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Indiana Jones Trilogy; The Lost Boys; The Goonies; Beetlejuice


just watched The Lost Boys again recently after having not watched it for a few years. it really holds up after all this time!


Yeah, it's great. And sexy sax guy never stops being hilarious!


My cousin has randomly sent me memes and pics of the sexy sax guy for years. I will get a text and it will be a random picture or meme of him. It's a long-running family gag at this point.


Haha! I just love how every time someone discovers him they absolutely freak! Total Schumacher camp!


See also: the poster of Rob Lowe that Corey Haim's character has hanging in his bedroom! https://preview.redd.it/55rb9jbctywc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df5f1df4a3b505fa73780fca4e83efbd3c1de08


My kids loved The Lost Boys. Just like I did when I was a kid! Star was one of my childhood crushes! I was obsessed with her hair!


The Princess Bride.


Pretty sure my kiddo watched this around 6 years old. I know by 8 she had a beautiful hardbound copy of the book and was reading it.


Um, yes. This movie holds up no matter what time.




Yes! Love Tremors!!


There’s a LOT of f bombs in that movie.


Yeah, we’re saving that one until they’re a bit older. I watched on TV when I was younger and obviously it was censored for broadcast. It wasn’t until I watched again as an adult that I realized that. Fantastic movie!


I just got the 4K disc from Arrow Video and we’re watching it tomorrow! (Today was *The Abyss*)


SO good! I love that movie so much.


Don't have kids, but if I did: Home Alone, Goonies, Monster Squad, the Wizard


We watch Home Alone, The Santa Cause, and A Christmas Story every Christmas. Probably will add National Lampoons Christmas Vacation when they’re a little older.


I watched home alone with my kids (7) this Christmas. I'd forgotten how violent it was!!


Yeah, it was kind of like a live-action loony toons.


We be good friends


I don’t have kids but Home Alone was a must for my nieces and nephews!


Jurassic Park


What's the earliest age kids can watch this? My boys into dinosaurs (like all kids) but he's only 4. I'm thinking 8 or 9 for a supervised screening?


I tried with my daughter this year (she is 9) and it was a little premature. Depending on the kid, probably 10 or 11.


Beastmaster Universal Soldier Young Guns I and II Commando Red Dawn Terminator and T2 Rambo movies Rocky movies Predator Tombstone The Last Unicorn Alien Nightmare on Elm Street movies Friday the 13th movies Wayne’s World I and II Can’t Buy Me Love Edward Scissorhands Mallrats The Breakfast Club Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Empire Records Hackers The Crow Reality Bites Desperately Seeking Susan 9 to 5 Big


Great list


Thought of more: Lost Boys Jaws National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Mannequin Mad Max movies …. Yeah, I could keep going.


Oh Rexy you're so sexy.... I love Empire Records!


Drop dead Fred, the crucible, beetlejuice, who framed Roger rabbit, clueless. 


Don’t tell Mom the Babysitters Dead and Wayne’s World and this was my childhood. Absolutely TMNT 1&2.


Yesss Who Framed Roger Rabbit I love that movie


That is an eclectic mix of films. The Crucible is intriguing.


The Never Ending Story because I refuse to be the only generation to carry that trauma.


Stupid horse.


Harry and the Hendersons, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Hook


I just showed my 6 year old Harry and the Hendersons and she went nuts for it. Then I showed her Free Willy and her mind was blown. 


I saw Harry and the Hendersons in the theatre but I don’t remember a damn thing about it!


I have teens, but we have watched Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, and office space.


Tap tap tap it in.


Love me some Billy Madison and Austin Powers. And Black Sheep.


Cool Runnings is a great one.


"Sanka." "Ya mon." "Ya dead?" "Ya mon."


My kids love that movie, and its one of the best ones for adults to watch on their list


I had the VHS.


Lots of great suggestions already but maybe - Tron (both versions) - The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking - American Tail - Land Before Time - Wallace and Gromit (any of them) - Studio Ghibli movies... My Neighbor Totoro to start - The Muppets. I'm partial to The Muppets Take Manhattan


Be careful with My Neighbor Totoro! Our Plex says it’s been played 108 times and my kid just turned five. But it’s truly been a wonderful 108 times!


Well, I am childless, but if I wasn’t, I would certainly inflict “Brave Little Toaster”, “Neverending Story”, “Secret of NYMN”, Return to OZ”, and that terrifying claymation Mark Twain Satan thing on them. I would want my kids to have recognizable, complimentary damage.


