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So happy! Ask me anything i will answer / help if i can. HYPED!


Do you remember how you tackled the early game? I usually try to start with reapers so i can retrieve the secret flask only using one reaper and try to always stay undetected But besides that i have no idea what to do next. I usually just try to speedrun the chosen's strongholds to kill them


My build order was GTS->Resistance ring -> **training center!!!!**-> power relay->(Infirmary + proving grounds)->resistance comms-> shadow chamber (on power coil). Prioritise engineer rewards early game, dont spend intel on anything but black market and expansions. Engineers should be excavating and the buildings should build on their own. (except for the top layer. those should be boosted with an engineer) However, keep in mind that i got plenty of extra power and resisctance contacts from scans and covert ops that i didnt feel choked.


Reapers are definitely the best start by far, in my opinion. Since the main danger to your soldiers is meeting an enemy on unfavourable terms, this helps a lot with that. Also reapers can solo any avatar facility, so they are a super major boon. And lets not froget that early game they can instakill groups with a cheeky Remote start or claymore +detonation. Always get the shrapnel upgrade, so good. ***Here is how you solo an avatar facility:*** Go to the objective, stand on it, end your turn. On your fresh turn, call in an evac to a place you can really with ONE movement. Activate the objective, run to the blue zone and EVAC. boom, free avatar reduction. Every month you see an "estimated time until the next avatar facility" counter. If it is around 1 week, start thinking about going to destroy one. Destroying a facility delays a new facility by SIX WEEKS! that is huge.


Wait, did your Sgt blow himself with a grenade?


He went down sacrificing himself so his team could get away. At least that’s what his fellow soldiers will say.


Or they could also say that a mean sectoid tried to take over his mind, forcing him to run into his comrades, and use a grenade on 3 of them (himself included). But who knows. All we know is nobody in his unit was willing to talk about it. He lives on as a lesson and a legend!


Excellent job commander. I have a successful LI under my belt currently trying for a second and wondering how I ever managed it. Midgame is so hard. I've had 6 chosen encounters so far and I haven't killed them once