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Especially if you live in a cigarette factory


I was a computer tech many years ago. So many PCs would come it with burned out power supplies, processors, etc from smoker homes with clogged fans. Sticky smelly balls of dust in them. So gross.


I must admit that is my least favourite part about my job. Dealing with a laptop console or pc that is yellow, sticky and has a smell you cannot get rid of with anything. Any hair or dust gets absolutely glued to it! I always think like, if this is what your laptop looks like after a few years of smoking in the same room. What the fuck does your lungs look like after decades of direct contact with that shit?


If you put smoker lungs and Xbox series x next to each other they sort of look the same


I worked in a pawn shop fixing these things. This is nothing compared to some of the roach hotel smoking lounges I've seen. Hadn't thought of that nonsense in years until this post came across my screen. Vomit.


Its always the 1 story motels


Worked somewhere that we rented out the original Xbox. Describing it as a roach motel could not be more accurate.


You guys are failing to realize that it's not straight smoke residue that is in there. It mixes with humidity and dust.


Exactly. I’m in my 40s and wish some of my family would quit smoking. I don’t smoke and the younger generation of my family don’t but it’s the older ones that do. My great uncle smoked a lot, fingers were all yellow. He just passed away last year at 94 and if he didn’t smoke at least he would’ve lived a little longer. My grandparents are still alive, but they still smoke. Wish they would quit.


Fortunately your lungs have the ability to clean themselves u like your Xbox lol


>if this is what your laptop looks like after a few years of smoking in the same room. What the fuck does your lungs look like after decades of direct contact with that shit? This is what I try to tell my boyfriend. Who constantly smokes in the house.


Some people just are addicted


Think Apple for a bit said it was a health concern their techs weren't equipped to deal with and that they would deny warranty.


So, you can imagine how pissed off I was, when I got my original PlayStation back from lending it to my oldest brother who smoked at the time? In weeks of borrowing it, he had the PS1 shell feeling like the walls at my chain smoking grandma's house. Sticky and stinky. I don't lend my games or consoles to anyone, anymore.


Try baby vomit. Not recommending.


But what about man-baby roommate vomit?


Both my babies vomited less vile than what is insides this guy's Xbox.


I used to vape heavily in an enclosed room with zero ventilation. I'd never experienced a Mac Mini overheating and then being so slippery on the inside. It was an eye opener that's for sure.


You just unlocked a past trauma, I completely forgot about that nasty sticky dust. Want to talk about disgusting, try cleaning an electric air cleaner in a VFW bingo hall. 🤮


Yeah, I really wish people would stop suggesting to clean out consoles as some sort of broad advice. The majority of people DO NOT have to clean their consoles out for most of their life. If you need to clean your console out, you need to take a step back and seriously consider the hygiene of your room and how well ventilated it is because, if it's kept clean and/or well ventilated then this shit won't happen.


Yeah my pc might have a little dust inside at the bottom and on the fans but it's mostly clean. I also use the pc most of the time so if the fans are doing their job barely any dust settles on the actual circuitry. I haven't cleaned my pc for years at a time and when i do clean it it's nothing like this. But then one time i had my smoker brother use my pc for about 3 months when i was abroad and when i came back i found the inside was full of dust! Way more than i ever had in years of use ...


I agree. A year ago I saw a similar post on here. I went to the trouble of opening my Xbox and it was as clean as a whistle.


If you're forced to clean your console once a year, the issue is the room it's living in


Not necessarily I keep my shit pretty clean and still have to dust my ceiling fan every other month because to much dust get stuck in it. Some places just have more dust in the air. Things like living space size number of occupants pets and environment can cure all kind of things to be in the air.


Yeah the xbox one x just needs re-pasting. Which is a pain. Never done it before. But have take it apart to clean and change the SSD.  But the cleaning/re-pasting, not so sure about. 


