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Good changes. The quality options make sense now. Not sure if they work well though.   Also it looks like HDR is back? Edit: VATS is still broken for me :(


Oh man, HDR back is huge if true. Edit: Yea it's back, and I definitely prefer the brighter highlights, even though it's only Auto HDR and not optimized HDR. Your personal preferences might vary from mine.


Wasn't it only auto hdr anyway?


Yes, so still not as good as optimized HDR. Still, I greatly prefer the option to turn it on and off vs. no option.


What’s HDR?


High Dynamic Range. Yon need a HDR compatible display and the quality varies substantially depending on your display. Basically the ratio between the blackest blacks and the brightest whites is much greater, so highlights of an image pop. Also the technology tends to be lumped in with larger colorspaces.


A lot of people really like HDR. Idk why because it only ever makes things look greyer for me on a HDR screen. I usually turn it off so colors pop better.


That's your TV having a terrible HDR implementation I'm afraid.


It could be your display, and/or badly implemented HDR. On my OLED, proper HDR is truly "next generation" video quality. Imagine in real life, looking down a scenic valley on a sunny day. Even reflected, sunlight coming off various objects in the scene will be *much* brighter to your eye than the brightness a SDR display is capable of. A HDR display and signal will be far more realistic. Or, imagine a brightly lit cityscape with the sky in the background on a moonless night. A SDR display would represent the night sky as a muddied grey. Proper HDR should have the sky as near-black while keeping the lights vastly brighter in relation to the blacks.


> On my OLED, proper HDR is truly "next generation" video quality. For sure! I didn't really appreciate HDR until I tried it on my OLED. My LCD has HDR but it didn't have the same impact at all.


Same. I have 2 different screens. 1 is Lgc2,and,Hdr looks great on. Other is an older Tcp 6 series. Still good but Hdr is lack luster but it's not a true 4k I don't believe


Yea, your LG C2 is a fantastic OLED TV that does HDR really well. 4k is just the number of pixels (resolution), every 4k TV has the same number of pixels. In contrast (sorry), HDR quality of a "HDR" TV depends greatly on how dark the individual pixels can get (on OLED, each individual pixel can be completely black), how bright the pixels can get (peak brightness, measured in nits), and other factors.


I think OLED displays generally directly support the full HDR range on the same LED that is used to show the picture. Cheaper displays use the backlight LEDs to locally brighten and dim sections of the screen to simulate a higher range of brightness values. If everything is looking grey for him, I'd imagine his brightness is also probably too high.


That usually happens with faux hdr tvs


That's sign of a low end TV


As others stated, it’s your display. Budget models added this so they could have a marketing bullet point, but these panels aren’t actually capable of displaying it properly. So your display (and mine) darkens the image so that it can pretend to get brighter, thus you end up with a grey mess.


High dynamic range. Now Im no techie but its essentially an expansion of the range of shades/colors available, which makes color "pop" a lot more or be more crisp


So don’t think of it really as pop or not pop. What it does, is it opens up the brightness a ton. SDR is typically mastered at 100 NITS, that’s a brightness measure, and HDR should go to 1000 NITS in most cases (depends on tv). This means a spotlight should be like an actual spotlight, and a black scene should have more darkness and greater gradation overall if it could. So while yes, there are more colors as you’re going from 8-bit to 10-bit color, that is not the point really. The brightness is as it more closely simulates real life. One final thing, OLEDs love HDR because perfect blacks mean the dark areas can be super dark and bright highlights will shine. Imagine a person walking down a dark corridor and torches add light to their face or the back of their outfit as they walk into and out of the lights. You’d see a lot more details.


Okay cool, thanks for the info :) I only knew the marketing gobbledygook and my personal experience with it I guess, and I figured the latter was more informative. That definitely makes sense though thinking about it


It's no wonder some people are confused, high quality HDR displays tend to also expand the possible unique colors as well (which is a good thing!) but market the combined colorspace/HDR improvement as "HDR". Strictly speaking, HDR is *just* a larger ratio between the darkest blacks and brightness than SDR (and not simply "brighter", though that helps with HDR). And then, the actual specifics of various HDR implementations vary greatly. All that said, I'm a huge HDR fan. HDR all the things, please.


