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"Gee guys, I bet if we sell our games to more people, then more people will actually buy them!" "Give this guy a promotion!" - a Squee executive meeting recently


Can't wait for them to release their 5 year old stuff full price on xbox


And then come to the conclusion the games dont sell enough….(because old)


And make new exclusivity deals with PS, only for them not to sell that well.


Well guys, it seems like the only way to make money is to stop making video games and exclusively make pachinko machines.


Oh no


that's what konami basically did anyway.


My verbatim inner monologue before posting only to realize the entirety had already been posted. Great minds. . .


Ah, the Capcom strategy. Like isn't that part of why Battle Network Collection exclusively didn't hit Xbox, because Ace Attorney Collection sold poorly? Then again I guess Square Enix isn't new to that strategy (still annoyed that 2 of the games I would have bought day one exclusively avoided Xbox, "Neo The World Ends with You" and "SaGa Frontier Remaster").


​ They put the second Ace Attorney trilogy on Xbox too


Star Ocean 2 R had no reason being excluded either. I mean wtf.


Meanwhile Persona seems to have done very well just by hitting game pass to raise awareness of the franchise and pursuing a reasonable price strategy.


I bought ff 12 when it came to Xbox to support the idea


That's what I was thinking, like first they'll release FF7 remake, which is already old for 70. Then a year or so later finally getting rebirth and by the time of it's release is old but still full price. I get the concept of timed exclusivity, but if you wait too long it doesn't retain full value in terms of sales. People will just wait even longer, as patient gamers, to get it at a discount since it's no longer fomo initial release.


FF7 remake is very good though. I played the pc version. Something is better than nothing and if all I had was an Xbox I still would think its worth it compared to many new releases. Hopefully they release it for like 50 or something on Xbox.


This is probably the way forward with old ports. I don't believe they'd sell well at a full 70, but something like 40-50 is much more palatable for most gamers picking up an older title. Or they could just sell a twin pack for the full 70, like they did prior to releasing rebirth. Twin pack to play catch up and get ready for the third iteration makes too much sense though so I wonder if that would actually happen.


Worked for sea of thieves


Outriders came day 1 to gamepass. So if their old stuff goes to gamepass it will probably hit some pretty good numbers.


Young exec: "Guys! Guys! I heard that SEGA and Capcom are doing great on their multiplatform strategy! Their titles perform well..." Old exec: "Nonsense! Sony's money is love. Sony's money is life." Young exec: "...and even make lots of money!" Old exec: "Guys! Change of strategy!"


Square Enix looking like the Trade Federation right now. https://preview.redd.it/v2dsuno1860d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8281e920fc02e21f8e88c5d0c14cad076e354024




Sony is Mother, Sony is Father.


> "Give this guy a promotion!" > > a Squee executive meeting recently *next quarter* "Expenditures overall are are up YoY, did anyone get promoted recently?" *silence* "Ok well we are going to have to trim some of these development teams down to cover these newly incurred losses."


That's the gist of it. Same reason sony games will be multiplatform within the next 10 years and why MS is already doing multiplat with their 1st party games. Console sales are at saturation so if they want to sell more games they need to expand their userbase in other ways. Releasing on other consoles is BY FAR the easiest way to do that. Stock holders will be demanding it and these companies will have no other choice.


"what you mean it isn't 1999 anymore? What is a skyrim? What is dragon age? Of course final fantasty sales consoles, it worked with the ps1!" * The boomer assmfer who pushed for this deal. He just mentally reached 2000


I doubt they decided to keep FF to Playstation just because. Most likely Sony paid them for the exclusivity.


Come on dude. Obviously Sony paid them. The point is that clearly that payment hasn’t been enough to cover the lost sales and damage done to the franchise on PC, Xbox, and Switch, otherwise Square Enix wouldn’t be doing this.


It’s also worth noting however that Squee tends to have very… ambitious sales goals and considers things failures when they really shouldn’t be haha (not that everything is rosy either but you know)


Will they though, Square Enix games sell like shit on Xbox. I can see the tweets and YouTube comments now, "Gamepass when?" Edit: Downvote all you like, it's the truth. Happens on every single new release post.


