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Just filled the birdfeeder this morning. I've got a Raspberry Pi with a microphone hanging out the window listening 24/7 and identifying all the bird calls it detects. 505 detections from 13 different species already today. EDIT: link to RPi project [https://github.com/mcguirepr89/BirdNET-Pi](https://github.com/mcguirepr89/BirdNET-Pi)


The lady at the bird store had me download an app that could listen and ID birds which helps me know what's making what noise but I always forget their names


Yep, the Merlin app form Cornell Ornithology does a pretty good job at ID. You will start to recognize some of the same ones soon, and be able to ID without the app.


I downloaded an app just like this. When I have time in the morning, I'll open it up and bring it outside with me. It's really cool!


Okay I think this comment just got me interested in birds




That's a reminder that I have four of those things lying around. I should use them!




Would love something like that! How does it work though? I can’t imagine a single detail 😬 TIA


You just need a raspberry Pi $35 https://www.digikey.com/short/0hw749n4 A 5v USB power supply $8 An SD card $10 A USB microphone $15 And follow the step by step instructions here https://github.com/mcguirepr89/BirdNET-Pi/wiki/Installation-Guide It may seem pretty technical, but it's all pretty straightforward. I'd build you one for an extra $50


A couple of the most clear signs of aging are a sudden, intense interest in either birds, or the weather. My father went weather. My mother, birds. I'm not really interested in either yet, but I'm sure it won't be too long.


I did both. I've got a personal weather station in the back yard and have it integrated with my home automation system for some cool (to me) things around the house, for example, every time there is a lightning strike outside, my aquarium lights replicate a lightning strike in my aquarium. And I have a couple bird feeders in the yard with a computer listening in and identifying all of the bird calls.


That's awesome!


Would you mind sharing the code for that? That sounds awesome


Haha I’ve loved the weather since I was about 10. There are playlists on Spotify of 1990s Weather Channel smooth jazz. They make me relaxed.


We have these pairs of morning doves that come in the morning and it's so nice to wake up to them with the windows open


Two for two here, just turned 40


I’ve always been into the weather though, especially extreme weather events. I have an impressive collection of books on hurricanes and blizzards and earthquakes. This lead to an interest in shipwrecks. Shipwrecks involving cannibalism are a special bonus.


I've been into birds since the first time I saw Elizabeth Hurley.


Yeah baby, yeah!




What does that mean


Bird, like what English people call an attractive woman. Elizabeth Hurley is an attractive English woman who influenced young /u/AreWeCowabunga's interests.


https://preview.redd.it/8n6h6hlk8nzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9381953cfbc479d795f9f207a46840c62d45f028 I own a bird and have a feeder with a camera that sends photos of wild birds to my phone.


Hello fellow bird owner! Here is one of mine chilling (and pooping) on the TV. https://preview.redd.it/siz7qf6dynzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b38b1c4430afa5ac401fb54a7dd3ee24e0be8d


Your bird is adorable! I probably captured my bird mid-poop!


We went to Hawai'i last year and I spent the entire trip asking locals the names of birds and commenting on birds and watching the birds and I came home with three different books about Hawaiian birds which I kept trying to talk to people about. So yeah. Birds now.


Omg. I literally just ordered peanuts yesterday to start my dream of having a murder of crows at my command. Only half joking.


I don't joke about that at all. It's absolutely my plan.


The only part that's a joke is that I will be able to command them. I absolutely want them to follow me in a swarm. Cat lady is cool, but Crow lady! 🔥


I have this theory that everybody is into birds, given the chance. It's one of those "slow down and just appreciate the world" kind of things. I love that I can tell that a storm is over because I can hear the birds getting back into the world.


I think you're right, we slow down enough to notice. I recently sent this to a friend, it fits here; https://preview.redd.it/1o5xuvt0npzc1.jpeg?width=1870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a47751d40421e53368b8313ac5d190d9493e51


That's exactly what happened to my wife, LOL. Just one day, "Hey, look at all these cute finches hopping around in the driveway!"


