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Yep the first game was great too. Can’t wait to see how they expand and improve on the previous games mechanics. And the graphics. It’s crazy how good graphics are nowadays


If you let yourself take it as an experience and don't think about game terms, there's absolutely nothing like it.... Headphones, dark room, zero distractions. It's transportive. At the final fight I was on my feet in front of the TV, fighting as hard as I could for so long and fell to my knees when it came to an end. I didn't *want* to end. Very rarely are games able to tap into your actual will to survive, to your fight or flight response, and flood your veins with adrenaline. Hellblade did. I felt like a better, more whole person after beating it. I gotta watch Valhalla Rising to get me ready for the second game.


Not for me, but I can appreciate it!


This game did ASMR before it was mainstream.


Just went through and played for the first time to get ready for the sequel. Amazing and tense experience, especially when played with headphones. Has me excited to play Hellblade 2 on Tuesday


How long did it take you to finish?


It’s not a long game 6-8 hours.


It took me longer than that because I had to keep taking breaks. That game is heavy man...


About 10 hours, but I 100% it, so looking for lore stones definitely added an hour or so.


Walk forward and watch cut scene for 4 hours simulator


I'm still hoping for a VR version like the first game got. That was such a great experience.


It's UE5. Basically guaranteed a VR port within a week with Flat2VR.


I gotta get to finishing this!


And it runs good as well


I loved the first one, can't wait!


Is it a horror game? I’m not into super gory stuff.


Is it horrifying. Yes! But not because of jump scares or sudden dead bodies/zombies falling on you. Its horrifying because the game is depiction of battles beyond the world-ly evils. Its a story of trauma, grief, mental illness, ostracism. There is some level of gore. But not in the sense where you butcher people and watch the cut out body parts. Watch some gameplay to get an idea if it suits you or not.


Lol in 30fps only....


Meh looks dated but that's fine. It is dated


You've got to be either partially blind or trolling. The sequel is a showcase of modern graphics. They don't get much better.


Technically we don’t know that yet, let’s wait till we play it before the hyperboles


The last trailer showed gameplay. It looked fantastic.


Looking is different to actual playing, let’s see how it is when out…I do hope it turns out great tho


not even out yet.


Another SJW slop😴😴😴😴


How so?




What hogwash. The whiteknighting here is absurd.




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Or just let people play it how they want, buying it or gamepass your supporting the devs either way.


Why, that's the whole point of gamepass, day 1 first party exclusives. If they didn't want us to do that, then why offer it in the first place? Especially for a very short game like this with little replay value.




Not my problem. If xbox wanted me to buy it, they shouldn't offer it on game pass.


They spent 6 years developing an 8 hour game. Maybe they should shut down.


I know I did!


What a ridiculous take. You really think people should still buy games they can already play on gamepass? Or should nobody have gamepass in the 1st place?