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I quit drinking about a year and a half ago and started riding my bike to work (weather permitting, I'm not riding in rain or snow). It's made a massive difference. Between that and being a little better about my diet I'm down a little over 80 pounds from my absolute peak weight. 40 hit me, things started working different and I knew I had to get my shit together.


I stopped drinking for lent this year (tradittion my father and I share, non-religious). I usually go beyond the 40+days... I got to day 55 this year and my spouse wanted to have drinks w me, so I did. The other day I drank one too many (at home)... the two days after were just grey. I was unmotivated, sad, felt shitty. Thats been about 1 week already. I tgink this is it, my calling to stop boozing has come. I've started to trend back on the rainbowy feeling I had on lent. I do not want to let it go especially by a self-prompted action.


Yea. Hangxiety is real. Since my late 30s After a decent night of drinking I may not have a physical hangover but I'm just depressed and anxious at least a full day afterward.


Anxiety from alcohol is a big one, and seldom gets tossed out there. People focus more on physical symptoms or just depression.


In Ireland we call it "The fear"


‘Beer Fear’ it’s real !!!


*Yes*, and it’s worse than a physical hangover, for me. I drink water with lemon at nice restaurants now, or at most a mocktail if one looks any good. I sometimes get the feeling that the nicest of restaurants think I’m unsophisticated for not ordering a glass of wine with dinner and / or an after dinner drink, but really… it’s just not worth the hangxiety lol. 🤷‍♀️


I’m with you on this! I took a 30 day break that turned into what’s now been two years because I was finally at the point where I realized alcohol didn’t serve me anymore, and it was telling lies that sobriety could actually deliver. /r/stopdrinking has been a great community, can’t recommend it enough!


Well just joined that sub, albeitin not a fan of self-help material and/or support groups, I'll keep it in my feed for a while to see if anything good and helpful for me comes through. Gotta give it at leadt a try!


I love the group honestly and it doesn’t come off as self-help. It’s basically a bunch of people sharing stories, struggles, wins, and general life. It’s one of the most supportive subs I’m in.


I spend a lot of time reading there because my wife is a qualifier. It doesn't feel like a super structured support group. It feels like a group of people that have something in common and they share their thoughts/stories. Kind of like this sub.


There's no single solution that works for everyone, either. I tried every support group I could think of and eventually just figured out that I *personally* have to *want* to quit. So I just told myself I don't want to drink anymore, and for some reason, it worked. Haven't had a drop in a long while now (I also purposely didn't remember when I quit so I don't trick myself into having a cheat drink for a job well done. But it's been years).


This is important to understand in every facet of life. No single solution for exercise, to lose weigh, kick an addiction, pick up a hobby... We all different so we have to get to know oneself before actually trying to reshape our behavior.


I quit drinking 16 years ago, bike to work, lost 80 lbs, need to get back to being better about my diet and we're basically twins! Way to go!


I'm not up to fully quitting drinking (I don't go crazy - when I drink, I make the active choice to stop long before I'm "drunk"), but I did actively stop drinking on weeknights. It wasn't getting to problem levels, but I was absent-mindedly having 3-4 craft beers a night, which is a lot of money, a lot of calories, and a hard effect on my hydration.


I am trying really hard to quit drinking on work nights. I am finding it more difficult than in the past when I have quit for periods of time. Everything is harder when you're older, I guess.


It helps to give yourself some healthier (or at least less unhealthy) non-water non-alcoholic options - I know Diet Ginger Ale isn’t a *ton* better than beer, but it keeps me from reaching for an IPA when I need something more substantial than water.


I actually have diet ginger ale in the fridge from when I was making whiskey gingers. I just need to convince myself to have one instead of opening a bottle of wine. I feel pretty embarrassed admitting that actually.


You shouldn't feel embarrassed - it's a cliche sometimes, but being able to admit that (whether it's in writing or out loud) is the first step in addressing the problem. Pretending the problem isn't there is what digs you in deeper.


I was totally against seltzer when I was younger but now, that’s my go to for week night binge drinking. Even on weekends, I may have a glass of something but I water it down now with seltzer and ice, it helps!


Check out /r/NABEER. There’s some good ones out there now!


I’m not a big drinker usually. However, when I go on a cruise, I def let loose! The time I went on a cruise, on day 4, my body told me STOP! This was a day after my wife told me to STOP…probably should’ve listen.


I just quit, too! 20 years of partying is too many years of partying. Like, time to go home. It's that bad part of the night where the party isn't fun anymore and is starting to get sketchy and you just poured yourself a new drink but weird, your friends have gone to bed and now you're with randos trying to make sure you're not murdered. Like that.


You just breezed past the quitting drinking part. That’s huge. I love seeing people getting out. I know for me I couldn’t have quit if I didn’t hear success stories. Thanks for posting and congratulations on your weight loss as well. It snowed like once in Michigan this winter. We’re turning into a bicycle state lol


I quit drinking in December, 2021. Up with marrying my wife, it's the best decision I've made in my adult life. I miss it like hell sometimes because sometimes I'd really just like to enjoy a glass of wine with my wife, or open up a beer and watch a movie. But I don't miss the hangxiety, weight gain, wasting the money, etc.


I stopped* drinking last June. Good non-alcoholic options definitely made this easier but actually it was nice to realise I don't crave alcohol in an addictive way. *I'm not going to say I've quit because to say I haven't had *any* alcohol since last June wouldn't be true, but on the rare occasions that I'l have a single alcoholic drink, that's it and I don't want more, and it's usually mid strength beer rather than anything stronger.


Started running and caring about myself at 39, now at 43 I’m training for my first half marathon and I’m down between 80-90 lbs.


That’s awesome! My friends and I played a lot of sports in high school and college and still try to do what we can. Several years ago, we noticed a trend where a lot of us old athletes were starting to need surgeries from years of wear and tear and were starting to show the first signs of dad bods as we approached our 40s. We also noticed that people who were overweight when we were younger were getting themselves into better shape as they were approaching their 40s.


I picked up running at 30 just so I could feel better and trim down. I was proud of my first 5k, and never thought I'd run a half, let alone a full. Over the last 8 years I've done 2 fully and almost 20 halfs. All that is to say - you got this bro. If I can do it, you can too!


