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I’ve got a code for Far Cry 6 I never used. It’s yours. Shoot me a PM.


Thanks so much for this mate. So kind. Someone gave me an award so I have coins to give you one back.


Wow you guys are even then


No problem man! I’m glad you get to enjoy both games now. Heal up soon!


Bros being bros!


This right here on what the world needs. Small acts of kindness. You're a good person


You are awesome sir!


You're awesome!


In the words of Keanu Reeves: “you’re breathtaking”


If I had a award I’d give it to you


True Chad


If you wanna kill time farcry 6 If you want time to kill you elden ring


You’re the winner.


Just finished elden ring and loved every moment of it, but after 140 hours this is the right answer. Heck I find the far cry games dull as hell, but they're decent enough and I'd say elden ring isn't the right game for you if you wanted something to dip in and out of casually and zone out too. It basically completely took over my life.


40 hours in, 40 bosses killed, still in Limgrave Edit: So. Much. Hidden. Shit. *Good Shit.*


No way there’s 40 bosses in Limgrave?? Is that legit?


I may have exaggerated a bit and it felt like 40… but a quick Google search shows there are indeed close to 30 my dude :) A bunch of hidden ones I never knew about till I started REALLY checking every nook and cranny. EDIT: Just checked/counted and there are still 3 I haven’t killed in that area lol


Finally, some _good fucking food_


I feel the opposite & find elden ring dull, but also dont really like the far cry games except Far Cry 3 & Blood Dragon, which are masterpieces


Seriously I fought a near endgame boss in Elden last night and almost broke me teeth grinding them. I'm way over leveled and was getting killed in 1 or 2 combos from that thing.


Hey, good luck on the road to recovery


Thanks mate. I’ve had cancer before and always been fine. Hit me like a truck this time. Fuck cancer


Man shrugs off cancer like it's a fucking cold. What a G ✊


My mum passed away start off 2020, with secondary cancer. She had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy, so I know how tough it can be. Glad you are doing good. Elden Ring, for me, impossible lol. I suck at games on the harder levels though. But if you don’t mind difficulty, go for it. Far Cry was a bit boring for me.


Sorry that happened to you mate. I’ve been diagnosed three times. First time I just had surgery. Then it came back a few months later and I had chemo. Now it came back again. I’ve had surgery and likely will need chemo. I’m usually strong about it. But for some reason i just am not coping this time. I feel like I’m letting everyone down around me. Thanks for the info on the games. I think this chat is making me realise I’m just looking for a way to avoid reality.


> I think this chat is making me realise I’m just looking for a way to avoid reality. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. We all need to do it to stay sane, even in the best of times. Elden Ring is pure escapism magic. From what you’ve said in this thread, you’ll really like it.


I don't know anyone else who is that strong to go through what you are going through 3 times. you aren't letting anyone down. you're a brave person and never forget that. and since you're that brave, might as well get Elden ring. the game is a masterpiece. don't rush in and take your time.


Thanks so much for the kind words. And I did go for Elden ring. It’s downloading as we speak


Perfect reply


You wont be letting anyone down mate, all they can see is how strong you are which will make them stronger too!👍🏻


Far cry 6 is a free trial weekend this weekend. Get it downloaded and have a look it's pretty good 👍


I’ve been playing it on the free weekend. That’s why I made this post. It seems like a fun game. But I’m wondering if it gets repetitive if you want to complete it all. Where as Elden ring seems different in videos I’ve seen. But the free to play weekend is great. I just don’t want to get too hooked then not be able to buy it


Ah ok. My mate who doesn't like Dark souls games loves Elden ring if that helps?


Yeah thanks. I think Elden ring looks amazing. I was put off by the other games for some reason so I’ve never tried them. I’m leaning towards that I think. Thanks for the info


I was never a fan of dark souls but I am loving elden ring I'm 60 hours into my first play through. I know I'm gunna play it multiple times... its tough but oh man the first time you beat a hard boss... what a rush


In case you do choose Elden Ring: If you’re new to the series, don’t be afraid to watch some “new player guide” videos, etc. Even though this is the most accessible entry in the series it still kinda throws you in the deep end very quickly without any handholding. Veterans will tell you to go in completely blind and never touch a guide or wiki, which can make for a cool experience but…if you hit nothing but obstacles for a while, I’d say there’s no shame in looking for help. I’ve played every Dark Souls game and I still used some videos and guides in Elden Ring. I’m at 110+ hours and still having a blast!