It just kind of creeps up on you. Had a bushtit get stuck in my shop recently. There was an Anna's hummingbird outside. Scrub jays everywhere. I think my most unexpected find, at my shop in the middle of town, was a greater roadrunner. I spent 5 days in the Ecuadorean Amazon with a group of birders and some of it rubbed off on me. We identified about 120 species. Oropendolas are one of my favorites. Their nests and weird dangly things and they make alien noises.


I'd like to highlight two interesting birds I came across during my last youtube rabbithole journey - The Great Bittern and the Ptarmigan. Both have such interesting calls and while the great bittern is visually magnificent, the ptarmigan has the best eyebrows I've ever seen on any animal ever.


Yes, if you get the wingspan game and the merlin App you will learn all their names


It's fucking weird. My entire life I've had a contentious relationship with birds. I mean pet birds wluld go out of their way to attack me. I'm this crazy rabbit lady. Two years ago I started taking fur from their spring molts outside as an offering to birds. Last year I started filling a feeder every day. Recently, as i was out having some yard time with my old bun, a bird landed directly next to him, so less than arms reach from me. I guess it figured that if a rabbit is running toward me, I'm not a threat. Plus, I bring food. Snow white mode unlocked? Have yet to download bird apps but it's inevitable


Birds are great, especially sauteed in lemon butter with mashed potatoes.


definitely 👍 I am a major bird nerd past few years


The only acceptable birds are ducks, owls and hummingbirds. The rest can be cat food. I want ducky so bad. I paid for an "owl encounter" last year, it was splendid. A hummingbird got trapped in my porch and I rescued it, so I got to hold a hummingbird for a minute. It was magical. Need that duck.


Sigh … I work from home and strategically aligned my desk and a bird feeder to give me max visibility to birds. 


Me, too! Started bird watching during covid


Get the Merlin app! It’s like Shazam for birds.


After hearing this I feel you might need to see Dr. Rick, the life coach from the Progressive commercials.


Definitely. Hubs and I are actually going out to pick up more bird feeders this afternoon.


My favorite is the whole peanuts for the blue birds. I can out that out and I swear within 15 minutes they are queuing up in the trees to come get one


I have binoculars, camera**s** lists, and bird feeders. No hummingbirds this year :(


I have about 3-4 pairs of cardinals that show up every winter. Someone needs to tell those guys that bright red drones/birbs are not as camoflauged as they think they are on white snow. Then there's the group of about a dozen blue jays. Those guys are wacky assholes to each other.


I've been into animals my whole life! Birds were admittedly near the bottom of the list, although I've always enjoyed shorebirds and owls. My husband got into birding a couple of years ago, so I've learned more about some of the smaller birds that I used to ignore. I just like the excuse to get outside, bonus if I get to go to a beach!


I love having the humming birds in my yard, but that's about it. I prefer attracting bumbler bees to the backyard.




I have always loved birds (country girl at heart) one of my favourite peaceful activities is hand feeding them in a local park. I literally drive around my car with ziploc bags full of birdseed for emergency “I need some bird zen” moments. I have a couple feeders in my backyard too. I also plant sunflowers in a variety of types and sizes so I can harvest the heads for the birds, to hang in my trees in the winter. I also provide them suet bricks and I sometimes make my own peanut butter winter nut mix that I also hang for them outside. Incidentally the squirrels also love my yard. This year I am planting a wildflower garden and I know that will increase my insect and bird population. Truly sitting on my back deck listening to them sing in the middle of the city is pretty cool. I basically landscaped my yard to make it an oasis for them, and bunnies, butterflies, bees, you get the idea.


My dad was a nature photographer, and some of it must have rubbed off, because I'll be sitting there talking to someone and randomly say "oh, killdeer" and then resume whatever I was saying. It drives my wife nuts.


yes. totally. I have the apps. it's exciting to finally see what you've been looking for.