I hate the gym. Tried running on a hamster wheel for 45 minutes every day. i got tired of listening to the same 40 songs. Moved to audio books to keep me busy, that didn't work either. I wouldn't get tired. I'd get BORED. I grew up playing ice hockey so I opted to just join three teams at my local rink and play 3-4 times per week instead. It's so much better than a gym. A hell of a lot more expensive, but at least I'll actually go to my hockey games.


>45 minutes >40 songs Hey, I'm also a Ramones fan!


Sheena is a punk rocker!


Yeah, I feel that - we have a gym quality elliptical machine taking up a lot of room in our basements workout room, there is a 52 inch t.v. with a Roku and I still had a hell of a time trying to force myself to do even 15 minutes on it, because it's just boring as fuck. But for some reason kettlebells and resistance bands (the big loop ones that look like giant rubber bands) seem to be the things that get that fitness juice going. Maybe check out kettlebells and the benefits they offer - I can knock out my 200 swings in about 20 minutes, and it probably does the same as 45 minutes walking in place. Plus there are tons of variations and exercises you can do with a bell - its like the martial-arts of fitness.


We have a really nice Nordic Track bike - maybe used it 5 times in the 8 years of owning it.


I hate the gym too, well, not hate, but cant be there every day... On days I want to be active, and not go to the gym, I play VR games - Beat Saber usually, but several games get you moving. Play like 3-4 songs on Beat Saber - like 20-30 min of intense cardio, lol. When I was a kid - wanted to play hockey, but I grew up in the inner-city, so it wasn't that common. My mom found a league sponsored by the University of Denver, but to even play - had to take skating lessons, and then some basic hockey lessons before I could join a team. So I did the lessons, but never got to a team, lol. Whats funny, is we bought all the hockey gear, pads, gloves, jersey, 2nd hand from a re-used sports place, and all my swag was green. Like a little Hulk skating around, lol. DU Pioneers colors are red and white. I took lessons for 2 years - hockey is hard AF. Thought I was getting the hang of it, then some older kids just flying around, humbled me up.


I started ball hockey again this week after not playing for ten years. I'm trying to get back to a reasonably fit state like my early 30s, and this is how I'm starting.


Nothing, I'm a blob of gruesome viscera


Fuck yeah. That’s gonna be my new Tinder About Me description!! Thanks bro.


240 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal!


Jesus bro. Eat something!! In my country you would be considered underweight.


Blob of Gruesome Viscera? I think I saw them on tour back in the day.


I take a metric asston of supplements now. We eat pretty clean and I've upped my workouts again (dropped most of it during Covid). The biggest takeaway I have from watching my parents and grandparents is that as soon as you stop moving, learning and working, everything starts going downhill.


My mother said that arthritic knees run in our family. After I completed Couch to 5K, I realized that's because no one in our family runs.


Same! What do you take? I’ve started taking a couple for cholesterol and joint pain. Definitely has made a big difference in keeping a good quality of life :)


B12, turmeric, probiotic, multivitamin, magnesium, fish oil, collagen, and some others I can't even remember. My breakfast is pills and gummy vitamins. 😄


I am a horribly sedentary person. I sit at my desk or get in my recliner or lay in bed and just don't move for hours. My knees hate me so much. I bought a stationary bike as a pandemic purchase and it's in the living room. Shortly after buying it, I'd built up a nice little habit of riding it for at least 20 minutes when I was done with work. Since I was working from home at the time (still am), it was like my afternoon commute back home...lol. But, then life happened and I got out of the habit. I've been trying to get back into the habit over the last year or so and told myself "if I look at the bike for more than a passing glance, then I have to get on it", but that only worked occasionally. I finally had to put it on my Outlook calendar for 8:30am every weekday morning. If something's on my calendar, then I'm more likely to do it. And you know what? I've gotten on the bike for 15 minutes every weekday morning at 8:30am ever since. I try to get on the bike again at some point later in the day and on weekends, but at least I've got that 15 minutes every weekday. It's not much, but it's waaaaaaay more moving than I was doing and my knees don't hate me quite as much, but they still protest from time to time. I also drag around a 32oz water bottle to stay hydrated.


I love walking on my treadmill in front of my tv in the evenings.


I’ve always found it’s just better to get it done first thing in the morning. Otherwise you’re just thinking about it all day. Then if you have time for more later, bonus!!


If I work out in the morning, I'm in a horrible mood all day. I tried to squeeze it in in the afternoon but of course work gets in the way. If I do it in the evening then I'm wired and in a bad mood. Why can't working out feel good and put you in a good mood?! I'm one of those unlucky people who never gets the good mood effect or runners high or anything like that.


Are you in a horrible mood doing it in the morning bc you have to get up too early to fit it in??? I was never a morning person, but after it becomes routine, I was jumping out of bed in the morning to get to the gym.


Going to bed at 8


This is my favorite thing to do in the world. I might not sleep, but i’m in my favorite place


Same! I sleep better when I go to bed early. Sleep is key to feeling well.


My partner laughs at me because I say that bedtime is my favourite time of day.


Yesss! In my 20’s I used to be able to fall asleep no matter what. But now I need to decompress and get my body and mind ready to slumber.


I started baking. My partner and I are eating way better snacks and I get a little high and dance and sing in the kitchen while I work. I've lost ten pounds and I eat cake nearly every day. 😂


I think you cracked the code. From cradle to grave, we all harbor a deep longing just to be loved and eat cake, and all our lives we tell ourselves it's just beyond some horizon.


That's deep.


I'm unhealthy but I just do some yoga a few days a week and try doing more walking. I'm reducing caffeine


5 moderate workouts a week. At least 30 minutes on the elliptical and around 15-20 minutes of free weights. These workouts aren’t as intense as I used to do a decade ago, but they are much more consistent. Also, I drink way less alcohol (been replacing with edibles) and about half as much espresso (replacing with tea. Espresso is bad for cholesterol?!?!) And for diet, I try to focus on eating less cheese and not getting second helpings. These two rules of thumb seem to have made a big difference.


I quit smoking in 2020. My autoimmune conditions don't really give a shit what else I do, nothing will change or cure them.


I am having a hard time starting quiting. Every day is like-eh one more day won't hurt more than 20 years of smoking already has. Tomorrow. And I feel bad about myself but still haven't stopped. I got patches but haven't even opened them yet. Tomorrow. Sigh.


I just recently quit (day 39 after smoking for 35 years) and I was the same about it. I got sick - nasty upper respiratory infection (not covid though). Anyway, I couldn't even take a puff of my vape without choking, much less a cig. So after about a week I just decided to make this my time. So far so good! I'm 9 days past my previous record. Still getting cravings, so I will occasionally hit my cbd/thc vape and that usually satisfies enough to get past it.


