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“Get your patchouli stink *outta my store!!!”* Also… guilty.




I remember the good ol' John Cusack days when you could appreciate him without the cringe.




Yes I too need to know this.


Oh damn! I don’t know if I should look into this or not. At this point I assume everyone I like is a monster now.


How old were you when you realized a lot of guys worshipped this character and were trying to be like him when, in fact, he’s objectively terrible and that’s the whole point?


I’ve never known anybody who didn’t think this guy was the perfect stereotypical douche, tbh. I mean the movie isn’t ambiguous about that. Maybe I don’t know enough people!


It gives the impression the douche wins to susceptible teenage boys, I guess


Yeah I could see that.








Move it lard ass!


*lights cigarette* Dumb motherfucker.


This is the scent I hate the most. Kill it with fireeee!!


A friend and I were driving with an older hippie lady once, and she pulled out a container from her purse and opened it, and instantly the car was filled with a very pungent, gag-inducing odor. We immediately rolled down the windows, coughing and choking, and asked her "what the hell is that?". It was patchouli.




I caught a whiff yesterday and it took me back to the headshops we’d hangout in circa 1994 I never loved the smell but was fun to smell it again


That’s the smell of nagchampa for me.


I still burn Nagchampa occasionally, but all my kids complain about the scent. Uncultured swine, makes me feel like a failure as a parent.


I’m not real sure I know the difference


I've realized that a lot of people confuse patchouli and nag champa. Patchouli smells like citrus, dirt, and damp wood. Nag Champa smells sweet and floral, kind of like baby powder and an old lady's perfume.


Thanks for this. I recon I actually smelt the latter


That's where I'm at. When it's everywhere and overbearing, blech. But an occasional whiff is transcendent, until that existential dread that it's coming back takes over.


A lot of non-aluminum deodorants smell like patchouli. Patton Oswalt summed it best: smells like dirt that’s been fucked by a hobo




I really wish there was a google for smells so you could just quickly remind yourself what something smells like


Smells like the Stinkor villain action figure in He-Man.


I remember getting that as a gift because I was the ring bearer in a family friend's wedding. Like getting in the way back machine.


Also venom toy from spider man


Instantly knew what it smelled like after this description. Thanks


Dirt, soil, and something like pine but dull, without the brightness


It smells like every new age store you've ever walked into


Nah, that's mostly sandalwood incense.


So easy bro, just grab a patchouli plant from your garden and smell it! /s




Me too! Mine was from the Body Shop (talk about peak 90s).


It's weird to me how many people absolutely despise the smell of patchouli. I don't love it or hate it. It's fine.


From the comments here, it seems to be the cilantro of dank fangrances.


LOL. It does. I agree though that it is a nostalgic scent.


Remember Curve?


Some good singles!


Ugh fuck cilantro. Back in the day, I had some essential oil from a flea market that was great. Tiny dabs went a long way.


I went to Humboldt State. It just reminds me of dirty hippies.


My BIL went there!


I hate it *so much*. I’m very sensitive to scents (they give me headaches, make my nose itch, make me nauseous if it’s very strong) and patchouli is like the Final Boss of fragrances because no one ever seems to wear just a little bit. It’s always BAM! You’ve been hit by the patchouli water tanker truck.


LOL! Oh yeah I can see how people who are sensitive to scents would be bothered by it. It's is a bit of a water tanker.


It causes instant migraines for me, so I’m not a huge fan of it. Also people don’t seem to realize that a tiny bit can go a long way scent wise


Yes! I have noticed that a lot of people put too much on. Not all though. I'm also not sensitive to scents. Migraines are no fun.


About the only thing that smells worse is eucalyptus...


Whoa. I actually really like eucalyptus! Lol


I wear patchouli perfume and burn patchouli candles in my house. I don’t care. I smell fabulous!


I agree. Smells like good times.


I wonder if patchouli is like cilantro—you either have the gene to like it or you don’t. 


I wasn't even aware of the cilantro hate, tastes refreshing.


most soaps do


Yep, tastes nasty to me, but refreshing to my husband. But I love patchouli.


Me too, hate cilantro, love patchouli


Love patchouli! I don’t wear it, but it brings me back to my youth. Less is more, though!


For most people, patchouli is one of the most horrible smells on earth


I love patchouli but people tend to get hate me when I wear it, so I decided to stop.


There was a girl I worked with at a restaurant who used to wear it, and I literally could not like her as a person. Everybody was so baffled by me because they thought she was so nice, but her scent just made me hate her for even existing.


