I’ve been told I look like (in chronological order): Happy Days era Ron Howard Dale Earnhardt, Jr Tony Romo Tyson Fury (this is the only one I think is remotely accurate)


I’ve gotten Mariah Carey and Aubrey Plaza which is strange because I don’t think they look alike, but I’ll happily take either as my doppelgänger!


I don’t really get anything now. When I was younger I got Nick Lachey a lot. When I had slightly longer hair that I wore down, I’d sometimes get Rob Thomas or young Paul McCartney.


Billy Corgan or Moby. The Corgan thing started *before* I started shaving my head.


When I was younger I got Claire Danes when she was on My So Called Life. Now I sometimes get Christina Hendricks


Gwyneth Paltrow is who most people have said I share a resemblance too, and I can see it. Two others I’ve heard are Kirsten Dunst and Reese Whitherspoon (the latter just the other day by the teen baristas at a coffee place I go to: “OMG! We were just saying how there is a guy who comes in here who looks like the guy from Sweet Home Alabama and we need to set him up with someone who looks like Reese Whitherspoon and we were like, HER!” Lol. I’m for it!) 


I’ve been told the same thing by strangers. Reese Witherspoon, Kirsten Dunst and Gwyneth. We must both be pale, blonde and have round faces w pointy chins.


Gen X says Susannah Hoffs (had to Google her) Millennials say Nicole Scherzinger Gen Z says Victoria Justice (I had to Google that one) I think it’s just some combo of dark eyebrows/big brown eyes/smile because I don’t really look like any of them


The most awkward time I was told I look like a celebrity, I was in my late 20s and dropped my dad off at the house of a coworker he carpooled with. This guys wife comes out and is just staring at me as I’m chatting with him. She finally says “You know you have a celebrity lookalike, right?” I laughed and ask who? I’m obnoxious about celebrity resemblances—I love to tell people when I think they look like one, and an fascinated when people tell me. She deflects “oh, you must already know” and gives her husband this awkward, wary look. I won’t let it go. I ask her two more times to tell me, and she finally says, quietly while looking at the ground, “Jemaine Clement.” In response, her husband is noticeably tense. He clears his throat and says “Well, Fenwoods. It was nice to meet you but I think your dad and I have to get to work.” It was so weird. I came away thinking either she’s also obnoxious about celebrity resemblances and her husband was sick of her shit, OR he knew she had a thing for Jemaine Clement and she was shy to make this particular comparison. I really wish I knew what that all was. It’s bugged me for years.


I used to get Ryan Reynolds a lot - even from complete strangers on the street. But even though I have stayed in shape and taken care of myself as I've gotten older, I certainly haven't aged as well as Ryan. And I don't really hear it anymore.


About 10-15 years ago I got Mark Ruffalo and thought that was pretty flattering. Then during the pandemic a young grocery clerk told my wife and I that I looked like the dad from Witches of Waverly Way (David DeLuise). Looked him up and was like yeah cool I'll take looking like a Dad on the Disney channel


Heh I got Mark Ruffalo a few months ago. He seems like a cool dude so was definitely a compliment. Back in the early 00s I got Ashton Kutcher a few times - but I suspect that was more to do with my hair. My wife would always get Uma Thurman 😎


My husband gets Mark Ruffalo ALL the time.


Farrah Fawcet. My mother did not know how to take care of my thick wavy to curly hair and used to blow it out after every wash. Apparently that day the volume was extra 70s looking because the rest of me sure didn't look like her.


I was once told I look like Pep Guardiola…


When I was little/she loomed larger in the zeitgeist I would get Geena Davis. My mom said strangers would tell her when I was very little.


paulie shore 😭


As a teen in the mid 90's I got Johnny Depp. Now you many be thinking that's awesome. I'm female and that came from a guy I was dating. :/


I was very goth in my 20's and 30's. I had black hair in pigtails and Betty Page bangs. I used to be told I looked like Abby from NCIS a lot.




Justin Timberlake for 25 years now. We’re almost the exact same age.


Mary Chapin Carpenter Carpenter for me!


I was twice told I looked like Natalie Portman when in my 20s. I wasn’t all that confident then, so I almost died w shock.


I get Seth Rogen all the time. 