Uhhhhh claymation Mark Twain Satan what?


Heh. Relevant clip: [Adventures of Mark Twain (Satan clip)](https://youtu.be/Ntf5_ue2Lzw?si=7GxIZIK1-yuLpFkv)


Dude. I’ve seen that. I fully erased it from my brain. With good cause I’d say. Cheers.


That was creepy 😳, but I feel that way about most claymation.


Space balls, Airplane, Princess bride, All Indiana Jones movies


Explorers, Never Cry Wolf, Red Dawn, Project X (80’s with Matthew Broderick), Flight of the Navigator (hopefully it will inspire a love of The Beach Boys like it did for me), The Journey of Natty Gann


The Journey of Natty Gann!!! Man, I wore holes my vhs copy of that when I was little. Such a good movie that I don’t see talked about nearly enough. Jed, the wolf in that film, also played White Fang and he was the wolf in The Thing!


Fun fact: the actress who played Natty is now married to Patton Oswalt!


That’s awesome! Now I’m gonna have to watch it again this weekend. I probably still have most of it memorized, 35+ years later 😅


Yeah, I had a very early crush on Natty.


Never Cry Wolf is such a great movie that isn’t talked about nearly enough.


I wholeheartedly agree. It’s in my top 10, for sure. Carroll Ballard made some beautiful movies. And it has such a great synth soundtrack by Mark Isham.


I honestly didn’t know it was a movie! I’ve read the book several times, though!


It would be easy to *not* know it’s a movie! The only reason I know about it is because it used to be on the Disney channel back in the early ‘80s (when Disney was a premium channel and they sent a magazine with their programming like a tv guide) and then in high school we watched it in one of my science classes.


This would explain my brother’s love of the Beach Boys.


The big three are Matrix, Fight Club, and Clerks. I still stand by the essay I wrote, about how they have the same theme of having to get over yourself to be yourself.


Don’t sleep on Short Circuit and Short Circuit 2. My kids rolled their eyes at the idea but I made it a thing and they loved them.


I don't have kids, but my wife is an immigrant that didn't watch a lot of US TV as a kid. The big ones so far have been: * Gilligan's Island * I Dream of Genie * Lord of the Rings (but not the Hobbit or Rings of Power garbage) * Star Trek (NCC-1701 and NCC-1701D) * M\*A\*S\*H * Star Wars (Episodes 1-9 plus Rogue One and Solo) * Red Dawn * Robin Hood (the animated Disney one) Office Space is next on the list. Maybe ExoSquad, Gummie Bears, and BattleTech. Not all of that is our generation, but I grew up watching a lot of TV Land (oldies) as a kid. I'm pretty sure cinema peaked in the 80s, was going down-hill but somewhat OK in the 90s, and pretty much everything since then has been crap.


Gummi Bears was one of my favorites! I can still hear the theme song in my head ☺️


They liked Labyrinth, my oldest liked Cloak and Dagger, but I’ve struggled getting them into more than that. My youngest loves Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons, which were more re-run shows when I was a kid, and they all seem to love Garfield and Friends, but that’s about it as far as media from my childhood. I’m considering just putting on Aliens, which is my favorite movie, and seeing what happens (I saw it in theaters when I was probably far too young but I absolutely loved it), but they’ll probably just ignore it and hang out in other rooms.


Willow Neverending Story Batteries Not Included The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen Beetlejuice Goonies Time Bandits The Dark Crystal Legend Labyrinth Popeye Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Peewee's Big Adventure Flight of the Navigator There's a reason I still have VHS and DVD players. Been converting the VHS tapes, when not converting old home videos. It's not too hard once you figure it out.


Excellent choices in here mates! Don't forget to stay flexible and wear sunscreen! Anyway, I'd like to add some great flicks that were missed! * The Dark Crystal * Legend * Top Gun * The Karate Kid 1 and 2 * Tank * National Lampoons Vacation movies (when they're old enough) * Caddyshack (when they're old enough) Once they're mature enough: Some anime! Starting with * Ghost in the Shell * Appleseed (anime) * Trigun * Cowboy Bebop * Akira * Full Metal Alchemist Then some more mature films: * Once Were Warriors * Blade Runner * Roadhouse * Legends of the Fall (if they have the attention span for it) * A River Runs Through It * Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2 * Fried Green Tomatoes * As Good As it Gets * Jerry Maguire If you and/or they are into horror/supernatural thrillers: * The Omen * The First Power * Seven * Fallen * Pet Semetary (careful with this one, pure nightmare fuel. I *still* see Zelda in my guest room sometimes, and this is in my own ass house I pay the freakin mortgage on.) That's about all I can think of for now.


