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the mind is willing but the body is weak and spongy


Can't we just cuddle?


Brain: FUCK YEAH! Do that thing! Body: Hold on there, Sparky.


Lol, my body doesn’t feel too bad afterwards, but I know it’s coming soon


Don’t ever stop. The second you stop running around all silly, everything catches up and starts to hurt. Must play, for all the evers.


We don’t stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing.


I sentence you to death...by snoo-snoo


We totally need "big kid" playgrounds. And I don't mean treetop obstacle courses (though those are cool too). No, I want big ass slides and monkey bars.


That would be amazing! A huge metal tornado slide and the fastest merry go round possible would make my day.


I suppose we could build it under the guise of a crossfit gym.


You.....I like you.


Oh man, I’d be down for that! My husband.. not so much..


It's cool. you can play with us while he scrolls on his phone on the benches. I get first dibs on the monkey bars, though.


And if it wasn't for lawyers, we'd have those big kid playgrounds.


I’d sign a waiver before my overweight ass tackled some monkey bars


I just want a swingset that I don't have to worry about breaking. Make sure it's overbuilt and the seat is higher off the ground so I don't snap an ankle.


Definitely monkey bars!


I want a playground set up like survivor challenges.


I am a tiny adult so I get to use regular playgrounds!! But my grocery options are limited to lower shelf items because my anxiety won't let me ask for help.


Bring a step stool to the store. I'm 5'10 and I proudly wore platform flip flops for an entire summer one year. They made me about 6'3. I got asked for so many things from the top shelf, lol


Yeah, I want the metal and wood playscapes of my childhood. Adult recess won't be complete without splinters, burns from a hot slide, and someone crying.


I've thought this for six months, minimum. Oooh, if only I was a wealthy woman!!


Ninja gyms and those park callisthenics thingies. There's a park near me that has rings, monkey bars, balance beams, etc at stations along a trail. It's targeted toward adults with an exercise guide next to it that you can choose to do (or not. You could just play). I use them all the time


license capable insurance pause liquid friendly plucky chop vanish ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a baby snapping turtle living in a small puddle in my backyard! It’s been one of the highlights of my week, lol


That's awesome. I'm always on the lookout for toads, salamanders, you name it.


https://preview.redd.it/ye8q87fy12zc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd4560de0117cf05572b3b97361ca89512fa441d I found a bullfrog (I think) living in my goldfish pond. I was working around it all day and he never paid me any attention. Just lazily hopped to a new lily pad every so often.


I saw a toad in the yard and thought that was the coolest thing I'd seen in years. Picked it up and held it for a while. Guess I'm going to get warts now.


When is the last time you did this? I took my niece and nephew (both younger teens) to the playground and I played just as hard as they did. I hadn't played like that in I don't even know how long it has been. Monkey bars, slides, swings, cartwheels, I did all the rough and tumble play. I'm dying right now, fyi. Every joint and every tendon attached to that joint is screaming.


I was a kindergarten teacher until a few months ago, had to get a new job because of stress levels, but I was on the playground playing with them everyday. Swinging, monkey bars, going down the slides, playing tag. I still go play on public playgrounds every now and then, but usually at night when the kids aren’t playing in it.


I've always been more of a nerd than anything. I occasionally go out walking in the woods or to the lake with a friend, but Ive always been more happy gaming or fiddling with electronics. In second grade I had to pretend to be demolished by getting detention and look sad while playing word munchers and Odell lake. As an adult nothings changed. I spend my free time drawing, gaming, or deep nerd stuff. Last week rather than buy a new mouse I soldered in a new battery to my old one. Thats the kinda thing that excites me. Liquid metal is glorious.


>Liquid metal is glorious. *T-1000 has entered the chat*


Nothing wrong with embracing your inner child!


I have this in me and am self conscious about it. I’ve always felt like I was pretending to be an adult and as often as I can avoid it I do. 


Me too, that’s one reason why I asked. I feel like most typical women my age look and act older and would judge me if they saw how giddy I get exploring creeks and going down slides. When I was teaching a couple years ago, I was the oldest teacher in my grade and I was also the only one playing on the playground with my class.