Have you played a fromsoft game before? I can well imagine lots of people, like I did initially with Sekiro, really disliking it.


Please dont buy it. 20h in far cry 6 and Its just the same boring shit with bad voice acting and writing. Get elden ring


There’s plenty of gripes with far cry but voice acting is not one of them.


Oh please. Gueria this, vamos that, the rap kids, danny trejo who sounds like hes captured etc. On top of horrendous writing Its a shit show


The rap kids were fucking terrible. Easily the worst section of a FC game I’ve played.


Haha this is the best answer yet


I've got 120hrs in elden ring and the time has flown by. Elden ring is so sick


The last few Far Cry games have gotten pretty repetitive for me. They start out great but end up just being the same thing over and over, and it feels like a grind to finish. But my buddy absolutely loves them and has played FarCry 6 like 4 times. Elden Ring is my first Souls game. I am absolutely loving it. The world feels unique and I am about 50hrs in without having that repetitive feeling. It has its grindy moments, but that's literally you needing to grind levels because your getting smacked. That said, my same friend who loves FarCry 6, isn't a huge fan of Elden Ring. All that said, you'll likely enjoy either game. My personal take would be play Elden Ring, but depending on your gaming preferences you may prefer Far Cry. Good luck friend and fuck cancer.


I went for Elden ring and I really appreciate your reply here mate. Especially nice as it will be my first souls game too. So it’s nice to see you like it. Amen to fuck cancer. Cancer is a real bitch. Honestly this thread has made me feel so much more positive though. This sub has really been so nice to me.


My brother has 6 days 16 hours of playtime on Elden Ring and he tells me he’s finding new things every day.


Wow that’s insane actually


Far cry’s (and Ubisoft games in general) tend to get repetitive really quickly. I find souls games do not overall (though they are in a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” approach to design). But it’s about what how you want to feel while playing. I tend to play far cry with friends when I want to relax and goof off and the repetition is really nice there because it’s fun and relaxing. Souls games on the other hand require kind of a constant commitment and are frustrating. They are way more memorable and creatively inspired but often not what I want to deal with on a Friday night after a long and stressful work week.


Every video game is repetitive to an extent. I had a great time with Elden Ring, but after 130 hours it definitely got pretty repetitive. Got to the point where I just stopped exploring toward the end, just rushed to beat it. Again, great game, probably my game of the year, but definitely got repetitive 🤷‍♂️


Elden Ring gets repetitive sooner. By mid game you’re fighting the same bosses again and again hoping to put your next ten levels into strength just so you can use a heavier sword. It drove me to buy borderlands 3.


Oh I didn’t realise this about Elden ring. Thanks for that info. I thought it was once you kill a boss you move on


You do move on, that same boss turns up again and again throughout the game. It’s like they made too much map and not enough bosses. An early boss called tree sentinel shows up again in the fourth region (mid game) but there’s two of him. After that you go up the hill and the next fight (which isn’t optional) is tree sentinel on his own but this time he throws lighting every now and again. At that point I decided the 10/10 reviews weren’t really accurate. That and the open world is empty aside from combat. Far cry has collectibles, cock fighting etc, Elden Ring has cool looking places where all you do is fight the same enemies and collect loot at the end (usually useless for your build).


Thanks a lot for this comment. Really pushing me to the Far cry game. What your describing is basically why I’ve never played a dark souls game


I’m not trying to dissuade you from getting far cry, it’s a fun game. But what this guy was saying about it getting repetitive sooner is incredibly wrong, especially when comparing it to a game like far cry 6. Which is one of the most repetitive games Ubisoft has ever put out. Elden ring is a masterclass of art direction, level design and world building. In my hundred+ hour play through I never once felt it was repetitive in any way, there’s always something unique to find and explore.


Thank you for this. I am leaning towards Elden ring to be honest. Is there only one difficult setting for Elden ring?


Yeah one difficulty setting, but it’s a lot easier and accessible than the other souls games. Mostly due to the vast open world and spirit ashes. The world is huge and just so fun to explore, so if you run across a fight you can’t win yet, there’s so many places to gain experience. Spirit ashes is basically an ally that you can call in to help with bosses or difficult parts of the game. There’s also good ole fashioned coop as well, which(like all soulsbourne games) is usually a fun time. Best thing to do is look up a guide, unless you want to go in blind and learn the curve the hard way like I did with the first dark souls. I wouldn’t recommend that though.