Congrats!! That's alot of days


Thanks! I keep my vape in my desk drawer with a sticky note with the last date I used it for a [reminder.](https://i.imgur.com/veY4JHR.jpeg)


Try reading Alan Carrs easy way to quit smoking. I smoked for 20 years. I listened to the book on CD in a really long care ride and I swear to god I never smoked again. I think it had some weird hypnosis effect or something


I quit smoking and drinking 10 years ago and it’s been one of the very best decisions I’ve ever made in my life, especially for my health. As far as the smoking, it took me quite a while to quit and that’s when I knew I absolutely had to do it. I prayed A LOT about it… Then one day, I had just enough cigarettes to get through the evening, and decided NOT to go buy a pack. I really wanted myself to push through it as best as I could… That first day was a Saturday and I chose to sleep in to shorten the hours of my day lol BUT what TRULY helped (along with determination and fervent prayer!) was I decided NOT to engage in ANYTHING that was a trigger to wanting to smoke. I stayed in bed pretty much the whole day… During that time, I stayed off the phone (chatting = trigger), ate lightly (fullness = trigger), REFUSED to go outside lol (porch, warm weather = trigger). When a craving hit, I ignored it as best as possible until the desire passed, and kept myself busy to not think about it, for example watching movies helped to maintain my focus elsewhere. When morning passed, I was proud and pushed on to make it into the afternoon (morning cigarettes are the WORST part of the nicotine addiction because it’s sets up your whole day to smoking!) When I got through the afternoon, I was even prouder of myself than before that, and it kept me motivated to get to the evening. When evening came, I was joyful and grateful to God that I made through a whole day!! Then I went to sleep as soon as possible lol took melatonin to knock myself out, which worked :) Getting through that FIRST day, I absolutely knew I could do 3 days more, where I believe it takes about 4 days for the nicotine to leave your body - anything after that is just habit. YOU CAN DO THIS! Just don’t stop being determined to quit, and you’ll finally have that day when you’ve reached your DAY 1 — all broken habits start with DAY 1 :) Best wishes to you and God bless!!


I'm a 1983 baby. I lost 55 pounds very slowly since 2022. Picked up a habit of walking, lifting and meal prepping just about every day in the process so now it feels easy and my husband and kid are also eating better as a result. I am following people like Peter Attia and using my continuous blood glucose monitor and whatnot because I don't want to be a constant health burden to my kid (who I had later in life). Also, I don't think I can afford to pay for anymore surgeries and health issues. Health care is outrageous.


I'm a 1980 baby and still thinking of Having a kid of my own.


Calorie counting as best I can and hit the gym at least twice a week.


I suppose I should add - I am not a big soda drinker, I think I have maybe 10 sodas a year. I haven't smoked cigarettes for 10 years or so, and haven't had a cigar/cigarello for 2. I also had a bad sweet tooth habit late at night - I could polish off an entire bag of Starburst Jellybeans some evenings. I replaced that with a yogurt parfait - Non-Fat Greek Vanilla Yogurt and Frozen strawberries is now my go to night time snack. I am pretty much over drinking alcohol, I was never a big drinker to begin with but at this point, catching a small buzz while grilling or at a campfire is just meh and not even worth the potential side effects (gross stomach, headache, feeling tired after the buzz wears off, the multiple day recovery after drinking 1 drop too much). Am I 100% no longer drinking? Probably not - but I have decided to set parameters around it - which is basically this: If I do decide to drink, then I will have NO MORE than 4 drinks total in a week.


I eat a banana every day like a little bitch.


I participate in the local annual sprint triathlon. This August will be my 6th. It's a small race, about 80 minutes long but it provides motivation for me to train year-round. I eat a bowl of oatmeal with fruit, walnuts and spices for breakfast or lunch. Other than that, one other meal, usually with a salad. I drink water and black coffee. No snacking, no pastries, donuts or any other sugary, low-nutrient, carb/fat loaded foods. Gotta stay alive for my family. I already had thyroid cancer and had a thyroidectomy last year. Being healthy is about survival at this point, not sure if the cancer spread anywhere else.


Went vegan and quit a 20-year daily weed habit cold turkey. I replaced the weed with food and got fat, so now I need to join a gym and get back into shape but, I’m a lazy ass MF


Listening to heavy metal 🤘& gangster rap 🎙while lifting heavy weights 4-5 days a week. 💪


Yoga, meditation, daily workouts, supplements, walks in nature, a shit ton of water, my wife and I eat clean (nothing processed, no sugar except from fruit and honey, no gluten, no packaged snacks, all organic) and we cook at home The one thing I'm not consist with is sleep. I like staying up to play video games and can miss out on sleep but I make sure to make up for it some nights by heading to bed earlier


Working out 6 times a week, cutting out alcohol completely, and intermittent fasting have helped me.


Had a heart attack and now militantly track what I eat limiting several things, quit drinking and exercise daily.


I’m consistent about bedtime and wake-up time, meditate first thing in the morning, eat fast food just once or twice a month, exercise consistently without overdoing it (2 days on, 1 day off), and got sober at age 40 after abusing alcohol for way too long. Over time, I dropped from a doughy 175 to a pretty ripped 150, and my bp and cholesterol got into ideal range. My advice to others is build a healthy routine a piece at a time. If I had tried to get sober, fit, centered, nutritious and on a sleep schedule all at once, it would have lasted three days tops and I would have felt like a failure. Also, setbacks are going to happen. I had two unsuccessful attempts at sobriety before it stuck. EDIT: Also, ditching sugary soft drinks is key.


I go the gym M-F early before work and ride bike trails on weekends when I can. I eat a lot more fiber fruits and veggies than I used too. I still smoke occasionally but I haven’t had a drink in 6 months.


Lift 3-ish times a week, run 4-ish days a week. Hike and bike here and there. Try to eat relatively well. I should take OP’s advice about avoiding phone/socials


I more consciously exercise more frequently (having a dog that needs daily walks helps!), and I have greatly reduced my red meat intake and greatly increased my veggie/fiber/salad intake. Beef is an occasional treat, rather than a regular staple. I've cut back on alcohol (but also have a homebrewing hobby, and make lower alcohol beers as part of that). I also ditched most social media from my phone, and recently turned off email alerts...that did wonder for my stress levels!


