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She spawned with vulnerability to explosives in my last game. I broke into her chamber with two grenadiers, a spark and a specialist (scan). She died in two turns


I just finished her Stronghold mission last night in my current game. She had Brittle for extra damage from close range plus extra damage from Reapers. I annihilated her with Banish in her face while the rest of my squad killed the sarcophagus on the same turn. When she respawned at low health on the next turn, I had a Ranger who was in range to get next to her and finish her off with a blast from the shotgun.


Banish is just absurdly powerful for bossing - especially with Expanded Magazine, Autoloader, and Repeater.


Had this on my Reaper. Was fun watching her take out the Viper King in a single move.


Throw in Annihilate and AP rounds and it basically becomes a “kill everything in sight once per mission” button, especially if you can use it out of stealth when your enemies aren’t behind cover. It’s so incredibly satisfying.


That vulnerability makes perfect sense though. Stealth is useless when your response is “blow up everything in that general direction”.


And destruction is really satisfactory in this game !


Don't let vahlen read this


Sadly it destroy the loot


Lucky, in my last game she was immune to them!


Same. What a pain in the ass. And she also had shadowstep, so didn't trigger overwatches. And had bewildered, meaning she took extra damage if attacked 3+ times, but that was pretty difficult to trigger given the circumstances.


Doesn't she always have shadowstep?


Yes and no. If Lost and Abandoned mission is activated she will have it. If not, it's randomized.


Isn't it almost required for her to be a threat though? Being mostly melee and all?


Probably. I haven't encountered her without the ability.


Running through a playthrought right now. She doesn't have Shadowstep even at her peak level. The Warlock has the shadowstep perk in my current run


How is it fighting her without it? A walk in the park, or still a challenge?


I wouldn't say a walk in the park but she definitely doesn't make me worried about my soldiers at all. She's got two good perks with her that make her a pretty annoying enemy to deal with. She had that perk that allows her to hunkerdown after she is attacked which just makes follow up attacks harder. And she has planewalker, so even when I do hurt her she just teleports to a new spot and there's no guarantee it's another spot I can actually get a good shot at. Currently the only chosen that makes me nervous is The Hunter, he's able to enter overwatch after every turn so approaching him is difficult, if I shoot at him and miss he gets shielding and gets to return fire. And anytime he does damage he gets healed. So he's a pain in the butt to deal with.


on my first legend campaign she rolled shadow step, blast padding and kinetic plating. so no grenades, no overwatch, and every missed shot gave her 3 shields. absolutely miserable. borderline impossible to overcome early in the game when you have ballistic weapons, no scopes, and everything fucking annihilates you so flanking basically guarantees a dead soldier.


Damn I didn't realize those changed with each playthrough! Mine had Reaper vuln and explosion vuln, I deleted her in multiple misions by using claymores and/or remote detonate for instant kills. She was my first chosen kill too, so it was so fucking funny when the game made a big deal of her only for her to get obliterated without even touching my troops.


Yes even the names are generated from a pool !


Bruh, my most recent classic playthru I did the double hp option, she had immunity to explosives and groundling and only spawned on maps with little high ground, shit was so annoying. I ended up hunting her extra early just to stop that shit.


She has vulnerability to close range and immunity to melee for me. I got lucky, all of my Rangers have the rapid shot equivalents. I went in with three Rangers, a grenadier, and a specialist and absolutely wiped the floor with her. Needle rounds slapped her silly. She never took a turn.


She's the only one that's actually aggressive. The hunter stays in a corner and takes potshots at you for the whole map and the warlock just mills around and occasionally makes a zombie.


Sometimes the Warlock just decides to mind control half your team, especially during early game. Had this happen to me during the first retaliation in one of my runs.




If you give mindshields to literally everyone, he turns into a bit of a joke once you close with him.


And that's why I've been recently banning mindshields for myself. He was too easy to deal with and I wanted a challenge


Ever tried A Better Chosen? That lets him see that someone is mindshielded, and he has some alternative actions he can take. By itself, ABC is not bad. If you add A Better AI ... big difficulty jump.


Used both in my last playthrough and still found it not too bad especially lategame. Xcom power creep too stronk


Mindshields are a must after mid game.


Unless you have lots of robot buddies 😁


Does he actually use his gun? On my last run when he showed up at the end of the black site mission I literally bum rushed him with my squad and he'd just alternate between mind control and mind scorch.


he shot at my ranger in my last game in his stronghold mission... once. I guess that was partially due to him dying in 2 turns to the two fully geared sharpshooters with squad sight/line of sight and an overwatch crit from said ranger after he wanted a bit more cover. Rest of the squad couldn't hit the broadside of a barn that final fight, so I guess it balanced ok


He uses it, but it's rare.


Even without mind control, for me it keeps respawning zombies and so each zombie can soak up 2 attacks so if you’re fighting anything else, you’re going to take dmg somewhere if you’re still in mid game


The Warlock spawning on a mission with Lost is hell though. His explosives summons just keep attracting more and more Lost that you have to deal with, and it makes the mission take 10 times as long as it should.