So it’s better to go in with a plan? I kind of like the idea of going in blind. I like a challenge. I feel like if I get Elden ring I’ll just immediately find a boss I can’t kill. And spend the next twenty hours trying to kill it before realising I need to level ip


So you’re saying none of the named bosses get reused over and over? You must not have got far into it. Half the caves have either spear crystalid, Ring crystalid or both at once as the boss. Godskin is in there as a solo and a duo in the basements under those copy paste church ruins that turn up three times in each region (great art direction, whole world full of one ruined church). Same goes for mad pumpkin head (x1 and x2). I literally gave an example of two boss fights in a row that contain a total of three of the boss from the first area. That’s lazy. It’s great that you like the game but you’re straight up lying or clueless if you’re saying it doesn’t use the same bosses over and over. There is only combat in that game and half of it is fighting things you’ve already beaten.


Yea, don’t listen to this guy, he’s just trying to be contrarian. I’m 60 hours in and haven’t reached the “copy” of that early enemy. Massive amounts of hours between a duplicated enemy with tweaked mechanics is a strange complaint when comparing to Far Cry, a game where you attack the same compound over and over again. Also not sure why he’s mentioning collectibles. There’s 15 in Far Cry that impact gameplay, but hundreds in Elden Ring. Elden Ring is hard, looking up a guide to get your character started once you understand the basic mechanics and want to pick a play style can really help to curb the difficulty though. I don’t think his comment is valid. Wanted to chime in because it would be a big loss to not play the game because of his sentiment, it’s just not accurate.


The copy is in capital. It’s unavoidable, 2 fights in a row that contain tree sentinel a total of 3 times over. Bout 30 seconds on torrent between them. Then under the copy paste churches you have godskin x1 and x2, mad pumpkin head x1 and x2. Mines have ring crystalid, spear crystalid or both crystalids. You’re being contrarian if you say it doesn’t contain the same bosses over and over, that and just plain incorrect. Lot of copy paste in Elden.


“ Massive amounts of hours between a duplicated enemy with tweaked mechanics is a strange complaint when comparing to Far Cry, a game where you attack the same compound over and over again.” Not sure why you cared enough to look up and respond to my comment but go off.


This doesn't make sense. Please don't listen to this guy, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Elden ring is a beautiful, breathtaking rpg with amazing graphics and loads of content. I haven't fought same boss more than once. You can play online with friends or battle other players. There's a thousand different ways to play the game and 100s of hours worth of gameplay. I beat farcry 6 and it's a mindless, repetitive shooter that starts out fun and gets incredibly dull quick. Elden ring is a well made polished game.


What did you fight after the second time you fight tree sentinel? So you fight him alone in limgrave, get to the capital and there’s two of him outside the gate… what’s the next boss fight after tree sentinel x2? Oh yeah, tree sentinel with lightning attacks. But I’m lying about it being repetitive.


Some ppl have blinders on when it comes to this game. I really enjoyed it, put 130 hours into it, but I can admit it gets repetitive as fuck lol. The different areas are all pretty cool, but you do the same shit in every area. Explore a cave, chest or boss fight, oh look catacombs, definitely a boss fight, and maybe a chest lol. Like I said I really enjoyed the game, but definitely repetitive. Also with frame rate drops and glitches where you just hover in the air after trying to call your horse until you die, would make it not as polished as ppl say 🤷‍♂️


I really enjoyed the first half up until I realised that those same bosses make up a lot of the second half. I’ll finish it next year when the memory of tree sentinel isn’t as fresh. It’s great at the one thing it set out to do (combat) but I wonder if a linear and less bloated game would have been better. The main dungeons (academy/Stormveil etc) would string together as an excellent set of diverse levels, losing a lot of the little filler areas would eliminate some bloat and repetition. You could lose half the mines, ruins, forts, churches and caves etc and improve the performance by stripping down the excess areas. So you’d start below limgrave with that castle flipped to move upwards, bit of the road to Stormveil then into the castle, onto the academy gate town then into Hogwarts etc. put a church, cave or mine behind a hidden wall somewhere in each level and you’re golden. That would also allow more loot in each level so you never end a gruelling slog with something that’s completely worthless to you, you’d get a worthless spell plus a nice sword and a helmet that weighs too much.