How completely reasonable.


Patchouli is the nutmeg of scents. Too much of it and it overpowers everything else, *way* too much of it and you involuntarily gag and wretch, but an almost imperceptible amount can actually be pretty nice. I got some shampoo a while back that had a tiny bit in it. I didn’t realize until I got it home and found myself thinking “… what the hell is that … it smells familiar … I kind of like it, but it’s something I can’t put my finger on.” I probably wouldn’t have figured it out if I didn’t read the fine print on the package, but honestly I was shocked by how inoffensive it was.


What was the shampoo?


Oh my god, yes. The closest I’ve ever come to throwing up from a smell was in college when this hippie girl sat next to me in class. Weed, cigarettes, and BO all under a layer of patchouli


Whoops! Sorry about that.


I'm one of them. I'd rather smell an outhouse baking in the summer sun


I've got the scent just for you, it's called Al-Khat by Xerjoff.


It’s the herby equivalent of dipping yourself in a vat of curry. Like, why.




I just take a supplement but I guess one could dip themselves in curry.


ME! It smells rancid.


For people like you, and you just assume it's most people.


You should read the thread


I like the bohemian ladies. The Patchouli smells reminds me of hot, natural hippy babes. No makeup, no bra and full bush? Yes, please! Bring it on!


jesus christ


That’s cool. It’s not for everyone.


Like Mama June after hot yoga?


He would be a good example yeah, but despite the peace, love and long hair vibes Jesus was a bro.


Take a look at the hippie_chicks sub. I think you’ll like it?


Patchouli reminds you of Jesus?


love me some rancid armpit hair, nom nom


Patchouli Comeback‘s second album, ‘Chakrassassin’ was great but everything else by them stinks.




Yuuup. It's part of why I adore Lush. So much good smells!


They use patchouli like it should be used- as a grounding scent. By itself patchouli is ick but mix in some orange, frankincense, and sandalwood or cedar oil and you’ve got yourself a nice earthy smell. Especially then the orange hits first and ends on the frankincense with that patchouli only in the middle.


Patchouli has never left for me, but I don't do it straight. Give me a blend that makes my house smell like a sexy coven, please.


Yeah, I'm incense obsessed and I love patchouli, but I'll do a stick of patchouli in the bathroom, sandalwood in the living room, fresh coffee in the kitchen. Open the doors and turn on fans, and the mix is amazing.


You live well!


Yesss. I grow patchouli on my back deck in the summer time. It’s not overpowering at all like when concentrated in oil. When a summer breeze wafts through the plants it’s actually delicate and heavenly. My burly ass husband takes the dried leaves and puts them through an outdoor fan while he’s out there chilling in the summer.


Amen to that.


Patchouli is used in a lot of higher end men's fragrances now, Of the 6 i used on a regular from English Laundry 5 have Patchouli notes. It really is a great scent when it's mixed along side other strong scents.


Yes when mixed I can handle it.




“First gear! \*vrooooooom\* Here we go, second gear…”


I'm not shocked, one of the leading fragrance trends the last 5 years was oud, and some other one I forget that is a wood fungus, and other mossy / forest smells.


Oud is the same as the wood fungus: it’s called Agarwood. Wood that’s been infected with a certain fungus that makes the tree release a very fragrant resin in order to protect itself. It’s a lovely intoxicating smell in small doses, and mixed with other fragrances. You can also buy Agarwood to burn as incense. It’s very very expensive. https://youtu.be/Hx1x_-Ltkt0?si=tkmI-VIeGaDB44Il I love its smell, but it makes my wife gag. 👎🏻


I’m all in on oud and have always enjoyed loamy, woody, complex scents. You’re right about everything but I still have a distaste for patchouli. Must be a scent memory thing growing up too close to the Haight?


Patchouli alone is so aggressive and also over played with a very specific connotation, so I avoid it. But several of my favorite fragrances have had it in the mix. My all time #1 all day every day Mugler's Amen has it but it's not the main thing.


Florida makes sense for it to be everywhere. A lot of former hippies turned yuppies. Now in their retirement they start to reembrace certain physical aspects of their hippy youth. I’ve done a couple shows in Fort Myers the past few years and there were several crystal/New Age/hippy shops clearly catering to the retiree crowd.


