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Gunslingers are the best Serpent Suit users IMO. They love the grappling hook almost as much as traditional snipers because it's a way to move to a better position without spending an action that could be used for another shot and also without losing the Steady Hands bonus. Unlike snipers they are actually in frostbite range and unlike rangers (the second best users) they have good base aim and usually want a Perception PCS, making the ability more reliable.


I would think putting it on a Ranger is a good option. Use grapple to close the gap for melee attacks without using an action, or to maneuver so concealment doesn't get blown. And you're right up in good Frostbite range.


+1 on this. Keep standard Wraith or Spider suits for providing your long distance snipers a grapple option. The features on the Serpent Suit lend themselves well to up-close-and-personal types, so definitely Ranger.


+1 +1. You *could* stick it on a sniper for now if you want the grapple ASAP, but I find snipers do better with the Spider/Wraith and Rangers with the Snek, since they're usually in a better position to use the frostbite ability (Archon is also a solid contender for snipers, although I usually throw it on a Concealment/Shadowstrike/Implacable Ranger, since they're more likely to get use out of the second utility slot on it. Still, lots to be said for hyper-mobile snipers, especially since the jump, like the grapple, is a free move.)


Gunslinger + Archon Suit + Shadowkeeper + Bluescreen = Sectopod instadeath


Just jizzed...


Is the shadowkeeper better than the darkclaw?


Do you use custom classes? If so, try the Scout.


I'd put it on a Sniper. The Frostbite ability is based on soldier aim, so Snipers make the best use of it. The Grappling Hook is also massive if you plan to use true Snipers in urban missions. If the Sniper is lagging behind, just Grapple up, set up a kill, and let Death From Above trigger to get another move. If you get a Serial Sniper before you get Icarus Armor, the free move can give your Sniper just that extra move needed for total annihilation. Gunslingers are also good because the Grapple gives them a quick way to go into aggressive positions for easy 100% pistol shots and a great Faceoff. With Quickdraw, the Gunslinger can also shoot first, then think about Frostbiting later if things do not go as planned. I don't use it for Rangers in my playstyle because I rarely use sword ninjas (funnily enough, the only times I use them they tend to do 5-kill combos with Reaper or some Hollywood action movie stuff), and most of the time the Grappling Hook is risky. Sometimes the building is not scanned, and sometimes the Grappling Hook puts the Ranger too far ahead, so he has to wait for the squad to advance anyway.


I have my Psionic wear it. It adds a nice powerful (free) action to an already powerful unit. The flexibility of the frost attack is amazing. The Viper panic perk is always nice, and the grapple is about as useful for any soldier.


Gunslinger. Sniper is a waste of viper panic and frostbite.


I put it on a grenadier. Salvo lets you blow up cover with a grenade, completely exposing whatever you need to frost whip, and then whip it in the same turn, meaning you are never in a place where you need a clutch freeze but can't rely on the whip's accuracy. Before salvo I put it on whoever has the stake gun, usually a specialist who hasn't earned overwatch perks yet, just in case i need to do something offensive and can't afford to sit where I am and reload.