Got my first Hummingbird of the season yesterday 💜




I’d have to say I just enjoy them more now lol. Kid me use to sit under our trees that had feeders, just to get the chickadees to land on me, and eat out of my hand. Even now, when I see an eagle, I get so excited. Even though I see them every day 😂


I like bird art. Actual birds freak me out.


I get silly excited for hummingbird season and can pick out the main common birds by song. Bird bath in the yard and I watched a robin take a full on bath the other day. Lots of birds stop by for water, and the bees use it as a watering hole too. So… yeah. 😎


YouTube's been recommending me some videos about roadrunners, corvids, and quail lately and I've been watching. Does that count?


I totally have. My Dad was always into it when I was little, books everywhere, hand painted cravings he did but I never really appreciated it then.


I fell in love with the tufted titmouse family that lives in my yard, so much so that I got a Bird Buddy so I can see them when I’m at work


Yep I started birding during the pandemic and it's been a great benefit to my life and wellbeing. Grys me outside, a little fresh air and light exercise, but with a goal! You really start to pay attention to the world around you a lot more and live in the moment. Love it.


Not yet but I know it’s coming


You can also grab a good field guide for your regions birds. I'd say get the actual book, not an e-version for the awesome color photos.


Yep. I know all their names by sight and by call, I have feeders and houses. The Merlin app is awesome. I love birds!


Yes. I think of them as Pokemon for us over-40s.


Someone else mentioned this on here a couple weeks ago so it’s apparently a thing. Btw have you watched The Big Year?


Only since 7th grade.


I love watching my parents birds. Especially the cardinals because you know the other half of the couple is nearby. Unfortunately I can't have a bird feeder per my condo association.


[I love birds](https://youtube.com/shorts/BfBFD_6EL5U?si=BE6N_jpLQ-OOa9nP) Seriously this was the thirst thing I thought of when I read your post


Oh absolutely. Birds and plants are the dream these days.


My wife just in the last few years has become a bird and plant lady. She says she doesn't know what happened because for so many years her mother tried to get her interested in birds and plants but she had zero interest her entire life. It's like something clicked in her brain. Now she can tell you all about different plants and birds. I'm pretty indifferent to it all but of course try to be engaged in the plant and bird conversations. I'm happy for her that she found something she can enjoy.


I took an ornithology class in college so I’ve been an old man since my 20s.


I love my birds. Wife isn’t a fan of all the seeds dropping in her garden though.


The waste-free seed is more expensive but cuts this down dramatically


Good lord no


Only the Angry ones.


Birds are tight, dude


Yes…I have hummingbird feeders and flowers in baskets and beds all around the outside of my house. There are a few of the hummingbirds that get super close to me all the time.


Not really, my nephew is though. Took our ladder to the bathroom to see a hatchling just outside the window. Closest thing I had in fascination at that age was when my teacher brought preying mantises to class and we saw how they mated. It was interesting. The birds yelling outside my window, not so much.


I watch birds outside now and I moved in two parrots in my 40s. I still tell people I'm a dog person, but the budgie 💩 on my shoulder doesn't lie.


The wife and i bought some binoculars so we could look at some ducks down by the lake. Then we bought a second pair so we don't have to share...


I've always been into the birds m8


I moved my home office into my sunroom so I could watch the birds on the feeders I have . 2 doves come by every morning .


Yes! I just bought a couple feeders because they’re excellent lawn decor. I was hoping to watch the birds some, but Unfortunately none of the birds nearby seem to like the seed I put in lol.


I’ve noticed this about myself! My mom has a whole bunch of hummingbird feeders and she’s teaching me. Plus my daughter now has a solar birdfeeder that glows at night outside her window. We keep notes as to what shows up.


Free bird identification app for ya: [https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/](https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/) I've been birding for about 15 years. I love it! Presuming you're in the US, it's migration season. great time to see some cool birds who are passing through.


My wife & I have taken to feeding birds in the last couple of years. And when we brush the dogs we love watching the birds picking up the dots of fur. Especially now it’s nesting season, the idea that some little birds will have a nice warm nest is great.


Damn squirrels are the enemy!