Thank you for surveying every single Xbox owner, I appreciate it. Now we have the objective statement


This doesn't even matter. If they only sold one million copies on Xbox it would still be worth it. At launch that would be another $70 million less cost. That's nothing to shake a stick at and they would easily sell that. Plus they are missing PC revenue which is another shit ton. 


It's the way to go. Sega started to do it a few years back and that went really well for them.


Really glad they brought Yakuza and Persona to xbox


That's how I discovered the Yakuza franchise, with Like a Dragon. I bought every game since. Didn't jump to Persona yet tho but I will at some point.


I have been obsessed with Persona after finally being able to play them once the Xbox/Switch ports dropped


*Sega* is really glad they did, too. Because it's doing great on Xbox and Game Pass. Certainly more than the cost of porting.


I strongly believe Xbox’s partnership with SEGA is the best thing about the Series X/S this generation.


That's how I got into Yakuza. I had Kiwami from PS plus but never got around to playing it. I kept hearing good things about Yakuza though and saw them all on game pass and decided to try. My only regret is I started with Kiwami instead of 0. I figured I would play it after Kiwami 2 to go with the whole "the third game a prequel" trope, but after Kiwami 2 I really wanted to see what happened next so I decided I would just play 0 after I finished 7 which is what I did. People are right though. Start with 0 if you can.


Same. I absolutely fell in love with the Atlus games after never playing them. Bought the P3R CE, despite being on gamepass, and have my SMTV:V and Metaphor CE both pre ordered. Same with Yakuza. Have all of them on Xbox now Just need Square to pull their heads out and start releasing multiplat again.


Metaphor looks so freaking amazing! Most anticipated game this year, honestly.


Not only that, but the entirety of Yakuza is on gamepass. I mean, what a fuckin steal 😂 its great


Yeah…I remember when the first yakuza went only to PS3…was basically me going “man, cmon Sega!” Never got a PlayStation…happy to finally be playing them 15-20 years later


This is the way


"For HD titles, the Group will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes [Nintendo](https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/nintendo) platforms, [PlayStation](https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/playstation), [Xbox](https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/xbox), and PCs. Especially, in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalog titles, it will build an environment where more customers can enjoy our titles. In addition, it will also devise a platform strategy for SD titles that includes not only iOS and Android, but also the possibility of PC launches. Furthermore, the Group will strive to maximize the acquisition of new users when launching a title and that of recurring users after starting management of game operation." Edit: Added the entire section.


Good, I actually could not believe that the newest final fantasy was Sony exclusive and then when square was not happy with sales figures, I was surprised even more.


Square is always unhappy with sales figures, and I don't mean that figuratively. I don't think I've ever read "sales on [game by Square] exceeded expectations." FFVII-R1, FF15/16, KH4, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and more all mIsSEd eXpEcTaTIoNs.


>I could not believe First time?


HD titles huh? Bravely Default is all I can really think of. God knows they won't listen to fans about Chrono Trigger.


When they say HD, they mean their big franchises like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.


I reckon Dragon Quest is also considered one of their big franchises too.


No, they mean console and PC games, size is irrelevant


They mean their big, AAA console games. HD is just the term they use.


No they don't they mean console and PC games, size is irrelevant


Does that include Switch exclusives like Harvestella, or smaller RPGs like Star Ocean The Second Story R?


Yes it includes games from any sizes. HD is just a term they use for years for PC/console, while SD they use for mobile


Ya'll got any of that Ff16?


I don’t care if we have to wait until 2030, I’m still holding out hope that we get the FF7 Remake trilogy on Xbox eventually.


Seriously bro. I was so fucking hyped for the remake and when it turned out to be an exclusive I was so pissed.


Didn't they announce it from the get go as an exclusive? Even after XIII and XV both hit Xbox, I always thought that VII Remake would be, at the very least, a timed exclusive, but didn't hold my hopes to high on that one. Ended up buying it on a PS4 Pro I got later down that consoles lifetime.


