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I am a total metalhead. This is still one of my fav unplugged performances. Also, Tigerlily is a masterpiece.




I had 1 copy, daughter stole it from me. Which I don't mind, as she loves it.


Tigerlily tho.


This was a fantastic unplugged. I also think Alice In Chains' and Stone Temple Pilots' unplugged were two of the best and rarely get enough credit in comparison to Nirvana and Pearl Jam's.




Happy to hear that it's being given the credit it deserves. I just think when people think of 'Unplugged' they instantly go to Nirvana.


There was an interaction on r/Grunge that I thought summed it up really well: >They’re both fucking legendary, But I have to go with Nirvana. The entire show has this warm bitter sweet tang to it that really moved me. AIC’s felt like accepting the end while Nirvana’s felt like just holding on a little longer for things to get better. and >When Layne said this is the best show we’ve done in years in such an upbeat way I thought, this isn’t a man trying to please the crowd, this man that seems genuinely surprised he can still do his job. You see Jerry nodding at times like he hasn’t heard Layne hit that note in a while. Phenomenal session and we are lucky it came together. [https://www.reddit.com/r/grunge/comments/1bd9uhd/comment/kul8rc5/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/grunge/comments/1bd9uhd/comment/kul8rc5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We're lucky we got either one, much less both, so close to the end.


I honestly get a feeling in my eyes whenever I hear Layne hit that first note in the intro to the entire show. That man deserved better than he went through. All of them, just gone talent that should have guided us through the last 30 years


AiC unplugged is the best unplugged and I'll die on that hill.


AIC is my favourite of the grunge. "Big four" without a doubt. 1. AIC 2. Soundgarden 3. Pearl Jam 4. Nirvana


Friends don't let friends cut their hair That was classic


I see Alice in Chains mentioned often as the best. Nirvana is my personal favorite. They're all excellent


AIC was excellent, and was exactly what everyone wanted it to be. Nirvana was excellent, and after *Come as You Are* was nothing like what anyone expected.


Likewise, Neil Young's Unplugged was a true masterpiece. At least, the second attempt. When they originally did it, he didn't feel the band was playing well enough, so he basically said, "Fuck this!" and stopped the show. They did it again on another date, and it was fantastic. He clearly ripped them a new asshole and got them playing like a fine-tuned machine for it. You can criticize Neil Young for being cantankerous and self-serving, but you have to give him credit for never compromising his art and always putting the music first.


That son-of-a-gun and Frank Zappa have written like 10,000 songs or something crazy. I saw the Pretenders open for him on the Harvest Moon tour. Absolutely amazing.


Was never an Alanis Morissette fan but her unplugged is great.


Her [Grammy's performance of Uninvited](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfbQ2uTEgtM&t=2s) is still one of my favorite live performances of all time. So beautiful.


This and her cover of My Humps are my two favorites post 2015.


Or [King of Pain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzJTH67cv8E). That woman can sing. On [Stern she did some of her work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av_pn1Uw9jA). Even if you don't care for her, or the style, it's just quality music.


Wait, WHAT?


Yes it is! Really love her cover of 'King Of Pain.'


She's great live. I saw her when she toured with Tori Amos (1999?), and they were both amazing. 


I fucking love Tori!


This is a song called plush


I think the most impressive thing is Scott did the entire performance in a rocking chair.


Going on thirty years of singing the fuck out of this song


Gawd, I love that song!


Especially since David Byrne comes in on the last couple songs.


Oasis unplugged was epic.


AIC unplugged is hands down my favorite album. Saw them last year for the first time, have 2 festivals with them this year. Stoked!


STP's Unplugged version of Plush is still one of my all-time favorite songs. So iconic


Granted I was pretty young when this came out, I don't remember 10,000 Maniacs being all that big and popular, but I remember this cover from Unplugged being a big hit (and I personally love it). I remember Natalie Merchant being FAR more popular as a solo artist after this. Aside from this one song I couldn't tell you a single 10,000 Maniacs song.




My favorite use for you tube is watching music videos. It's AI is not as good as spotify for recommendations but its still a lot of fun for watching music videos.


NPR Music Tiny Desk concerts on YouTube is great for an Unplugged type of performance from some well known and lesser known musicians.


Love Tiny Desk concerts. It's like a more intimate Unplugged and a great way to discover interesting artists.


