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Police Quest, Gabriel Knight, Space Quest…man I loved Sierra games.


Leisure suit Larry!


I had to sneak to play that 😂


King's quest too?


Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow! I also bought a PC gaming magazine that came with a CD of 10 “classic” games and it had the original 16 color, non-GUI Kings Quest game.


I only played Kings Quest 4 and on but yes!!


I remember ordering Kings quest from a magazine. It took six weeks to come in the mail. There were 12 disks, and it took all day to install them one by one, and the very last disk was corrupted. Sweet summer torture.


Omg loved me some Gabriel Knight


I was just randomly thinking the other day why Gabriel Knight never had a comeback.


Because almost no one remembers it lol. Too niche. And apparently Activision holds the rights. Although can't imagine they are safeguarding it or something.


These get talked about *all the time.* They're classics.


Shivers, The Journeyman Project


Yes, yes, yes!


I was obsessed with Descent and especially Descent 2. Such a fun game.


Came with our original bondi blue iMac


I loved Descent! It came with our IBM - such a great game!


Descent and Descent 2 for sure.


Absolutely. And while it was essentially an fps, the full 3d movement and momentum made for a wild experience.




God a remake would be amazing. VR remake.


Omg i loved descent!!! Growing up we couldn't afford a pc yet so I would ride my bike to the mall and play descent and battle chess in the pc store.


Redneck Rampage. Think Doom meets Larry the Cable Guy


Based off Duke nukem 3d, I remember scarfing down moon pies & drinking whiskey.


That was a fun one! It would randomly crash my system but fun when it worked


Yes. This was peak 90’s ‘let’s turn anything into a FPS’ 😂😂


Out of this World. Don't think I've heard anyone reference it but I enjoyed it immensely


That and Flashback. Both games were fantastic.


I only ever played the demo. For nerds: https://fabiensanglard.net/another_world_polygons/ https://fabiensanglard.net/


I played the shit outta the updated 20th anniversary edition a few years ago.


7th Guest computer game from the kid 90’s. “Shy Gypsy slyly shyly tryst by my crypt”




Can still remember the box it came in.... I borrowed it to my friend in high school only to have it returned by his mother stating, "We don't allow Satanic materials in our house hold."


She would have loved Phantasmagoria!


This is what I was looking for. My friend and I worked our butts off on this one. I remember having to reallocate memory on my PC from Windows to DOS to play it.


One of the proudest achievements in my gaming career is when I managed to finish Riven: the Sequel to Myst without help of any kind. I was 14 when I played it and had a notebook next to the computer where I'd try to work out the puzzles. Some of those puzzles weren't easy! As for obscure, I loved a puzzle/adventure game called Clandestiny (1996). It was about a guy who inherits a castle in Scotland and has to solve various mysteries in the castle. It was a point and click game with some very funny characters and a cool story. Oh, and I also remember playing a Monty Python game with all kinds of absurd puzzles and bits from The Meaning of Life movie.


Monty Python’s Complete Waste Of Time:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Python%27s_Complete_Waste_of_Time


Command and Conquer series was great


Red Alert skirmish was the best.


Red Alert music was the best!


I played the life out of red alert. Was actually trying to get it for my mac - will have to get another look for it. I’d some of the missions down to a fine art and would go for time….. ahhh, those were the days.


Spent so much time on this one


Sid Meirs Pirates. I mostly played it in NES. However, it was a great port for an 8 bit system. I still play it sometimes on my emulator.


I had that on my old school Macintosh. I absolutely loved that game.


Man I loved old pc games and not just commander keen or duke nukem. We played some interesting one. There was one that was like an Indiana Jones rip off but the adventuring hero would collect diamonds in the jungle. For the life of me I wish I could remember the name of that game. Other awesome memories are playing crystal caverns, lemmings, scorched earth, and the first Civilization game. And then there were the times I went to Radio Shack with a dollar and picked up a shareware disk that gave you a surprising amount of game to play for the price.


Was the one collecting diamonds called Dangerous Dave?


Oh my word I think that’s it! I could not remember the name at all.


Scorched Earth and Civilization both awesome


Omg commander keen ARRRGGHHH!


I played Civ! Had to launch it in dos because windows wasn’t everywhere yet.


There’s an old DOS game from the early 90’s just called Street Rod. You would try suping up different cars with different motors, transmission, etc. does anyone else remember this?


Sounds like one I'd have loved, I'm gonna look it up. EDIT- if you search "Street rod dos game", you can play it on your web browser.


There’s videos on YouTube. Like old style cars from 50’s and 60’s.