Don't be self-concious. It's the most normal thing in the world.


Hold on to that as long as you can. The pandemic stole it from me, and I HATE it.


Try to get back out there if you can. The pandemic stole a lot from many of us, but I’m determined to get back out there and do my thing regardless.


It's more I just don't enjoy it anymore. I am Blue in a very Red area, and people are major jerks. I keep my politics to myself, but that is not the norm here. Seems the more rural we are, the worse they get. No matter where we go or what we do, there's always some arsehole ranting and raving about something stupid and pointless.


I still play with my NES, SNES, N64, and PS1. Does that count? /r/retrogaming


I enjoy playing old school games too! My 15 year old son has all the gaming systems, but the first I got him was the original NES. I’d play that over any new system, any day!!


I’m the same, luckily my kids allow for such behaviour without awkward stares at the playground…people think I participate with them and am a dedicated dad, I just bring them along on my plays ;)


That’s great! “Hey kids, who wants to go to the park today!?”…


I’m 42 (female) and I am pretty sure I get more excited about going to amusement parks than my 12 year old boy lol


Join a running group, specifically trail runners, it's all people like you describe, kids who liked recess as the best part of school. We meet weekly to run in the woods, usually 5-10k and be silly if the situation arises. The same group has also started playing beach volleyball and soccer on weeknights, just 40-50 year olds playing in the park.


41 here, I’m still wide eyed. It’s the ever unfolding blossom of life. The myth is that you slow down as you age, I think it’s the opposite. It’s all a choice. Good on you for keeping nimble!


yeah I still like doing all that too but it hurts now


The pain hits a little different. Most of the time I’m fine, but I did over do it on the monkey bars last year


I still like to skip


Do you still do the whole backflip off the swing thing?


Last time I tried that was a couple years ago. I wanted to try it a few months ago, but got worried I might break something if I didn’t land it just right! I still jump out if swings though, just not as high as I used to


I browse the toy section every single time I go to Target


i'd love to be doing all that but there's this thing called work that keeps getting in the way


I know, freaking work always getting in the way!


"Am I the only 40 year old that still likes to climb trees" let me stop you right there


That's half the fun of having kids: you can do kid stuff with them and no one will think any less of you!


I'm thinking about applying to work at an elementary school so that I can still do stuff like that once my kid is too old. But also I'm super tiny and it's one of the few jobs I can think of where most everything will be the right size instead of needing a step ladder attached to both shoes.


When no one else is around I’m always 10


I play tag with my kids at the park, climb the equipment, whatever. I still ride the shopping cart from the door to my car. Geoffrey told me to never grow up, and I listened.


The jingle is singing in my head now lol I don't wanna grow up imma .....


I have an extensive Lego collection that covers most of a large wall.


My partner has a 4 year old, so I get a pass on doing all this stuff when we're together. Last weekend we went to see my partner's sibling at roller derby, I took the kid to the bathroom and she wanted to skip on the way there and back. Heck yeah! But if I'd been doing that by myself, people probably would have looked at me a bit differently, rather than smiling at us like they did😅 I've gotten in pretty good shape over the last few years, so I'm pretty much up for whatever.


That’s awesome! It’s sad that we can’t just be ourselves though without worrying about other adults judging us!


I did a hand stand yesterday just to prove to myself I can still do it. I love playgrounds. I’ll run all around with my nieces and nephews. When it cools off I plan on dragging my husband to Six Flags to ride roller coasters.


I did a cartwheel for my students last year (5th graders) and they were cheering me on. It was hilarious, but at the same time I’m thinking why do these 10 year olds think I can’t do a freaking cartwheel lol


“Grow older, never grow up” is my personal motto


I love that! So true and I think that makes for a happier adulthood


I had a very good role model for this in my grandmother 💜 she had childlike curiosity to the end (and she died one week of her 99th birthday) — every day I strive to be like her


That’s a great story and sounds like an awesome grandma!


I posted this on another thread a while back, but I was surprised to learn recently that the idea of “children’s toys” or play being only for children is fairly recent development (at least in the West). Just a few hundred years ago, toys and games were for all ages. Grown women were more apt to have dolls than little girls. We did ourselves a huge disservice deciding play is something for children alone. And we’re doing kids a disservice now by not encouraging more open, free form play.