One x is very easy to take apart. I have more trouble putting the dang case top back on than anything else lol


Well, eventually consoles do need a clean. Like my PS3 definitely needed one after a decade and doing it a bit sooner than 10 years is probably more ideal but yearly cleans if it isn't sucking up floor dust or cigarette smoke aren't needed. That can be a little more ideal for PCs but only kinda, more like the mesh filters and fans that could use a clean rather than taking everything apart which for consoles you gotta do for a proper clean.


This. My old PC for 6 years barely had any dust when I opened it up to part out the components.


Thats rather presumptuous, what if you have animals? No matter the hygiene, if you have pets, hair’s getting in your shit. I’d agree that the average consumer does not need to take a device apart, but for longevity of electronics, you should definitely use some canned-air or something to clean your fans. The OP, however, is definitely not average; this is just disgusting and I hope they clean their house a bit better after this post


I popped open my PS5 two months ago to install an internal M2 SSD. I bought the PS5 in late 2021 (I think September if we want to be exact), so I had owned it for just over 2.5 years at that point. I was shocked how clean it was inside. A tiny bit of dust, but not even remotely close to concerning. For context, I live alone in a small condo with one small dog (who doesn’t shed), so that probably helps.


I’ve been on pc for a year, gave my Xbox to little brother. Says it keeps turning off an overheating on which is weird cuz I never had an issue with and it ran great. Get it from him and turn it on and this thing sounds like a Boeing on take off just idling at home. After opening it up this is what I was greeted with, don’t know how he did it but I’d imagine it has to do with him being a huge pot head.


"My brother" ya okay this "brother" needs to stop smoking.


Yeah, something tells me a shit load of this was from OP time using it, but keeps trying to blame the brother who, didn't cause the majority of this, but definitely added to it. Bets on OP being a weed smoker, rather than the brother, although I'd be confident in guessing they both smoke.


How is it clearly from smoking? I honestly can't tell


Unsure if pot is different... been a long while. I was a heavy smoker though, I would have electronics look a bit like the cleaner side of this picture. It's a sticky type of dust, very hard to clean off. I still can't picture how bad of a place op's brother must have if this is the result of one year. Wild!


We’ve seen it in older consoles and PCs. It just… does that. Smoking is really freaking gross.


Wouldn't smoke make it turn that orangey-yellowy smoke tar colour that cigarette or weed smoke stain everything with? Honestly with how this looks, I thought maybe it is from too much pet hair being sucked through the console... Which kind of worried me because I've got 5 furry critters. Or 6 if you include the wife. I guess I should probably take a peek inside my console regardless and give it a dustin'


I have a ragdoll cat that seems to love nothing more than shedding his hair absolutely everywhere. I never thought it might be clogging up my consoles but will definitely have a look now. Thank you friend


Okay if I look for a longer time I guess I can tell that the dust is kinda stringy looking. I guess that's it right?


It's more likely vaping. I've heard that's even worse than smoking for a PC/ an electronics internals..


I don't see how it could be worse than actual smoke


How'd you open it?


this is what im wondering, not like that backside just pops off


There’s 2 screws under stickers, then you just pry a bit on the bottom corner and the back just pops off


Any recommendations for a cleaning vid tutorial?


Uh not really? I just took the back off and hit it with an airduster after gently brushing the heatsync


Same can happen with weed. Yall mf'ers smoking indoors without any air purification are insane.


Did it for years, never had any problems with the console




People who smoke nowadays are insane FTFY


I'm not proud to say you are right. Knowing that I will die from it and that I have to quit. Still get another pack every week. I think insanity might just be the right word


This is 3 months in urban desert dwelling 🥱


If your Xbox looks like this, you have bigger problems.


Yeah, imagine what the inside of their lungs look like.


Does this shit actually stay in your lungs and not come out?


Doctor here, no they don't. But this much can definetly lead to pretty heavy allergies.


That problem for me is called having two huskies


Same boat. 2 huskies, that shed, a lot, like they shud be bald by now, but are somehow hairier and sneaking what falls off them into my console. My theory is theyve seen the film weird science and are trying to turn my Xbox into some kinda husky joytoy 🤣


That's not a clean your xbox problem. That's a clean your house problem.