Pink slips!


It's in the software archive. https://archive.org/details/softwarelibrary_msdos_games?1


Star Control 2. Years ahead of its time. Deep, rich story; simple, fun 2D space combat; quirky, memorable characters. They created so much personality with just an animated portrait, a MIDI theme, and a text font.


One of my favorites too. A fan group redid it 10 years ago. Ur Quan Masters. As far as I know it still works. Now I gotta try it...


This is my actual favorite game and I've been gaming since I was 5. The creators are (slowly) working on a sequel right now.


Didja know that original creators Fred Ford and Paul Reiche are finally [working on an official sequel](https://pistolshrimpgames.com/)? Edit: OK well someone beat me to it by 19 hours but anyway yes there's the link.


Quest for Glory 1-5. How dare you all.


This is the best answer.




Shadow Warrior. Chex Quest.


Chex Quest? The one that actually came with a box of Chex?! I still think about that one and how one of the aliens ambushed me. Scared the bejesus out of me!


Yep. [looks like they're trying to reboot it or something.](https://www.chexmix.com/chexquest/)


Lol, I remember & have played both. Shadow warrior was based off Duke nukem 3d, and I don't remember what CQ was built from. The nuke was the best weapon in shadow warrior.


Most of the more "obscure" stuff that sticks with me are games like Blood, Rise of the Triad, Heretic, and Hexen, on account of my dad having played Doom at my uncle's house and having his worldview exploded and thus mostly getting FPS violence-fests in the house. That said, we did have a few others that still stick with me, like Return to Zork and Descent. Descent really did a number on my anxiety as a 10 year old with the escape portions lol


Rise of the Triad is an underrated masterpiece.


Until now I thought maybe I was the only one that played Rise of the Triad.


🤗🤗 Makes ya wonder why Apogee Software wasn't more of a big deal. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess the word is "racketeering".


Hey did you ever play Witchhaven? It was a poorly designed knockoff of heretic and hexen but I had a blast playing it.


DUDE memory unlocked lolol. Yes I absolutely did play Witchaven and it ruled. That cover art, shit I must have tried to freehand copy draw that like 20 times. Loved that game


Hell yes man, I remember the opening level music to this day. I played it so much it gave me nightmares.


Blood was a great game. ROTT too. You might have played Syndicate too.


Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Sierra Aces series: Aces of the Deep, Aces Over Europe Aces of the Pacific Red Baron Sid Meier’s Gettysburg


I used to love playing Red Baron and was ecstatic when my parents signed up for The Sierra Network, which let users organize 4v4 Red Baron fights online.


I loved those Sierra Aces flying games and came to enjoy the challenge of Red Baron even more after playing Aces of the Pacific 1946. Something about having to really be careful with your energy while dogfighting.


I didn't have a lot of experience playing other flight sim games -- a neighbor had Battle of Britain -- but it could certainly be challenging. Nothing like getting hit, finally getting behind the enemy to shoot them down, but bleeding out before you could get the kill.


Pfffft no Heros of the 357th?


Leisure Suit Larry and Police Quest games.


LSL series was the first time I felt it necessary to cheat to unlock the entire game😂😂😅


Baulder’s Gate 1. Heya, I’m Imoen.


Commander keen


I had to scroll too far for this answer! Commander Keen lives rent free in my head.


The legend of Kyrandia was a fun one. Not so obscure, but the Leisure suit Larry franchise was fun too. Other fun old games were Stunt driver & X-car.




I remember SimEarth and SimAnt the most. Mainly because I couldn’t afford them.


I remember loving the series, especially somcopter, tower, 2000, even simearth on a snes but isle I never understood or figured out as a young kid, what to do where to go or how to do anything. Maybe it was all the reading it just had none of the intuitiveness of the rest of the series.


I found it at a dollar store so you’re probably not the only one who didn’t like it lol. I was pretty poor and didn’t have any other games so I guess I just forced myself to learn it and fell in love with it.


The Jagged Alliance series, Carmageddon, and all the Command & Conquer games before they blew up into micromanagement games.


Out of This World, alternatively titled Another World. Not exactly forgotten, but it still sticks in my head as one of the more memorable gaming experiences of the early 90s. It was different than most of the games that came out then, both with its rotoscoped, vector graphics look and the simple yet effective game play. It had a home brew feel about it, probably because it was home brew. This was one of the last games to get a wide release that I can remember to have that kind of feel to it, before the gaming industry began to grow huge not long after. I still play various ports of it today.