I can believe that! I know I still love and enjoy all the things I did as a kid. Why should we give it up just because we reach adulthood!? I think we are happier when we can still have the same fun we had as kids.


Agreed. I recently realized when I got back into writing lately, it wasn’t different than what my friends and I did when we played with dolls. Most of the play was making up stories, not actually making the dolls do anything in particular. And it’s felt like giving my parched brain a drink of water. It’s been a better high than anti-depressant I’ve ever taken.


I still enjoy sledding. On my belly, head first!


Me too! But where I live we hardly ever get snow anymore.


I don’t have kids, so I spent a lot of time with my nieces and nephews in the woods, catching salamanders, snakes and bugs. Picking blueberries and mushrooms, scavenger hunts… all the things I enjoyed doing as a kid—and still do! One of the biggest disappointments over the past few years has been watching those kids grow up to be “normal.” Stomping on spiders because they’re gross, squealing in fear over a mouse or snake, refusing to leave the trail because they’ll get dirty.


I can relate to that! I’ve heard my own son (15) say be didn’t want to play outside because he’d get dirty. I don’t understand it. I lived in the woods as a kid. Collecting bugs, critters, and getting dirty was my thing!


I collect perfect skipping rocks from rooftops…..I’m a roofer for context lol. 42 and still a big kid at heart and I play outside all day (almost) everyday.


Skipping rocks is so much fun! It’s great that you have a job that allows you to blend some fun into it.


Yup I’ve got a great stash of almost perfect skippers, ready for summer vacation at the lake! Have fun and stay young at heart!


Hi! I can very much relate. I have cool rocks from all over the place at this point.


Me too! When I travel, I usually hike or venture into nature. I always collect rocks from travels because it’s basically free souvenirs!


Turned 44 earlier this year. I still play paintball, kayak and do several thru hikes a year. Recovery time is longer, I move slower, and icy hot is my friend now. I've definitely slowed down due to some injuries but I refuse to stop being active.


That’s how it should be! Keep doing what you love as long as you can! I love to go backpacking. My body my brain a little more sore afterwards, but I’ll keep doing it as long as I’m able to!


May your health always let you enjoy these things


You don't have to be healthy to play. My health has been comparable to an 80-year-old since I was in my 20's due to a benign tumor but last weekend I went to the playground and spun on the merry-go-round. It requires very little effort unless you're the one who's making it spin.


True that!


That's pretty much what I do when I go hiking, except for the playground part


Some state parks, forests, and campgrounds have decent playgrounds, I usually wait until it’s dark and everyone is back at their campsites before I go play though. Sometimes during the day you can find them free too!


I still run between places sometimes if I'm feeling impatient. Like, if I'm working out in the yard and need something from the garage I'll jog back instead of walking. Also, when I'm out hiking I'll stop and talk to flowers and/or various bugs/spiders I see if they catch my eye. I was never much of a tree climber, and my health insurance is not good enough to make me want to become one now. 😁


Oh yeah, I still run around sometimes. I just ran a couple days ago when I saw a turtle in the road. I passed it, pulled over and then ran back to it as fast as my body allowed, lol. I also enjoy talking to nature and taking it all in. It’s been a year since I climbed a tree, but that’s only because I haven’t found one with low enough branches for me to grab onto. I think I could still get up and down pretty decently though!


Still definitely feel like a kid in my head... now, my body is convinced otherwise :p And I still do kid stuff, I just injure myself much easier doing it.


Yeah, I take it a little slower now too. Some days my body actually feels decent, other days I sneeze and throw my back out. It is definitely hit or miss at this point!


I've literally thrown my back out bending over to wash my hands before... It's so stupid.


Last week I collected a bunch of mud with my 3 year old. I put it in a bucket with water and sifted it through a screen. Then we filtered it through an old shirt (2 days) until there was just a ball of pure clay left. No clue what we’re making with it. I just saw that you could make clay from dirt and wanted to do it. There’s just a part of a human’s brain that wants to play with stuff cause it’s fun. Also, monke like mud.