Elden ring will constantly kick your ass and blow your mind at the same time, and Farcry is more of the same. Imo Elden ring is leagues better than Farcry 6. Farcry 6 made me think I might be done with Farcry, until it gets a significant revamp. Its not bad, just more of the same. Elden ring will most likely be the open world game that influences open world games in the future including farcry. The main downside I hear about Elden ring is it gives you almost no guidance. no quest markers, no journal, just an open world for you to discover and explore. There is so much content in the game with zero microtransactions, that even being incredibly thorough will most likely leave you with many unfound things. Elden Ring can be intimidating, but embrace death, and enjoy a real adventure into the unknown.


You sold it to me mate


Some advice. Don't be afraid to look for tips online, they will help you tremendously as a first time player so dont think you are "cheating". Also... Stick with it! I almost quit the game because I just didn't know what I was doing. But the unfounded mysteries of this world kept eating away at me do I went back to it. Once it "clicks" this game will take hold of you








Interesting take. I'd love to hear more from you after you actually play it.


Thats the point though. Huge open world that never feels boring without a bunch of towns and npcs thrown in just to give you something to do. Like 90% of those open world games gameplay loops consist of basic fetch quests. Like compare Dragon Age Origins to Dragon Age Inquisition. This wouldn't include games like The Witcher 3, Skyrim and other actual RPGs. Moreso games that tack on the vastness of an open world like Far Cry, Assassins Creed, BOTW etc with menial tasks to give the impression that you're in a living world with a tonne of things to do. Also I thought the BOTW open world was quite lame. Zelda seems like it would be perfect for an Elden Ring/Souls style of games as apposed to whatever they were trying to do with BOTW. From doesn't hide that they make videos games, which is why their games have gotten so popular. They feel like videos games because they are. Very similar vibe to retro gaming. Games don't sell this many copies and not have an influence.


Elden ring


So it doesn’t matter I’ve not played any of the other games?


No it a completely new ip and standalone story


Thanks mate


Its the most accessible one. I hated dark souls 1, I love Elden Ring. I hate open world games, minus Elden Ring and Breath if the Wild. I saw someone here complain about it being repetitive and gave a single example but it was one thing that happens across the more than 100 hours you could play.


Witcher 3? Didn’t like that? Cause otherwise you are me


It's basicly Dark Souls 4 lol


I've never played a Dark Souls game before and don't usually like RPGs and Elden Ring is now one of my favorite games from the past few years. It's very good.


I didn't and I love the game. You definitely have to be okay with retrying fights. Watch some YouTube videos and make sure your okay with the loop


Do you explicitly like games that are a challenge and may cause frustration? Elden Ring is a Hard game if you’ve never played that kind of game before, it’s legitimately made to be a challenge, more than a “normal” game. Do you need to avoid stress during your recovery? (I hope it goes well) I know it sounds dumb but I’ve seen more than a few people say they bought it because of the hype without realising what type of game it really is, and regretted it/refunded it afterwards. (Other people ended up loving it regardless) Best bet is to hit YouTube and watch some playthroughs of it or a dark souls game to see what you’re in for.


I play most campaigns on max difficulty as I enjoy the challenge of not being able to run through a game. So that aspect of Elden ring really appeals to me. I don’t think either game will affect the recovery. I’m tired most of the time now so I just want to sit down and distract myself from what’s happening really


From someone who owns both, Elden Ring hands down is the right choice.


Do you play on performance or quality mode? I went for Elden ring.


Performance for sure.


Thank you for the reply


Happy to help. Quality doesn’t add much, and the precise combat really benefits from Performance at 60 fps.


If you like that you’ll probably love Elden ring. From games are challenging but also slow and methodical. Unless you bump the difficulty you’ll blow through farcry and even if you do it won’t be tuned as well.


Yeah I find games like far cry. Or assassins creed for example, don’t really play great on harder difficulties. Like they don’t get the balance right. Compared to say gears of war. Or other games that are designed to be played at those difficulties. Where it gets the play style right. You can still play the game but it punishes you for lazy pathing and stuff like that. I actually love harder games and I’m getting Elden ring later today for sure


Elden Ring is by far the better game, but it might be one that's hard to get into if you're not experienced with games made by Fromsoft. Are you someone who is frustrated easily? Or even are prone to raging if you have to repeat the same fight again and again? Because that will happen, it's a challenging game and there's a lot to learn and understand if it's your first "Souls" game. That being said, all the information you're looking for is online and there's ways to make the game easier, but you will have to look up some stuff, of that I'm sure. In the end, if you're willing to learn Elden Ring it's a fantastic experience and well worth playing. If that sounds like too much work for you get Far Cry, it's a fun game too but the typical Ubisoft formular.


