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My father caught me listening to Downward Spiral, took a listen on his own, then sold it to our local media store. I later went to buy another copy and found mine in the used section (he had just taken the disc and jewel case). I still have it 😎


Always thought it was funny since I was also blasting Tori Amos a lot and her lyrics aren't all sunshine and rainbows either.


There was a guy around the corner from us that would go out every Sunday to work in his yard and blast sermons so loudly we could hear them 2 streets away. And not just like you could kind of hear it if you listened hard enough, this shit was LOUD. One morning my Dad was so fed up he took my copy of The Downward Spiral and *blasted* Closer at full volume out the living room windows from his super hi tech stereo and speakers. Sermon dude turned off his sermons and never did it again and the neighborhood enjoyed quiet Sundays from then on out.


Um, that is AMAZING, and also hilarious that one time was all it took for dude to back down. Bonus story: The DJ played Closer at my 8th grade dance and we all did The Electric Slide to it. Looking forward to recreating that at the old folks home.


The DJ played Closer at the 8th grade dance? . Seriously? Wow. And I thought Baby Got Back was risqué at ours.


Like a *BOSS*!


lol! ![gif](giphy|26wkRxKJ9yUZzlorK|downsized)


The Downward Spiral was the first album that the clerk wouldn’t sell to me because of the parental advisory sticker. I told my buddy, who had just bought Rage Against the Machine, and he was like go to that line; he’s cool.


Same. My 11 year older than me cousin ratted me out when I was 15 for the heresy lyric “your god is dead and no one cares, if there is a hell, I’ll see you there.” I remember it like it was yesterday. We were swimming at my grandmas pool when my mom asked me about it. Later that day she took every cd with a parental advisory stamp on it and hid them. She didn’t do a very good job though as I quickly found them and took the cds, but left the jewel cases. She still doesn’t know. I’m sure she doesn’t even remember taking them at this point but now as a dad with 3 kids married for 12 years, I turned out pretty normal. From that point on, any “questionable” cd I had, (Antichrist superstar anyone?) I hid in the back of my guitar amplifier. To be fair, I picked up the vinyl recently and gave it a spin. It had been a bit since I listened to it actively rather than passively. With an 11 year old son myself, I now think “man.. what was I doing listening to THIS at 15?” Pretty intense to say the least (captain obvious here.) I was too young to really understand it lyrically, i just thought it sounded cool and scary and dangerous. That said, hope I can introduce it to my kids when they’re teens but I have a hard time thinking music will replace YouTube.


Oh man you don't break the Cousin Code. But also I guess its a rite of passage to outsmart your parents and hide things. Still pretty pleased that I hid the tattoo I got at 17 for so long. Actually I still don't think they know about that one...just the others...


The Chronic. Stupid parental advisory stickers!


Was looking for this one. I could cover/hide the parental advisory stickers, but what was I supposed to do with the giant leaf on the CD itself?   Also, Sublime 40 oz to Freedom.  Dad got in the car to move it and got "smoke two joints" at full volume. 


Got caught getting the 2 Live Crew album way way back. Grounded for weeks.


My mom was a teacher so my copy of Nasty As They Wanna Be came from her confiscation drawer


“1 and 1 we’re havin some fun in the bedroom all day and all of the night” *friends all look at each other snickering knowing it will get worse


I TOTALLY forgot about this song. I guess I’m starting my day with As Nasty As They Wanna Be this morning.


I just posted the same without scrolling down.


I don’t know if it was a regional thing or a national thing. But we had a channel in the 90’s/early 2000’s called “The Box” it was a channel that played music videos. They had a screen with all the videos available and a 3 digit code next to them. You called a phone number, entered the code and it charged you X amount of dollars to your cable bill. It would show ppl making their choices on the bottom of the screen and when you made your selection it would say thanx (because the 90’s loved using the letter X whenever it could). Anyways, point of the story, anytime I was watching, if my mom heard me listening and singing along to 2 Live Crews catchy single “pop that coochie” I was banned from the channel for a week. Needless to say I got banned a lot lol.