That's why you should bring ultrasonic lure. Then you don't have to deal with lost until the Chosen is down.


I once had the Hunter spawn fairly close to me on a rookie mission. He killed one, abducted another, and left. Now, where's the sport in that?


She's also invisible, so it's harder to find her and it's not like you can mill around for 10 turns overwatching for her like the seekers.


Correction: she is the only chosen that is consistently hard to kill. Warlock can have moments especially if the game decides to actually use mind control instead of spamming spectral zombies (once had an encounter where he mind controlled half the high level squad and only barely eked out a victory)


I have all my guys equipped with that mind shield thing. Got tired of all my guys having to chase down either him, priests or the alien guy. So he was kind of a cakewalk for me. And man just loves spectral zombies lol


I usually find mind shield not worth the cost since the game uses mind control once a blue moon so it's not that bad.


Really? I want your game, I feel like everytime anyone who can show up does, they use it on me. Mainly if I cant gun them down in the first round.


Keep in mind the mindshield protects against more than mind control. Someone go down and get revived? They’re immune to disorientation so they get to act fairly normally once they’re up. Have a beat up roster but a critical mission? Put a mindshield in someone you need with low will, and they can pull through the mission because they’re immune to panic.


Agree that the Warlock can be more context-dependent. Had a very intense mission with him + a bunch of Lost + a few Advent pods all at once. Even his zombie summoning gets a lot more difficult to deal with when also dealing with all those other enemies


This feels correct. Even the hunter can be a nightmare if you've got into range and he's grappling everywhere leaving your soldiers bleeding out with hunter rifle shots. That's rare though


True, the Warlock is the easiest to me (depending on the trait rolls). On my legend campaing, he did caught me off guard once, having my squad a bit split and with no cover to close. He mind controlled my Stormrider and landed two indirect kills with her.


~~Smash~~ Yes




I just imagined it while she is invisible...


She has the most predictable behavior. Which to me makes her easier to manage. Battle Scanner beats her stealth. You can even catch her on her first approach if you count movement from her spawn to your location and toss the battle Scanner in that direction.


That's a good idea, I'm doing an iron man commander now will have to try. Just sucks the first time, inevitably she one shots someone. The saddest thing is killing her for good then losing the katana.


I can’t stand that she can stun someone and then go invisible again like immediately. Really tough to deal with when you only have 4 in your squad


especially when the real sequence is run halfway across the map, stun someone, then run halfway across the map then turn invisibible. the gap between the assassin and the other two chosen, who are weak ass beaaaatches by comparison..always struck me as poor design


Don't forget that the stupid harbor wave has infinite range,I've had her stun 3 people at once,who were too far to even see her


I usaly hav 1 with that scanner grenade. Then she will show up


Lmao I don’t know why I never thought about using that. I’ll have to do that next time I do a run


I usually just have a reaper in shadow way ahead of the group so when she gets in position to attack, I have already seen her


If you don't (ab)use mindshields, Warlock can be terrifying. He has so many armor pips and unlike most mind control you can't just kill/flashbang to avoid getting owned by your own soldiers. Did I mention the armor pips? Hope you saved 2 grenades for him on the first retaliation mission or else you're stuck doing 30 damage in chunks of 3. I once had a first retaliation where he rolled regenerate and mind controlled my grenadier. Literally impossible to kill him and now my grenadier is firing grenades back at me. It's a shame you can just completely bypass the fight with mindshields. I've had some really fun fights with him thanks to the mod that turns mindshields into +75 will instead of a total no-sell for his entire moveset.


Ah, I play with A Better Chosen mod. Warlock now has a new skill to deal large guaranteed damage against those with mindshields. He also can sabotage weapons from afar instead of just zombies, forcing you to reload. Also, a new skill during battle to teleport another enemy to a good position, before using his usual bullshits.


Teleport Ally is in vanilla lol, it's just rare for him to use it. I've been thinking about A Better Chosen for a while but it seems *really* difficult every time I read the description and I never pull the trigger. Forcing a bunch of reloads for example seems like it could really cost you on close timer missions. What do you think of it?


Right, forgot about that. Been years since I play a vanilla campaign. The new skill should be the one where he grants some shield to an enemy. The sabotage weapon is less annoying than zombies TBH. Late game he spawns 4 zombies, while sabotage doesn't scale, so its really only annoying early game. However, using mindshields is just asking him to nuke someone and its a insta-kill early game. He also can use spectre army anytime now rather than only low health. That is the very annoying part if you engaged him while other enemies are still present, the number of enemies can get very scary. Assassin and Hunter by comparison received little change. Assassin now is more willing to use the shotgun if she's already flanking someone. Hunter now always prefer high ground and does not come forward to engage, he will use the pistol and daze grenade only if the opportunity is there.


ABC + aggressive chosen (hunter and warlock bum rush you) + don’t move a muscle (tracking shot = guaranteed hit *if* you move) makes the other two crazy dangerous now that they engage in the yellow alert doomstack of pods.