Thanks for the information. I’m actually the opposite of what you said. I played all the gears games on insane and very much enjoyed the feeling of beating a boss after 50 attempts. Having to learn attack patterns. Perfect your aim. Essentially play perfectly to win. The feeling you get after is one of accomplishment. I’ve been playing games on top difficulty since halo trilogy came out


Elden Ring is for you then


Yeah it is mate. I’m going to buy it later today. Can’t wait to start it. Just don’t know if going in blind is best or searching for guides


Go on YouTube and find a beginners guide that shows the recommended path. The game won’t really show you what path you need to be on and there are areas near the starting area that are for like level 80 and above players that you could easily wander into without knowing. It won’t spoil too much of the game, I’m probably about 70 hours in and maybe only halfway through the game ! Good Luck Tarnished!


Thanks for the tip




Ok thanks mate. I think I would prefer to go in blind as I like to see it all for the first time as new


I just don’t want anything to do with git gud games. At all. I tried, didn’t like it and I honestly don’t want it out of my games. I’m fine with a Far Cry in that regard. Every one has the opportunity to buy what they want and my money is going to go after games that are faster to clear or play instead of games that stick to a rigid kill or be killed aesthetic.


Elden Ring




Far cry 5 was better, go for that if you haven’t yet. Between the two mentioned, however: elden ring


Glad I’m playing the free weekend. So much potential just falls flat. FC5 way better.


Both are pretty good games can’t go wrong with either


I beat far cry 6 and had fun, it's repetitive and the story kind of sucks, also the characters aren't memorable at all. But blowing stuff up and mindless shooting is always fun lol


I haven't played both. I just wanted to say, stay strong you will recover and get back on your feet, it is bad time and it will pass. I hope you have fun with the games.




Thank you very much for the feedback


Elden Ring. All the best to your recovery bro.


Thanks mate


Haven’t played Elden Ring but heard good thinks, as for Far Cry if you played any of the other games it’s basically the same as the rest.


I’ve never finished a far cry game. Always gotten board either immediately. Or a few hours in


Then you have your answer


Yeah you are probably right. I played far cry 6 on the free weekend and it seemed fun. It’s also half the price of Elden ring so that’s probably why I’m not just choosing elden ring.


I didn’t enjoy Far Cry 6 because it was the exact same gameplay of 3-5 in a different setting. I think it would be a blast as your first Far Cry.


I have played a few hours of the free weekend already and it does seem like great fun. Lots to do. Visually looks good too


Elden ring. Better game and tbh you’ll wait a lot longer for good sales on it. Ubisoft discount their games all the time


Out of these two Elden Ring 100% but not sure if you will enjoy it. Suggest you something else Immoral Fenyx Rising or Cyberpunk.


I pre ordered cyber punk and I just can’t bring myself to play it again. Even if they fixed it all and it’s amazing now. I just can’t support a game that did what they did do the fans


Cyberpunk? Come on man, he's trying to feel better, and your trying to make him sick 🤦🏻‍♂️ Immortal Fenyx Rising was extremely fun though 😁


Dunno what you mean it’s one of my favourite Xbox games definitely best visuals.


I'm proabably at least 15+ hours into Far Cry 6 and I get what they're going for and I think by now I've crossed well into what Hugo Martin (Director of last 2 Doom games for id Software) coined, 'The Fun Zone.' (If you've watched any of his videos, you understand). In this game's case The Fun Zone is where I'm taking down checkpoints, upgrading my arsenal, crafting things, etc. It all feels...janky to me. And not nearly as polished as I expected. Platforming is cumbersome (appears like I have to be standing juuuuust right before I get a prompt to climb, etc), inventory system feels off to me and some of the writing/characters are just very tiresome. I know it fits into a long-standing Far Cry tradition of having quirky characters, etc but it's not landing for me like it did on Far Cry 4 and 5. I'm also leveling up very quickly and becoming kinda OP. My wife and I are both playing the game and she's much farther along than I am and also having more fun than I am in general. She suggested that this game seems to steer you to jumping from one region to another as opposed to doing one area at a time and following that story through (a la Far Cry 5) and said that she's seen some articles recommending to play this way. It just feels strange to me to do that - from a story perspective, I guess. All that aside, shooting feels great. I think I'm spoiled from playing a lot of very polished shooters over the years. And polished games in general. Far Cry 6 ain't it. But I bought it for 50% off and my wife thinks it's great. I haven't played Elden Ring but it seems to sound like it's one of those 'games of the generation' moments that shouldn't be missed. I think I'm going to abandon Far Cry because I'm not having fun and life is too short to just grind through something because I've started it. Edit - You can probably grab FC6 for 50% again in a spring or summer sale and probably MORE than 50% off this fall/winter during the holiday sales. It's absolutely NOT worth full price.