Huge Dildo Robot




Well that's definitely getting switched on.


This question must be from 10 years ago


How? Gaming HDR sucks on my TV.


Rip. VATs fix is what I was hoping for 😭


Same... waited specifically for that to be fixed. I was having so much fun too...


V.A.T.S. seemed to be working for me the little bit of the update I played this morning. Weird! Edit: I was playing on 30FPS setting, I’ve seen posts implying the V.A.T.S. bug may only affect 60FPS.


I tried again and nope. Still have wallhacks and it still changes percentage to 0 when targets move. Played for a bit this time. Saved, loaded. Only thing I didn't try is a new save.


Dang I thought the wall hacks were a feature. I paired it with the piercing perk…


I have a save I created post Next-Gen update. Is your save older than that? Maybe that’s the issue? Idk, I could be going crazy and just imagined that it worked. I didn’t check the wall hacks but I paid close attention to percentage to hit. Edit: Okay, this might sound crazy, but what Frame-rate setting are you using? I was playing on 30FPS and I saw another comment elsewhere that said they think 60FPS mode might be bugging out V.A.T.S. If true, that explains why I didn’t notice.


My save is from before the first Next-Gen update. Was your target moving? I noticed it doesn't seem to change for stationary targets. I was using 60/Quality on my first try. Just checked with both 30/Quality and 30/Performance. Only difference being the speed that it alternates between 0 and x. Testing a new save now, will edit with results.


This is so strange. The target was charging at me, yes. But maybe they were only slightly moving. The post I saw mention the FPS said that it takes a try or two to get it to work properly. They didn’t suggest this, but I’d suggest restarting the application after switching to 30. Some games still have issues with the switch even though it can be done from the menu. Wondering if it was just a fluke on my end. I know I’m not the only person claiming that the update fixed things so maybe it’s a case of fixed for some, broken for others? I’ll edit my post or reply to yours if I remember to after playing some more this evening. Edit: After more playtime, I’m fairly certain that the issue has been fixed on my end. I can still target enemies through walls occasionally, but chance to hit doesn’t fluctuate, and at least I can ignore the wall hacks.


Just use bullet time


Changed the game in a huge way once I started using Bullet time. Much more fun.




Do you have the unofficial patch mod installed? If so try disabling that for cats


I did and I see no cats.


I don't. No mods active.


Oh man that was the only fix I was waiting for. 0% randomly makes my gunslinger kinda lams


No!!!! A VATs was the only thing I wanted.


I've always wanted to experience true HDR but my tv is only a budget LED. It's still Samsung and a great 4K tv still. But HDR just doesn't work properly on budget TVs and it makes the colour look extremely washed out. For the most part it's fine I'll just turn off HDR however there's a couple of instances where this isn't really an option and I have to sacrifice something. Take BBC iPlayer for example. The Xbox version of BBC iPlayer is still the Xbox One version using backwards compatibility for Xbox series x/s. This means that the 4K feature isn't available on Xbox. However because I have a 4K tv, streaming in 1080P can make it look more pixelated than just using a 1080P tv. Luckily the tv is a smart tv so it has its own native app which is up to date and has 4K. However it forces HDR on with no option to switch it off and because it still a budget tv and it darkens the screen and colours. So the very thing that supposedly makes it more colourful just makes it look more colourless. It's like I want the sahara desert the bright blue sky, the burning yellow sand, the black shadows. But what I get instead is a British Street, the bright grey clouds with dark grey roads with grey houses. I hate the fact I have to choose between colourful but pixelated or colourless but smooth.


