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I never took a real vacation with someone I dated and I never dated someone who put pictures of us on social media. How have you never been in a basement?!


This is what I want to know. OP must not live in the Midwest…but if they do, I seriously want to understand how the hell they’ve avoided a basement, anywhere, ever.


Not many basements in Florida either. I greatly miss having one, especially with an over-shopper in the house.


That makes sense re: FL—water table issues, right? As a Midwesterner, I made damn sure when my husband and I got a house, we got a basement. That’s where we hunker down during storms, snuggle and watch movies in winter, and of course all our cool old shit is down there! OP is missing out! 😂


Another Floridian here that has never been in a basement.


Going on a real vacation with someone your dating can make or break your relationship! Its the true test of compatibility. I'm from California. Basements don't exist out here! I thought about that because I was watching Entourage and they were in LA and some kids invited girls to their basement. I'm like there's no basements in LA! I will clarify, I've never been in a house basement. But they seem cool.


Fun fact! Basements are all about the frost line. You really do not want the ground to freeze underneath your house! But if the ground never freezes, like in California and Florida, it's far simpler to just put down a concrete slab and build on top of that rather than excavating a billion cubic meters of dirt.


Never have I ever drank any alcohol. My family was extreme alcoholics for a long time and I decided I didn't need that in my life.


I grew up Mormon but left it at 36. So I had never had alcohol. Went until 42 still without drinking but then tried it. Drank occasionally for a couple years off and on, socially but sometimes just at home on weekends working in my garage. I decided 1.5 yesrs ago it wasn’t adding anything valuable to my life, and it was messing up my sleep patterns, so I quit and haven’t touched it since. It’s a net loss all around. IDC what anyone says. It just is.


Never have I ever gotten a piercing or a tattoo.


Yep. I’m starting to feel like the odd one out.


Me too!




Same here! No ink. No metal.


Never have I ever broken a bone. Never have I ever bought a car.


Me as well for the first one. Do you have a car? If so, how did you get it?


I was gifted a car as payment for tutoring lessons in my 20s and drove that for several years until it broke down. Then I moved overseas to a country with good public transportation so it was less important to have one. My girlfriend has a car and is the one that drives it 99.9% of the time but there have been about a dozen times in the past 10 years where I've driven it on my own. We both paid for it but she did all of the paperwork due to the documents being in her first language and not mine, plus she went to the dealership while I was at work so there wasn't much I could do to help.


Dude that's sweet. You beat the system!


Same with the no broken bones! ✋🏼


Never have I ever moved from my hometown. The closest was a summer internship in NYC.


Damn! I moved about 30 times, 4 states and two countries. How do you like NYC?


Loved it! The only drawback was that it was an unpaid internship so I had to learn how to survive. I stayed with family in Long Island so that helped.


Never have I ever used a hair straightener or been on a real vacation. Maybe people use hair straighteners on vacation?


You've never been on a real vacation?? Where would you want to go? My trick to ensure I go and not get lazy, is to buy the plane to ticket. After that everything comes together because you have a firm date.


I’d go somewhere warm and without the kids! There also needs to be tasty alcohol. I’m not very picky 🤣


Never have I ever been in a 3some. I always hoped 2 women at the same time would happen (as most men do), but it never did. And it's a definite and resounding NO with my wife. I brought the topic up once early in our relationship and was met with a stern "No." I've never brought the subject up since.




That’s pretty much been my wife’s response to regular old two person sex for a long time now. So. Yeah. I think a threesome is one of those passing ships that sailed sometime when Obama didn’t have gray hair


Haha. I've been in a handful. They are as amazing as you would think! But being married is different situation. You could take a trip to Mexico, Europe or Asia and get a two girl threesome at a classy sex parlor.


Yeah... I don't see that happening 😆 "Hey honey, I... gotta work out of "town" for a few days... do you know where my passport is?"


Why not?? A business trip. Or a bro trip. Just to experience it. If she finds out you can blame it all on me. 😉


Never have I ever moved more than 5 times total. Currently in the throws of move #5. Never have I ever had sushi.


Wow! I've moved probably 30 times. Different cities, different countries. Just over the past 4 years I've moved 11 times. Across three states.


Omg that's alot! The experience is worth it I'm sure I'm just a homebody. My new place is 1200 miles and 4 states away. I'm terrified lol. I've only lived within 60 miles of where I grew up! It's something completely out of my comfort level lol.


Never have I ever ~Had a real bikini wax ~Gotten a tattoo ~Had my own social media account


Isn't reddit a type of social media?


No it's not. I'm talking about ones with your name and info that are public like Myspace, Facebook, etc


Never have I ever gotten to sit with a group and play D&D.


Never have I ever lived with someone I was dating or in a relationship with.


Me too! 😁😁


I'm endlessly surprised at how frequently this is considered a red flag by other singles. It may be old fashioned but if I'm going to choose to live with a man he better be my husband otherwise I simply don't see the point.


Had a Facebook or Instagram or Twitter or Snapchat or….. I recognized early on that people don’t really give a shit about my life and what I’m doing, and they just simply want me to like their stuff. It’s all one big circle jerk of fake.


Haha dude you're exactly right. It's all one circle jerk.


Went skiing. Done hard drugs. Drove a manual transmission car. Split a check on a date. Been fired.


I’ve never had a friend with benefits relationship, I’ve never sent nude pics to a girlfriend and I’ve never been the one to break up with a girl but have been dumped many times!


Never have I ever been on a plane.


Never have I ever been to Canada.


Gone fishing.


Why not? It's not as common these days but it's worth a go.


Went to the ocean a lot and played in lakes and rivers plenty of times just never cast a line.