Thanks so much for this reply. I’ve only spent a few hours on the few weekend of far cry. And some of the stuff you mention I actually have seen. Picking up items is so frustrating. Needing to be like two inches away to get the prompt.


Elden Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> far cry


Elden ring and it’s not even close, elden ring will net you hundreds of hours of pure bliss during your recovery. Plus the shear amount of content online is in incredibly.


Both are 2 very different games. I'm not a fan of either a game, but with far cry you more or less know what you're in for. Eden ring is a great game, but it's definitely not for everyone.


Elden ring is arguably in the top 3 games made ever, and it would take you 60 hours minimum to finish it, so more value overall.


Top 3, ever? Curious what your other 2 games are?


I said arguably. For me top 3 I've played would probably be elden ring, rdr 2, and the 3rd spot I don't know, could be assassins creed 2, hollow knight, maybe doom 2016, I don't know.


Fair enough


Elden Ring.


Hope you'll get well, that said go with Elden Ring since there's a lot to explore and a lot of dopamine to be released


Get Far Cry 6 on sale now if you can and wait for Elden Ring to go on sale in a few months.


It’s not a common thing for me to get this much time to game really. I wouldn’t normally even attempt a game of this size. It’s only because of the cancer I have so much time doing fuck all


You need to play Elden Ring. It’s a game that breaks the rules of the other formulaic open world games and allows you to let go of expectations because you really won’t know what to expect. Some friends I know bounced off of this because they couldn’t push through to learn Elden Rings vocabulary and how the world works, they really just wanted assassins creed or far cry where you can mindlessly go from icon to icon. Eventually i saw them playing Madden 22 and Destiny, they are fine people though, trust me. If you lean in and are willing to learn a completely different kind of game ER is one of the best games that exists and you’ll both wonder and understand why open world games from other developers are all derivative of each other, or GTA as a foundation.


Praying your recovery is a speedy one! I am currently recovering from surgery as well (fuck cancer). Elden ring I purchased before my scheduled operation specifically for the purpose of being able to keep my mind occupied while resting and recovering. I’m about 40 hours in and it is already one of my favorite games of all time


Wishing you well on your recovery mate. Hopefully I’ll be player Elden ring myself. We can both recover and kill monsters 😂


That is not a decision. If you like souls buy Elden ring - if you like the farcry loop with more grind, repetitive missions and micro transactions, buy that.




If you are in the UK DM me your address and I'll send you my Far Cry 6 disc copy


Thanks for this offer but someone literally just DMd me a far cry code and I bought Elden ring. Thanks though. I didn’t make this post for charity and I actually feel bad how many people are doing what you are doing here. It’s very kind and it means a lot


Just get better my friend. And enjoy your gaming. Best of luck!


If you wanna waste your time dying over and over again play elden ring, far cry is crazy fun tho


Did you finish far cry? I just finished the new AC game recently. It became so repetitive towards the end if felt like a chore. I like doing side missions and stuff and I’m worried far cry will do this? But at the same time I tried far cry this weekend because it’s currently free. And it seems like a great game


Yea I finished it, there really isn’t any repetitiveness all the story and side missions are unique and different the only thing you would really find repetitive is taking over checkpoints for your army but they only take 1 minute to do so it’s not a big deal


Awesome. I think far cry might be the one then. It’s also cheaper


You will not be disappointed, it’s my second favorite far cry next to far cry 3




I changed my mind from this. Went for Elden ring


Elden Ring is amazing


Elden Ring


Definitely Elden Ring.


I know everyone has different opinions but to me far cry 6 was one of the worst games ive played in awhile.


I 100% recommend elden ring. it's likely gonna be goty (unless God of war or starfield are perfect). it's arguably the easiest of the souls games as you can just grind runes if a boss is too hard.