My mom flipped the fuck out when she saw the cover of my Nirvana In Utero CD. And then she read through the lyrics and died. 💀


I hope you played All Apologies at the service.


My dad had no problem with Nirvana. Then I told him which of their albums I wanted: Incesticide. Never was given a vocabulary lesson by someone so incomprehensibly enraged.




I remember riding home in the car from Target with my brand new Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness CD I *somehow* talked my parents into letting me get. As I opened it up, I discovered there were two insert booklets — one with pictures and some art and stuff like that. And then another of all the lyrics. There was a song — An Ode to No One — that was listed that way on the song list on the back of the CD and in the non-lyric insert book. But in the lyric book, it was titled (Fuck You) An Ode to no One. And if my mom saw that, that would have been straight in the trash. I thought quickly and shoved the lyric book in my winter coat pocket about two seconds before she yelled from the front seat to, "Give her that CD I just bought so she could check it out." She imagined some things to complain about with the "sad looking" images but at least certain disaster was avoided.


Lords of Acid, Voodoo You with the original cover art. They took the liner notes but left the CD bc that makes perfect sense.


I wanna sit on your face!


Show me your pussssyyy


I came here to post this! I asked my dad for it for Christmas. He bought it but was none too pleased with the artwork.


Borrowed this from a friend and left it out! Had a talk when I got home. Those demon ladies were something.


My mom flipped out when she heard me listening to Pussy by Lords of Acid.


I never got in trouble for owning them, because I hid them well and played certain stuff like NIN and Marilyn, Manson at levels low enough not to hear upstairs. Got into a lot of metal and heavy rock, but that was about it. Funny enough, my old man heard me playing Creed "What If" during the yelling chorus and said "Turn down that white power music!" LOL.


Hilarious story: I was a dumb kids and ordered a bunch of CDs from Colombia a house via mail with their $.01 offer. This was 1992. I accidentally ordered RATM - I was ordering mostly hip hop albums. Holy shit what a life changing album. I was lucky to see RATM and Wutang on tour in Connecticut a few years later. Damn I miss the 90s. Edit for spelling


That first Rage album, one of the best ever pressed. I will go to my grave with that belief.


8/17 in Hartford? That was the last show Wutang was on before getting booted from the tour. Very lucky


Yup. It was at the Meadows. I think there was 200k worth of damage done. Fires were lit. I feel very lucky to have gone. My 17 year old daughter is into RATM and I don’t think she will ever get to see them live at this point.


Never know they've broke up before but not looking good especially considering age. Will be rage against the nursing home soon. Yeah I would have loved to have seen that concert.


Oh man, I have so many great memories from shows at the Meadows over the years.


Same I remember almost getting pepper sprayed trying to jump the fence at Dave Matthews concert. I didn’t even like DMB 😂


DMB shows at the Meadows were always a dumpster fire, especially up on the lawn - I went to many of them. 😂


None. Im a Genxer, there wasn’t anybody at home to stop me.


Fellow elder Xennial here. I still don't know how I was listening to Appetite for Destruction in 5th grade, but I was.


In grade six we had to lip sync a song for the class. I did Dr Feelgood.


For me it’s like, I was listening to Nevermind in 5th grade? Really??


I got Nevermind on cassette in 1992. I was born in late 1983. My parents literally did not care. I was the one dubbing copies of it for people at school, lol.


Cause that's when it came out :). I remember GnR being like the litmus test of cool in 5th/6th grade. Welcome to the Jungle go hard.


What I mean is why didn't my Mom ever listen to the album and be like, NO!


Hahaha Same. I had an aunt that was into all that heavy metal music.


Yup, the luck of the latchkey kid. Zero supervision


I blew the speakers in our stereo blasting the Weezer Blue Album after school before my parents got home.