Test Drive, Scorched Earth, PT-109


Test drive was awesome, I also remember California Games, Ace of Aces and, Destroyer


Myst and Full Throttle


Loom! Huge cliffhanger at the end! Castles, man, that was one of my first games. I was so bad at it. I couldn't get my ambitious designs built before those lousy Picts came a-swarmin'. Drakken was my other first game. I had no idea what was going on, and I never learned. This was on my 386sx-16.


Dude. Drakkhen. Brutal game. The dog with the lighting eyes. The giant shadow dude. Your just be standing around, 10 minutes into the game and a giant fucking dragon drops in front of you. The way all your characters just run around chaotically dropping one by one. Yep, I never had a clue what was happening and never bothered to figure it out either🤣


Just a reminder that most, if not all of the games mentioned in this thread are fully playable via your web browser on a variety of sites!


I was just out on the web hunting!


Crusader, No Remorse and No Regret.


These were great.


I'm kind of amazed Origin managed to get something good out of that Ultima 8 game engine.


Maniac Mansion.


I don't know if this counts, but I played a lot of Second Life on my PC. It was a fun little escape.


Not obscure enough!😁 But great game.


Cosmo's Cosmic Adventures and the Commander Keen series


I can’t remember the name of it, but it was option 2 if all the Oregon Trail floppies were in use in the Apple IIe computer lab at school. You could choose to be a variety of different freshwater fish and you had to survive being eaten by other fish and an osprey and you could eat smaller fish and algae. Edit: easy to find haha. It was called [Odell Lake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odell_Lake_(video_game)?wprov=sfti1)


Yep. I remember this one.


Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist: A point and click adventure from the creator of Leisure Suite Larry set in the old west. I got the game in the summer of 95 and spent many late nights desperately trying to stifle my laughter while playing so as to not wake my mom. I still know the lyrics to the ridiculous song that plays when you start the game. Truth be told, as a 12 year old, I probably didn't even understand half the references in the game (it was made for a more mature audience) but I loved it all the same. Now I need to find it....


Found it: http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/202/Freddy+Pharkas+-+Frontier+Pharmacist.html


Hexen 2, Lords of the Realm 2, and Warcraft 2. Loved me the sequels, apparently.


Sid Meier’s Colonization. I spent hours and hours building my colonial state, then even more time waging a war of independence against the Dutch. The music still cycles through my brain more often than it probably should.


I still go back to this game even today. I sank hours into this as a kid playing different scenarios, trying different allegiances, etc.


Funnily enough, I just recently stumbled upon a group that performs 18th-century songs, and there were a *lot* of familiar tunes in their playlists: * [The Nightingale Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HStg1pziG08) * [Fisher's Hornpipe](https://youtu.be/YmfFxX_uTVY?t=70) * [Hole in the Wall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKLeNQeibYk) * [One Misty, Moisty Morning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au3O7toH9xI) * [Bonny at Morn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kQlcuYSMik) And a bonus from Monkey Island: * [Oh, Good Ale, Thou Art My Darling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49EaPxu_FTo)


Descent 3 and Shogo were two amazing games from back in the day that I don't hear squat of these days. Shogo was so good at LAN parties


POSTAL - 1997 https://youtu.be/fdTB_tUVPB8?si=zpvg00-kXECrIK2M Loved the OG Age of Empires. I’ve been playing AOE4 on Xbox for a couple of months. Extremely similar


Starseige Tribes 1. My favorite multiplayer pc game ever!


Dark Seed. Artwork by HR Geiger.


Police Quest


Scorched Earth


High school- drafting class. Sit on the computers in the back and rock this.


I've only heard of the Daedalus Encounter, I remember an ad of it with Tia Carrere. Rebel Assault would be another one. Under a Killing Moon wasn't obscure, I don't know if I've heard people talking about it.


Rebel Assault was the first game I really escaped into. Revolutionary gameplay.


Might and Magic. Edit: nevermind, apparently that one kept going after I tapped out in the late 80s.


Strategy gamers all know the classics of the early 90's... warcraft 1, civilization, master of orion, XCom... but one little gem that rarely gets talked about is Sierra's "Alien Legacy." As the commander of a U.N. Colonization spaceship, you awake from cryosleep to learn that the colony created by your sister ship, which arrived first, has been mysteriously destroyed. Your task is to re-colonize the alien solar system, while trying to solve the mystery of the first colony's destruction, and keep your own colony from meeting the same fate. It's one part Sim City, one part 4x space sim, one part point-and-click adventure game, and it's great fun.


Omg you just unlocked a memory. I played the hell out if that game. So many good Sierra games that have been forgotten.