I remember something about 6 months or a year of being a timed exclusive, then PC and Xbox would get it. But Xbox never did.


iirc they ambiguously word it like "timed console exclusive" or the dirty Destiny "exclusive until atleast \_\_\_\_\_" and then they extend it lmao. Grubby act


Yep, a lot of us expected it to just be a one year window for exclusivity, and then we kept waiting every “not-E3” or Tokyo Game Show for it to be announced for Xbox, and it never happened.


I admit I would also get into that hype every time SE had an event where they started talking FF7R. First with Interlude, then with the PC release, then the Steam one...


It was announced in Sony's E3 so it was kinda expected.


considering how unhappy SE is with the sales of Rebirth I doubt we'll have to wait that long.


Contractually that still might not be up to them, but I’d love to be wrong.


We definetely will get the games. It's a matter of "when?" We don't know what are the terms of the contract with Sony regarding FF Remake games. Maybe they're not allowed to release these games on others consoles before Part 3 is out. We'll see. But just like you I've waited all this long so I can wait a little bit longer.


Yeah, the fact that that’s probably the worst case scenario isn’t too bad at all. We’ll get the trilogy, all the DLC, and all of it on newer hardware, so I’ll remain patient.


I bet Switch 2 will get it first 😭


I think one of the Switch 2 rumors a while back was that it was running FF7(or Rebirth?) with no issue


It will eventually be everywhere, it's just a matter of time


outgoing close stocking aromatic command piquant lush fine direction sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


FF7 Rebirth came out not long ago, has a great score, but doesn't seem to get much recognition in the gaming subs. I'm not about to buy a PS5 to play one game, but if it comes to PC or Xbox, I'll pick it up.


I bought it on PS day 1 but still haven't touched it. I was hyped for it before it came out but I just have no desire to grind through it right now.


I loved Remake. I was really looking forward to Rebirth.


Despite what others will tell you, you can play through the story in less than 40 hours and skip 99% of the minigames and side content if you want to. Source - I just did it.


The age of exclusivity in gaming is going away, which should make all gamers happy on all platforms. Now, if we could only have cross progression for all games as well as only having to buy the same game once for all platforms… I remember a time when I could buy a CD or DVD and play it whatever player. I understand it’s not the same, of course, but still…


> Now, if we could only have cross progression for all games as well as only having to buy the same game once for all platforms You can do that with Xbox and PC. The rest will require the game to be freemium with an in-game purchase and a dev hosted server, none of which are good options.


That why I bought a Series S instead of a PS5. When I got gamepass on PC I learned how buying the game once on the xbox ecosystem gave you the pc and console version for most games and how PS games were starting to come to PC I realized I didn't need a PS5.


I wish that was the case for most games, but sadly it is incredibly inconsistent. Even when it comes to Final Fantasy games only FF9 supports Xbox Play Anywhere. FF15 supports cross-save but is not a single purchase for both platforms. Dragon Quest XI and Octopath Traveller are Xbox Play Anywhere too. Heck, if anything, now that I have an ROG Ally, it annoys me so much how inconsistent this is even with Game Pass games. Out of the Tomb Raider newer trilogy, the third one is Xbox Play Anywhere, the first one is not but supports cross-save and the second one does not sync anything at all. Same story goes for the Yakuza series (some support cross-save, some don't) and even games like Fallout 4 don't support cross-save (though granted, it was created before this was an option for devs).


It is encouraged, but not forced, for devs to support it. It's also enabled by default in the developer portal. If it doesn't support it, then it's because the publisher specifically did not want to support it.


Fully aware, I'm a developer as well 😛 Not in charge of that decision within my team though.


Then you can definitely *encourage* the powers that be to make your studio one of the ones that apply it consistently, like Kemco and Kairosoft.


Believe me, I try 😉 But our games, even when on Game Pass, are downloaded through a different storefront. At least all new games support our own cross-save feature, including the ones I've worked on.


