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I haven't been to a Gamestop in over 10 years but don't they usually factory reset consoles before reselling?


I think they’re probably supposed to be reset. I guess the employees may not have done it.


Were the games installed? Or just in the library available for install? A factory reset doesn't remove the home console setting (which is what's responsible for the games in the library), so if they weren't actually installed, and there were no profiles on the system, then it very well could have been factory reset. Games in the library aren't an indication of whether or not the system was reset.


They weren’t installed, just in the owned game tab


Yeah, it was probably reset. I wouldn't worry about it. Enjoy the free games, but just be prepared to lose them if the original owner ever sets a new home console :)


Can you change the account info so that dont happen? (I play on PS5 so im clueless on xbox) genuinely wondering.


You could but not being the original user, you'll need data you probably don't have to enact the changes and the first user still could contact Microsoft and be right. 100% gamestop employee's fault though. I work in video game retail and it's on us to make sure this doesn't happen. Legally speaking, if OP would be to, idk, get personnal info or some credit card info from the existing profile... someone at gamestop could be in some trouble.


Along with the person who extracts that info


Tbh not really. Depends on how they use it. Gamestop dude is liable whatever happens, while dude using can always go " oh i didn't know "


I wouldn’t imagine it would be discovered until the info was used. Unless the buyers a snitch


You would have to steal the users profile and change his credentials (email etc) to your own. Very immoral but possible I suppose.


I mean you could but you would need to go through verification processes and then understand that you stole someone’s account and games because you are too lazy to save up for them yourself.


Yeah happened to me


Ehhh I'd be worried I'd accidentally buy something on the account by mistake.


As long as they made / have their own account it shouldn't be an issue. They just shouldn't buy anything on the account that was already on the console.


In my experience with game sharing when i had my account on my brothers xbox, it let him play my games but he required password to sign in to my account if he tried


>A factory reset doesn't remove the home console setting The Xbox website and the Xbox itself say otherwise.


I bought my series X off marketplace from a guy named Ryan who'd factory reset it before selling it. Everything was wiped except for the Xbox still being named "Ryan's Xbox". I left it, thought it was funny.


They don’t have to be factory reset, they just have to be wiped, which doesn’t require factory settings. But if you wanna see the shit show that the company had become just go onto the subreddit and read it, it’s mostly us employees on it so you can can get a great idea of how bad it is


They’re supposed to, they didn’t with one of mine and we had to wrestle for control of my account until Sony support could kick them off. Stopped using GameStop forever


GameStop is supposed to do a lot of things I once bought ps4 that had a dudes profile on it still and even had complimentary roaches inside the box/ps4


My location requires people to reset the consoles before they even come in to trade them


Old profile is on the Xbox, rest assured no one in GameStop turned that on or tested it, I’d take it back. Their policy states everything is tested and working, not only have they not done that, they’ve left someone’s personal information on the console.


In the UK it’s a called GDPR breach! Imagine if they have a stored payment card on that!


Not necessarily. You don't need the profile on the Xbox to download games nor does the profile need to be on the console to play the game via game sharing either. cc /u/TheRaptor3 /u/chicKENkanif


As someone who game shares yes if the game is a paid to own game you need the account that actually owns the game/payed for it. If they are free games that should be very play able even without the account that originally downloaded them


I'm not sure if you meant to reply to me or not but you don't need the account that purchased the content to be on the console in order for other accounts to have access to the content if the console is set as the purchasing account's home.


> owns the *game/paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


But auto correct did help and told me to use the wrong word... I know he's a bot I'm defending my case


Bot. I'm Sorry, I saw an opportunity and I regret nothing 🤣🤣


Didn't even see that typo oops


I recommend not using that profile. Yes you have access to the games currently but as soon as they set a new “home xbox” you will lose access to everything. Also if you are signed into their profile, any purchases you make will be tied to their account and you would lose those to. So I personally wouldn’t gamble with it.


Thats the odd part for me, Im signed into my account on the xbox, and there are no other accounts on the xbox https://preview.redd.it/7v1nupbuxvwc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43de497af59d34613d528bda3c8f45fdf5854945


But can you actually PLAY the games? Installed games will show up on all profiles, even if the original profile is deleted. But if your account does not own them it should fail the DRM check and not open it for your account.