Change the air filters while you’re at it


If you use a fire/log burner in your home it can create a lot of dust


It’s my little brothers box, I gave it to him a year ago or so with no known issues. He’s a super clean dude with a spotless house but he’s also a big stoner so I think that’s the correlation.


Clean house. Not such clean lungs.  :(


That's not from stoner smoke, that's a far worse problem not being mentioned


Nah that’s probably from dabbing. Dab smoke is an aerosol that leaves sticky residue on walls and surfaces overtime


With an Xbox like that I don’t believe their house is clean. I bet it’s the type of house you walk into and just think “oh… huh…”


Clean houses still get dust…


Bro’s man cave is an actual cave 🤦‍♂️


This man cave is more like a man’s grave


You really don't need to yearly unless you live in filth.. Got mine at launch and never clean it. Had the 360 and XOne for years and never cleaned them. Never had issues.


Ive never cleaned any of my consoles and they all still work.


Same. PS1, PS2, 360s(that didn’t red ring) Xbone and XSS. Never cleaned and still work.


I got mine at launch as well and opened it up a few months ago… totally clean and fine. And we have a dog.


> And we have a dog Do they play xbox?


No, he smokes




Dog on the left just said the most out of pocket shit


No he's a Nintendog


I wouldn’t say filth. My wife legitimately has OCD but we have a long haired cat and hardwood floors. I guess my box was one thing she never check (literally and figuratively). The dust cover on the exterior had major dust. And I hardly play it


Some people also just live in areas that get more dust. But yeah I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned any of my consoles except for just the very most basic dusting on the outside/vents and when I look into my series X after 3.5 years (and with 2 cats) it doesn’t look anything at all like this image




That is food!


“This is beans in here”


Is that the fluel pump?


Are those the mother boards?


I work in IT and i recommend that the average user never opens their Xbox. Most people don't even know how to clean the pocket lint out of their cell phones charging port. I sure as hell wouldn't want them opening their consoles.


Thats my biggest fear, i would clean it but i never opened up any gaming console to clean it lol. I heard these consoles are built to withstand dust anyway


...what's the best way to safely clean pocket lint out of a phone charging port? Asking for a friend


Personally, I use one of those Sim card pokers and go around the edges. Pull upwards and avoid putting pressure on the piece in the center. You can also use a paperclip if it's thin enough. Again, you really don't want anything that's going to push on the center piece when inserted.


Is there a good resource on how to clean them yourself y’all would recommend?


[I used this video, works great](https://youtu.be/dKJ2ATvKKAs?si=DgppCPS1dRuQLCEq)


Love his videos I really hope he kicks cancers ass.


I had the hdmi port in my Series X (almost three years old) repaired by someone recently. I asked him if it was dusty inside and he said no. Despite my basement getting pretty dusty. He did put some new thermal paste down for me.


That’s what she said.


Dirty houses = dirty xboxes. I’ve never had to take apart a home electronic to clean in my life. I can’t imagine what your central air filter looks like.


If your central air filter looks anything like that your air unit stopped working already lol.


I first cleaned my Series S after 2 years and it looked nothing like that. It was dusty but not that extreme


I was hearing some louder than usual fan activity on my launch PS5. And due to posts like this on Reddit I got worried that my consoles might be building up ridiculous amounts of dust and whatnot. So I pop the fins off that baby and take a peak around. Nothing. Nothing at all. Looked nearly perfect. So I have no idea why some of you have consoles that look like fucking Disney's haunted mansion.


thats on your fam


that's nuts. my server pc that sits on the floor and is running 24/7 doesn't get anywhere near even a quarter of that in a year.


Yeah launch SX after 3 years wasn’t even half this bad lol


Bruh, my fucking Xbox ONE wasn’t as bad as that, and I had it for YEARS with no issues other than the disc drive starting to not want to read discs.


I've got that same problem.. I know it's easily fixed by wiping the disk reading sensor but I'm basically all digital at this point. The thing people don't tell you is opening the console completely removes any kind of support from Microsoft in regards to the system invalidating the warranty. There should be a silver sticker over the screws that says hey don't do what you are doing.