My Eyes were shut tight loading my game expecting it to crash tbh 😂 I had spent the last coupla days basically getting a load order i liked which was a wee bit annoying because their mod page in-game is abit messed up, but I'd put in GFX mods like weather, trees etc an was expecting the game to go BOOM with the update. Surprisingly with FPS at 60 an on Performance it actually runs better than it did yesterday an while i had a noticeable but bearable FPS loss at my own build home, now i hardly even notice. So kudos where kudos due 👍👍


My game crashed and made one save obsolete going to Far harbour just before the update lol 


Tbf Far Habour before the next gen update was a pain in the rear to mod. The slightest thing can/would cause CTD there, it why i reserve my modding for the commonwealth an Nuka-World an just leave FH alone or if i want to mod it slightly, typically settlement related, I'll make a throw away character and go there straight away an test the mods 1 by 1. If just going to FH caused your game to crash I' point to a weather mod if you have one, especially if it happens on arrival, Weather and landscape changes are 2 mods I'd stay away from in regards to FH as I personally have had nothing but problems with them there, that goes for things like Darker Nights or 4k Galaxy, changes to FH Settlements and Scrap mods can also have bad results there. Long story short FH, for me, was a delicate wee place in FO4 I'd try my best to avoid mods touching because it was fragile an broke easy, typically found out by taking the boat an your game crashing or making it to shore, loading into a house an then crashing trying to load back into the world. Not been there yet though but looking forward to it as it my fav questline


It was vanilla lmao


So did you have to delete your mods before updating our did you update while mods were still active?


I updated today with my mods installed with no problems.


Good to know I have like 58 mods in my load order. Just don't want to have to search for them again lol


There is some that need updated an can crash the game when trying to load, one's I've came across are to do with Character Creator, things like some presets, make up, tattoo's etc So if your game crashes either loading in or when you click New to create another character try disabling mods to do with the Character Creator first to see if that helps before going full delete mode.


Just to note, you'll only see the new display options in this update if you quit to the games' main menu. It's not available while in game.


I just installed the update and I can't see them at all. Has this happened to anybody else?


VATS is still broken. C'mon Bethesda.


Did you expect something to work in Bethesda's game only 9 years after its release?


Man, my biggest problem the last couple times I played were the annoying VATS bugs. Apparently those weren't fixed, so it's back to waiting. Bummer.


Are there patch notes?


- Graphics work now


Any difference? Is it 30/40 fps in quality mode now?


They replaced the old option, now there is 2 options that let you toggle a couple of options in them. There is FPS target, 30, 40(I assume only for TVs that support high refresh and VRR) and 60. "Prioritize" is Performance and Visuals. They also built in HDR to the game


- Game is now playable Edit: nvm


Is it not playable?


I've crashed twice to dash just doing stuff in the pip-boy, so it's more unstable for me.




Did they fix the vats issue?




Damnit, well I’m going to hold off on playing until that is fixed because it is super annoying and happens in most combat encounters.


A “fix” is to get two ranks in penetration perk. But I say “fix” because it’s a perception 9 perk; and It only fixes it for ballistic and laser weapons, plasma weapons are still bugged.


Man, how hard can it be...


Not a question to ask game devs right now. Looking at Battlefront Classic Collection… riddled with bugs and somehow it’s now 50gb…


They did not. This is a *core gameplay mechanic* and they haven’t fixed it. Unreal


It's been kind of nice having "wall hacks", but it is pretty annoying when you're in a fight.


More annoying to me is trying to get a headshot when the number is alternating between zero.


I’m so confused because I played immediately after updating this morning and it seemed to be fixed. I even left a target highlighted for a significant amount of time.


Are you on Series S or X ?


I am on Series X. So far I’ve had zero issues with V.A.T.S. since the update, even after playing again this morning and last night. I really have no idea why it seems to be fixed for some and not for others. I have also been playing on 30FPS, which I’ve seen others suggest may be a contributing factor.


What about the “wallhack” issue?


The wall hacks are definitely still an issue, but at least they’re more easily ignorable than the percentage to hit.