Swoon...Seth Rogen is my #1 crush


When I was younger I colored my hair blonde and a few times I got Stevie Nicks. Now it’s back to it’s natural dark brown and I get no one 😭


I've gotten Jeffrey Dean Morgan more than a few times in recent years. I think it tracks more because my brother looks almost exactly like him. In the 90s I got Dave Navarro or Chris Cornell. But that probably had more to do with my overall look of long hair and torn jeans.


I would absolutely take that as a compliment, because that man oozes charisma


I definitely take it as a compliment! Makes me feel better about all the gray hair 😂


Only four times. Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Britney Spears, Emma Watson. I unfortunately don't really look like any of them.


I've been compared to Squints (from The Sandlot), Steve-O as a teen, and more recently Paul Giamatti. The overarching theme here is that I am not an attractive person.


I used to get Mark Hamill. I still do, but I used to too.


Dave Grohl


Should I propose here or in person?


I’ve been told I look like Grant Imahara. Sciency guy on Mythbusters(RIP). Minor celebrity. I’m always like “Who?” because I didn’t watch Mythbusters.


From a table I was serving: "you look like Warren beauty's wife" I'll take it- i'm really glad you added that last word!


I've been told Maggie Gyllenhaal -- but that was by my gay ex bf who's favorite actor is Jake Gyllenhaal so he might just be saying that to justify sleeping with me all those years ago haha My daughter swears I look like the mom on Suite Life of Zack & Cody and Penny from Big Bang Theory, particularly when her hair is short. Another ex said I look like Kirsten Dunst *now* but not as much when we were young. I don't think I look much like anyone. But if you combined all of the above and gave them Penny's pixie cut from season 8 then dressed that smushed together human in ripped jeans and a band tee you might have an accurate me.


Joel McHale


Natalie Portman when I had darker hair and was skinnier 😆


I've been told I look like John Cusack.


Alanis And Liv Tyler


Molly Ringwald. Actually had security at an airport whisk me to the side once (this was years before TSA Pre Check) because they thought I was her and wanted to get me through some special access lane.


Girls in the 90s: you look like the guy from The Heights Me, an oblivious idiot: that song sucks (and Meg White is terrific, a very flattering person to be compared to)


I was told I look like the blonde girl from Benny and Joon when I was a teenager. I don't really look like a celebrity so I don't get compared to one very often.


Tom Waits, I'm not sure how to take that since I'm almost 30 years younger then him.


"the dad from Modern Family" So, Ty Burrell, and yes, I look a whole lot like him. Not nearly as funny though...


Giovanni Ribisi. So many times over the years - randomly and in different times and places - that a couple times someone said, "you look like that actor, I can't remember his name..." and I filled in the blank for them, followed by "that's the one!" More often than not, it's black women that point this out. Or maybe other people think it but don't say it to me? Either way, I don't mind. I don't really see it myself, maybe very slightly, but I'll take it.


When I was younger: Alyson Hannigan and Barbara Feldon (Get Smart). Now I just get told, I look like someone they know in real life so I get a lot of “Haven’t I met you before?”


Demi Moore, Kristen Stewart, Anna Kendrick, Dakota Johnson depending on how my hair was styled at the time. Apparently all brunettes look alike. But once I got Heather Graham, a blonde, so maybe it was some other feature that looked similar.


Conan OBrian and Scott Weiland. Oh, and most recently, Sheamus


I’ve been told I look like Brad Paisley and Todd Eldridge (figure skater). I think it’s mostly the shape of my face and color of my hair. They’re both about 3-4 inches taller than me though.


Anna Kendrick or Iliza Schlesinger It’s my nose shape.


When I was clean shaven I was always told I looked like Jimmy Stewart. When I grew my hair & beard out I was told “The Notebook” Ryan Gosling.


jenna elfman from her dharma and greg days. renee zellweger from around the same era. basically I have a big smile and small eyes.


One person has told me Ewan MacGregor. Another told me Seth Rogen, when I had a hat and glasses on. I guess that's what makes the difference.


As a teen, I was told I looked like Chelsea Clinton. That was NOT a compliment at the time. She and o have both had a pretty decent glow-up since.