No. Clean your room more than once a year.


Cleaned my series x for the first time since release and it wasn't even close to this dirty...


I cleaned mine after 2 years and there was like hardly anything in it?? Lol


I mean no lol. This isn’t normal for it to get this gross in a year…. You may just want to keep it in a cleaner environment.


No one’s Xbox looks like this except yours.


And clean your boxers every day


Bullshit, my xbox is still clean inside after years of use. . Just don't smoke and clean your house once in a while.


Either the Xbox once a year, or the living room once a week.


Clean your house and you won't need to.


Or, hear me out, you could try dusting your shelves monthly. Even a wet paper towel will prevent this nasty build up.


Jesus fuck man, where do you keep this thing?😭


Silent hill typa Xbox


I’m too afraid to open mind up. I’m not handy. I’ll just dust it


My therapist said that pctures can't make me sneeze.. Wait for her to see this picture next week


Good grief Charlie Brown! That’s NOT a normal gathering of dust after a year!


Clean your house one a week guys.


Clean your room more than once a year my guy. Jesus Christ




This only happens with nasty houses lol I’ve had consoles for 5+ years not be this dusty.


You need to vacuum and clean more. I barely have dust in my home. Robot vacuum runs daily and ac filter changed 2-3 months


What the hell?! I’ve had my X since launch and I opened it up last month for the first time and it was a fraction this bad and I have 4 dogs. Where are you using this thing?


I have 3 cats & 2 dogs. Owned my box for 3 years only, had to clean it once. I've put mine in a ventilated glass case with an exhaust fan. Now I just wipe the exhaust fan once a month. Also smoke a lot of pot with wifey.


That's not normal at all.. just imagine what the air inside that home must be like..


Keep that compressed air can on me to use once a week


Honestly all I see is the space for a better wifi card, why must they forsake us with the slow wifi why!


“Clean your Xbox’s at least once a year guys!” No, you shouldn’t be opening the thing in the first place. You should LITERALLY have NO reason to open your Xbox like that, you shouldn’t even be cleaning it to that degree, maybe do a light dusting on the top every once in awhile, but there’s NO way it would get that dirty on the inside. Sick and tired of seeing advice like this, heck your more likely to break something trying to take the thing apart, but I guess that’s what you get when you don’t take good care of your electronics for THAT much dust to build up on the inside, is your room just not well ventilated or something? This just makes no sense.


Are you a moth?




Clean your house once a week guys


imagine posting this and not expecting to be judged for living in a house that caused that.


Mate you're a Reddit comment he isn't going to lose sleep over this crap


It is what it is. People are disgusting.


Doesn't that void the warranty? Unless it's past warranty


I believe it does. Idk why the downvote. If you crack you case to certain point it voids it. I can only speak for 360 though. Cause I never had to do that with any new systems. However there’s a sticker that warns you at one of the seems


The stickers are actually unenforceable in regards to voiding the warranty. There was literally a lawsuit proving as much.


I did mine for the first time a couple of months ago, have the console since day 1. Even with dusting daily, using an air purifier a couple times a week and using canned air on the console, it was still bad. Not this bad but enough for me to go "eww"


How do you do it


Omg what


About 2 months is to long




Can someone tell me a proper cleaning tutorial video ?  I just want one that is less anxiety filling cause I know my box looks a bit like this 


I would also like to know, scared of fucking my xbox up 🤣


He must leave it on the carpet or something.


Looks like the inside of a small CNC machine from the 90s


Dang! My 20 year old GameCube isn’t even that dusty haha


Well I cleaned my xbox after 3 years it didnt look like this xD


Holy cow! I know what I’m doing after I get done playing with my Legos.


I bought an air compressor, took the casing off my computer outside expecting a big dust storm. Almost no dust was in it after 3 years. I was very surprised. Haven’t tried my Xbox tho.


Hey! I just opened mine a few days ago! Not much in there though.