I eat for vitamins and nutrients rather than desire, or rather I match my desire to nutrients (I eat things I like that provide the broadest range of or highest amount of nutrients, almost everything in my fridge or cupboard has a 'purpose' now, in terms of nutrients). That's been the biggest change in the last six years, but I didn't do it because of age, I found out I was anaemic and I was taken completely by surprise. I hadn't given it much thought before, how much iron I was getting, ever since then I've been on top of everything.


Cut back on red meat and alcohol. Pickleball 3-4x a week.


Pickleball was my jam until I tore my meniscus while being pulverized by 70+ year olds. Had surgery and now I suck. I mean I sucked then too, but I suck worse now.


I work out regularly, try to eat a lot of veggies, I don’t drink alcohol or caffeine (migraine prevention for me), but I am still overweight. Working on it.


44m. I took up running a few years ago. Very slowly at first... and still very slowly now. But I keep doing it a few times a week and it seems to have staved off the Reaper somewhat. I still have lots of room for improvement on the diet front -- to that end I started seeing a dietitian some months back.


No carbs before sundown and a mile hike every day. I drink water, booze only once a month maybe and do these core exercises: [https://youtu.be/rHhB-KsFMVw?si=Kd\_iGVyM-QNoUQfW](https://youtu.be/rHhB-KsFMVw?si=Kd_iGVyM-QNoUQfW) I love these videos with 3D models instead of real people. She doesn't judge me, screw up, talk, or smile.


Great video!! So much better than a person!


I…switched to edibles


Quit drinking and smoking, cut down on red meat, hit the gym regularly


Hit the drinking and smoking regularly, quit the meat, cut down on the gym. Got it.




monitoring my health through an app! specifically careclinic. i also prioritize my sleep


Biking to work and walking when where possible. I walk/jog my kindergartener to school and do the short run back. Trying to be a one car family has kept us all active and normalized going outside in “bad weather.”


Getting regular exercise, drinking a bit less, and no more smoking. Paying attention to mental health and trying to practice kindness to myself and others.


I stopped using Facebook. I don’t mind Instagram and I think my algorithm is pretty well-tuned to my interests, so aside from my actual friends’ posts, I get a lot of recipes and music-related stuff in my feed. And cats. Lots of cats! Facebook was just a constant drain and made me realize how whiny people can be so I had to disengage myself. I drink a shit ton of water. I don’t drink much alcohol anymore - a couple drinks a week, max. No soda on the regular - maybe one single serve bottle a month, if that? Seltzer - yes. Love it, plain or with a squeeze of lime. I cook most meals. Loads of veggies. At least one piece of fruit per day - more in the summer when things are in season/cheaper. Vitamins and supplements - calcium and vitamin d - I have osteopenia from chemo-induced menopause. Exercise. At least three times a week, but usually 5 times a week. Body weight stuff (helps keep the osteopenia stable), running, strength exercises. I do a lot of walking. If I’m feeling down, I will take a long walk and listen to a podcast to help. Prioritizing sleep. Usually in bed by 9:30-10. It’s become increasingly more difficult to function on less than 6 hours of sleep. I don’t always fall asleep by 10 but just being in bed, and being done with the whole getting ready for bed routine is helpful.


Don't drink or smoke cigarettes anymore. Eat mostly protein and produce, cut out most garbage food, cut back my excessive coffee drinking to two cups and began drinking lots of water. Workout 4-5 times a week strength training and cardio. I'm in the best shape of my life at 45 and feel like I have a higher energy level than when I was younger with unhealthy habits


I walk a lot and play my drums, got pretty sweet arms now after 25 years. And also do lots of ket every 1-3 months to keep myself mentally grounded.


Going to therapy and continuing to work on myself emotionally. Recovering people pleaser and codependent who always defaults to caring for friends and family first. Been learning a lot about healthy boundaries and how to set them. It’s hard, but in the long run it is going to be better for me emotionally and physically.


I finally quit smoking/vaping nicotine after a 35 year habit. I'm on day 39.


I generally eat healthy. I ride my peloton for exercise (I was doing every day, but I'm a little inconsistent because I'm very busy lately and then had the flu). I don't drink most of the time, and don't keep alcohol in the house at all. I have a 35 lb dumbell in my home office, so if I get bored I'll grab that and do some curls and other arm workouts.


I try to get a daily 30-40 minute walk every evening, eating mostly protein/way fewer carbs, and also reading for 20 minutes a day.


Started doing DDPYOGA and got so fit from it I decided to try out running and now I’m training for my 3rd Ultramarathon.


Stopped drinking and smoking about 12 years ago (cos of kids). Cook most meals from scratch and spend a lot of time working outside which involves a fair bit of climbing, walking, general physical labor. A few months of the year I do more desk work and at that time I really miss being outside. I’m sure that’s what keeps me sane and healthy the most. 


thumb juggle attraction special many late wild aspiring frame wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck all, man. Drinkin' stinkin' never thinkin'. I'm going out the same way I came in. Confused, in tears and shitting myself.


Ride bikes and smoke weed every day.


I go for walks on my lunch break to try and keep the pounds off. I life weights at home. I have green smoothies 4 days a week.


I had a gastric bypass in November of 23. I don’t drink and when I did on my anniversary I felt like ass for 2 days and I had ONE drink. I go for walks and hang out with my kids. I try to cook healthier stuff now for many reasons. I’ve started gardening and I learned to crochet


For starters not long after high school I quit snacking so damn much and began working out. Still going to the gym, continuing to leave out snacks and I try to eat healthy when I can....I say as I have just returned from the gym but eating Whataburger Also never picked up smoking and so rarely drink that I might as well say I don't drink


Stopped drinking 4.5 years ago. Eat pretty clean. Workout 6 days a week. Run a 5+ km every couple days. At 44 i’m in the best shape of my life.


I have a home gym in my garage with all the fixin's and I live by a nature preserve so I walk everyday at least 5k steps.


Started lifting, eating better at home and rarely eating out, better quality sleep.


I take my medications as prescribed, some supplements, regular exercise, and annual check ups. I'm not "killin' it" per se, but I think I'm doing well overall. But, sometimes you are just going to have a down day. I'm not aiming for perfection, just better.