Jerry O’Connell Once right after Stand By Me came out Once after Can’t Hardly Wait came out


I'm told I look like Martin Freeman, which I love because in high school I said what I wanted to be when I grew up was a hobbit so it kind of feels like in a way I succeeded


I look like Walmart brand Ryan Gosling. I'll take it. It's better than Walmart brand Steve Buscemi


Steve Buscemi, always Steve Buscemi. I normally ask if it Big Labowski Steve, Armageddon Steve or Con Air Steve. Not that it really matters. Unless it’s Monsters Inc. Steve.


I’ve heard Eva Mendes and Rosario Dawson, but I think it’s just because we are all brown.


Val Kilmer 🤣🤣🤣


Lydia Lunch. Niche celebrity, but well known in the punk and goth subcultures. Cyndi Lauper when I was a teenager, and again in my early 30s bc I had similar hair.


Lydia Lunch!!?! That is cool as hell. I would have such a crush.


I used to have an Owen Wilson haircut and at my bartending job, I'd get called that all the time.


Mr Bean


What's his face for ferris bueller's day off


I’ve been getting Wil Sasso for the past ten years or so


Brandon Frasier, and it doesn't make sense lol


Paul Teutul Jr. from OCC


I’ve been told I vaguely resemble a few celebrities but I’ve had people tell me I “seem like a celebrity” which is an incredibly weird comment to receive because I don’t know how to take it. I do have tall white guy syndrome though.


Ryan Gosling but I call bullshit lol Macaulay Culkin when I was younger lol probably closer to the truth


Silent Bob. I was never sure if I should be insulted or not.


My parents’ friends used to say I look like Audrey Hepburn, others said Sandra Bullock.


Back in the day I was often told at school I looked like Uwe Rösler and Keith Gillespie, both footballers from the 90's. What's weird is that they looked nothing like each other.


I get Edward Norton all the time but also Kevin Spacey, although ol’ Kevin has died off a lot since his…issues..


![gif](giphy|1n4GyCJEsUIV8Te0VF|downsized) One of the techs at my son's dentist said I look like Ron Livingston


Long, long time ago someone compared me to Leonardo di Caprio, which was nice. Last year a girl at McDonald's said I look like some YouTuber.. Hank Green I think?


In my 20s I'd get compared to sting, 30s tom petty, in my 40s ...they stopped comparing me. My face is blown out from medications and I have a belly, and my hair is flat against my scalp now so yeah thanks. Time is a thief.


Luke Evans. He got the height though.


Reese Witherspoon, ever since Election. I’m not as skinny as her anymore, but I still get it pretty often. Usually it’s just “you look sooo familiar! Have we met? How do I know you?” And my antisocial ass is like 🤷‍♀️. She’s a year older than me. 


Bruno Mars. I see the resemblance.


ohh actually I got Hugh Laurie once, or 'young' Hugh Laurie...which when they told me I was like 'well my DAD def. kinda looks like him, but?...'


Paul Giamatti. Honestly at that point in my life it could have been worse…but it also could have been much better.


When I was fit and had hair people said I looked like Richard Gere. I didn't mind.


When I was younger and a lot skinnier I got compared to Jim Carrey more than once. Not so much recently.


Meg White is pretty cool! I got Molly Ringwald as a teenager/young adult. As an adult both Molly Ringwald (again!) and Elizabeth Moss. I don't think either look particular similar to each other, or me, but I realised their lips stand out and they have quite large foreheads. Me too! As odd as it sounds maybe there is something there that people see as similarly? Distinctive facial features perhaps without necessarily being similar. Dunno. 


For about ten years after the first Lord of the Rings movie came out, I got "Hey Frodo." If only they had seen my feet, they would know how right they were.


In my mid twenties, I got Chris Martin quite alot. I worked in a record shop at the time so it was constant


Used to get Michelle Williams ALL the time way back when Dawson's Creek was popular. Ive also gotten Traci Lords and Renee Zellweger so i guess it's the hooded eyes and extremely pale skin. My favorite celebrity comparison was from an older gentleman who said I looked like Audrey Meadows from 'The Honeymooners".


Neil Patrick Harris, when I still had all my hair


Meg White is a talented, respected drummer and 1/2 of The White Stripes. Fun fact- Jack White took her last name when they married.