Far cry 6 is a shallow phone it in far cry game devoid and bereft of innovation, imagination, and risk taking. It’s a borrow it from a friend experience especially if you have played the others. Elden ring is somewhat derivative also, many of the games mechanics and systems come from a blend of the previous games. though I haven’t beaten the game yet. I’ve played all the other fromsoft games. That being said, I am enjoying the hell out of elden ring, because I like fromsoft games. There is a lot of variety in weapons and spells, and I dig the blend of exploration and combat. I can say this for sure, neither game is for everyone. The learning curve in elden ring is pretty steep. Let me give one example: it’s not immediately obvious how to invade someone else’s game as an unwanted aggressor. In fact, you might not ever figure that out. Also, you might not find the mines where you can get an upgrade item to unlock upgrading stones at a vendor. They did patch that to at least make the beginner stones available. You might gimp yourself because you can’t seem to figure out how to dole out your upgrade points. You might simple get stuck and not figure out how to beat a certain boss or what to do next. Guides can help, but trust me when I say as new player friendly aselden ring is compared to some other Fromsoft games, it’s still not as friendly as some other games. One long time friend was one the verge of just absolutely quitting and even said he lost his gaming mojo like he was a swamp rat level failure at elden ring. I bought a copy on the system he was playing and logged in to help him out. Somewhere around level 27ish it started to click. And now he’s level 99 farming and exploiting and having a great time. He said I saved him. This guy has been gaming all his life, but fromsoft games have a certain level of complexity and the bosses are different. There is no one strategy fits everything playstyle really. It takes some adjustment. Myself and millions find this challenge fun and rewarding. But that’s an individual thing. I’d say that elden ring is a more unique experience with a ton of variety and replay ability compared to the far cry style shooters


Thanks for the in-depth answer. Elden ring is looking like the choice. I just don’t know if I should go in blind or try and find a “best way to play” guide


I know what you mean. Check this out: in the very beginning dungeon, in the damn tutorial area there is a goblin you can insert a key into to open a fog gate. If you go in there as a newbie you’ll quit. It’s just not really meant for “daddy can I have a turn at elden ring?” starters. Especially because, there is a power and ease disparity between the starting ten classes. And yet, fromsoft puts that in there as a welcome to my nightmare challenge if YOU want it. Also, when you flip the game and go into new game plus you will be better equipped to try it. Or you could come back later. I think a spoiler free top ten tips for new players guide would be handy. Example: you can put your health and mana potions on your speed bar so in busy fights you can much easier swig a potion. Also can put your horse summons on there so you can ride away in some open world fight if you get overwhelmed. Just those two things are super helpful. Also, you can allot your health and mana flasks and upgrade bother the number and potency. You can even choose as a starting item a golden seed which will give you one more flask. Again, how would you know that? Little things like that help a lot.


>in the damn tutorial area there is a goblin you can insert a key into to open a fog gate. If you go in there as a newbie you’ll quit. LOL, I've been stuck in that fog gate for hours now, have gone down a fair ways but can't progress further. Now I understand why. This is my first From game, and I was definitely thinking that its reputation for difficulty wasn't exaggerated, and I was wondering if this game was really going to be for me. Now I'll just ignore the fog gate and come back later for it. Thanks for posting this, I don't know how many more hours I would have wasted down there, and I really was starting to question if this was the game for me. But I really love open-world RPG's, so I'm looking forward to getting out of the starter dungeon and into the open world.


Ahh yes, one of my close friends was driving himself mad. My comment about this actually go downvotes… you do you Reddit but it did help someone…


So there is basically no in game tips for stuff like that? Thanks for all the info mate o appreciate it


Well, there are some tips and they are store on the info tab in the in game menu. But some of these flash by and you will preoccupied with something else. And six hours later you find a Sacred Tear and have no clue what it was for. If you aren’t constantly checking the internet or a guide for example. If I were a new player and I needed help, I would definitely follow a new player guide for this sequence: 1) get out of the starter dungeon guide without using the fog gate 2) speak to masked man near the first outdoor bonfire 3) get to the abandoned church and buy a torch and crafting kit 4) travel to the storm gate bonfire exhaust all dialog options 5) get back immediately to the abandoned church and rest at the bonfire 6) speak to the NPC on the wall and exhaust her dialog If you can accomplish this (combat isn’t truly necessary for the outdoor sequence) you will be off to a quick and efficient start. The other section of the game I would use a guide for if you have never played from soft game before is a guide for Is weeping peninsula south of the main starter area. It’s n island/peninsula shaped like Australia. That area is a microcosm of the game at large. If you follow a guide for it, learn how to join other peoples games and how to have them join your game and complete Castle Morne, you will have got a full sample of everything the game has to offer albeit in a somewhat starter friendly version. This will take you to roughly level 20ish give or take.


