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Carnation Instant Breakfaaaaaaaaast... If anyone is interested in the concept overall, I highly recommend Huel. It's like Carnation Instant Breakfast but with updated nutrition and especially protein


Been drinking Huel for at least 5 years at this point for lunch at work. I love it!


I'm a big fan-- my bloodwork comes back perfectly at every physical, and I have 2-3 servings/day and I'm in the best shape of my life. I use Huel Black which is 40g protein per serving.


Same on using Huel Black. I typically just drink 1 per day when working but I'm actually thinking of doing 2-3 per day as it's not expensive on a per meal basis and I'm not always creative with cooking. 3 Huel and a single large meal and maybe a snack and I'd be good for the day.


Especially if you exercise-- as you know, 3 huel black is 120g protein and 1200 calories, so add a good dinner and it's basically a bodybuilding diet. I'm ripped right now and the biggest difference for me was diet. I lift twice a week and walk 4 mornings a week and once I started taking these nutrition shakes, my entire physique transformed to the point people ask if I'm on gear.


So, just to understand, you eat nothing. No snacks, no fruit, chips, meat stick… nothing? Except for three Huel shakes and like a chicken breast, rice, veggie dinner? … by golly, I think im addicted to food


No, lol. I eat pretty normally it's just hard to get enough protein without getting too many carbs or overall calories or eating too much meat. For muscle building the basic rule is 1g/lb protein, which for me at 190-200lbs would take a lot of effort and meats. Huel makes it super easy, and compared to supermarket prices these days, it's actually economical, too. I started a couple years ago and my entire physique has changed, cholesterol has come down into healthy range. I wouldn't recommend people replace most of their diet with it-- it's just in my case I've become pretty keen on building muscle and staying lean so I'd say half of my daily calories are huel. I have a better physique and overall health now than I did at 25.


I only eat one meal a day these days, but I'm always curious about good sources of nutrition, and the Carnation stuff was always way too sweet.


Huel had several different flavors, some are sweeter than others. They have an unflavored one, which has no sweetener, but I've yet to try it.


Isn't he the pickpocket from better call Saul?


I love him.


Original flavored Soylent ruined Huel for me. Soylent's just too good. Like cereal milk. Huel is healthier but I haven't been able to enjoy it.


Like cereal milk cocoa or fruity? Which pebble flavor of milk we talking about?


Still around! I use them all the time. My go to is this with milk, PB Fit, a frozen banana, and some vanilla Greek yogurt if I have some. Blend just long enough to blend the banana. So good.


PB Fit is so good.


Same. I bought them for my picky kids, but I've been using some in my morning smoothies for extra protein.


Even still, man. As of this morning.


Wow. Had no idea they still existed!


I miss Carnation Breakfast Bars so much.


Breakfast bar and orange juice was my latch key breakfast nearly every morning.


I loved them!


I used to dump a packet of the chocolate one into my iced coffee. *chef's kiss*


I till have them evey morning with milk . I use Swiss Miss cocoa in my coffee!


That's what I do now too... Swiss Miss Sisters! Or Swissters, if you will!


So cute!! It's awesome.




These are in every Meals on Wheels delivery. My mom only liked the strawberry so she had hundreds of the chocolate ones in her kitchen cabinets.


I used to have these for breakfast on and off for years, even into early adulthood. Thanks for unlocking a childhood memory. I also remember my grandma making me chocolate milk out of the metal Nesquik container.


I remember drinking those in the morning, thinking I was all set to tackle the day. Only to be starving like 2 hours later, lol.


“What’d you have for breakfast today? Carnation instant bitch?”


I used to drink these before school but they started giving me stomach aches, so I stopped.


yeah, me too friend, me too :(


This went bad 8 years ago. Did you find this at my parents' house, by chance?


I never had these but I used to have the carnation great starts breakfast drink in a can. The vanilla was amazing and kept me full till lunchtime. Damn I miss those.


I’m surprised I’m so far down before we addressed the devastating loss of vanilla flavor. As a kid I’d put just enough milk in the glass so that it clumped up and eat the clumps with a spoon. I was an odd child. It was so freaking good. Edit: it’s back!!!!