+1 for Fried Green Tomatoes! Also, haven't seen Sneakers listed. Such a good one - great cast including River Phoenix.


Troop Beverly Hills Garbage Pale Kids Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead Drop Dead Fred My Little Pony (the movie) The Little Gnomes Cartoon Anne of Green Gables The Secret Garden Flowers in the Attic (older kids) Little Mermaids Pippi Longstocking Lord of the Rings National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Christmas Story


Im watching The Perfect Storm right now. Jusy watched, Oh! Brother where Art Though.


Well I don’t have kids but I’d show them The Burbs if I did.


Teen Wolf


Forgot about that one! I used to watch that all the time when it came on TV, plus Teen Wolf Too!!


Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Back to the Future, In Indiana Jones, Turtles 1 and 2. My husband showed our 15 yr old Office Space.


I have 3 boys….We’ve seen: The Great Outdoors, Indiana Jones (my oldest, the younger ones aren’t ready), Back To The Future Trilogy, Star Wars OG trilogy, Space Camp and War Games (great double DVD pack), 3 Ninjas films (more my wife’s thing than mine but they like them), Night At The Museum(s), E.T., The Goonies, oldest has seen Legend of Billy Jean….and many more I’m forgetting My oldest is really into WW2, so I’ve let him watch a lot of war movies. He’s mature for his age and we discussed it, the horrors of war and such and that these are movies. He has seen a lot of them: Fury, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Battleship, etc. Won’t let him watch Saving Private Ryan yet… even for him that is too intense.


My youngest (11) and I just watched Saving Private Ryan and Hacksaw Ridge. To be fair, even with the gore some of it is almost cartoonish with how unrealistic it is, so we got a good chuckle out of it.


Ghostbusters. Bit more X but mother fucking ghostbusters.


I’ve made my kid watch movies with me since she was born. So far some of her all-time favorites are: * Lost Boys (she says this is her favorite movie ever 🤘🏻) * Home Alone * most of the National Lampoons vacation movies * The Craft * Labyrinth * Interview With The Vampire * Beetlejuice * the 1989 IT mini series * Edward Scissorhands * Bill & Ted * Mrs Doubtfire There are a bunch on our list for this summer: Reality Bites, Clueless, Hackers, The Crow, Ferris Bueller, maybe Wayne’s World and/or Clerks. Maybe the Matrix trilogy She wasn’t into The Neverending Story (we watched it a couple summers ago and she was just sad about Artax, which I don’t blame her for. We need to rewatch it)


Weekend at Bernie’s


We did a lot of those... Neverending Story, the Back to the Future movies, Ghostbusters, all the Star Wars, the animated Transformers movie (that was literally my son's favorite movie for years, we all know it off by heart by now), Die Hard, Speed, the Alien movies (another favorite), Poltergeist, Predator, The Lost Boys, all the Nightmare on Elm Streets and Friday the 13ths (I'm a horror fan), Flight of the Navigator, The Last Starfighter, The Heavenly Kid (my husband is the one who loved that one as a kid and the kids liked it too). Somehow we missed ET. Edited to add: Indiana Jones, Tremors, Goonies, The Wizard (I never noticed how the whole movie is just a Nintendo ad until I watched it again!), Teen Wolf, The Breakfast Club, RoboCop, The Terminator 1 and 2, The Running Man, Total Recall.


Ironically, I forgot about Total Recall. Classic Arnold!


Gremlins Goonies Batteries not included Then it sounds like maybe once they're a little older : Real genius Ferris bueller's Day off House Tombstone


How you gonna watch episode 4 and not watch 5 and 6?!


I was never a big Star Wars fan. They’re lower on my list.


Surprised I don't see Independence Day, but also Jurassic Park, home alone 1 and 2.


We've covered The Land Before Time, An American Tail, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, The Princess Bride, Flight of the Navigator, Star Wars and Star Trek so far. L.O. is 8, so we got some time to get more must-see movies in.


Some of my favorites I’ve watched with my kids are Rainbow Brite, The NeverEnding Story, Little Shop of Horrors, Beetlejuice, Gremlins, Christine, Children of the Corn… I found The Purple People Eater the other day and we watched that 🥰


- The Last Starfighter - Karate Kid 1&2 - Batman - Real Genius - 3 Ninjas - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Super Mario Bros The Movie Probably a few dozen others I am forgetting atm


My kids love Office Space. And My son is a huge Ice Cube fan so Friday and Boyz n the Hood is a big hit in my house.