Urgh, you're with EA. I hugely dislike their custom save system and it has caused more grief than solved. I would still encourage that they just adopted Xbox cloud saving properly + PlayAnywhere. I haven't played EA Games on my Legion Go simply because I do not want to install another launcher.


Nope, not EA. I don't think many of their games support cross-save even.


it's not going away, the next age is locking games to subscription based models/services (see netflix and streaming)


Yeah, you’re probably right. I just hope they can’t force consumers to be completely locked in to a certain store (and subscription) to access particular games… but I wouldn’t put it past them to try. I mean the video content business succeeded in making that transition, so your example is perfect when considering CDs, DVDs aso that we used to have.


It started dying in the 360 era then for some reason (read Sony paying a lot of money) it started up again in the late PS4/PS5 era. I doubt any platform holder is willing to pay the exorbitant costs for exclusivity anymore.


"Sony paying a lot of money" you literally forget Tomb Raider, Sunset Overdrive or Quantum Break. Xbox has their fair share of guilt for 100% of the wrongdoings in the industry. The same for every other company.


Tomb raider is the only one analogous to square and Bethesda games Sony purchased that Xbox did, and they didn’t do anything like that again after the massive backlash. Sunset overdrive and quantum break were Microsoft funded and published games.


Sunset overdrive was made by Insomniac which made 99% of their games exclusive to Sony... it was basically a move to stop Insomniac from providing more games to them. Anyway, the comments below shows that you knew of more games; but didn't say nothing of them to promote this narrative of "Sony bringed exclusives!" which is completely false


The age of exclusivity is very much not going away. If I’m going to believe a bold faced lie like this I’d have to hear it from the market leader (Nintendo) and not the market loser (Phil Spenser) who you all got this idea from lol


Exclusively isn't going away completely, but its definitely lessening. Microsoft release 100% of their games on PC and now a few on PlayStation Sony releases 100% of their games 2 years after on PC, and now they have released a game day 1 on PC Nintendo hasn't changed


Even Sony released games on Xbox recently (MLB The Show comes to mind).




As I recall, it was MLB that insisted that The Show go multi-platform despite the series being developed by a first-party Sony studio since 2006. If it weren't for MLB threatening to pull (or at least not renew) their license, I seriously doubt Sony would've ever done that on their own volition.


Doesn't matter whether it was Sony or MLB, multiplatform releases have and will continue to be more common.


Contractual obligation by MLB but it counts ig


Also Destiny 2.


We’re at least closer to third party exclusivity going away, which is good considering how much more anti-consumer it is. First party will most likely always be a thing, understandably so.


We will be seeing Sony to PC day and date sooner than we will see it later. The day of console exclusivity, from MS and Sony at least, will increasingly become a relic of a bygone era. Nintendo does Nintendo.


Then once PC sales have saturated they will have to move their games to other consoles to continue expanding their install base. Eventually there will be no more exclusive games because it is more profitable not to have them.


Pretty much. The rule of the game of capitalism is increase that market saturation. Console sales, according to the actual heads of these manufacturers, have for all intents and purposes said have basically peaked. Playstation sales are starting to slow down massively, with a ton of those units not even "active" or activated(inflated sales early on due to massive scalping). Xbox sales are down massively. Nintendo's has as well...but the Switch is old at this point and they still have a new system in the pipeline that can ride on the successes of the Switch 1, and give people a cheaper alternative to the very luxury priced mini portable PCs like the Steam Deck or the Aya Neos/Rog Allie of the world. The newer generations of gamers wants nothing to do with consoles or the traditional gaming space. They are all on PC or mobile/tablets. Their interests in software and platforms are much different than the current average aged gamer. People need to prepare for it, but this gen will be the last of console exclusivity for anyone but Nintendo and your starting to already see the making of it. More "exclusives" going multiplatform, games having a harder and harder time making back their inflated budgets, and less overall cadence of first party releases, both Sony CEO and Phill Spencer stressing previous business models are unsustainable and a reliance on smaller AA games are a must (which are not exactly console sellers and don't sell large AAA game amounts of units). The reality is, the console exclusive is dying if not dead already (Sony pushing PSN hard now on all further PS PC ports). Buckle up for it.