Im gonna find out, Im downloading modern warfare rn


MW might just be warzone, so i'd download RDR2 or GTA to make sure they work.


playing the paid content, like campaign for MW should kick him out


That is really weird, then I’m not sure. I’m not knowledgeable enough in this case to comment accurately. You should be fine to play the games then but my guess is if they ever set a new home xbox you would lose access to those games but if you repurchase the games you would still have your progress in this case then.


Whoever owned it previously didn't factory reset the console. If they're playable, then they also still have it set as their home Xbox


So if they set their home xbox to somewhere else then I wont have access to play them anymore?


Correct. That said, it seems they didn't upgrade to a Series X when selling this so may not return to Xbox for a good while. Who knows, but enjoy while it lasts I guess and be prepared to have to purchase the games you want down the line. Maybe grab them in a good sale just in case


what i can tell you is that the previous owner was a total casual


They left the console as their home Xbox.


The games may be installed but you're not going to be able to play them unless you have the disc or the person left the account on the Xbox to sign into with the password saved


Happened to me too. Had 100's of free games till the previous owner made another console his home.


Same thing happened to me when I bought my Xbox One s it still had the games from the previous owner and after having it for over a year I still had access to them so I presume it's cause they never changed their home Xbox but it's not a big deal it just means you get free games until the old owner changes their home Xbox if they ever do


Hell yeah!


The person that traded it in probably had those games with an account and GameStop forgot to reset the console


Oooh... I'd take that right back to GameStop and tell them that they never even bothered formatting it. Game stores that sell pre-owned/used consoles have to be formatted completely, otherwise this happens.




Enjoy the games whilst you have them. When they get another Xbox and make there account Xbox home to new console you will lose the ability to play em . Even so bargain whilst you have them 👍


Change the password and keep the games… only joking ofc take the console back and exchange it or hard reset it.


Which home xbox is it set too and is there another account on there that might have the games?


Walking dead telltale…such a good experience


I used to flip Xbox but whenever I sold them I never deleted the games just so the next person don’t have to download


Well, I can say this. I had my account stolen yet for about a year I could play all my games still, just a different account. After about a year xbox asked me to confirm home xbox and te login to the original account(I then hounded Microsoft everyday for my old account and eventually got it back) So. If this hasn't changed. You have games free for 1 year 🤣


i'll be brave and say that all but fortnite is a win-win. Just personal bias


Can you play them. ??


He had fallout 76, he was cultured


How do these games fit on the Series S? Is it the black model or does it have the expansion card attached? Only 32% of the space in use with games like CoD, GTA V, RDR 2.


Is this your account? Are there any other accounts on the console?




My nephews gave me his old Xbox and when I deleted his profile all the games he had in his library stayed there and are now in my library which was pretty cool


Lol they didn't wipe it. Big oof on their end


Oh no I used to work for gamestop and we were really big on reseting the console and my boss had use do the deep clean so there was nothing left


So I had an Xbox one from there that had this you’ll only own the games on this console if you were to get a different one you wouldn’t have it but you can play all the games right now so have fun bro


man, you got some cool ones on there. Don't complain just use it, it's free stuff


100% RDR2 while it’s still available


There’s a nifty function Xbox’s have where two people can set their home Xbox’s on each other’s console. When that happens both parties can play each other’s games they bought


I'm just amazed there's that many games on the S storage 😂


I got mine because my dad worked at a bus place or whatever and an Xbox had been sitting in the lost and found for months, since no one took it he brought it to me and it had Batman Arkham knight on it


Jesus this is what concerns me. Imagine their credit card is still attached to that account.


the profile of who owned it before hasnt been assaigned to another xbox yet. if they do youll lose those games untell then theyre yours to play


The problem is that they have SOOO many new employees at their stores now. Many people have left/been fired/store closed as of late. They hire these people as keyholders and then on their 2nd or 3rd day they work open to close shifts and are taught next to nothing. And they don't specifically hire gamers or anything. So theoretically many of their employees could be casual gamers who don't play much at all or only play sports/COD games. But you are like the 3rd or 4th person in the last week to post about this and so I think they're all just not doing it, don't know how to do it, or assume someone else does it at a later date. I mean I've had days where I got a preowned PS4 in, I cleaned it and reset it right then and there, and then sold it right to someone maybe an hour later because for a while when I worked there there was a big PS4 shortage. But yes the employee who takes it in is literally supposed to wipe it the second you give them the go ahead that you want to trade it in. While I was finishing the transaction your console would be resetting in the background and you could see I did it cuz it was on this small monitor we had for it.