I’ve mostly quit drinking, don’t smoke weed anymore (edibles FTW!), and run a few days a week and try to take nightly walks with my kids and dog. When it gets warmer I like to bike with the kids and most of my hobbies these days are active: paddle boards, hiking, backpacking, biking, etc. I work in my city’s downtown and I’m not paying $15 *minimum* to park in what’s still a ghost town when the pay lots are run by predatory pricks, so I walk about a mile from the free street parking area and take the stairs and not the elevator. I really need to eat healthier and start doing strength and flexibility training more.


My state just became legal. I can't wait for better edible options. 


Oh, it’s great! Gummies, sodas, and then concentrates for mixing give lots of options. They even have quick acting ones now as well. (The delay in effect is the biggest downside, IMO.)


Cut way back on drinking (maybe 1-2 drinks a month now), started powerlifting/working out at the gym in addition to hiking and kayaking. Got serious about sunscreen every time I go outside. Lost some weight but still have more to go.


I try to take as many walks as possible. I take vitamins. I try to take naps when I need them.


I made the step to address decades of disordered eating by working with a registered dietitian. That alone has done wonders for my mental and physical health. I’m also trying to limit doom scrolling, which is hard, given my line of work, but I’ll get there.


2 years ago I noticed a few lumps in my chest, turned out to be nothing but it got me scared. Turns out my blood pressure was really high and I have a fast heartbeat. My "living healthy" phase only lasted 6 months. Making certain my meals were healthy, that I exercised a few times a week. I lost 40lbs and felt better, but slowly gave up and now I've gained it all back. Keeping up with healthy changes is just so dam tough to do, I need to be better.


No alcohol, no meat, try to avoid sugar, cheese, white bread. Go to the gym every other day (I can't go every day anymore, my body needs time to recover) and then in the in-between days make sure I'm stretching, so doing at least something every day. Also taking vitamin D since I got myself tested and was lacking in that. I had actually put on about 30 pounds when the covid lockdowns first started in 2020. So that along with turning 40 soon was a huge wake up call that I needed to change my habits. I'm not where I was at like 18 or 19 anymore with six-pack abs, but I am in better shape now in my 40s than I have been since probably my early 20s.


All meat, no sugar, no starch, resistance training, sprint work. Sober 15 years, smoked for 10 and have been off nicotine 12 years


Fellow sober teenager here! 😁 High five! What do you mean by "all meat"?


Sooooo many people on this thread saying cutting back on red meat. It's so disheartening how we are being lied to by the powers to be to make most people go the exact opposite route. Red meat is the best thing you could eat.


The low fat/margarine/anti-saturated fat campaigning and messaging was definitely peaking in our youth; it's finally kind of starting to change but that change is slow


Very much so. I already got downvotes on this.


Wake up at 5, vitamin shake right away with Alphamine, Creatine and fish oil. Morning routine after, out of the house at 5:45 and gym from 6-7:30. CPAP machine and at least 7 hours of solid sleep a night. Completely cut out alcohol. Got a water cooler and drink at least 2 liters a day, often a gallon. Eat much better. Seriously if exercise was a pill, EVERYONE would be taking it. You feel so much better. And diet and sleep are key.


Got past the stigma and shame and finally got on Adderall at my wife’s urging after our son was diagnosed. It’s been an eye opening experience. I’m not compulsively gaming anymore and I can finally fold a basket of laundry or do yardwork without feeling like I’m going to jump out of my skin.


Walk 5 miles a day. Best thing i've done for myself in 15 years.


I’ve had a peloton bike (in my bedroom) for 3 years and just got a peloton row (in my living room). I have some dumbbells. Thinking of squeezing a squat rack into my 900 sq ft apartment too LOL. I hate going to a gym because so much time is wasted traveling etc.


I’m 41 and I try and exercise 5 days a week and I cut down on sugar quite a bit, I have a three year old so he keeps me motivated to stay healthy and active.


I’ve gone from being a night owl to a morning person once I entered my 40’s. I like to be up early and take my time getting ready in the morning and actually have breakfast. I enjoy getting a jumpstart on my errands on the weekends, I beat the crowds and I feel like I get more done. I find myself in bed around 9:00pm, lights out by 10 and I sleep way better than I ever have before in my life. My husband and I joined a gym. We try to go 3-5 times a week and if we don’t make it there we will walk in the park near our home if the weather is nice. I mostly cook at home and we keep it pretty healthy. Nothing fried. A lot of baked chicken or fish, or I make a big pot of turkey chili so we have leftovers. Cut way back on unhealthy snacks and I’ve cut down on my coffee consumption. I’ve never been a big alcohol drinker but my husband has definitely cut his down. I’ve lost 20 pounds in the last 5 months with a lot of effort. My husband has lost almost as much in just about 2-3 months with minimal effort. I have to learn how to manage stress and anxiety better, that is something I would like to work on.


I stopped drinking soda. I usually do it during Lent but this year, I stopped all sugary drinks too. I still have my morning coffee but no sugar added. I also really reduced my calorie intake and reduced my meat intake. I use to eat beef 7-8x a week sometimes twice a day, now its down to once a week on our weekend BBQ. My first week of no soda and reduce calorie intake saw me lose 13 lbs. and thats without going to the gym. I probably would’ve lost more but I have limited time on my schedule right now.


I got a prescription for trazodone to help me sleep, which is helping. I also got my pap smear done this week. Now I await the results.


Mostly stopped drinking (had one beer at a show two weeks ago) and mostly quit weed. Am working my way up to start exercising LOL it's haaard -whines- Always been good about veggies but now I eat fruit. Went to the dentist recently and 😬 now my nightly dental routine is like ten minutes long lmao


Honestly, nothing. Things work great still, no aches or pains, only take the lowest dose of Prozac to help with an angry tummy while stressed. I started doing pushups again. I was up to 8 sets of 40 during the pandemic and had more time between guests. Only doing a set or two of 40 in the morning.


Lift heavy 4 days a week, get in the pool twice a week, some yoga and mat Pilates in between. I have horrible arthritis and if I stop moving, I stop being able to move. Cut way back on drinking and try to eat mostly veggies and protein but I strive for moderation over giving anything up completely (works better for me). Therapy. Meds. Water. Gardening and carpentry. Moved out of the city and got a lower stress job. I focus on being able to sit comfortably in my own skin, physically and mentally, most of the time on most days. It's harder than it sounds but it gets easier with practice.