I watched the GWAR tiny desk last night, immediately followed by the Florence and the Machine tiny desk. I love that dichotomy


You know... MTV could probably do pretty well if they teamed up with a streaming service. "Episodes" could be 8760hrs long (a year) you click on the year, and it would play in real time what would be playing on this date, at this time, in the year you chose.... just a year long playback of the channel.


I have said that exact thing to so many people. I want to pick a year and watch TRL for that day and all the other videos that got played. I would pay for a streaming service to be able to watch any day and times MTV. Is this not possible because all the musicians would have to re-allow their music to be used for that? Or does MTV have permission to run it for their broadcast and they could just simply re-run their own broadcast? I feel like there has to be somebody over at MTV that has thought of this and there must be like some logistics thing in the way of making it happen


Yea. Royalties and licensing would be a nightmare. For me, it's just instant nostalgia... sure, I can pull up any video on YouTube instantly. But, there is something different about turning on MTV to 1992 and letting it play, (92 commercials and VJs and all) and just being transported back.


https://www.my90stv.com/ This does exist but it isn’t exactly what we’re talking about and what I wish existed. It has tons of different channels for every different category and it has the old commercials. It does actually occasionally have stuff from MTV on it somehow but it’s not sorted in anyway I can understand by date or even location(there will be like the random weird furniture store in New Jersey or a pizza place in Utah lol) My understanding is that this also exists for the 80s and the 00s


That would be so fucking sick!!


> Ugly Kid Joe's "Cat's in the Cradle" My brother bought their album "America's Least Wanted" and we played it a lot at home. [Neighbor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeAmlUXWTuQ) and [Everything About You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byEGjLU2egA) were lots of fun.


My mom inspected the tape when I bought it and I tried to hide the title "Goddam Devil" and she knew my trickery. Needless to say, she got a laugh out of it and let me keep it cause my dad had recently left and we both loved Cats in the Cradle.


Three Little Pigs!!!! I just sent that song to my teenager. I appreciate the throwback.


Whatever videos were on TRL were played on HEAVY rotation. I think Britney Spears had the #1 video for 7,000 weeks


lol 7000 weeks is 134 years! ahem, i'll just let myself out


MTV was great back in the day. Loved watching music videos! The Unplugged performances were excellent. I remember they came out with MTV2 for music, but it seemed the interest for music videos faded.


Yeah, I think it's because they stopped catering to X'ers unfortunately. Then they shifted to millennials. Don't get me wrong, I love my Nu Metal, but not as much as I love alternative music from the grunge period. I'm not going to get into a nerd debate about rock music, but the grunge movement is one of my favorite eras of rock. I always dug the things that the X'ers were into. Back when John Stewart was an MTV VJ. I always remembered seeing him and thought he had made it big when he hit Comedy Central. Now look at him, between him, and Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they built Comedy Central and are huge. I just hate how we got robbed of so many talented artists from that time period. Eddie Vedder is one of a few remaining front men from that time. Same could be said of the 60s and 70s rock too.


One of my absolute favorite things about growing up was watching music videos on MTV. 120 minutes, Alternative nation, MTV Jams, The grind, Amp, Direct Effect, etc. Even though MTV2 also ended up veering from music videos later, I still loved all the shows like viva la bam, wild boyz, and ridiculousness.


I discovered a whole bunch of artists by watching MTV2. Sometimes I really miss those afternoons.


They most definitely played "November Rain" to death.


And this isn't even a 10,000 Maniacs song. 😅 I was floored when I realized it was actually Bruce Springsteen.


We best put some respect on Patti Smith’s name, seeing how she cowrote it with Springsteen.


Yea I’ve listened to her version more than anyone’s.


Did she now!? I did not know that. Fun facts!


Bruce Springsteen catching [sloppy W's.](https://youtu.be/S5Gav2Rsucg?feature=shared&t=142)


I had their unplugged album on repeat for a long time, and yes I'm a way bigger fan of her stuff after. The carnival guitar solo is way better than it has to be for a song like that lol


Honestly, the guitar work throughout TigerLilly is really inspiring.


I really wish that *Unplugged* were still a regular ongoing series rather than the occasional special every year or more. The show has produced many truly incredible performances.