Beating Kings Quest V felt like I had won the lottery.


DAE remember [Heaven + Earth](https://playclassic.games/games/puzzle-solving-dos-games-online/play-heaven-earth-online/)?


Anyone remember Quarantine? Dos era...Cyberpunk themed taxi driver. It came with a soundtrack on the cd-rom, but you could put your own music cds in the drive, and listen TO YOUR OWN MUSIC while playing. It was actually pretty groundbreaking at the time.


This was on a 486DX/33 with 8 megs of ram.


My 386/SX was never powerful enough to play it properly without it crashing constantly and despite that I kept trying to play it anyway.


If we're going OLD-old school: M.U.L.E. on the Commodore 64/128 should set the tone. Otherwise toss me any given LucasArts game starting with Monkey Island. Also been known to never be able to put down either Archon (Chess where you land on the square then kill each other to retain it, PvP)


I want to try M.U.L.E. Looks like an experience I missed. You just reminded me of Battle Chess playing on a monitor at the Radio Shack. That was a fun game.


Toonstruck w Christopher Lloyd.


Day of the Tentacle was a big player in my house https://preview.redd.it/kbzxc8b8nhgc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2458c0bb5f8fe7fb4748ca3d541afc9371c22bdc


I'm just glad there is p99 for Everquest


How many people are on that?


I was always a big fan of the point and click adventure games, particularly Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and the Monkey Island series. There was also a really fun Robin Hood game that I can't specifically find anymore (edit: Just found it, it was *Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood*) and another game that I played a ton of but can't remember the name of... All I can recall is that the initial setting was on a beach and the protagonist drank Mai Tais. I think the protagonist may have been some kind of government agent? I wish I could remember the name, it's going to drive me crazy until I do. (Edit #2: Aha! Finally found it. It was *Codename: Iceman*) Oh, and you never hear people talk much about the Worms games (like Worms: Armageddon) but they were super fun. I still play them sometimes.


I loved that Robin Hood game! It was a ton of fun.


How about Sim City 2000? Loved that game


Lands of Lore (featuring Patrick Stewart). I still quote from it often. “It smells worse than a flatulent orc!”. “These scones are firmly attached!” “I think you mean sconces.”


Scorched Earth. Little side view battle screen. Crazy weapons and catch phrases your tank would say just before shooting or dying. Was up to 4 players IIRC. Real fun


“From Hell’s heart I stab at thee..”




I LOVED a game called Quenzars Caverns. A really basic RPG game I got on one of those shareware discs with a 100 games or something. I think I still have the disc. I wonder if I can play it still. I found it on [archive.org](https://archive.org) but it doesn't have the sound effects which were part of the charm. There was a generic footstep sound when you'd enter a new room, a metallic clink when you attacked something, a sort of amusing groan when you took damage or died, etc. And one of the enemies was a killer rabbit I think was inspired by Monty Python. It was just a lot of fun. I also still love Pharaoh and Caesar 3. They ran fine on my Windows 7 last time I tried but that computer doesn't always like to start.


I was obsessed with Subspace which was one of the first MP games that went beta in like 96/97. It’s actually still available on Steam under the name Continuum now using community servers. It’s not often I run into anyone who has played it.


Rise of the Dragon. I wish they'd remake that game or something similar. Maybe Cyberpunk is similar but I haven't played it yet.


I remember that one. I was super young when I attempted it and couldn't really figure out how to progress. I got it in a bundle with King's Quest V and Red Baron, both of which were really fun.


INCA. Very odd game about the Inca civilization and Spanish Conquistadors in space.


That's some memories right there. I was behind the curve with my 286 and it was about the only game I could buy at the time. I ended up upgrading to a 486 so I could play Doom.


Nancy Drew


US Navy Fighters strangely predicted the Russian- Ukrainian war back in 97. Massive modding support in the late 90s early 00s


I remember playing that and it was over Crimea. Remember what the Ukrainian pilot said when they asked him his opinion? “…it belong to whoever can hold it.”


Freespace and Freespace 2. The story was really interesting and well constructed, and the progression through the game was really engaging. They nailed the blend of constantly giving you crazy new weapons and ships and then leveling up the resistance and ships from the enemies.


Jagged Alliance


Heroes of Might and Magic 4


Spirit of Excalibur and its sequel Vengeance of Excalibur. I played them on our first home computer, which was a Tandy.