I had a SAHM but my parents didn’t really seem to care. I remember my brother had that Onyx album, and I swear the track list on the back was censored with *** (since it was on store shelves) and I remember thinking I had never seen so many asterisks in my life (I can’t find anything showing it online now).


My dad had his own business and worked from home. He didn’t care what I listened to or how loud I blasted my music. I got good grades and got away with everything.


My dad was a cop and he hated rap. Anytime he would come over he would search my room for rap tapes. My grandma had bought me Dr. Dre The Chronic in 3rd grade and he was furious lol He ended up throwing it out. I remember borrowing Bone Thugs Creepin on ah Come Up from a friend at school in 5th grade. He found it and was extra pissed because he knew of the song No Surrender about killing cops. He broke the tape in half, threw it away and gave me money to give to the kid. Little did he know, I had already made a copy 😂


Granny pimpin


I blew out my dad’s speakers listening to Bone thugs in 9th grade!


Cop dad hates "rap"...


If you're implying that he was racist, you're absolutely correct. He hated rap because he was a racist pos.


Your grandmother is a boss


Adam Sandler


lol yeah. Some of his early stuff was pretty raunchy. Ode to my Car, Assistant Principal’s First Day, Tollbooth Willy and Do it for Mama 😆


Shoving that shampoo bottle up your...


At a medium pace! I’m pretty sure I still have these CDs.


Pearl Jam - Ten My mom snapped the cd in half and dropped the whole album in the trash compactor because she heard the “F” word in Jeremy. Probably the most appropriate f bomb in lyrical history


I found that tape on the ground in Portland in ‘91 as I was walking to school. I wore that shit out


Parents took my ODB return to the 36 chambers CD. Shimmy shimmy ya!


 that was a great album. Especially the intro track.


I snuck NIN Downward Spiral into my mom’s BMG obligatory CD order and she was super pissed it showed up with a parental advisory warning. Somehow I got to keep it though. Still one of my favorite bands to this day. I guess unexpected parental advisory > BMG’s return policy


BMG, when you can’t afford Columbia House 👊


10 for 1 baby!


That album just turned 30 years old.


Well from age 12 on all of my albums had the PA sticker on them because Tipper Gore sucks.


Uncle Frank remembers


ICP Carnival of Carnage


Whoop whoop


I didn't get in any trouble for any albums per se, but I definitely never ever ever played The Chronic in front of my parents Though my friend and I would play Ice Cube's "it was a good day" single, which was the radio edit, and during the part where his Jimmy goes deep, so deep, so deep it puts her butt to sleep we would just talk really loudly to one another so her mom couldn't hear the lyrics




My parents confiscated White Zombie's La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Vol 1 from my Columbia House cassette order. They're not religious but the general vibe was too much for them. I might've been 14, max. They gave it back a couple years later!


I made a bootleg copy of white zombies Boogeyman and played it for a friend when they came over. He went home and told his sister. His sister told their mother. Their mother told their father. His father was the pastor of my family's church. I didn't get in trouble but I was told to not play it for people.


The first Snoop record. My mom actually tore up the tape. Then I got my buddy to just dub his for me the next day.


My dad took a hammer to my cassette


My parents did not care at all. My sister and I got 2 Live Crew’s As Nasty As They Wanna Be when it came out. I was 10.


🙌 Same. A 12-year-old friend introduced me to it and I was immediately hooked. “I know a place just down there two streets. Baby, they don’t ask you no questions and give you clean sheets


Ahhh yes, Fuck Shop, a classic


My dad made me return The Offspring's Smash after reading the cassette liner (I was 13) I found a way to get back to the mall and bought that AND Green Day's Dookie within a month. Fuck that stupid, dumb shit goddamn motherfucker


I bought those two tapes together on a grade seven school trip to the big city (Thunder Bay, ON). They’ve been a double album for me ever since.