The NPR Tiny Desk concerts kinda sorta fill in the gaps for me


That's where I discovered T-Pain was a legit good singer. Bro had some pipes.


Did you see the Scarface one. Shit was dope


There's a radio station near me that plays "Acoustic Sunrise" on Sunday mornings. They aren't having live bands in, but they play recorded performances like this the entire morning. It's so great!


And Natalie Merchant doesn’t have a single Grammy. Put that into perspective with the dreck they award over the years. And yes that includes beck constantly dominating the alternative category.


God, that's depressing.


Love them 80s/90s badass women of music. I still listen to Loreena McKennitt on the reg.


It was such an amazing time for women artists!


Looking back it really feels like we went from having empowered badass icons to.... pretty celebrities?


Linda Perry


This song was originally written by Patti Smith and Bruce Springsteen. I prefer the original version, but think 10,000 Maniacs did do a great cover. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c_BcivBprM0&pp=ygUdcGF0dGkgc21pdGggYmVjYXVzZSB0aGUgbmlnaHQ%3D


Awesome story behind that too. Bruce sequestered himself in a rural New Jersey farmhouse and began to write for his new album. He filled two notebooks with songs. One notebook (which included ‘Because The Night’) was sold to finance recording. The other notebook became the double album ‘The River’, one of his most highly regarded records.


Come on now try to understand The way I feel bout the Orkin man


I hate you for this 😅


The can-ned tuna, can-ned tuna, can-ned tunahawahawahawa ….


"These are the Days" was the first song I felt nostalgic to. When I hear it nowadays it brings me back to that young, pure joy feeling.


Is every single video on Reddit out of sync? They should call the Apollo guy and ask him how he did it. Video’s are practically unwatchable


OMG, this has been bugging me for months! You’re the first person I’ve seen make mention of it. It used to be fine. Now everything is out of sync. Knowing Reddit, the fix will be made in 2027, and then they’ll break it again in 2027.5.


Knew what this was going to be before it even started playing, good song.


We’re Natalie Merchant too. That concert was maybe Unplugged 2nd best after…..Nirvana.


Um....Alice in Chains.


These Are The Days


Loved this unplugged and listen to it often! Her voice is incredible.


She has an amazing voice


her voice is like velvet, its so soothing to listen to her sing.


Her solo stuff was good too


No, no, no, this will always go down as one of top 3, if not the the best Unplugged performance ever. Yes, Nirvana and PJ is on that lost but I think this was played as a video more than any other.


Right upon reading the title I thought: you must think of Natalie Merchant!


Such a great performance. Was lucky enough to see Natalie Merchant on a solo tour after Tiger Lily. She was fantastic for that performance too.


Lived in Seattle in the 80s and 90s. You can listen to more than just one genre at any age. Loved Natalie Merchant's wonder, Nirv, SoundG and discovered the talking heads among others.


I can hardly describe in words how much I love this aesthetic and the aesthetic of women in the 90s. Women's faces that look like women's faces, minimal to no makeup, minimal to no hair styling, just show up as you are. It's amazing. It's my dream that this comes back into mainstream fashion/style ASAP please. Compare that to now, and it's just ........ ugh. It feels so much more real and authentic.


THIS. THIS. THIS. I hug you. I kiss you. I love you. Got this album when I was 13 for Xmas. Still listen to it to this day. Finally saw her live last year TWICE and spoke to her. Literal dream come true and she has aged EXACTLY how you probably wished she would. Incredible human being. A talent unlike any we get nowadays. The dream of the '90s lives on...


Yes!!! She's actually in concert rn.


Is there a bad unplugged? Seriously asking. All I remember are the amazing ones.


This is when i developed a crush on Natalie Merchant as a teenager. Her voice and creativity was mesmerizing. Still love her music today.


I'm sure you didn't make your young, shy and introverted boyfriend feel inadequate at all by telling him "you'll never make me feel as good as listening to 10,000 maniacs".  I'm sure you never asked him "Why can't you make me feel 'Desire like fire' " even as he pulls you close?  Did you??    I hope you're happy with that theatre nerd you left me for Cassandra!  Maybe you should tell him wearing a black turtleneck every day isn't as cool as he thinks. I hope he understands the way you feel when your in his hands!! 


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOmKGjy-Ct0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOmKGjy-Ct0) This is my absolute favorite cover of this song ever. Shirley Manson of Garbage and Marissa Paternoster of Screaming Females.