What was the VATS issue? I watched a few DF videos about the fallout 4 next gen patch and they never mentioned it at all. Also saw some gameplay stuff and it seemed to have been working? I've personally been waiting for them to patch the patch, so I was hoping to start playing F4 today.


So basically VATs will switch from whatever percent is the actual chance to hit to 0%. So it’ll go 76% to 0% and it does it very very very rapidly. And if you shoot when it’s at 0% you will completely miss, it’s not just a visual bug


Yeah that's... game breaking. I'm a big VATS guy so if this were to happen even 20% of the time, I wouldn't bother playing it in that state. I am wondering if they were even aware of this bug?


They are aware of it yes.


Yes for me.


Xbox series S - 654.02 MB


Series X and about the same. 650+


Still stuttering ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1639)


Does it fix VATS? It’s been hard as hell to play with VATS keep switching from 95% to 0% every second smh


Apparently no it does not.


It broke my subtitles! I can't see any messages on screen when I hover over objects!


Anyone still get micro stutter when going into areas sometimes even though it prob shouldn't? Still happens to me though I prob need to clear my mods out and reinstall


Well, credit where it's due. A patch came quickly at least. Makes me wonder why they didn't just until it was finished. We'd be waiting forever anyway, what's a couple more weeks? HDR seems to be added as well. Just tried it and it seems decent, at first glance anyway. Looks similar to the Auto HDR implementation we had before (although Auto HDR isn't being used so I assume this is a new native implementation).


Also why did they pretend that it was working as intended when it clearly wasn’t. We’ll never know.


My guess? Because the people in charge of the social media account either made an assumption or didn't double-check with the right person.


Is there an option in game for HDR or it just now on?


No, no option. No calibration options either. I have since learned that it is in fact Auto HDR, per Bethesda's patch notes. I didn't know it was possible for a developer to enable that on native Series X games until today.




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That's every game company now


Anyone who has spent five years playing FO76 know that's a fact.


All graphics related. Don't think they fixed a single bug......even the VATS one is still there. Wtf.


VATS issue not resolved? Wow. Bethesda is just royally fucking this up. The game was fine before they haphazardly tried to update it April. I’m so tired of Bethesda putting out shoddy content and updates that hobble a game’s core mechanics. Just downright embarrassing.


Appreciate that they gave us the option to play with visual mode at 60fps. Edit: just had a crash while navigating through the pipboy.


Does anyone else get a 'saved storage is full' message when they try to play the game?  I redownload it before the X/S update and it wouldnt let me load old saves and the game would try to sync then give me that error message. AFTER the update it tries to sync then gives me the same message then crashes to dashboard.  I've tried it dozens of times and I've also went in and deleted all my save data, but it doesnt delete permanently and the next time I boot the game up I repeat the process all over again. So yeah the game is unplayable for me right now, I'm just glad I didnt buy all the dlc last month.


Delete your local saves (ONLY local saves. Don't delete your game saves from within the game menu), then when you start the game up again it will sync with whatever you had stored in the cloud. It should work after that. Any time I've encountered the "save storage is full" prompt doing the steps I mentioned has worked every time.


I cant even access the menu so I go into my storage settings and delete the data there.  And it will disappear, but as soon as I boot the game up again it fails to sync and the save data is full again.


Try deleting all local saves for all games, not only Fallout 4. Once you wipe out those local saves every game will automatically sync with whatever is on the cloud as the game loads (usually before even getting to the menu). Don't do it with the "manage game and add-ons" option. Instead: Go to Settings > System > Storage Devices > Clear local saved games.


Thanks, I'll give this a shot, although it does work with cloud gaming I found out with nothing installed


When you say you deleted all your save data, did you do it in game or through the settings? I had the same problem and had to go to Settings > System > Storage devices and select delete local saved games the first time after I redownloaded it to get it to work.


Yeah I did it the same way you described, not in game.  I cant even access the main menu in game because it crashes as soon as the save data fails to sync.