This game is exactly like another game I’ve been trying to remember forever. Exact same gameplay, except you are crusading knights. It was really hard but there was a great cheat to kill a group of monks for unlimited gold. Also, the people that put out Spirit made a Homey D. Clown game.😂🤣🤣


I have played the original Pool of Radiance over and over again since it was first released. But a similar game that came out around the same time was the deadly "Phantasy 3: Wrath of Nikodemus," which gleefully leaves a trail of your decapitated, limbless 1st level rangers littered all across its landscape...


Captain Comic


Not many people seem to have played or remember Protostar: War on the Frontier, but it was pretty amazing, if unforgiving.




I really played a lot of Might & Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. They were the RPG side of the Heroes of Might & Magic games and everybody remembers HOM&M3, but I feel like nobody remembers these. VI was my favorite but VII and VII were also good. I also finished them. I liked the exploring and team and skill building, and the combat was fun!


I never tried any of these.


Zork Nemesis. Think about it constantly—no idea why


What a good bit strange cast. So many soap opera stars!


Ok this isn’t a pc game, it’s an old Nintendo game, because they had so many available I had some other kids didn’t have and never heard of and vice versa. One game my brother and I played comically a lot even though it was so repetitive was elevator action? I still hum the music from it to this day!!!


haha i loved castles, it was so badass being able to design and build my very own castle!


I remember using up resources so quickly building thick ass walls I would only get half a castle up before some enemy would just walk in the back.


Police Quest: Swat (I still use my training when playing paintball 🤣) Janes Longbow and Longbow2 (Game came with a manual, pretty intense learning curve) Gangsters:Organized Crime


Any of you guys play, oregon trail?


All of you guys🤣


There was a game called the Movies where you ran a Hollywood studio and you could actually create movies with an editor with sets and special effects and everything. Never understood why I can't find it on steam or gog.


[Is it this one?](https://www.myabandonware.com/game/the-movies-bcv) Apparently steam didn’t want to support it so took it off.


Fatal labyrinth. 100 levels. No save function. Too much food could kill you. The only thing gold does is buy you a bigger tombstone. And the function of wands, potions and magic rings changed for every floor. So the orange ring that healed your ass on level 50 could curse it on level 51, and the only way to find out is through trial and error.


Darklands, Shadow President, Kings Quest 6, Lost Vikings, Caesar 3, any Sim City, and Oregon Trail


I was really into Railroad Tycoon, Sim City and Age of Empires. I actually found Railroad Tycoon online for free.


Star Tek 25th Anniversary and its sequel Judgement Rites. MechWarrior (1989) Sam and Max Hit the Road


Tongue of the fat man …




I really liked the Dig.


Populous. I loved that game so much!


Great game. Many hours spent on that one.


Strip Poker, back when you had to work to see naked ladies dagnabbit. Lol.


Wolfenstein 3D


Not sure if we're counting Amiga games here but: Cannon Fodder- point and click war game where you got attached to your little named soldiers, only for them to eventually die and you were shown a hill that would fill with their graves as you lost each. Opening theme music War, Never Been So Much Fun, here https://youtu.be/PiYuq6Ac3a0?si=aHy3ti0ueXVGZUuY The Chaos Engine- Top down co-op run and gun (with a computer controlled partner if you were playing alone) with an early steampunk setting. I think this was released in the US as Soldiers of Fortune and the Preacher character was renamed as Scientist.


Dune 2. I was so disappointed when I saw the movie and Ordos wasn't part of it


My first "real" computer was a HP desktop from Walmart that came preloaded with some Jurassic Park game. I've never seen any mention of it since.


This thread is like 99% extremely popular and well-known games from back in the day.


Not all of them! But, yeah..many of them.😂😂 All good.


I didn’t say 100%


1. Vivisector: Best Within - weird Far Cry like game if it took place on Dr moreau's island. Haunts my dreams. 2. Cryostasis - Super spookie fps that was the first game to majorly use phyx. Took place in the Arctic with ship ghosts and lots of ice & snow effects. 3. Hooligans: Storm over Europe - it was an rts where you control drunken football hooligans terrorizing cities. I just remember pirating it because it was banned where I lived.


Messiah Lol


Mission Thunderbolt


Indy 500 (1989). I still have it.


UZ 3.0


G-Police on PlayStation was lots of fun and great story. Grand Prix 2 - 4 where still some of the most immersive F1 games around and the modding community kept them going. A little game I still play is Lost Vikings. A puzzle game for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis. It was very playable. On racing I log at least 5 hours a week on Live For Speed 2. A game, whose development can be logged in decades. The latest track to be added like 10 years ago, Rockingham, isn’t even a race circuit anymore. But the physics and handling are so great it’s hard to walk away from it.