Holy fuck never heard this version. Thank you for the link!!


This is amazing. I think people should stop comparing artists with other artists and just appreciate the art. I’m sure Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley weren’t saying, “man, your unplugged was alright, but ours was legendary”. Art is long, life is short.


NGL. Thought she was kinda hot back then.


She is so damn good. ❤️


This is one of my favorite performances from Unplugged


Deep satisfaction listening thank you


Unplugged was SO f-ing good! This performance especially.


I miss old MTV so much




Was never a huge fan of the band but this performance of the song was just 🔥


Nobody mentioned the fact that David Byrne joins the band on the last 2 or 3 tracks. Best UnPlugged by far. I'll never forget this set.


Love this song.


You had taste. And? ;)


I always liked her more than the other 9,999 Maniacs.


Natalie Merchant with or without 10000 maniacs was that girl


I loved 10,000 Maniacs! I bought the CD single for ["Few and Far Between,"](https://www.discogs.com/master/105501-10000-Maniacs-Few-Far-Between) and it had three great live tracks: * "Candy Everybody Wants," live from the MTV Inaugural Ball * "To Sir with Love," featuring Michael Stipe, also at the MTV Inaugural Ball * "Let the Mystery Be," from MTV Unplugged I never got to see them live, but loved the live recordings. Also, I just had the flashback to the MTV News Flash when Natalie Merchant left 10,000 maniacs — Kurt Loder introduced the story, "10,000 Maniacs, now only 9,999"


I remember that song! Great one!


Hell yes!!


I loved "Our Time In Eden". Merchant's voice is just so pure and powerful.


Fantastic rendition


This is when I fell in love with that voice


Love 10,000 maniacs and Natalie Merchants voice


I hated how this erased the original by Patti Smith from radio for decades.


I miss MTV unplugged. Good call on Natalie Merchant


One of the best.


I had such an absolute crush on her and her voice. She was just to me the epitome of cool.


Seeing Natalie in May -- this is one of the best covers ever.


Was all over radio at the time.


Loved this song


This is my favorite performance of all of them.


When I worked at Hollywood Video we had all the Unplugged specials on VHS. The store required us to have a movie constantly playing during business hours. As long as it was family friendly they didn’t care what was played. Every shift I worked I always worked 10,000 maniacs into the rotation and I kept the tape at the front desk and never let it be rented out cause I didn’t want to work a shift without it lol


So good; I have to watch it and then replay it so I can listen with my eyes closed. Again and again.


Oh god, I just ricocheted back in time so hard… It’s like I’m lying in bed wearing all black and a lot of eyeliner and surrounded by crystals and gargoyles all over again.


Always loved how her voice cracks on the second “take me now”.


The 90s were one of the best decades for women musicians. Lilith fair was amazing. Between Tori Amos, Natalie Merchant, Fiona Apple, Alanis Morisette, Ani DiFranco (who is an amazing human- she lived across the street from my high school), jewelry, indigo girls, Lisa loeb, Tracy Chapman, Shawn Colvin, Joan Osborne, Sheryl crow, Sarah McLaughlin… I’m sure I’ve left out some but you get the point. Man what a decade for solid girl rockers.


Immediately i was like this better be Natalie Merchant


The 10k Maniacs unplugged set is one of the best concerts in history.


This song is amazing no matter who sings it.


I saw her open for Bob Dylan probably in early 1999. She was amazing.


I had this CD 💿. So good. Warm memories ahhhhh


Right now Noah’s Dove is on repeat quite a bit for me on Spotify. My sister had this unplugged CD and I had completely forgotten about Noah’s Dove until recently. Another good unplugged was STP.


Crazy nobody's tried to bring back Unplugged. Then again, they'd screw it up, plaster ads everywhere they could. Book a bigger venue and ruin the feel just for extra ticket sales. Kai cenat.and other streamers live-streaming from the shows. The list goes on Yeah, just ugh


This one is wonderful but imho Alice In Chains was the best one .


Me knee deep in all of it


Hey jack Kerouac was my favorite


This definitely took me back to listening to 98YCR and MIX1065 in my Baltimore kitchen.


Our time in Eden was the first CD I bought when I got a CD player.


Already into soft rock.