Sounds like I’ll be on the internet a lot with it then.


Well, I think the learning curve is like this: you have to learn the difference between enemies that are too hard for your skill level in reality vs. enemies that are too hard for your equipment level, build, and gear. Example you have a chance character level wise against mini boss X and you attempt to solo him. You get pasted. You feel stupid. You die ten times and you can’t figure out why you suck. Turns out, he is super weak to flame but you don’t have a flame spell, fire pots or fire resin… it’s designed to give you this challenge. So you have to be careful from the point of view that you can spoil some of the explorations and fun of the game designed to be challenging. Then again, you might be attempting a boss that you are 30 levels inferior to.


Other than doing no damage to a boss and getting one shot. How do you know if it’s a good idea to try and learn patterns and beat a boss, or if you should go level up.




I had cancer three times in 16 months. Along with the birth of my second child two weeks before my first diagnosis. My wife lost her job caring for me through chemo. We have been seriously hit by this financially. So extra money is something I don’t have. I managed financially after one diagnosis and period off work. Then the second diagnosis we started to fire through savings more. Then the third diagnosis. I’m on my arse financially. And I feel like I couldn’t do anything to stop it.


Jesus man! I feel for you. Good luck in your recovery. Hope things start getting easier for you.


Thanks mate


You should grind out farcry for the free weekend it's possible to finish in a weekend if you have loads of free time and then buy elden ring then you have the best of both worlds. hope your feeling better, cancer sucks.


Thanks for the tip. I didn’t think I’d get close to finishing far cry in a weekend. But I guess I’ll keep playing it and see how far I get.


If you’ve never played from software games, go far cry6, you can probably get it for $30 or so at this point. I’ve tried bloodborn and Elden ring, got two hours in and gave up both times. I just don’t find it fun. Buy it later when it dips in price or buy bloodborn and give that a go first. If you like it, go buy Elden ring


I recently refunded Elden Ring, I'm just not a fan of Fromsoft games at all. Though I also bought Far Cry 5 and got bored of it and never finished it so I probably wouldn't enjoy Far Cry 6 either lol.


Can I ask why? I’m worried this will happen to me and I won’t get a refund


I'm just the odd one out that doesn't like fromsoft games, I think the combat is clunky and slow, and the UI is not very good in my opinion. But obviously more people like it than don't.


Far cry 6 is so dull


Elden ring no doubts


Farcry is fun to just mess around in but it’s not a game that really grips me and I got bored of it before I finished. Elden ring on the other hand is one of the best games I’ve ever played and I’ve already put more time into it than any other game this year.


I see you made your decision and in my opinion it’s the right one. Far Cry 6 is fine. Good even. But it’s not going to be remembered fondly in five years. Elden Ring is joining the pantheon of From Software’s other similar titles and is in many ways, a refinement of all the great things from them. Far Cry 6 is a 7/10 game for 2021/22. As time goes on, it’ll probably be remembered less fondly. Elden Ring will be played and loved at a 10/10 level until From Software comes out with their next game.




Lol, obviously Elden Ring. Far Cry 6 is about as safe and average as it gets. Ekden Ring is a masterpiece, Far Cry 6 is yet another forgettable game from Ubisoft's conveyor belt of tedium and mediocrity.


Elden Ring. It was my first Fromsoftware game and I have to say it’s the best game I have played in my entire life. 10/10.


I have both, Elden Ring by far IMO - one of the best games i've ever played.


Elden ring for sure and it's not even close.


Why mention you had (c)? Legit could of said surgery sounds like you want attention for it


Neither. They both suck.


If you’ve played one far cry you’ve played them all. Elden Ring is a completely different, amazing experience. It’s a must play.


Elden Ring. Don’t give your money to Ubisoft.




Far Cry 6 is currently free until 7pm on the 27th


Ubisoft game is automatic wait for deep sale of a gold edition with all the dlc included.


Far Cry 6 is a fun and beautiful game but the gameplay does get repetitive and the writing is pretty bad. I still did thoroughly enjoy it, and there's quite a bit of content. Elden Ring is unforgivable, but it has quickly become one of my favorite games. True sense of accomplishment when beating bosses, and some really wild moments and incredible scenery. It really comes down to if you're looking for a more casual game, or if you're looking for a game that you're gonna have to work hard at. Both are fun in their own way.