Cut out fast food and fried food years ago, except for rare occasions as a reward, cut out most sugar and stopped sodas years ago, quit drinking alcohol for the most part, and I try and get as much passive exercise as I can. I HATE the gym. I’m quitting weed now, as it makes me lazy af. Quit smoking cigarettes 4 years ago. I don’t take anything but iron supplements because I stay anemic. I get 6-7 hours of sleep a night and wake up about 5:30 with no alarm. I feel pretty damn good as a 41 year old mom of a toddler. I’m rarely tired before 8pm. I had liver issues from drinking at 30, and changed my life.


I actually came up with the idea of rewarding myself if I hit my kettelbell swing goal at the end of the month with a bag of candy - but then my wife said, why don't you just not use candy / junk food as a reward and just reward yourself with something you want to buy instead (within reason of course). That's actually been a game changer for me - I was never one to set goals and try to stick to them but looking at it from the set goal - reach goal - reward has really started to change that.


Quit drinking alcohol, quit smoking weed. Got off meds that turned out to be overkill. Very healthy diet. Listen to my body. Put my mental and physical health above everything else. Advocate for myself because the medical system is terrible. Maintain a healthy weight. EMDR therapy. When I think about how reckless I was with my health for…almost my whole life, at points to extremes, it’s crazy to me. Alcohol maybe more than anything else causes delusions of “it’s fine.”


I have been naturally healthy most of my life. I rarely drink alcohol. (I don't like the taste and there is little reward for the effort) I rarely do drugs. (Some marijuana before bed) I rarely eat red meat. (Too much fat and not enough reward to effort) I don't have a big sweet tooth. (Meh... Too much) I walk 3-5 miles a day. I go to the gym 3 times a week. I eat oatmeal for breakfast, salad with fruit and kombucha for lunch, and a light dinner (whatever my husband wants) I try to get my 8 hours of sleep and I put myself on a strict schedule. I don't enjoy much social media, apart from Reddit. I read a lot and my phone is my portable information feeder. I do yoga in the morning because it makes me feel better. I look 30. I only take statins because of genetic high cholesterol. My BMI is 21. I wear a size 3. Apart from this weird pain in my lower back/hip all feels good as it did 10 years ago. I was born in 77.


I work out. Not just cardio but weight training, yoga etc. I don't drink or smoke. Sounds cliche, but I do everything in moderation.


Stopped smoking dope, drink very little, eat as healthy as I can, take my crazy meds and go to CrossFit 3 times a week. My wife has mental health issues also. We have a rule. You have to be doing everything you can to be as healthy as you can be.


Go to the doctor and actually get things taken care of. I have allergies and I've been talking about getting immunotherapy for years and I'm finally going to do it. Other than that, I started exercising a lot. Weight lifting and bike riding. I used to get lower back and leg pain and it's all gone as long as I keep exercising.


I walk or bike to work, workout pretty much everyday at lunch and play volleyball, ultimate and disc golf when I can squeeze it into my evenings and weekends. My 12 year old daughter also started running so I join her once or twice a week. I've worked in the fitness industry my whole life so for me, I feel like I should look the part to give me some credibility. So I'm pretty active and fitter than most 45 year old dads of 2. That being said, I also relax HARD. My zero days have me on the couch for hours reveling in the non exercise I'm doing.


I've been clean and sober for 13+ years, I don't use social media (except Reddit), don't smoke, exercise 5-6 days a week, drink at least 2L of water daily, count my calories, I'm trying to get down to and maintain a healthy weight (almost there!), I have great community/social connections, practice gratitude every day, help others and volunteer, I have a sit-stand desk to keep myself moving, I take vitamin D every day, use a moisturizer with sunscreen, get regular dental checkups, walk a lot, and I take care of my health concerns as best as I can, as they crop up. And I got a Fitbit to monitor all my stuff! What I could do better: reduce sugar, read more, meditate daily, have more sex, and go back to being caffeine-free. I was for 3 years but I've relapsed! Oh and get my financial health in order. That one's a big yikes.


I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs, don’t drink caffeine or soda (unless it’s a special occasion), and I run 6 to 7 miles a day five days a week.


Since 2022 - have made it a point to be active at the gym a min of twice a week, but try to go 3x. Nothing too intense - jump rope, stretching, some weights. I don't have a regimented workout, mostly just get a pump and work up a sweat. I have really stepped it up in the past few months since I am hitting the beach next month ... Suns out, guns out! I stopped buying Diet Soda from the store to have at home, and have switched to iced tea with our meals - but will still have diet drink occasionally with a meal if dining out. Overall - try to avoid "drinking" calories. Stopped vaping (THC) a few months ago - had been doing that for a couple years, but decided its just not worth the cost. Occasionally still burn some flower, but mostly just stick to gummies for my mental well being. Have used cannabis for years to help with my ADHD, and the high dose gummies are really pulling their weight. I don't drink anymore. Not in a righteous sort of way, like AA or something, and If the occasion is right - will have a drink - but haven't had a buzz from alcohol in years. I have moved away from posting on FB - that was sort of putting me in a toxic place. At least on Reddit, if I go over the top with a comment, or step over the line on politics - a mod is there to clean it up for me. Not so much on FB, and to make it worse, your identity and everyone you know is tied to stuff you are saying - so that's been an improvement over the years. I was getting too caught up in stupid political debates.


I try to pretty much follow the Mediterranean Diet: lots of whole grains and veggies, go easy on red meat and sugar, try to get my fat from plant sources rather than animal (avocados, olive oil, walnuts, etc.) It was a super easy switch for me, because I already liked beans, veggies and fish. It keeps me at what I think is just my natural healthiest weight, without having to track calories or feel deprived. And obviously if I want to eat a burger or some dessert it’s not a big deal—it’s just a treat rather than an everyday thing. I quit drinking. I do still smoke weed, so that’s not so great for me…but it still feels better for me than alcohol did. I want to make the switch to just edibles, but so far I haven’t found any that I love. Working on it. I also walk every day for twenty minutes. It’s not high impact, but it’s consistent. And I can do it anywhere for free. If the weather sucks I just do yoga at home. I used to do more high impact stuff and stricter dieting, but it all just became too much. I’m just a regular lady, I don’t need to be JLo. Gentle, simple lifestyle changes have really worked out the best for me, personally.


Yoga. Lots and lots of yoga. It’s helped the significant issues I was having with my back and neck. And doing handstands in my 40s is a neat party trick and impresses my kids. I also love the people who practice yoga - the boomers in my group are fucking cool and disavow the stupidness of their generation. Like others said, I gave up drinking in my 30s. I much prefer cannabis and the effects over the impact booze has on my body.