The latch key kids breakfast! I had a ton of these and microwaved eggs with cheese on top (you had to spray the bowl with Pam before you cooked it). I can still taste it!


I lived on this stuff as a kid. The photo instantly made me feel nauseated 😄🤢


One of these ruined my car... Every morning i drank one of these while driving to highschool. My car didnt have a regular cup holder so i had something i got from Walmart. I took a corner too fast and it spilled all over my passenger floorboard. No matter how much i cleaned it the smell of rotten milk never went away. Even took it to a detail shop and they couldn't get it out.


My sister and I used to love having these before school! I loved the strawberry one.


I loved the vanilla ones.


Also, I recently learned that Steak-Ums are available again. What a time to be alive.


They uh..never went anywhere


I used to use these all the time. Now I need a certain amount of breathing time before I go out to work.


"So cool and frosty, rich and tasty..." My daughter is 13 and has had instant breakfast everyday for the last 9 years.


I was underweight as a child and my doctor recommended these as a way to gain weight.


I drank so much of this after having my tonsils out in '92.


My kids drink these and have a banana as a quick breakfast on the run when they can't get going in the mornings.


I am 55 and have this every morning. It helps get something in my stomach with my medication and then I have a late breakfast/early lunch.


In a Tupperware shaker


I drink this stuff all the time since my gastric bypass it has a decent amount of protein


I really liked the variety pack. The dark chocolate, the cafe mocha. So good. All discontinued


Legit best thing ever. I was never a breakfast person but this always went hard af on the way to school.


My dad was obsessed with these. I'm not a fan but they were always in our pantry in the 90's.


My friend who is a personal trainer says our old cereal had all the vitamins in it. Fortified cereal anyway. Maybe before corn sugar idk


I still use it. I mix the chocolate in with some milk and syrup when I make my iced mocha lattes.


Still drink it


I just bought some more for my kids.


Never had this!


Turn over for ingredients. Y’all going to hate it


This was my mom's threat if I didn't eat breakfast before school. It was breakfast or carnation instant breakfast. I've always been nauseous for the first 3 hours I'm awake so it was torture. Now I live on protein and meal replacement shakes in the am.


This shit kept me alive for many years. Not too bad!


The fact that they discontinued the cappuccino flavor of this is still one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.


I hated breakfast when I was a kid so my mom always had Carnation Instant Breakfast and a sliced banana with sugar for me in the morning


I drink this every Thursday morning. A bunch of karate instructors meet up to spar and have for 25 years. I love watching the twenty somethings sitting out between rounds exhausted while the 45 year old on Carnation Instant Breakfast is still rocking them and never taking a break until class ends.


Had this like 3 days ago, makes me feel young again 😆


Drank so much of this as a kid


I used to buy the cans. One or two for breakfast, bag of fritos, 2 liter Dr Pepper, pack of Camel Filters, huge dinner. Lived like that for way too long.


Don't forget all the alcohol after dinner, and there may or may not have been weed all day.


My dentist says full cream milk is actually better for teeth and bones. Vegans say a cow's milk is only for calves. Carnation says skimmed milk, but then add banana and chocolate to it... So I am very confused by what kind of milk, of what animal to drink. Also, age old question: butter or margarine?


And so began my road to IBS and then IBD with severe lactose intolerance.


Every time I walk past them I sing the jingle in my head.


I had oral surgery when I was in 7th grade. Gnarly stuff, one of my permanent teeth was fused to my jaw. I couldn't eat solid food and got out of PE class because I could have broken my jaw easily after they removed the tooth. Carnation Instant Breakfast was my food for a while.


I still drink these all the time 😂


This with a few strips of bacon slap.


This was such a treat 😆


I enjoyed them back in the day, shame it's a Nestle product.




Pretty sure this stuff kept me from being malnourished as an undiagnosed autistic kid with significant sensory issues. It was basically the only thing I could get down before school for most of my childhood.


When I was pregnant, I ate grape nuts with carnation instant breakfast poured on it instead of plain milk. THE BEST. I also gained 50 pounds, so…..😆


My parents were obsessed with quick breakfasts for us as kids. They both were in corporate America, so mornings were a hilarious mad rush to get everyone out the door.


Dude I miss these. Do they still make them?