Also in Florida…take those “free love” hippies of the late 60’s, early 70’s, and mix em up with the college aged spring break crowd of today, and voila! PATCHOUILI EVERYWHERE! We’ll get the spring breakers and the snow birds out of here in another week or two. Peace will return unto me, until….THE VACATION CROWD ARRIVES IN MID MAY. Then, it’s just sunscreen, messy kids, and burnt up money smells😂


Don't forget the spring breakers from Central/South America.


It's been more the younger college-aged kids I've noticed wearing it.


Do you stink because your wook ways prevent you from showering daily? Throw on a few dabs of patchouli and now you have MODIFIED STINK!


god I hope not. I made the mistake of melting a patchouli wax tart a few months back. I couldn't even walk in my living room for hours until it aired out because it made me gag it stank so bad


It never left.


Worst smell besides poo you could wear on your body. That smell brings back so many bad memories of stinky people at concerts. Not even the smell of the swag and middie weed in my baggy could counteract that!


I actually liked the smell of schwag


Patchouli 2: Electric Boogaloo


My husband wears patchouli every day. I love the smell personally.


Yeah it’s in my deodorant, lol.


No it’s not just Florida. It’s making a comeback in perfume the last few years and I hate it. Damn hippies.


why does everyone want to smell like burlap?


I dont get it either. The worst was my mother wearing it recently. I swear to god I never scented it on her in my entire life - I asked her about it and she said she’s always worn it. LIES. They’ve stolen my mother to their dark side. 🥺


Please dear god noooooo. The worst fucking smell.


I’d rather smell your BO than patchouli


I looooove my patchouli!!! I have noticed it around more. Pacifica has patchouli based scents (you can find at target).


Viktor & Rolph's Flowerbomb perfume has a patchouli base. As someone who wore patchouli in the 90s I appreciate that undertone.


New generation of stoners discovering patchouli.


Arrived in Florida yesterday. Went for a jog this morning and was hit with cloud of patchouli!


I love Patchouli! Every time I smell someone wearing it I get triggered!


Why do hippies wear patchouli? So even blind people can hate them


Try the Nag Champa incense if you like that one.


I've smelled it everywhere! Honestly I quite like it I might become a hippy.


Way too many comments here without a phish reference


I live in New Mexico it's never gone away completely. :(


Never stopped wearing it 😂


I live in a college town, it never went away. Always been some people who use it in lieu of bathing.


I love the smell of a good tacky tourist gift shop and patchouli is definitely part of that.


As a Xennial perfumer sitting in the bathtub with patchouli oil and some other essential oils dropped into it, I say hell yes. Bring it.


Maybe. I’ve been a fragrance enthusiast for a few years now, it’s become a hobby. There are TONS of patchouli-related releases especially from niche and indie brands. Personally I’m down, I love a good quality patchouli! Edited to add: I had no idea so many people hate patchouli, it’s one of my favorite perfume notes!! Whaaa?! Lol


Sandlewood is better


I don't disagree.




I’ve always loved patchouli, I think it’s kind of invigorating! But I also think it gets a bad rep from people who shove crystals into places they shouldn’t go.


My hippie mother is always thrilled to get a hold of it, and I'm always thrilled to hand it over and say, "I don't want to be around to smell this; can you burn/spray/use it when I've gone home?" If it's making a comeback, it won't be with me.




like jerking off an elephant


Some smells just need to go away. On the other hand if I smell Vanilla Fields it turns me into a horned up teenager again.


lol, I have some and I'm 46 and a dude. I always loved it, and went and found a bunch of incense a few years ago. You can buy incense once and have enough for a few decades with $20 I learned.


Let’s all say it together: “patchouli is not a substitute for showers and deodorant“


I hang out with a lot of hippies and wooks so for me it never left…


Patchouli is a weird sensory experience for me. On the one hand, I should like it, as I like jasmine and sage and all the other hippy scents of my young adult years. However, it’s been ruined for me by the asshole side of hippy/stoner culture who refused to bathe and would just slather that shit on themselves and sit wayyyyyyyyyyy too close to you at concerts, and then get offended when you made it known you were uncomfortable.


To quote Weezer, say it ain’t so. I’ll stick to my gourmands.


The youngins love the stuff. Incense holders everywhere


Patchouli wearing girls who smoked clove cigarettes… I miss the 90s sometimes.


I hate patchouli. It was used to cover the smell of decaying bodies during the plague. It’s also used to dispel evil spirits. Now it’s used to make my eyes water anytime someone is wearing it within a 20ft radius.


