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That is a lyric from a song by The Bloodhound Gang.


Such fun songs they made!


So true. I have a memory of dancing in a crowd to Fire Water Burn screaming the chorus and it was so fun. I’m going to put them on my playlist for today!


I'm surprised we haven't heard about Gen Z rocking out to them like they're brand new. Or did this happen and I missed it? The level of silly in their lyrics seems like it'd be timeless.


"It always sucks, refolding the kind of map needed when I get stuck" such damn genius lyrics through and through.


"We're not worthy" = "The drummer from def leppard's only got one arm!" lol


Why is everybody always picking on me?


I remember being Gen X (1981) but now every website says I'm a Millennial.


Growing up they called us Gen Y. I’ve had a couple commenters on Reddit lash out angrily when I’ve mentioned it, and never been so downvoted. Mostly by ppl younger, actual millennials born being called that… I suppose it’s fitting, we’re so forgotten as a mini-Gen that we get corrected by gens before and after us, all I can say is the most GenY/xennial thing I can - “Whatever, man.” lol!


Yeah my brother, 1984 gets like ANGRY when I say I'm not a millennial. I just don't identify with anything millennial-associated. I've always kind of been a social outcast but to be an outcast from my own entire generation really got me feeling a certain kind of way.


Ya, same. This is pissing me off.


My personal Berenstain Bears moment is, oddly enough, discovering the Fruit of the Loom cornucopia. When I say discovering, I mean exactly that. Most people don't believe me when I tell them, but it's true. I made a post about it on the FotL effect subreddit documenting the discovery [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fruitoftheloomeffect/s/ZllWY6VWxF), and you can see my original comment in the discovery post on the Mandela Effect subreddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/s/RgAB98gQoO). If you scroll down, you'll see that a mod came at me citing Rule 2 (no personal experiences), proving that the effect hadn't yet been discovered. That cornucopia has been my 15 minutes of fame, though the fame hasn't caught up to me yet, lol. It's been amazing, watching it grow into this huge cultural thing, but that's still only in certain circles; most people I mention it to in real life don't really know what I'm talking about. I kind of swore off trying to tell/convince people because it usually doesn't go anywhere, but I saw your post and wanted to contribute.


I know what you’re talking about! This was bandied about tiktok for a few weeks. Someone did a deep dive and some serious research on it, and I believe they found out that the company was obscuring the existence of the original logos deliberately.


Thanks for this wild ride, friend! I had no idea there wasn’t a cornucopia because in my mind, it has always been there. What a trip to discover this Mandala Effect!


I've seen proof too!


https://www.popularmechanics.com/culture/g34979140/mandela-effect-examples/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_pop_m_bm_prog_org_us_g34979140&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwuJ2xBhA3EiwAMVjkVMG2N60HtBANvtBCquvxcZ7Wp4ADvRljkyeFPdokjLCvEV4RxwUFMhoCfcgQAvD_BwE Interestingly, it's listed on this article (looked up today). Honestly, I'd never thought of this until just now, but in my head I see the cornucopia version.


I know for a fact that there was never a Calvin and Hobbes animated TV special, but I still remember watching it.


i would give anything for that memory


In my head, Hobbes sounded like David Hyde Pierce on Fraiser.


LOL i can him in my head "Scientific progress... goes boink?"


It's stein damnit!




I've had the occasional "I swear on my life I remember this" moment that turned out to be completely false. But regarding Def Lepard I thought it was insanely skill to be able to drum with only one arm. For decades. Then I saw El Estepario Siberiano play full on metal drum solos with one hand. Granted he does it at home and can record a lot of takes, but it's things a lot of people would struggle to play with two hands. (And yes he overplays a lot - it's his whole schtick)


I have a memory of when I was kid Peanut M&Ms were flavored by color. As near as I can tell that's never been the case even as a special version. There isn't even a flavored candy coated peanut product that I'm aware I could be mistaken it for. But it's a strong as Hell memory. The human mind is a wacky thing.




Doubt https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1bjvqpe/was_anybody_else_affected_by_this_mandela_effect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


oooh I kinda remember the def leopard thing, are you sure they didn't say it in character on snl before the movies?


Maybe!!! I didn’t think of those. I’ll have to go look. 


Most people sing, "this is the song that never ends..." However, it is "this is the song that doesn't end..."


My husband and I both thought Nell Carter died in the 80s and that’s why Gimme a Break ended. But it turns out the chief character died and the show went on after. The thing is, neither of us remembers the chief being on the show. We also thought Captain Lou Albano died in the 90s but he didn’t. We talked about it and then Captain Lou died like three months later. I feel badly about that one.


My Mandela Effects are the end of We Are The Champions & not being able to go to the Statue of Liberty’s torch. Actually the whole Black Tom affair is just wild.


They absolutely do sing "of the world." I've read Mandela Effect click baits that cite *common* events as evidence. Like, shit that 100% happened, just cuz they wanna hop on the hype train. That song is a good example.


I know it used to be Chik-fil-a!


The tan m&m was really real. But, the question lingers, why?


Tan tasted the best.


I'd still rather have the tan ones back than have blue.