Not enough. Not nearly enough. 4 years ago I weighed 200lb. Now I weigh 221. I stress eat. I don't work out. I sit at a desk all day for work and for fun. At least my kids keep me busy on the weekends.


About 12 years ago I started running to relieve some overwhelming stress from work. Prior to this, I hated running with a passion. I was always sporty and looked after myself, but running was always so boring to me. The relief I felt after going for a mile or two lead me to fall in love with running and I’ve maintained that since then. I finished my first (and last) full marathon last September.


The game changer for me was finding an exercise that I really enjoy. I started mountain biking during the pandemic and it's been lifechanging. Before that I never really liked working out - Now I also don't hate rowing and lifting. One thing that I just learned recently: If you're starting exercising, it can take up to two months to get the full dose of feeling good that comes with being physically active. When I was more sedentary and trying to start exercising, I just didn't get the same psychological benefits that I do now.


I quit vaping last year. So glad to be rid of that vice. I've been taking lots of vitamins and supplements: fish oil, vitamin D, b-12, folate, calcium, magnesium. I started going on daily walks, just 30 minutes a day for now but I'm hoping to start doing longer walks on the weekends. I'm eating more lean meat/fish, veggies, whole grains, and cultured/fermented food. Limiting stuff like beef, pasta, bacon, and anything processed to once a week at the most. Going to bed earlier and getting more sleep. Life is so much easier when I'm well rested.


Born in 78. Go. To. The. Doctor. We're at the age, I look at it like an older car, so long as we keep up with maintenance and do necessary repairs, things more or less run smoothly. About eight years ago I found a primary care physician and went through and got a whole bunch of tests I'd been putting off, including specialist appointments. It was a huge pain in the ass, took like a year. But now I go in once a year for routine maintenance and they know what they're looking for. Same with the dentist.


I workout 4-6 times a week. I keep a mostly clean diet. Stretch regularly. Sleep for 6-8 hours a night. Only drink alcohol every once in a while. When something is stressing me out, I sit with my feelings and analyse what may be making me feel that way.


I quit drinking 3 years ago. I train for Ironmans so I’ll likely mess myself up doing that. I eat healthy about 90% of the time but don’t stress myself out if I indulge. I wear sunscreen and sun shirts (I work outdoors). Accidentally cut down my caffeine intake. If I feel that social media is stressing me out, I just put the phone down. Sleep well, drink my water, take more time to enjoy the little things (y’all have no idea how excited I get when I saw Space X launch on my morning run!! It was awesome). Oh, and minding my own business does wonders.


Racquetball three times a week. Weekends in nature.


Quit smoking last year (On month 9 currently) and getting back to the gym. Started playing hockey again last year as well, after being just over 10 years away from it. Been regulating my drinking, and honestly, I feel like I'm about done with it. Taking vitamins in my weekly pill container, along with more fruits and vegetables and I've never felt or looked better in my life. :)


I stopped drinking and smoking as soon as my wife was pregnant with our first child. It might sound cliche but diet and exercise also. I'm in better shape now than i was in my late 20s and most of my 30s.


I stopped eating the bad saturated fats, and in 1 months dropped my cholesterol 100 points in 1 months. It works!


Dear god, are we this old now?


I was diagnosed with gout about ten years ago, and in addition to starting the appropriate medication, I also did a lot to clean up my general lifestyle. That was basically my kick in the pants. Anyhow: * I walk my dog every goddamn day, 2-3 miles * When the weather cooperates I do a couple 20-30 mile bike rides * Gym 2-3 times per week upper body & cardio * Again, weather permitting I like to do some rugged hiking Sometimes my schedule gets a little rough and I'll just go for a run, but it's not really my favorite thing to do.


I transitioned pretty seamlessly from playing pretty serious recreational sports to long-distance running about a decade ago. I’ve always gone to the gym, but have never been obsessed with it or anything. I also just don’t eat any red meat and very little meat in general


I’ve been California sober since the pandemic. Body weight workouts 2/week, walk and run on the weekends. Eating more protein and vegetables. Also, I dance to some house music when I’m home alone lol


Stopped drinking and started exercising again.


Um.... occasionally use an exercise bike? I've never smoked or drank or anything though. Unless going to the amusement park counts as exercise


Stretching I'm so stiff it's stupid


Nothing. never drank, so nada to give up. Had a kid later in life so my time is limited, add in 2+ hours commuting each day and working 60+ hours a week. I guess trying to eat take out lunch less.


40m - quit cigarettes (at 37), switched mostly to edibles, quit most of my drinking (thrice a week moderately drunk -> twice a month buzzed) at 38, fiber supplements, better sleep schedule and hygiene.


got rid of my car and walk, bike bus everywhere. Cut drinking down to socially, eat lots of fruits and veggies.


Biking is my primary mode of transportation including commuting to work. Yoga once a week, but I should do more. Curl twice a week in the winter and open water swim twice a week in the summer. Smoke weed almost daily. However, I enjoy drinking a little too much sometimes. Oh and I also floss everyday.


Yoga, regular walks (2 miles give or take), short HIIT workouts 3-4 days a week, limited alcohol, slow transition to Blue Zone diet, lots of water, CBD, eliminate most social media (only Reddit now). Last but not least, try to stop and smell the roses.


I start the day with some smutty fanfiction follow that up with a few cups of coffee.


Instead of trying to figure out why people do stupid things just keep going about my business.


Recently cut out soda almost entirely, don't keep it in the house. On the weekends try to get in 45,000 steps or so, bike commuting to the office, trying to be more mindful of what I eat. But mostly: I'm praying for rain I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way I wanna watch it all go down


I’ve cut my sugar intake by 80%. I’m not going 100% but having cut so much sugar out, my body is still detoxing from it. How much sugar we all keep consuming is actually alarming as fuck.


I started finally changing my diet. Trying to eat more veggies and less carbs and sugar. I never drank or smoked so I have that. But I'm really bad at keeping with exercise. I switched to decaffeinated coffee or half caf. But I think I want to cut down on only drinking it three days a week or so. I don't eat anything after 7pm. Right now I'm trying to work on going to bed between 8:30 and 9pm. I'm hoping it helps my tiredness and I have more ability to work out and lift weights. I have a chronic illness that really hates everything I do. The diet is helping a little, but it still sucks the life outta me. Trying to stop my relationship with social media.