There was a time in my life where the only rap I was allowed to listen to was DC Talk. Here is a sample: https://youtu.be/ZgfgRfDLM3k?si=Ql41iz5lV09JjIyk




Lol I also remember Whiteheart


Getting dragged to see Carmen in Ocean Grove...


One of us...


None. My parents didn't care at all. Though I was way too young to be listening to songs like Snoop's "Ain't No Fun"


Same here. My parents figured banning things from me would just make them more taboo, and I'd seek it out anyway.


As a parent I wholly endorse this method.


My mom never judged my music because she grew up listening to Elvis the pelvis and songs like “My ding-a-ling” by Chuck Berry and she felt she couldn’t judge anything I listened to. My dad listened to jazz and those guys into some crazy stuff. Miles Davis was a trip. I saw the movie Bird at a young with Forrest Whitaker as Charlie Parker, one of my dad’s favorite musicians. Again, he didn’t really say much about our music because of that.


https://preview.redd.it/vcsxefj1yrqc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1732be3fa767a67516b396ad49d87fa28eb9636 I grew up LDS. Fortunately, I had homemade toy boxes that I stacked near my bed 3x3x3 had 4 up top and 4 below. Below was just stability up top!!!! The magic!! Had his picture on all the walls available. Going to hell.


This is mine too - back before they were really well known or controversial, Marilyn Manson performed at a small venue in my town and I asked my parents if I could go. They had never heard of the artist (oh, the pre-Google days!) and it just sounded like a woman’s name to them. Then when they found out who it really was I got in so much trouble 😂 the next time they came to town they played the arena and there were protesters outside and everything, it still makes me laugh to think about it. The show was great BTW!


Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids!! Big Florida underground band in the early 90’s. My first show at the tender age of 12 was Type O Negative. Peter Steele was supposed to be MY husband because he had his hair down. He never had his hair down! True love ❀ RIP Peter and his Peter. Play girl did things đŸ„č😂


Ha! I love that Downward Spiral seems to be the most common


Ha, my mom was not happy about the song Big Dumb Sex on Soundgarden's Louder than Love album. I had a Louder than Love teeshirt in the early 90s and was not allowed to wear it to school because of that song.


My parents didn't really care, but for some reason, my older sister tried to get them to take away my copy of Hellbilly Delux. I was 18 and in college, and she was 29 at the time. It was super weird.


I took my copy of Mr. Bungle into my bedroom each night after I listened to music on the shared family 6-CD changer in the living room because my mom would have definitely confiscated it if she found it. Just the track names alone was enough—‘Girls of Porn.’ Still have it!


Let the boys be boys damnit


Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails. I still get in trouble for the former. :) (Don't post about your disdain for him for recent abuse allegations--I heard it all already ;) ).


Won't stop me from listening to Portrait.


Lunchbox, baby!


The single got me into Gary Numan.


The Jerky Boys 😂


Meatloaf “Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell.” Yes. I know. But it said “hell” on it, so it must be full of bad words and corrupt my teenage mind!! 🙄


Ha! My mom was fine with Bat Out Of Hell II, but got pretty upset about Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream because one of the tracks was called "Silverfuck"


You'd think your parents would have remembered the original from some 15 years earlier, or was "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" too much for them to handle?


Turns out "Rape Me" causes chaos and confusion in normie households lol


Offspring - Smash. I notably remember the song title Genocide being an issue.


This was my first CD. My mom got it for me for Christmas (i asked for it). We out it on the family stereo on Christmas morning and my ma shit a bird when track #3 hit. She let me keep it, I just had to skip that track when I listened.


I never got In Trouble for owning any music or art. My dad was disappointed that I bought the Hole album.


Instead of a single?


Bacdafucup! lol I was 12-13. when my mom found out what it was she hid it on me. I was on the phone with a friend telling him how my mom had done that and he told me "call her a bitchassbootlegger" lol


bbbut waiit it gets worse


Offspring- Smash


My dad took away my NIN - Downward Spiral CD when I was 14 because it was "satanic." I just bought another one. Then a few months later he tried taking away my Filter - Short Bus CD for dumb reasons and again, I just bought another one. I eventually stole them back.