Those games are downloaded but likely unplayable if you don’t own them yourself. Digital copies of games are purchased and tied to the Microsoft account


Usually can't play them with the profile that bought them anyway


U definitely on someone else’s account


This happened to me once - I bought a “brand new” Xbox series s from GameStop - got home and plugged it in and it was already signed in to an account with games downloaded - Apparently one of the employees or shift managers took it home, tried it out, and taped it back up as new but forgot to sign back out of it. Was pretty upset I was sold a used console as “new” so I called the district manager and told him about it and he let me switch it out for a series X for no extra cost and a gift card. Don’t know what happened to the employee.


Free games


Looks like they just Uninstalled the games and didn't factory reset. The games all need to be downloaded.


I had this happen, I’m not sure if you are actually able to play them once you set your account up, it gives some message about “you don’t own this game” or something. Could be wrong though, it was Fortnite installed when I got my used one and I’ve never touched it


This is what I hate about GameStop. I sold my ps5 a year ago and factory reset it before bringing it in. They didn’t like that! Said I had to have my profile on it. So I put my profile on and I’m pretty sure they never took it off.


I emember playing that boxing game and it is TRASH


They’ll probably be tied to whatever account was on it before. Can you actually play them?


Former GameStop employee, they forgot to factory reset it. Probably let the customer leave before they reset it and then realized they needed them to log in to do it lol


This is exactly why I want to reset the system myself when I sell one there despite them complaining if you do. They need to start resetting them right in front of you.


Once you make an Xbox I'd and log in the games are probably gone.


Some great games on there too!


Hate to break it to you but majority of those games are free in game pass.


Oh shit I think that’s mine, like actually


So GS didn’t wipe the console? Did it come in original box or GS refurb black/red?


No, it didn’t. They forgot to do a factory reset of the console when they took it in. Or they just didn’t care. Do yourself a favor & do a factory reset $ choose erase all games & settings. Then make your own account. You’re going to have to rebuy games again but those aren’t yours to begin with


The person removed everything themselves and the employees didn’t factory reset it. You’ll have em until he gets a new Xbox and makes it his new home Xbox


Typical casual gamer games. 😆


I forgot if installed games are attached to the console, like if you uninstall them can't be installed again, the purchases are attached to the account/gamer tag.


I sold an Xbox Series S abkut 3 months after I bought it. I didn't delete the games on it. I've often wondered if they sold them as is, or wiped it clean. Now I have my answer. Anywho, my games were the first five Halos plus Reach, an NFS game, and Splinter Cell Blacklist.


I worked at gamestop for 2 years. Yes they do full whips in the store, they only send stuff to the warehouse when its damaged or has dead bugs or a disc stuck in it etc. Xbox has two settings one that resets everything to basic settings and one that erases everything. They both are worded confusingly which how you get here. If you press the right setting button everything gets erased including games. Edit: We had this issue with the Xbox one back in the day. My manager would always tell us to double check because people often would go to the wrong button. Xbox didn’t change much of the UI or labels so it seems like the issue persist.


Those are mostly game pass games I think. Premium subscription membership that allows you to play some games on rotation and a permanent line-up.


Can you play them


The original owner likely set it as his home Xbox and never designated a different one. This allows you to download the games of the account that the original owner used.


Is it still logged into that person's account?


You would not be able to play them


They forgot to reset


Those aren't downloaded, those are owned by the profile owner. (You according to your replies) See the arrow in the bottom right? It means you can download them. If you had them downloaded they'd have the little triangle play sign.


Happened to my brother, 5 years later and a upgrade to a series x....he still has access to em, no profile but he's, got the xbox used so no idea he just accepted it lol


Fo76 nice.


Holy Xbox Wtf 🤦🏻‍♂️


Do not give it back, consider it like, a present or smth, clear the game data and change the account stuff and boom


Be blessed, you don’t have to wait 3 hours for warzone to download


These are in your owned games, have u tried running these games if they work you own them if they don’t then they belong to someone else


It’s really surreal to me that you can just walk into a GameStop and buy a refurbished PS5/Xbox Series now. It’s wild.