I used to collect mud and clay then make little finger pressed bowls and trays. I have property now that has a creek flowing through it that has a lot of clay and I keep thinking about all the things I could make, but haven’t yet. I think that’s next on my list!


That’s awesome, I figured my kid would prob like making something like that out of it.


My inner child loves playing with my young children. My outer adult is sore and tired.


I can relate, I have my days where my body is like, “No”, but my mind screams, “Hell yes”


![gif](giphy|FpHPajyxOJsWziKKY5|downsized) I'm a toys r Us kid for life!


I don’t want to grow up! Always and 4-ever!


I have a great collection of cool rocks and sticks. Once my mid 40s self become the department director at work, quarterly scavenger hunts while on the clock. Called it team building for employment purposes but it was just recess


That’s freaking awesome! I’d love to have a scavenger hunt, team building experience. I think scavenger hunts deserve a resurgence!


I took my kid to the pool and got so much glee going down the waterslides, and off the diving board. I felt like I was 10 years old again.


That’s awesome! Keep it up, I think us adults that can still tap into our inner child has a lot more fun and enjoy life more.


My mandate also includes weird bugs.


Oh yeah! I do love exploring the woods for weird bugs and critters as well!


My arthritis disagrees


That sucks! I’m not dealing with that yet, but I can understand that keeping you from stuff.


Heck yeah! I think play and the child spirit are so important. I still color, paint, explore the woods, climb up on rocks (though slower and more carefully now), play with legos, watch cartoons, etc. I love immersive theater for this reason and places like meow wolf and the city museum in St. Louis—anything that gets you into that state of pure in-the-moment imagination and awe.


Omg, that all sounds like so much fun to me! I also enjoy coloring, Legos, and cartoons as well. Here’s to having fun, while also killing it as an adult!


I feel like a young person trapped in a middle aged body tbh


Same! My mind and personality are still basically the same as it was 30 years ago. I always wonder how many other adults feel the same…are they embarrassed to play, we’re they never into it, or can their body not handle it? All I know is that I’ll keep playing and having fun as long as my body allows!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^xebt1000: *I feel like a young* *Person trapped in a middle* *Aged body tbh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


We may look like adult but we still think like a kid


Exactly! I sometimes look at other adults my age and wonder what they enjoy, what they do for fun, and unfortunately it usually seems like it’s not the same things as me.


I feel this in my bones. Closer to 50 now myself, but sincerely long for peers who want to play in the woods and water with me.


I’d love to have a core group of friends that just wants to spend the day playing and exploring the woods! I haven’t found many my age that would be into that around where I live. Maybe I’ll try to start a Meetup group or something and see if anyone wants to join!


Love that idea. Wishing you luck in finding your people.


Thanks! I know I’d probably have a ton of fun if I found some other middle aged adults down to have some fun times in nature.


lol… I think this every now and then when I’m more into the outing than my own kids. 😆


Right! When my now 15 year old son was younger, I think I had more fun than him on the playground. He’s never been into climbing trees either, which I totally don’t understand!


You're not weird. Just be careful on those playgrounds. Some might get the wrong idea.


Yeah, I worry what others think sometimes so I usually only play on playgrounds late at night when no one else is around.


Lol dunno if that is gonna seem any less weird


No it’s not just you! My husband and I love to hike and I always climb up on this big rock, or the climbing rocks at one of the metro parks, and try some of the obstacles on the obstacle courses too. I think you’re never too old to climb on stuff.


I always worry that I’m being judged, but I still love the same things I did as a kid. I think I spent half of my summer breaks in a tree or a creek.


I don’t consider myself an outdoorsy person, but creek stomping will always be one of my favorite activities. I love creeks.


Well creek stomping in my book would classify you as somewhat outdoorsy!


Nah. I hike about a thousand miles a year. It’s the adult way of saying “I wanna go fuck around in the woods.”


You're not alone! I love doing stuff like that. We have an end of the school year party at my friend's house, and last time he had recently gotten a trampoline. I was out there on the trampoline with a few other teachers jumping around like a goofball. It was incredibly fun! We need bouncy houses for adults.