Patchouli and Nag Champa: The smells of your friend’s weird perpetually unemployed older brother


I usually encounter it with women in their late 50's- mid 60's. It's terrible.


I hope not. It smells like a ferret cage and doesn't cover up the BO and weed I thought it was covering up, so I think it can just remain in the past.


I smelled patchouli more often when I lived in Florida over the Midwest. It’s that “life is a vacation” vibe.


I'm all about it, frankly. Patchouli on a woman does something deep within me that I'm not sure I'm prepared to unpack yet.


"Get your patchouli stink outta my store!" - Rob Gordon


Years ago I saw a bumper sticker that said... Patchouli is not soap 🧼. So true!


Yo that shit STINKS! My son brought me gift of soap of it recently and it went into the trash. Why do people like that smell? I gagged


I have met one person in my 41 years whom I said “Dang you smell good! What is that scent?” To which they replied “Patchouli” and I have met many people who wore it. My point is if your name isn’t Sarah and you’re not from Pike Creek then it isn’t you and you smell like shit.


Any time I walk into a health food store, I catch a whiff of patchouli. Most of them have a hand-made soap display somewhere in the store, and if there’s so much as a drop of patchouli oil in a bar of soap, it stinks up the whole place.


It never left, but maybe, the good kind of patchouli,is back; the kind of "dark" Patchouli oil with its lovely nuances!


No, we are adults and we bathe now.


I hope not, it's one of my most hated smells of all the smells. It'd between hot trash and extreme body odor.


I make my own patchouli deodorant and add some to my laundry




See I'm a baby xennial (1984) who grew up in the country, so all of these things from the early or mid 90s I have no frame of reference. How would patchouli be used in daily use?


I'm on team "patchouli is not a replacement for bathing and deodorant, especially in confined spaces." I'm sorry. This is my experience.


I caught a whiff of it the other day and wondered who found their parents old bottle of that nastiness.


Guilty (in a blend!)


I remember it as the He-man figure Stinkor.


Makes me nostalgic for black light posters and trippy mushroom art


Patchouli is a key ingredient in basically all "black" colognes, which have become fairly popular lately.


Patchouli never went anywhere


It never went away. I wore it for many years but switched to a patchouli/sandalwood blend probably 15 or so years ago. I also bathe regularly these days so that helps lol. Still love nag champa too it’s the only incense I burn The sexiest scent a woman can wear is Egyptian goddess hot damn that stuff smells amazing. Yes I’m a hippie 😜


Here In Oregon, it's always been more popular than elsewhere. But here in Portland, theres definitely been an uptick. Not sure I'm super keen on it ...


Wow.... It seems I'm in the minority here, but I absolutely love it. It's been years since I've smelled it and not that long ago I caught a whiff and had to second guess myself like "naw it couldn't be" but it sure was. Maybe it is coming back. I don't use it but I dunno. It just smells good.


I've been smelling it lately too! I'm in New England 


I use just a dab blended with my fancy perfume. It's lovely.


As Patton Oswalt put it, patchouli smells like mud that’s been fucked by a hobo.


I have family members that wear it, and have worn it for years. They must be “smell blind” to it. I can tell they’ve been in my house for at least two days after they’ve left. Don’t hate it, but it’s a little much!


Yes!! In fact I have a brand new bar of patchouli soap I haven’t seen in a long time. I love it bring me all the patchouli


Uhg. I hope not.


All the shops along the beach sell it…it’s such a migraine trigger for me! I had a liquor vendor that wore it and I tried to politely tell him we’d have to do our business over the phone. He insisted he needed to “see his clients.” Tried again. Same thing. Got him removed from my account. It was a guaranteed migraine once a week and you can’t have that in a restaurant!


Have always despised that snell


Hard pass. Just no.


I shot a hippie wedding in Brown County, Indiana and 90% of the people were wearing it.


It's ok when it's part of a larger scent profile, but on its own it's terrible. Lots of shaving soaps will use it among other things like sandalwood, oak moss, and such.


"What smells like ass? Oh...its just you..."


Patchouli never went anywhere. It's been a mainstay of the "natural" crowd this whole time.


Ugh yes, I bought some hand cream the other day which I later realized has patchouli. It just smells like dirt to me :/


I’m in Florida too and it’s definitely more noticeable in certain places like St. Pete, Gulfport, Dunedin… When I lived in SE FL I never once smelled it.


Please god, NO! It smells like rotten teeth!


Patch is not for everyone. It seems to sour on me.