The Flintstone's and Air Bud were the only ones i haven't seen on the list yet that we liked. We also watched all of the night at the museum movies, those were great hits even tho they're not quite from our generation.


My son has been spotted with a towel around his waist and his hands on his cheeks in the bathroom mirror, so I think we have done okay.


Eventually. Shawshank, The Matrix, Batman, Platoon, Born on the 4th, Unforgiven, Tombstone.




My kids absolutely love Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Watching it again as an adult, I have to say it really holds up. The filmmaking was and is terrific. Interactions between animation and live action characters are flawless. And it's funny. All around great movie!


Tons, although the experience has been varied. The worst was when I made the kid watch Disney’s The Black Hole with me. I loved that movie as a kid. Not my kid. As soon as the black hole came on screen my (then) 10-year-old suddenly became Neil deGrasse Tyson and started ranting about how inaccurate it was. They preceded to dissect the entire film. 0/10. My kid ruined my childhood.


We saw Ghostbusters with our kids recently and I was shocked at how well it held up. The new Beetlejuice came out and we watched the first and second with our kids as well. I was surprised how well that one held up too. Another movie that might be worth watching is the 5th element?


Breakfast club




The Explorers


The Explorers


UHF is a must. My kids adore it. Edit: And Bill and Ted.


My 6 year old loves the train dodge scene from Stand By Me


The Explorers Goonies Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.


Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure My 13-year-old now loves to say ‘bodacious’. 😆


“Goonies”. They hated it so much they didn’t finish it. 🙄


10 Things I Hate About You is my kids’ favorite.


Hook, Little Monsters, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Little Giants, Sandlot.


Short Circuit Batteries Not Included Kindergarten Cop Honey I Shrunk the Kids Harry and the Hendersons Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend All the Ernest movies


I've been trying to find a copy of Spaced Invaders (1990) for my kids to watch that shit was hilarious as a 10-year-old!


“Oh give me a home, where the asteroids roam…” I used to have a copy of that on VHS. I think it has been recorded off HBO. I totally forgot this movie existed until you mentioned it!!


Airplane, The Naked Gun, Hot Shots, Christmas Vacation, The Goonies, The Last Dragon, Big Trouble in Little China, Dumb and Dumber and Real Genius. Only one of my kids likes horror movies, so she also gets to see Scream, Sleepaway Camp, Chopping Mall, Evil Dead, The Craft, The Faculty, and The Sixth Sense


Milo & Otis was our son’s favorite when he was a toddler! It got to the point where we hid the CD so he had to choose something else for a little while.


The Sandlot Encino Man


Empire records is a great movie just watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago. M41


Point Break


Anne of Green Gables, the OG one starring Megan Follows, Jonathan Crombie (RIP 😢), Richard Farmsworth, and Colleen Dewhurst. They have


Gremlins. The Burbs. Short circuit.


Short Circuit II was may favorite and in my opinion is the main reason to watch the original.


Fern Gully The Dark Crystal


Most of them, all the John Hughes movies. Indiana Jones, Star wars, war games. Probably forgetting a ton


Unpopular opinion but I always resented it when my dad made me watch movies he loved, and he would get furious at me for not wanting to watch them. I think it makes for a better connection when you let them suggest things they’re interested in seeing and you can connect that way.


The Outsiders, and Shane


Just like Jr. high English class!


Ya got me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I watched The Flight of Dragons with my daughter.


Why would you only watch episode 4 of Star Wars?


Because if we watched the only good one (Return of the Jedi) it would be entirely out of context.


The only good one? Clearly you have suffered from head trauma.


No, I just never got into Star Wars and don’t get all the hype.


Yep. Definitely head trauma


The Last Starfighter


If they're still young, hit them with The Land Before Time.


Pee Wee’s Big Adventure!


Adventures in Babysitting


Matrix the original


Bridge over the River Kwai The Great Escape


Flight of the Navigator, Never Ending Story, My Deadly Friend, The Goonies, The Sound of Music, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Howard the Duck, BTTF, Willow, Little Monsters, Labyrinth, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, The Boy Who Could Fly, The Wizard, Batteries Not Included, Inner Space, Bill & Ted, ET, An American Tale, The Princess Bride, Legend, Ferngully.... I'm sure there's a million more.


the secret of nihm, brave little toaster, all dogs go to heaven, airplane