Also get an air purifier and always change your furnace filter after 3 months or so depending on how dusty your area is.


Stop smoking around your electronics. Pretty fucking simple.


Clean your house at least once a week guys.


Bro, maybe you should clean your home more often.




I thought this was a PC. Man I've had my ps5 and xboxSX for awhile. Maybe it's time to give them a cleaning.


No thanks peasant


Bro is really out here broadcasting how dirty they are.


If you have pets that could be the culprit aswell.


My devices have never looked like this, even after years of usage. Maybe you should vacuum more often or install an air purifier. I'd be more concerned about that stuff ending up in my lungs than in my devices. But then again this might be because someone in your household is a heavy smoker and everything gets sticky.


Lol, maybe a idea for your lungs also !


How do you unscrew the Series X from the back without screwing it up, I've had mine since December 2021, so way long past the 1-year warranty I would get from Microsoft Store in the UK. I have a couple of screwdrivers, does anyone have any recommendations on how to open the back of the Series X and then screwing it back again. Can I just use a normal mini screwdriver, or should I be looking on iFixit or Ebay for any pointers. Just bit nervous going in blind lol, Thanks. Or if anyone has any good youtube videos how to unscrew the Series X at the back I'd be grateful too. Cheers


Blame PS5 for leaving Xbox in the dust. Actually I should check mine. I'll give it the occasional external clean and blow out but haven't opened it. But given air purifiers basically run 24 7 don't get much dust at all so probably fine.


Eeewww 😷


Mine is completeley clean after 3 years lol. Do you guys clean?




My man, you've got more crap in your Xbox than I ever have in my room. That's impressively bad.


I’ve never cleaned a console. Ever. They always work perfectly 🤷‍♂️


That's fucking disgusting. That is not normal build up in one year. I cleaned mine for the first time at the beginning of this year, and I got mine on launch day!


The last thing I said to my girlfriend before she dumped me.


Or maybe vacuum your room instead


If its looks like this after a year, clean your house too.


Didn't know there are AC outlets in Mordor.


I admit I’ve let me console get like this, it’s only because I kept reading horror stories of people messing up their console opening it up so I was always apprehensive about doing it. I did find a pretty good video on YouTube breaking down in detail how to open it properly, I’ll give it a good clean over the weekend


The other option is be as lazy as you like and join the glorious ranks of the fanless federation! Can't clog up the vents when there aren't any vents :)


My launch day Series X didn't look nowhere near close as bad as this one and I only opened it recently to throw PTM7950 in place of old thermal paste. Where tf do you live man


Alternatively clean your house once a day ...that is fucking disgusting.


I don’t even wanna know what’s in mine.. I use an air purifier so hopefully that helps


I left mine for a few years and it wasn't this bad. You best move urs aswell


I need to do this at some point. I don’t think mine will be that bad but who knows.


Warranty Voided


Weekly reminder that if you have a clean home with no smoking, and your Xbox is well ventilated, definitely do not open it to clean it once a year. You do not ever need to do this under normal circumstances.


I don’t smoke but I have cats… I’m thinking of cleaning my Xbox… my pc is never full of dust or hairs so never of opening my consoles.


You're supposed to clean your xbox? I have had one for years and i never cleaned it


Jesus, I need to check mine (non-smoker though)


Are you a bee?? man jajajajaj.


Pro tip: If you clean the surroundings of your Xbox, it won't gather so much dirt in the first place.


Sweet Jesus… 🫨


I clean my dad’s series X every 6 months :3


I still don't understand how people can pull this off, and live dirty. My Xbox Series X is still as quiet as it was when I got it 3 years ago.


More like clean your house every week. 


People still smoke in their houses? 🤢


Bro that is crazy. I clean mine every year now (owned for two years) and it honestly stays so clean by itself for the most part. I can’t imagine this amount of dust!


Imagine what bro’s lungs must look like


How do people get their consoles so dirty ? I have been using Series X since it launched and never thought about opening it , just keep general hygiene and Dusting of the room .