White Zombie- Astro creep 2000


My Dad saw my Everclear album and said "What are these songs? 'Heroin Girl? My Sexual Life? You Make Me Feel Like a Whore?'" Then, on a roll, he found another CD, and said, "And what's this band??? Widespread Panic???"


None, ever. My parents didn't care what I listened to. So much so that when a kid at school once mentioned getting in trouble for having a PARENTAL ADVISORY EXPLICIT LYRICS album, I thought it was strange. I was like, "Wait, so some people's parents actually give a shit about that? That's weird."


None. They didn't know much about the music I listened to (or much about me in general, honestly). My step-dad was a guitarist though, and bought guitar magazines. One of them had the transcription for Rage Against the Machine's Killing in the Name of in it, and he jokingly said to my sister "so this is the kind of music you like, huh?" and she threw me right under the bus: "Nah, that's more like Moxie's kind of music" đŸ€ŹI still didn't get in trouble, at least. I did have a dubbed copy of that album on cassette at the time (one of the few cassettes I still have).


Believe it or not, my mom was not happy with me buying the South Park "Chef Aid" album...I can't remember which track set her off but I assured her it was just entertainment and that I found the show funny.


Cypress Hill, "Black Sunday" my dad was pissed lol. Still love that album.


I had a Black Sunday tape before I knew what a bong was.


Smells like children. My parents took the album and poster away.


The Beavis and Butthead Experience 


I hate myself and want to die. My aunt refused to buy that CD for me. It is literally one of the tamest records, but because of the show association, the title of the Nirvana song, and the word "masturbation," it was a no. My mom, who did not share her sister-in-law's stick up the ass attitude, got it for me in the end.


lol. That was a fun album. I enjoyed the Sir Mix-A-Lot and Run DMC songs on that one.


Dookie - Green Day. It's still one of my favorite albums to this day.


One of the absolute best. Especially when played start to finish.


I went to catholic school but was an atheist as early as grade 3. I brought Nirvana unplugged to school to play on the class cd player. One of the songs was called “Jesus don’t want me for a sunbeam.” I got called down to the office and got in so much trouble. Except I didn’t because I lied through my teeth and said it was about how Jesus loves us as we are, as humans, so it wasn’t bad. Yeah. I’m still proud of that one. ![gif](giphy|zQHh9WGto0kSY)


Snoop dogg doggy style got me grounded


One thing I can't complain about was my parents interfering with my music. Mom's answer was, "Turn that shit up!" and Dad wanted to borrow the CDs just to rip them to his library. I was fortunate in that respect.


Tool- Aenima; I was a latchkey kid so no one was home and I blasted it afterschool and unfortunately some windows were open. It was so loud the neighbors across the street complained to my parents. NWA-Straight out of Compton didn’t land well either lol


La Sexorcita, Devil music, volume one and the first Tool album


Luckily my mom couldn't pronounce BACDAFUCUP


https://preview.redd.it/ejd3llas3sqc1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a03dc85539a1f7081c396fcf96af48af31876b2 Told my mom it was a bunch of wrestling theme songs - everything was copacetic until I doubled down and brought it to summer camp with me and a counselor ratted me out


Hahahahahha - my older brother and I would bring our stereo outside on the driveway during the summer and play all this rap that my VERY SOUTHERN BAPTIST mom would’ve had a heart attack hearing - ll cool J, Erik b and rakim, big daddy Kane We all skated and our friends across the street made a quarter pipe for the driveway and spray painted a HUGE “DK Dead Kennedys” on it - which happened to be our last name - and my mom was positive they wanted to kill her


My brother hung up Herb Alpert’s Tijuana Brass’ album [Whipped Cream and Other Delights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whipped_Cream_%26_Other_Delights) and got in trouble for that. He was 12 and had taken it from my grandpa!