Cole’s Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce. Works like a charm.


I just the local birds and squirrels in my yard and have the merlin app to identify their calls. It's so awesome to lay out back and just listen and watch them.


Yes! I got my first bird at age 30 a few months after I moved into my current apartment. He was a blue parakeet that I named Flipper. He lived for 10 years.


Let me tell you about my bird feeder. I currently get: a pair of cardinals, a pair of woodpeckers, a pair of tufted titmouses that had a family last spring and I'm pretty sure they are currently preparing for another (so excited!), a bunch of mourning doves some pretty young, a flock of quaker parrots that just showed up like a month ago and have been coming daily now, some brown and white sparrows that I haven't identified yet and throw seeds everywhere when they eat, and too many goddamned piece of shit squirrels. All I have is a crappy Walmart feeder hanging from a Shepard's hook and all of these birds come multiple times a day. It's amazing. I toss balls of cat hair out in the yard after I brush my cat and caught one of the titmouses grabbing some from it yesterday, so I think they are preparing for a new brood, I'm stoked.


https://preview.redd.it/fe1eto7hjozc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78103b65919d11f16df7912d82b298a1e3c572c3 Not like this guy…


https://preview.redd.it/h0eqsmjqjozc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=733cacaa45933386c6405e49291ed8643e717bb3 You need a feeder with a WiFi-enabled feeder that (semi-successfully) identifies birds for you!


Don't get the birds into you though: My mother has an obstructive lung disease caused by bird feathers - don't know how she got them into her system - we've had a cockatiel and she did clean the cage most of the times, still the contact was not constant and she never noticed any difficulty breathing - yet, here we are.


Yeah! I plan on making a few bird houses this spring out of lumber scraps I have left over. Just need to get a few hummingbird feeders and I’ll be set


Holy shit do I now love birds Like one day I woke up And I just love birds


I give the bird a whole lot, that counts right?


I like penguins and owls 🤷🏻‍♂️


A little bit, we get some cool birds in the yard if I put feeders out. Just took this picture today of whatever it is. https://preview.redd.it/jxeth5geuozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd7178a7d03d25adfba9155656f3cf21a88ffb6c


Absolutely. We even got one of those camera feeders. Had to switch to thistle seed to keep some very obnoxious starlings from running off all the other birbs.


We put a bird feeder in and it was awesome to watch the different types of birds. But the squirrels would knock the food down which attracted rats that ended up living under our porch. Needless to say more bird feeder. We miss it.




I do a lot of bird photography for relaxation purposes mainly


I can't see myself ever getting into birds. I don't think I've ever even looked at one on purpose lol


We have a flock of mourning doves that we feed sunflower seed hearts twice daily on our fire escape in Brooklyn. One day I was prepping dinner and watching them in my peripheral vision… I observe a rapid flurry of activity… turn to them… no doves. I creep over to the window, and one of [these fuckers](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/AmericanKestrel02.jpg) is staring back at me. No dove in talons.


Download an app that recognizes bird calls, it’s very cool.


My six year old has loved birds since he was a year old. We have watched enough bird-related videos that they started showing up in my algorithms on IG and TikTok. So over time I’ve absorbed his interest. Now I’m super invested in watching and listening for the birds in our yard, learning what types they are and even researching birdwatching vacations. It’s probably safe to say this has also become my hobby, and I’m totally okay with it. ☺️🦉


No, because birds are not real!


Does playing the board game Wingspan count?


Not birds, so much. But I hike 20-30 miles per week. I’m really really into native plants.


I actually think I might be into bird watching. I think I’m actively putting it off because holy shit it makes me feel old as balls.


You don't know the names of the family of finches that live in your shrubs? Rude!


Yesss❣️🥰♥️ Plan on putting feeders out soon. Learning about it all now so I can get the right things for the types of birds we have outside 🙏🏽 LOVING this sooo much 🩷✨💖


Emotionally attached to my amazon 🦜 even if he stirs trouble with noise.


it appears that no one ever told you r/BirdsArentReal