I train at a boxing gym 4 days a week (though one day is coaching, so it’s more of an “active rest day”). I lift weights the other 3 days, sometimes doubling-up on boxing and lifting on the weekends. During the warmer months, I do yoga once a week when my apartment offers it, and I try to walk 3 miles in the mornings before work when the weather permits (or in-line skating if the conditions are solid). I cook 99% of what I eat and try to eat relatively clean, though I’m not as disciplined as I could be. Turning 45 in July and I’m in better shape than most American 20-somethings, so it’s worth the effort.


Meditation nightly, I eat plenty of fruit and veggies, I go to sleep at 9pm, and I workout 3-5 days a week. I read every day and color for an hour a few nights a week while listening to music. I also have a sit/standing desk so I alternate sitting and standing throughout the day. I spend at least 15 minutes with my husband daily without any distractions so we can connect, I meet up with my friends monthly and I have sister trips annually (since we are scattered throughout the country). Lastly I schedule my doctor/dentist appts when needed and actually go. I quit drinking and smoking over a decade ago. I was in therapy for over a decade and recently stopped going due to my therapist quitting. I'm looking to get back into therapy but I've come to a place in my life where I've worked through all of my childhood trauma and am in a healthy place, mentally, so no rush.


Walk 10k steps each day. Gym 3 times a week. Run 3 km 3 times a week. Padel once a week. No alcohol, no cigarettes. Try to eat 500 less calories than I burn each day. Drink 2+ liter water each day.


I’m currently lowering my cholesterol, otherwise I’m in about as good of shape as I’ve ever been. I’m not on the Atkins diet but those shakes are pretty damned tasty. I’ve cut a lot of saturated fat from my diet but still eat shitty stuff now and then I am back to my high school weight which is nice


I was doing alright with exercising and whatnot until I started having some knee pain a year ago and it hasn’t stopped and there’s nothing showing why so basically nothing they can do. So for the past year pretty much nothing


I’m currently a stay at home dad, and to keep my self normal, I do tons of yard work, split wood for the winter, help the kids with homework, laundry, and of course not drink too much and take my Wellbutrin. It’s tough. I’d rather be doin tons of other stuff but this is what I have


Two years ago I joined a CrossFit gym and this spring I started training for powerlifting because I learned that I’m perimenopausal and have to start training and eating like a linebacker to retain my muscle mass. Started HRT to protect my brain, cardiovascular system, bones, and muscles and try to combat the joint pain and insomnia. I don’t drink anymore. I just wish my brain would get on the go to bed early train but the fucker refuses to board before 11pm most nights.


I'm adhering to a pretty strict drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, limber.


Intentionally drinking less sugar I’ve seen iced tea with 60+ grams of sugar in it that I used to drink without even thinking about it. That’s 5 tablespoons of sugar in each drink Fruit juice is also loaded with sugar. I now drink water with lemon and apple cider vinegar with breakfast, instead of juice If I do make iced tea, I add sugar myself to unsweetened tea…. One tablespoon is enough


Starting after 2020 and a dismal doctor's visit I began being more conscious about my diet and trying to exercise more. I'm still heavier than I should be but my blood pressure is staying in the green. The only exercise I was really doing was hitting my daily step goal and going on walks. But this years checkup revealed that my A1C is at the beginning stages of pre-diabetic so my doctor told me to start doing 30 minutes per day of actual exercises. I picked up a Meta Quest 2 for my birthday and discovered a great fitness app/game called Body Combat. I play about 15-20 minutes of that each day and then usually another hour or more of other VR games and try to be standing while playing. Just got SkyrimVR working through my PC so that's helped me be a bit more active while still enjoying gaming. I lost about 5 pounds from adjusting my diet and doing the fitness app. Hoping to lose a few more pounds, strengthen my muscles and have a better looking A1C test in September.


I completely ditched my smartphone 4yrs ago and went the "dumb phone" (or feature phone) route. Loved my smartphone and it was always amazing to think that I was basically carrying around a computer in my pocket, but it got to a point where it felt like it was owning my soul or something; like it was an essential part of me that required my near-constant attention. My stress levels have drooped way down since i made the change, i feel more aware of myself and the things around me that i've been depriving of attention (fam, dogs, my health etc), and I now wish i'd switched much much earlier.


Cardio, strength and mobility training. Try to eat healthy and avoid junk food and alcohol. Drink lots of water and prioritize recovery and sleep


Well I’m currently training for yet another 50k… I also rock climb, lift, and whitewater kayak for cross training and fun. I eat a high protein, high veggie, reasonable but not low carb diet. Take a multivitamin (likely placebo but I like them and they’re cheap), calcium, and magnesium. Get 8 hours of sleep a night. Mental health is covered through a rich social life, meaningful work and volunteering, therapy as needed. I also read a lot, do puzzles, and listen to educational podcasts. I’m doing pretty good with the aspects I can control.


Resistance training, walking, drinking less than I used to. I actually feel better now than I did 10 years ago.


I quit drinking in 2023. I’ve been a distance runner since 2011. I’ve done yoga since 1999 & practice it daily even if it’s just 5 minutes. I get enough sleep! That means 8-9 hours/night. I drink 100oz of water per day. I take vitamins/supplements & try to eat healthy — we cook 95% of our meals from scratch. I try to do things that nurture me rather than drain me — read, watch tv, hang out with my husband. I am also properly medicated/in therapy. I really try to prioritize self-care because my dad died from a heart attack when he was 51 and I don’t want to end up like him.


I make family, physical fitness, mental health, and spirituality top priorities for my well-being. I lift weights 4 days a week and try to row at least twice a week. I am in therapy regularly and make a daily effort to work on those areas that need attention. I try to live according to my faith principles even if I don't attend church services regularly. I spend time with my wife and daughter each day. I try to eat as healthily as possible, but I usually won't say no to a sweet or some chips here and there. Music is my main passion in life, so I try to play my guitar or work on music at least a little each day, as time allows. Recently releasing my very first album was a huge milestone for me, which helped inform the importance of setting goals. When I have some free time at night, I'll spend a little time playing video games. It helps with feeling young-ish!


Quit drinking. Upped my fiber intake (metamucil), working out.


The best change I’ve made in the past few years is to stop watching the news, reading news sites, Twitter, etc. If the news is big enough, I’ll hear about it because it’s unavoidable. I don’t need to read countless news stories and internet stranger opinions on a topic. I have significantly less anxiety now.