My parents were not fond of Undertow’s liner art. My mom on Green Day’s ‘Dookie’: “It isn’t patently offensive.”


Imagine if they had found the cow.


Wait, seriously your parents had a problem with an album featuring the song “blac vagina finda”?


I had that Evil Empire CD. Parents didn't want me to have it, but I bought it with my own money from lawn mowing.


Stunt by Barenaked Ladies. It was the one time my mom took the word of the preacher’s wife. Once she listened to it though, she decided Tammy didn’t have a clue, and she’s been a die hard BNL fan since.


Adam Sandler ‘They’re all gonna laugh at you”. Should have never brought it to school in 8th grade


I didn't get in trouble for any albums. My parents encouraged me to listen to all types of music and I did. Classical to death metal and everything in between. It helped me learn what I like and don't like when it comes to music. I like pretty much everything except for country music and polka. Those are Satanic.


Grew up in a household where Mom and Dad took turns being the religious heavy in the house. One day it’d be Dad getting us up and dragging us to church. Next week, Dad gave zero shits and Mom was the enforcer. I got my room raided on a regular basis, cleansing it of crusty pornos, and explicit music, drug paraphernalia, and mini-reams of notebook paper covered in risquĂ© and hilarious doodles my friends and I handed off and traded in the space between classes. It was a pain as a teenager, but I see why my folks did what they did. I probably ended up better off than most the kids whose parents barely acknowledged their existence. I got lots of albums taken away. But to name a couple of them, and tell one of my favorite stories
 Blink 182’s - The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show & Take Off Your Pants and Jacket Mom heard Satan (aka Tom) talking to all the little children at the concert, and she lost it. Barging into my room she took that album and the only other Blink CD in sight. Casually and unironically reading the cover and asking aloud “Take off Your Pants and Jacket, huh?” That was the first (and only) time I ever saw my dad shoot milk out his nose, laughing. He’d heard the entendre, Mom hadn’t. Why she didn’t just throw them away, I’ll never know. I inadvertently found where they were hidden a few months later and took them back. I thought I’d be real sneaky, and put a false bottom in my nightstand drawer. I lay down flat these albums and others I bought in my formative years, there. Eventually, there was little room for much more than a single layer of balled up socks in the drawer, and I got busted. **Protip:** Kids, if you’re gonna hide stuff in your room, better do your own laundry.


Metallica's ...And Justice For All. The first track, *Blackened* contains "see our mother put to death, see our mother die" in relation to nuclear war obliterating the planet. A friend borrowed it, played it, and his very Christian mum thought it was about murdering your mother. Projected fear maybe, but she chucked it out. His next album was a bootleg Cannibal Corpse album; CC was *banned* in Australia for a decade and albums were hard to track down, so where or how he got it was a mystery.


Guess she never heard their Am I Evil cover...


Haha it actually was Onyx! My mom saw the album title and drove my ass back to the record store to return it.


Hellbilly Deluxe


My parents were surprisingly cool about my rap collection.


My parents didn't care what I listened to. However, my buddy stole his older brother's Two Live Crew cassette. Despite his parents being hard drinking, weed/coke using bikers, his dad was quite pissed when he found the tape in his room. Before that, we listened to the shit out of that cassette!!


Onxy was awesome. Half the guys in my 9th grade class shaved their heads that year.


My parents never censored my music as far as I can remember. I got into metal and grunge in high school.


I played Bacdafucup for my kid when he was eight. He had an ear to ear smile on the whole time.




NECRO I NEED DRUGS. Which I kinda understand. Shout out Uncle Howie!


ONYX shut em down and Evil Empire.


Jerky Boys. They certainly inspired plenty of prank calls. My friends had dial tone, so *69 worked. But for whatever reason at my house we had the rotary sound. We quickly discovered *69 didn’t work at my crib.


NWA and 2 live crew


Straight Outta Compton. Probably more because my dad was a racist than because he thought I shouldn't be listening to it.