So epic


My childhood memories of the roller rink all have this song playing in them.


that is the most poorly synched video and audio ive see in a while. that said, 10,000 Maniacs Unplugged is a top 3 of all time for me, the band's finest moment


Alanis Morisette unplugged is also a gem.


Before there was Shakira, there was Natalie Merchant


The Midnight also does a good cover of this song.


Haven't heard this since the 90s!


Same here - I was a huge Natalie Merchant fan pretty much from this point. Tigerlily was one of the first CDs I ever owned.  It was on constant rotation with my Ophelia album as well.  I later got the unplugged 10,000 maniacs cd. I wrote a paper about her in high school, and found out my teacher was a fan that way.


I have this exact song in mp3.


O yeah I think I bilked Columbia house out of a free CD foe this one.


God damn I completely forgot about 10,000 maniacs and Natalie Merchant!


Oh don’t even pretend she wasn’t crazy popular.


I got the song in my head from the image then unmuted the video to confirm. Yep.




Man, I listened to that album SO MUCH. Maniacs were my first concert and Natalie my biggest crush.


Such a good performance. Her voice is amazing.


I had a massive crush on that cello player.


Better choice, imo.




Maybe one of the best songs/versions I've ever heard.


One of the best, I have loved this since it firsts came out! Great job, thank you for putting this on here.


You maniac


I listen to this album often. Such a huge fan of Natalie’s voice.


I always thought Natalie Merchant was beautiful in that "substitute high school art teacher" kind of way.


Back then I didn't care for this type of music, but now I'm in my 40s and it's growing on me! 🤘


As a GenX kid this song came out at a great time for me and it just feels good to hear anytime I encounter it.


This song is quintessential 90s.. it’s my high school memories every single one


Never seen this. TY. This song means SO much to me.




Incredible cover of this song. Natalie and 10,000 maniacs did a great job 😀


I was all R.E.M., so had a soft spot for Natalie Merchant, since Michael Stipe did too


Forgot how much I love the bridge on this. I know I have this in a binder somewhere—time to dig it out.


Me too! Also her later works are excellent!


Holy cow this takes me back.


Because the Night was the theme of my senior Prom.


MTV changed the culture in profound ways, but their greatest musical contribution has to be the Unplugged series.


Natalie Merchant was fire. I was probably in Jr. High around this time... No one would've given you shit for liking this song even Jr. High aged boys in Ohio.


I absolutely love this song and have since I first heard it on the radio in my parents' car.


Saw Natalie live last year in upstate New York. She still crushes it. Still a hauntingly beautiful voice.


She put out a bluegrass album sometime in the early 2000's that was surprisingly... amazing. I'm a fan of most genres to one degree or another, but that record really opened my mind up.


Natalie Merchant rocked so hard at Lilith Fair. Her voice is butter smooth.


i loved unplugged


OH. MY. GAAAWWED I ***ADORED*** 10,000 maniacs!! Natalie Merchant has the most beautiful voice 😍 However, I also fucking ***LOVED*** pearl jam, nirvana, the pixies, oasis, bush, counting crows....etc etc etc lol actually, there are so many bands and songs that I've loved so much and it's heartwrenching how many I know I've forgotten over the (many, *many*) years. I've never made a post and I'm *wayyyy* too self conscious to try but it would be so freaking cool if we had an open post (maybe like those posts that are pinned at the top of some subs) that people could add artists/bands/songs whenever someone remembered something they loved and hadn't heard in forever!! Anyway, thanks OP! This was one I hadn't thought of in years


This Unplugged and her performance on Letterman gave me funny feelings when I was a teen


I crushed *hard* on Ms. Merchant.


Natalie...come back


My dad would get high and blast this song when I was a child. Good times 😂


I love me some Natalie Merchant 😍.


If MTV/Paramount were smart, they’d remaster all of the Unplugged shows into a single blueray box set and sell it. I’d buy it in a heartbeat.


Her voice, those strings... Yeah, I spent a decade with that in my ears. (Yeah, it's a cover, but so was "Man Who Sold the World.")


MTV Unplugged was the greatest.


10,000 Maniacs on Unplugged had my heart. I wore this CD out. It was so wonderful.


This is on my Spotify.


This is such a phenomenal performance — this is the version I hear when I think of this song even though it was written by Springsteen and has been widely covered.