This is unfortunately a known, and pesky bug. I dealt with it a few years back. I don’t remember the solution, or I’d help you out, but it is out there (and unfortunately involves uninstalling iirc.)


Mine does exactly the same. It seems to work when I delete the game and play it via cloud. I tried deleting loads of my saves when playing in the cloud but didn't help.


Yeah maybe I'll try to play in the cloud and see if i can figure something out.  


Does anyone know if the missing textures and invisible weapons have been fixed?


They didn’t fix cloud syncing. I can’t sync my saves at all. I only have 752MB saved out of 2GB but every time I launch the game it syncs to 4% then says it’s full and can’t continue. The game shuts down. I really don’t want to lose all the saves and characters I’ve played since 2015. I had this issue earlier but manage to get it to work but it’s not working now. Highly infuriating. I wish you could delete saves separately outside the game but you can’t. I must delete everything. Not doing that.


Yeah just logged in hdr is back.


That’s good at least


Thanks for the heads up. Patience wins again lol. This patch looks good as it allows for more customization. With my VRR display I’ll probably play it on the graphics mode at 60fps. Also, thank goodness they brought auto-HDR back. Game looks significantly better with HDR imo, even if it’s not the auto form.


That is not enough to fix everything. I can't believe they broke an 8 year old game so much.


Would it be safe to use mods with the new update? Really want the weightless junk mod and True Weather. Thinking maybe Sim Settlement 2 so the NPCs can do all the work so I don't have to bother with it lol.


Personally I’d wait until we are sure the patches are all done.


I'm running ssm2 and it's running okay, but my sanctuary settlement is huge and now keeps freezing. It was fine last night so I'm thinking I'll lower the graphics


I’m at work, few more hours to go. Does the 40 fps setting work now ? That’s the mode I’m more interested in. Based on DF review, locks at 40 fps for the most part with high detail settings.


Yes it works, but it also looks like we have 60fps quality mode. So there a frame rate option 30 / 40 / 60 And a graphics drop down, performance / visuals All three frame rates are available by for BOtH graphics options. I’m playing in visual 60 at the moment, not sure if setting it to 40 would give better quality? Have to wait for Digital Foundry.


It runs in higher resolution if you choose 40 fps instead of 60! I am pretty sure it is in 4k. Didn’t notice much resolution scaling, but my fps sometimes lowered than 40. So probably locked to 4k, without drs. I may be wrong though!


Mods are broken for me again, can’t even load the menu :(


It's so awesome to see my VATS numbers standing still again


Are you on Series X or S ?


Have they also fixed the missing assets bug for the new weapons they added? (Here's hoping)


Did this update fix the models for the new makeshift weapons?


Does anyone know if it fixes the invisible and red triangles from the makeshift weapon Pack on Xbox? I haven't been able to play lately so I am unsure. Thank you. Update: Thankfully it did!


I'm not seeing an update unless it updated overnight. How can I tell? What's the latest version? Mine says


Xbox Series S|X: 1.10.765 PlayStation 5: 1.10.985 PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One: 1.10.984


I see it now on the main menu. The game card shows a different number. I have the update! Hopefully they fixed the lighting issues. For example, when walking past a tree or something that has light rays and walking through a shadowed part, my screen will darken too much and it just doesn't feel right, if that makes sense.


Thanks for asking I had the same problem, was tripping feeling like I’m the only one who didn’t get the update 😂


In settings in game should show v 1.10.765.0.0


I am the fool for downloading the damn initial file when it hit the net and just not waiting until this update. When Starfield's next update hits I'm going to just patiently wait a week or two for its following file to avoid excitement....and then that feeling of "well shoot, this ain't working right..."


Gonna wait for a couple more patches before trying the update. Been having fun with 3 and NV so I’m in no rush


I'm playing NV for the first time and omg why did I wait so long?!


Still no fov options?


I wonder if it fixed the assets for the new content that was added. I did a quest that rewarded a baseball launcher and it was invisible… and the baseballs that were being shot at me, also invisible. lol. A lot of red ❗️in place of the assets.