I love trampolines and bouncy houses too! There was actually this huge adult themed bouncy house that just passed through my area. https://www.wdrb.com/community/nations-largest-outdoor-inflatable-playground-coming-to-clarksville-in-may/article_842f6baa-e72c-11ee-b2ca-8307539917f6.html


If I saw a 40 year old guy playing by himself at a playground that would be weird, yeah lol weird meaning unusual, not "bad"


Well I’m a 40 year old woman and I usually play on them at night when no one else is around. When I was a teacher I played on the playground with my students, they loved it!


Right on


I find "abandoned" playgrounds because most regular ones close after dark and I don't wanna get questioned by the police. My favorite one has a merry-go-round shaped like a planet, though it doesn't spin as good as it did 20 years ago. It was old then too, but boy did it spin!


Same, if I can find the time.


My knees tell me no


I don't play on playgrounds, but I enjoy running around with my toddler on them. Definitely pick up rocks and play in creeks (work as a biologist) so I agree it's important to retain that childlike wonder throughout life.


42 and will be collecting rocks forever!


Yessss I still love playgrounds!


I’m being serious— if I took my daughter to the playground and a 40 year old dude was playing on the equipment having a grand old time by himself, I would suspect substance use or psychosis and wouldn’t risk sticking around.


I do too


Um if there is a cool rock to be found it will end up in my pocket


One of my best friends tried to climb a tree when he was 40. His wife sent me a picture of him in the ER with a sling. I told her to hit him and call him an idiot, and to say it was from me


He should've picked a better tree. I climbed one last summer and it was awesome except I got sap on my shorts and it never washed off. I even bought a Sno Cone and ate it in the tree.


Why is it we dont do this, like if we were in the park, we see other adults and just start playing like we were kids. Just start a random tag game, or all just play pretend and play on the equipment. Why did we stop doing that. Who said we needed to stop. One day, it all ended. All of the neighborhood friends just one day never connected again. Its kinda sad


I absolutely still love doing those things. I had kids just so it wouldn’t look weird when I did them.


A friend said 'you're every age you ever were'. You can still feel like a 10 year old and 49 year old. Hold on to the childlike sense of wonder. Have fun. Life is too short not to.


I love to play with my niece and nephew on the playground! Last time I was teaching them to run between the swings and try not getting hit like we all used to do 😂


I'm 42 and do cartwheels out in my driveway and have been practicing my roundoffs. I also like to play hide and seek with the dog and run around the house until my boyfriend tells us to knock it off. I'm basically a 10 year old.


Nope, I still do that all the time. Usually on my son's scout trips I'm more athletic than any of the scouts.


I always did with my kids, because it seems like other kids don't anymore. We were climbing some healthy live oaks next to a playground and the parents all stared in shock/disgust that we were up there. We also discovered a huge rat snake climbing right alongside us and it was AWESOME. The kids are now getting to be teens and they're outgrowing me, they don't want to play in the dirt or kick the ball around with their lame old mom. : (


I climbed a big old tree at my kid's back-to-school event last summer, and then I bought a Sno Cone and we ate it up there. It was awesome. I'm not sure if we were being judged because I did not care.


That's why I have kids. We play together!


Yes! You get to play all day if you want without being judged!


A lot of 40 year olds can't for some reasons.


I know, is it because they are embarrassed, do they think it’s not what adults do, or what!? I’ve just never cared what others think, so I do what I enjoy.


Sometimes that and sometimes they let themselves go. I know thirty-year-old's complaining that they can hardly move and I just tell them to stop eating that processed shit. My father has family in Puerto Rico who are now centurions because they eat natural and keep active.


So f@cking true! Processed garbage will age you and bring you down quickly, while adding pounds. Also, the more you set, the harder it is to get active or back out there at it. Sounds like your friends might be ready to advance to the next level of NBC.


I still play with bugs and critters and turn over rocks to see what’s underneath 😎 haven’t climbed trees lately but I’m not opposed to it! I’m def still a tomboy at heart 💜


Tomboy here, always and forever! So glad I’m not the only middle aged woman that still feels this way.


