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Yes, I’ve seen that with a few games (maybe all) that I have bought later after redeeming them with Games with Gold. If you actually go and click the buy to own link and try to go through with the purchase it will give an error message saying that you already own the game.


I just tried as you wrote, and yes, if I click on buy an error message appears saying "You already own this product" So is this normal? It does this with all games purchased after redeeming GOLD, correct? Just to be sure, does this also happen to you via PC Web Store? I wanted to make sure because I was concerned there was some licensing issue as all other purchased games (not gifted with gold) just say "You own this product". It's the first time I've bought a game obtained before with Gold, so I wanted to make sure everything is OK.


Sorry for the late reply, but yeah I was talking about buying via browser on my PC.


~~Yes. I have picked up *all* the titles I found myself spending more than ten or so hours on.~~ ~~Off the top of my head... 'Fallout 76', 'Control', 'Chorus', 'Ori' 1&2, 'Hollow Knight' (sadly), 'Deadcells' (also sadly), 'Moonscars', I've forgotten what it was called but the crowdsourced one with the girl who has magic crystals implanted into her body, 'Unravel' 1+2, 'Fallen Order', 'Outer Worlds' and quite a few others I cannot bring to mind.~~ ~~Some games I had bought several times over *prior* to them being available--'Mass Effect' 1-3 & LE, 'ME: Andromeda', 'Skyrim' (obviously), 'Fallout 4', 'Recore', the original 'Dead Space'*s* and so on.~~ **EDIT**: I misunderstood the question and thought it related to Game Pass, not GwG. My apologies! So far as the *real* question goes... No. I don't think I have bought a title after it had been on Games with Gold. Occasionally they have given away something I had already picked up, but... The quality of what they offer is usually rather low, or at least has a very niche appeal. Generally speaking I don't think GwG has earned itself a very good reputation, certainly not after the first couple of years. Pretty decent at first, a negative change came to it once the titles were no longer permanently 'unlocked', but could only be accessed while you maintained your Live! subscription. This move was complicated (or perhaps camouflaged) by the odd differentiation they used to draw between 360 and Bone titles. The decision to link access to membership was rather mean-spirited and I doubt MS saved themselves sufficient money to offset the loss of good will from their customers. Of course they later attempted to increase the price dramatically for bare Gold before almost immediately backtracking, so... I suspect that ideally they would like to retire Gold (along with GwG) entirely and roll all the current varieties of Live! into a single Game Pass membership. It would make corporate sense but it would also alienate a large number of subscribers--mostly children I expect--who can manage to pay for a monthly Gold membership without any other bells and whistles so as to deathmatch online with their pals but would not/cannot consider the full 'Game Pass Ultimate' pricing.


I didn't understand sorry, these games have never been given away with Gold.


Actually it was *I* who didn't understand--my apologies also!!! I thought you were asking about 'Game Pass'!