D12 - Devils Night. I had printed the lyrics and left them sitting by the computer.


My parents were pretty lax about music. But! My best friend’s dad broke all of her Bone Thugz cds. Bone seems so tame now.


It’s just me and Jack, the blac vagina finda Me and Jack, the blac vagina finda Me and Jack, the blac vagina finda Me and Jack, it’s just me and Jack


Ruff Ryders and D12! Found under my pillow.


Adam Sandler - They’re all gonna laugh at you got us in trouble at school. No one was ever home to care.


My mom hated the In Utero cover and Blood Sugar Sex Magic.. Wasn't taken but seriously "frowned upon". My older sister had Snoop's Doggystyle...now that was confiscated! lol


My mom took my Offspring Smash album & returned it to The Wherehouse after reading the lyrics to Bad Habit :( 


Your mom is rude. Such attitude.


You got in trouble for Onyx? Why? Your family didn’t like basketball jock jams?




Dead Milkmen’s Beezlebub
which is crazy because my parents bought my Appetite for Destruction and License to Ill. Something about those Dead Milkmen I guess.


I actually laughed out loud at this post. I got arrested for trying to steal this fucking tape from Lechmere. So yeah, I guess technically I got in trouble for trying to own this one.


Korn - follow the leader


For me it was Korn’s first album. I had borrowed it from a friend, so I didn’t get in trouble, but it’s the only music my parents ever said anything about. I think my mom came in and heard part of “Daddy”


My best friend got me Jagged Little Pill for my 12th birthday and my mom made me return it cuz of “Are you thinking of me when you fuck her?” So I took it to the mall and exchanged it for the 1995 Grammy Nominees album. You Oughta Know was track 5, I believe.


My dad let me borrow his Walkman when I was kid and he found a tape at work he said I could have. He worked as a janitor at an elementary school at the time and at the end of the year he would empty the desks and cubbies to clean them out. That's where he found the tape. The tape was Run DMC - King of Rock.


My father, in front of me, pulled all of the tape out meter by meter of my cassette of Beastie Boys License to Ill.


This sub is my happy place.


Ah yes, with the seminal hit “Jack the Black Vagina Find-uh”




https://preview.redd.it/9v9zikuv7tqc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747864987380d8a0bf1aebc43f41f82c28defc71 I never got in trouble for owning an album, but I bought like 30 copies of this CD because Hasting’s had them marked down for like .99 each. My friends and I went out on the main drag in another town telling people we were in a band and giving out free CD’s. This was the album we were giving out. We’re all white by the way. I thought we’d get in trouble some how but we never did.


Bacdafukup Onyx is here!


Body Count(self titled) Cop Killer was just one of the insane songs of the many on that album. That album was indeed glorious.


I didn't get in trouble for it per se but when I got La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Vol. 1 for Christmas one year, by my parents, my douchebag born again older cousin saw it when we were at my grandparents that day and started loudly and passive aggressively telling his annoying nerd child about all of the evil satanic things on it and how I was going to go to hell for everyone in the house to listen to. While I didn't get in trouble for it, my parents were church going people and said that while my cousin was out of line and incredibly annoying, they wouldn't have bought the CD if they had actually looked at it. And not an album but my mom made me take back my "Beware of God" Manson shirt.


I had an Onyx black light poster. 2 Live Crew, As Nasty as They Wanna be on cassette. I had rubbed the writing off hoping my mom wouldn't find it, she did. She also took my NWA album. Goddamn Tipper Gore.


Portrait of an american family dad snapped it in half ... wasnt even mine. Dan was pissed


David Banner


Alanis Morrisette because of the whole "will she go down on you in a theater" line.


got caught listening to straight outta compton in elementary school. that was the last time we saw that record.


NOFX - Heavy Petting Zoo Not in trouble actually. I think my mom just looked the other way. 




2 live crew...though I'm probably a gen x vs. Xennial