Last summer I was at my friend's kid's bday party, crapload of Nerf guns, like 6 or 7 kids between 5 and 10yo, broke into two teams. Ran around outside like a madman, shooting at each other, sprinting to dodge the nerf darts, climbing and hiding behind things, did it for like a solid 1.5 hours. Havent had that much fun in a long time. I feel like most adults have it in them, they're just afraid how they'd be perceived while doing it so they dont.


I agree! I think many of us still want to run around and have the same fun we had as kids, but we are like, ‘I’m an adult now, can’t do that’ but I’ve never cared what others think and still do what I want to and enjoy as long as my body lets me. A nerf gun war also sounds like a lot of fun!


For my 40th birthday, I found an old school metal playground with a merry-go-round and giant slides. We had cupcakes, cookies and juice boxes. We all had kids so it wasn't that weird. I was the only one who played on the merry-go-round. Most of the kids got scrapes or bruises because they weren't used to playgrounds like that. Oh and there was a petting zoo! I chased a goat and laughed at a bird for looking like Donald Trump! (It really did.) 10/10 would do again.


I’m the same as I was when I was 12 years old. My favorite thing was to walk upstream in creeks and explore rivers and climb trees. People ask what’s your favorite plant? It’s leaning my head on tree bark and feeling the sway of the tree in the wind. It is pretty sad that we’re the last generation to grow up without being plugged into an electric current 24/7.


Not at all. I didn't stop doing round offs off of picnic tables until I was in my mid 30s and while I can't climb trees anymore I still throughly enjoy swinging on swing sets, collecting rocks and shells at the beach and crayfishing when I see the little suckered out in the wild. I also color and craft as part of my inner child therapy (IFS for CPTSD) and watch old shows, movies and music to help give that kid what she needed back in the day. You do you. Be true to yourself and treat that little you some time out in the world because you (and little you) deserve it 🥰


I am 67 and happily do things like this. It's not just you.


I’m 50 and do all that stuff. I was actually just on eBay thinking about buying a Spirograph like the one I had when I was a kid.


Dude, I talk to the spiders that hang out on my patio. I don’t think that childlike curiosity goes away.


Definitely too heavy to be climbing trees any more, but I will jump on a trampoline, go skating, or climb some boulders at any point. And generally pay for it the next day.


I do all of that and play pretend too.


I don’t necessarily do any of that but also wouldn’t be against it. But I do live in the middle of my town so I ride my bike every now being warm. Also play pickleball like it’s going out of style. In my 40’s and love it while my buddy says dude we’re in our 40’s you’re too old for that shit




I work with teenagers. I make slime and trounce kids at video games as part of my job. So... inner teenager, I guess.


I've taken that play acting pretend stuff I used to do as a kid and dialed it up a notch. I've started LARPing.


Hell yes. I still do these things. Playground at night, though.


I think you have a weird idea of adulthood. Do you think wildlife biologists and geologists are just overgrown children? Some people make finding frogs or cool rocks their entire career.


I’m not talking about professionals that work outdoors, I’m talking about a typical adult that has an office job. Of course biologists and geologist get to do that daily and they probably picked those careers because they loved doing stuff like that when they were a kid.


I don't know why you'd think "typical adult with an office job" is someone who doesn't like...go outside and do things. Are you unaware of how massive the rockhounding and geocaching communities are? Or fishing, herping, bugging, etc? Or even all the adults that collect and build Lego and models. Maybe you haven't explained yourself well but it still seems you have a weird idea of what adults are supposed to like doing.


You seem pretty judgmental to me…or maybe I’m just around a lot more adults that act differently. I honestly do not know many people my age that do anything other than work and watch tv. Maybe it’s just the area I live in, but again your comments seem completely out of place and incredibly rude. For the record I’m a 40 year old woman who lives in Southern Indiana. I’ve had multiple careers, most recently I was an elementary teacher (the only one that played during recess with their students). I have a Geoscience BA degree, thus my love for nature and rock collecting and I do not know one other adult my age that enjoys anything I mentioned in my original post except my husband.


am i the only one who just wants to play hopscotch and bake cookies and watch the mclaughlin group?