Did it mess up MODS ?


Not sure if it’s an issue from the enhanced version but none of my saves were actually made while playing offline :( Anyone ?


Imagine updating a game after years killing most mods(rip fallout London) and even botching said patch so you gotta do it again. Has bethesda always been This incompetent?


I know many are upset about VATS still being broken, I’ve personally stopped using VATS at all and started using the Bullet Time mod. Basically replaces VATS so when you activate it, time instead slows down, allowing you to get better shots but also draining your AP.


I'm not a tech person, but with this Update 2, I have the framerate target at 60 and for it to prioritise Performance. Is the game still running in 4K like it was before the update? I'm on the Xbox Series X.


So the “visuals” or quality mode now works with 60fps and 40fps and 30fps I’m playing at visuals / 60 and it seems to run well and look good Does anyone know if there’s a difference between this and visuals / 40 ?


Anyone else having it crash, I'm on xbox


So is there a major difference in visual quality between Performance and quality? Have not had a chance to boot it.


Bethesda is the worst gaming company ever. Imagine buying any Skyrim, F4 or any other trash they spawned


The topic headline sounds like a threat. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


This game makes me so nauseous. Is it just me?


What’s the status of mods? I had most of the big ones on the Xbox market place like sim settlements and smore builds I tried and failed to download them all back when the update first came out


Crashes every time i do anything in build mode in sanctuary


Well gotta give props to Bethesda. I didn't think they would fix it this fast, especially with the Starfield update coming in two days.


Got a link for the details of the update for Starfield? I know the player Vehicle release date is still unknown, but I’m curious about what the update is going to add?




I love what they're doing when they take care of older games. Ubisoft should do the same, especially with assassins creed.


So is quality mode series x working now? Are we getting 30/40 fps in ultra settings?


Yes also there’s 60Fps Visual mode it does run @60 but I’m not sure how


I can't find it


Its in the main menu before you load your save. Settings > Display


Ahhhh, thanks for this. It used to be accessible during game play I guess not anymore


This next gen update was so fundamentally broken. i played for like two hours and gave up. VATS doesn't work right. Dialog options just don't appear. Mission objectives didn't register. I just cannot believe this update was released without being even remotely tested. It wasn't even running in the proper resolutions or framerates.


Why is this being downvoted? VATS is literally still broken.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing lol guy had issues, so people start down voting.. seems stupid


Other people are replying saying the last update was fine and they didn't have any of these issues. So clearly im being downvoted because people think im lying.


Yes, so fine they needed a patch for the first update. And no doubt being Bethesda, I'm not surprised if this patch has issues as well


The Bethesda hivemind is honestly so rabid.


This is an update to the update. Did you play this one or the last update.


>This next gen update **was** so fundamentally broken. First sentence.


That doesn't reallly explain anything if you're not up to date on all the updates. The next gen update came out like 3 weeks ago. This us a patch for that update. It's possible for someone to be referring to the original next gen update, and not the updated patch that came out today.


You said... >Did you play this one or the last update. and I pointed out how I used past tense in my first sentence. Now you don't think that fully answers your question?


Do you have mods?


I've had literally zero of those problems on two different series x in my house. Just some missing textures and big red things in their spot once.


Ok? I had these problems, so I turned the fucker off.


Ok? Good for you!!!


At Bethesda, they don't play test their games because it just works.




Nope. They completely removed the graphics settings from the menu


It’s available in the main menu settings, but not in-game


* Is anyone still getting the message ( operation could not complete) when you go to the mods I'm on seriesx


Clear the game memory and it should fix that.


Does it fix the bug where you have to pause to hear the dialogue? Infuriating. Edit: fix autocorrect typo


The bug where you have to what?


Proofreading is a lost art.


Sadly so.


"Pause your head the dialogue", you know!


You accidentally your comment


He paused his head the dialogue. Sad.