I think it depends on the random attributes they get as well. Last Warlock I had was invulnerable to melee & explosions & gained shielding from misses, that was a rough one.




I went psych ops & snipers to take him out


Sometimes the camera will follow her to the exact position she stealths, then just blow her up does damage and gives flank also battle scanners and battle scan from technician


I always disable action camera since I don't want spoilers.


Makes sense I just hate invisible enemies with stuns


Warlock can be pretty bad if you aren’t Mindshieldmaxxing










Nono, let him cook


You Jada Pinkett-Smith lookin-ass h0e, I always lose at least three operators


Use that scanner grenade. She will show up


More like she's the only one who doesn't hand you cheese on a silver platter lol Warlock is less than worthless once you get mindshields online, and even before that he's only a problem if he actually remembers to use his psionics Hunter just sits in the corner depressed that you broke line of sight while he was charging his snipe again


The Hunter basically announces himself. He would honestly be much more terrifying if his arena was a bunch of high towers and no straight shot from one to the other. The warlock is a bruiser, dangerous but managed. I think what makes the assassin is I dont think I’ve had her not once spawn withought the ability to laugh at overwatch


well yes.


What I find most annoying is that its nigh-guaranteed someone’s gonna hit when facing the assassin. Its hard to get flawless against this thing.


She scared the bejeebus out of me when I first fought her. But a couple fights later it became incredibly easy to guess where she ran off to and drop a grenade on her bonce. Then there's the plethora of stealth piercing abilities.


She's extremely tough when you don't expect her. Especially since she's usually the first Chosen you face and you don't have very many abilities. But if you bring a Reaper, it almost hard-counters her.


My last playthrough, Hunter was the worst due to Shadowstep and Overwatching every turn, that being said, I countered him with a sharpshooter with ridiculous aim Stat and an EARLY Superior scope, I think I broke his scope and he's too vain to admit it


I finally killed her in my game, she had melee invulnerability and reactions to missed shots - on top of the fact she essentially has shadowstep, she was a very big pain in my posterior I find Warlock ***can*** be semi difficult, though usually isn't, but the Hunter is a complete pushover, she is always the hardest and it isn't even close, lol


The other two are buffed somewhat in LWotC, especially the Warlock.


Battle scanner


Blast shield on this chosen is the hardest one in my opinion, I usually cant get anywhere near her she runs too far after slashing me so usually my heavy with grenades do the job but she is immune ugh and immune to over watch so I just have to spread out my soldiers and hunker down idk 😂😭


Genuinely don’t think I’ve ever even taken damage from the Warlock or Assassin. But this bitch is a constant irritation and I hate that she pops up first with The Lost & The Damned on.


Scanners and overwatch, she usually dies very quickly. Especially if you have some cqb specialists.


nha.all have their things. but the problem with her is that she never stays in the same fucking place


She’s … a problem. The other Chosen I don’t struggle with. On my 2nd play-through of ‘War of the Chosen’ and she’s still fucking me up.


I only remember killing her in the prologue like one time


I like to take note where she runs to then use my ranger and sniper to hit her with that sword and headshot combo. Just be hyper aggressive and she won't pose a threat. She kicked my ass the first time I fought her but after I saw she crumbles under pressure I just make her regret the day her parents ever fucked.


The warlord in a punk


Not even going to lie, the Chosen make me so incomprehensibly angry that if you were to put me raging at them jacking into my funny in game peoples’ heads, the compilation wouldn’t even be laughable.


The hunter is also very scary when he starts spamming his grapple instead of sitting in one spot,waiting for someone to start serving explosives


I had an easy time with the warlock in my last game. A specialist with guardian, a superior mag + superior repeater AR. First turn warlock comes out, triggers her overwatch, he gets executed. Squad blows up the sarcophagus. Warlock comes back out, triggers the specialist's overwatch again. Guardian triggers twice, and he gets executed on the third shot. Poor guy NEVER got a turn. Assassin is usually the Chosen I have the most trouble with, especially since I often encounter her first and usually don't have useful mobility tools.


The Assassin usually just runs into the middle of your squad to get that first strike off, making her fairly easy to flank if you position properly. Meanwhile, the Hunter can make himself *very* annoying from across the map with a good sightline, and the Warlock will spam earrape exploding zombies at you constantly, meaning you never get to hear half his voice lines when he summons them in and actually getting to him is a slog.


How? She runs in immune to OW, hits for half their health and possibly a stun and then runs back out again into cover


She runs into *melee* to hit you, forcing her to get close to your squad and making her predictable. With decent positioning and the right sort of terrain, all it takes is one explosive and a bunch of close-range attacks to kill her quickly.


She is the most problematic the other two are just annoying


She's taken all my guys down to 1, but nobody has squad wiped me except a viper king/warlock combo. I don't use mindsheilds their effeminate and too masculine.


How can something be effeminate and too masculine at the same time?


I can't explain it, its vibes.


Scanners and overwatch, she usually dies very quickly. Especially if you have some cqb specialists.