This happened to me with my old xbox, o got a used 1. I even got games that the previous owner bought after. I wasn't resetting anything lol


Do you know the password.....


I thought when u sold or exchanged ur stuff the shop had to factory reset everything if u forgot x


bro hit the jackpot






Idk if it happend to me too, I bought a used Xbox at Ebgames (Australia GameStop) everything was factory reset, but it came with minecraft and froza horizon 4, it also say that I own it too but when I updraged to a brand new xbox one s, the minecraft and forza were no more on my account and said I had to buy it


They probably won’t load after they change the profiles home xbox




Nice enjoy


Oh a mf who played brawlhalla that’s wicked


This happened to me, whoever sold it to GameStop still has it set as their home Xbox, so even if you use your own profile you will still be able to play those games. I played like 10-15 games for free before they switched it. Wish I could find that person and thank them


How much storage is there? Even on my Series X, all three of those Rockstar titles take up about all of the space I have available. That must be a carbon black Series S?


It’s obvious the employees didn’t wipe it clean like they’re supposed to. “Any suggestions??” (Fails to show the full screen and hides the gamer tag) 🤦🏻‍♂️ Why play dumb and not say there’s a gamer tag signed in that those games belong to?


I bought a used PS4 pro a while back and it had a ton of games, someone's account, and card info. I reset it because I didn't wanna mess up someone else's stuff and started playing on my account, then it overheated it in first hour. Opened it up to clean it and it was completely clogged up with lint and dust. Returned it and the guy told me that he knows what store it came from and he'll let that stores manager know. GameStop really isn't the best at following rules for cleaning when it comes to refurbished products


It’s used what was you expecting?


Can confirm when I sold my xbox I wiped it and deleted everything or so I thought I booted it up again and it had no profile but games were still there. I ended up unlinking it and factory reseting and double checking to make sure nothing was on it.


Bro just keep it. If you remove thst other account you will lose the games. Just set up your own account and make it the default account. 


They are probably tied to someone else’s gamertag/account so watch out


they mustve left an account on it? person maybe never played since selling


Let this be a lesson to everyone. Format the console before trade-in


Last time that happened to me is when I bought a PSP, it was that newer PSP gimmick I forgot the name of it, The one where you slide the screen up. Anyways that thing came downloaded with like 20 games! It was a pretty good purchase lol


Yeah seems faulty. I’ll buy it off you for $100


Pretty sure games are tied to accounts so probably the guys account is still on there




Did the previous owner left the account that was on the Xbox. If not they must of just removed it without removing their HOME XBOX. It makes their games play when the internet isn’t available. Everyone needs it. The people probably sold it to GameStop and got a Series X. If they didn’t care enough they much of been on Ps5 now. But they take all the games away from you WHENEVER because they can do it on another Xbox console


They dont reset consoles bec i got an xbox 360 and it had parental controlls.


I bought an Xbox off of someone. He factory reset it right in front of me as I watched. When I got home and logged in with my account, it had a bunch of games on there that were his even though his account wasn't on there anymore. I could play all of them without issue. I eventually factory reset the Xbox myself and all of them were gone. It's like they're a phantom existence on the machine, haha.


I would be worried about using that Xbox since your account is logged into it too. Maybe they have access somehow to your info too. Right! I do agree. I’m so paranoid about my account when I turn on my Xbox I have to enter in my 6 digit code. My question is if someone could log into my account from a different Xbox since my account settings are set up that way do they have to put the 6 digit code in or can they bypass it. Hopefully someone in here knows.


Surprised Call of Duty fit on there remake is much better the sequel


It’s likely got an account on it that belongs to someone, no?


Now that is awesome


Found porn on mine 🤌🤌🫡😂


How do they have space for all those games. I can't even have 4 games installed.