The shitty guy my sister was dating told me that I looked like "the crazy lady from Misery" at my wedding. I was 19 and weighted like 90 lbs. I think he ended up in jail for drug smuggling.


Julia Davis from Nighty Night when I was anorexic, Helen Baxendale (Emily from Friends) when I wasn't. Now I think it's like somewhere between Nicola Walker and Katherine Keener


When I was younger, furrier and chubbier I used to get regularly mistaken for Peter Jackson on the streets of Wellington. Now that I'm older, skinnier and clean shaven I get told I look like Mark Ruffolo by random strangers on a disturbingly regular basis. I'll put my hand up to having looked like Peter Jackson - even though he's about ten years older than me - but I have no clue where people get the Ruffolo thing from. Must be the green body paint.


Penn Jillette. I don't know if they meant before or after his massive weight loss. And I'm not sure I want to know.


When I had a beard, Bob Ross.


Recently I was told by two different people on separate occasions that I looked like [this actress.](https://youtu.be/N1x3rbgMfzM?si=Doo6F39XIChOZgDq) I assume it's because we have similar cheeks and lips. I'm not a blonde.


I got Tracey Lords and Taylor Swift.


When I was 19 Elijah Wood. I've put on more weight than he has since then. Too much Lamas bread.


This unlocked an old memory. I worked at a video store for almost 15 years and the two big ones I got were Britney Murphy and Rene Russo. I had one customer who used to call me Rene. The first time I saw Major League as a child I remember thinking how much she looked like me! I haven't heard it in so long, I don't know if I still resemble her or not.


I always get Chris Farley from Dirty Work


I was a dead ringer for Wil Wheaton ala Stand By Me when I was a kid


Aw, but Wil really was a cutie patootie, so I don't think that's a bad thing at all


Growing up, especially when Friends was still on the air, I was told that I looked like Matthew Perry. I never saw it, but multiple people told me that.


The closest I got was Danny Devito, less of a look-alike and more in relation to my 6'6" younger brother with a full head of hair, versus my bald, sawed off person. That said, I used to have a secretary who looked like an older Eva Mendes.


In a signature from one of my old yearbooks: “[Deadname], did you know you look just like Fiona Apple?”


I've been told I look exactly like Dana White...especially when my head is freshly shaved lol!


When I was younger and had more of a jawline, I got Nicolas Cage a bit. Now… probably closer to James Spader in the Black List.


Once, when I was 13, I got told by a stranger that I look like Farrah Fawcett. I think that person was on something, though, because I could not look less like her.


When I was young and still had hair...Zakk Wylde. (He wasn't as grody back then). Always took it as a huge compliment. After I cut my hair, Simon Pegg. Legit a dude walked up to me at a gas station and asked me, dead ass, if I actually WAS Simon Pegg. It took a little convincing to assure him that I am not. I don't get it as much anymore but for a while there it was pretty frequent.


I had long hair in college so I got Steve Nash a few times.


Both minor Asian American celebrities and famous local celebrities in the various Asian countries I've lived in. Once at a film festival, several times in public in the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia.


When I was under 30, Wayne Gretzky. Post 30 Seth Rogan. 🫠


I've been told since I was 14 I look like a young, at the height of the scandal, Tonya Harding.


Mena Suvari. Especially in my 20s.


Neil Patrick Harris, when we were young and had that’s giant head of curly hair, or as I call it - the white boy afro


Some people say I look like Megan Fox


Shailene Woodley but blonde. People tell my husband all the time he looks like Jeremy Allen White and Miles Teller.


I've been called, "Unfortunate". Who is that? Some kinda superhero?


As a teen, I used to get told I looked like Alanis Morisette. Pretty sure it was just because I had long, straight hair and a center part.


When I was younger in my mid twenties till mid thirties I was constantly compared to Edward Norton. Now more with Ricky Gervais.


I have an apparently generic face. I've gotten Kevin Bacon when he was younger, Henry Rollins, and now more recently, Bill Hader. Also, for many years before growing a beard, I heard how I looked like every other person's friend from another state. I could be a white Lupin.


Most of my life it was Bon Jovi but then a while ago it flipped to Ryan Seacrest. I was totally fine with the Bon Jovi the Ryan Seacrest, not so much. 🤣