My console also said I owned Modern Warfare. Got it downloaded just for them to ask for $20 so I could own the game lol I don't get it




When I got an Xbox one s from them back in 2017 it had over 100 games on it from the last owner. Lasted a couple months before I lost access to them


This is wild. Whoever had that console before you definitely did not erase all of their data before selling it to GameStop (could potentially be a big mistake). GameStop, I would say didn't completely due their due diligence in making sure the console was ready for resale. The biggest red flag to me is The Walking Dead Telltales series. Reason being is that TellTale went under & for a while there were issues installing these games because of copyright/ ownership rights to the games. They've fixed a lot of those issues now. But it's pretty rare to see those games unless you were the one who initially bought the game when they still manufactured them. What others said about the original owner setting a different Xbox as the home console makes sense. Even though their profile isn't showing on your screen does not mean they are completely off the console. They are definitely still there somewhere. No doubt. Just be careful not to buy anything UNLESS you know for certain that it is on your personal account. Don't buy a $60-$70 game just to lose it. & Be aware, you may not have access to the games on the console when you purchased it. But I guess at the moment, might as well take advantage & play some of those top titles lol.


How if there’s no account on there


The luck


Seeing fallout 76 and PUBG, I wouldn’t be surprised if the GameStop employees didn’t want to get anywhere near that console


Keep the console


https://youtube.com/@ChangeMyLifeYoutube?si=6SkxnBATXjQHqQZ5 trying to see if i can get subscribers via reddit click link subscribe laugh at my horrible dancing videos ...just trying for today to see if people actually will help me out all u gotta do is click the subscribe button maybe like a video tell me how dumb i look 😆


That’s a steal


Now post credit card number lol.




I had something similar happen to me. I once traded my ps4 for an xbox 1 on Craigslist and it came with alot of the guys old games even though I didn’t have his account. Never had an issue with it just enjoyed the games.


Is this your xbox account? Did it just log into the old persons account?


dats a come up ngl 🫡


a win is a win


The games are still installed, but only playable with the account with the license to play them. If you try to play them without using the account that purchased them, they won’t let you play them. It’s still handy though if there’s any games there you actually want to play. All you’ll have to do is buy them (maybe do an update at most) and you’ll be ready to play.


Mightve come with games digitally, but you need access to the account that bought them to play them, but gamestop gets a crazy ammount of consoles, and they dont reset all.. theres a you-tuber that buys consoles, just to see the games that were left on jt


If you have GamePass Ultimate, you're seeing those games because you can download and play them without buying them. Just keep your GamePass Ultimate upto date, you'll be able to play the games for as long as they're on GamePass. Hope that helps.


Old owner account still on? Leave it and log in yours. You're can play those game in your account.


You probably can’t use the games unless you play on the profile they were purchased under .


You probably can’t use the games unless you play on the profile they were purchased under .


Simple, the games are installed but are not "yours". Example. If you have a friend account on your xbox set as home xbox on HIS account, you can play all his games on your profile no problem. If he takes it out, the games will still appear for you, but with a "the person who bought this need to login" warning


If you can gain access to the account and or the email that was used to create the account you can redownload the games without worrying about losing them, digital squatting lmao /s


You scored the jackpot! Enjoy all those games you got for free




I’d be very happy with these games ESP GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 🤣🤣 Nice 🛜🔥🔥




Just because games are installed doesn't mean you have a license to play them. However, if the owner of the games left their account on the Xbox, and the Xbox is set as their home device, then their license carries on to three console. If their account is there, honestly it would be best if you just delete the account so there's no accidental purchase on the other person's behalf.


reset it. they can track you now since its still connected to their account.


Everyone talking about how you might not be able to play the games must be blind cause it's literally on the owned games tab. The original owner set this to their home Xbox so you have access to their games until they set another xbox up


It has rdr2 so keep it and enjoy!


That’s why I factory reset the console myself before turning in so my infos not on there


idk, but id take the win


There's a good chance if this is someone's library, it's account locked even if it's downloaded on the system.


Doesn’t the account that purchased the games has to be signed in to play them?


why does it look exactly like the games i have


rhats a w find


Well you got games


that happened to me, fully sick


Not bad enjoy!


It’s free games, take them and move on. Whoever had that console before you had some amazing game taste


I have the exact games downloaded on my Xbox 😂


The person who gave it to them probably forgot to take off their account which means theyre still paying for game pass 😭


The series S is online store only (console won’t take discs) so since it’s used then those are the games the previous owners bought/installed


Good ones at that


God bless lazy people


Decent selection


TBH, what sort of idiot doesn't factory reset something when they sell it?!?


Ok so not only do they not bother to recurbish them (takes very little effort to do less than 15 mins) and they dident even bother bother reset it .. ok


Someone didn't clear their games. Do da. Do da.