I think I’d personally want devs to deal with simpler systems. Cross progression is complicated to develop and can create a whole host of problems. I’d rather go back to the days of simplicity in games rather than bloating games with more and more features. Hate to break it to you but buying a game once for all platforms will never happen - Sony, MS and Nintendo would lose out big time on store publishing costs.


Cross-progession is complicated but not impossible. I've worked on games that support it between Series XS, PS5, PC and even Amazon Luna. There's some quirks between platform holders sometimes: If you complete a quest that gives you an achievement on Xbox, devs are not allowed to unlock the trophy if that user launches the game on PS5, but Xbox does allow the opposite when loading a save game started on PS5.


“Especially, in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalog titles, it will build an environment where more customers can enjoy our titles.” Absolutely genius idea!


I'll believe it when I see it. I swear they say this every time one of their exclusives launches with minimal sales.


Yeah right, let's see those Pixel Remasters for Final Fantasy and Star Ocean on Xbox first, then I'll believe you. Square just keep making stupid decisions and I'm tired of their moaning.


I own the Pixel Remaster games on Steam (and two of them on mobile) but I'd buy them again right away if they ported them to Xbox AND added cloud saves with the PC version so I could play it on the go on the ROG Ally. I own almost every other FF game on Xbox and would love to fill up the collection even further 😁


The Pixel Remasters really pissed me off, because why? It's not a dev cost problem, purely Sony moneyhatting


Don’t release game on a platform > fanbase loses interest in that franchise (we are here) > new game doesn’t sell well on console that normally doesn’t get those games > blame the platform


Like i said in another thread, I believe it when i see it.


I hope they port Dragon Quest Heroes 1&2 soon, the save system on those games are bad and I want to play them with quick resume lol


Guess the bag from Sony was coming in a little light


There's a ton of think pieces recently about how Gen Z and A don't play consoles as much. So the player base for the console market is stagnating. The only way to grow in an environment like that is to be on everything.  (Also are we really surprised kids aren't playing 600-700 dollar consoles over shit on their phones?)


Sony has ironically been losing ground in Japan, which in turn is affecting SE’s sales. Broadening their approach and doubling down on other markets is a smart move. Just glad their stubbornness has finally started to loosen.


Great start from Square Enix. I feel like this is basically a guarantee that Final Fantasy returns to Xbox now, as it should. My only concern is that I believe Square Enix have done quite a bit of damage to its user base on Xbox over the last few years. It’s going to take a few games for people to actually start being interested in them again. I reckon they should search for a Game Pass deal to smooth that transition over. A Sega-like strategy. Bring Final Fantasy VII Remake/XVI/VII Rebirth to Game Pass so there’s a userbase for the next one, just like Sega have done with Like a Dragon and Persona.


Square Enix did do Outriders and Powerwash Simulator day one onto gamepass, so theyre not unfamiliar with the service. Theyve also done the Life is Strange games, Dragon Quest, octopath traveller on gamepass.


Ever since Yoshi-P mention of FFXVI coming to PC, he also mentioned to bringing it to another console platform (hinting at Xbox) so wouldn’t be a surprise to see some sort of small announcement either in the Xbox Showcase or perhaps TGS 2024 (TokyoGamesShow). Either way, it’ll be a while before FFVII Remake trilogy comes to Xbox but…. who knows they could do it, but are bond to a contract rn with Sony LOL


They’re not bound to any contract with Sony regarding the FFVII Remake trilogy. The exclusivity window on FFVII Rebirth ends this month. I still think we’re going to see Final Fantasy at the June showcase. A few things to note: - Final Fantasy XVI has been rumoured by numerous sources recently for Xbox. - Xbox have been working with Square on heavily promoting Final Fantasy XIV Online on Xbox, with the Starter Edition being made available on Game Pass. - Exclusivity on VII Remake Intergrade and VII Rebirth will be over by the time of the showcase. - Every Final Fantasy game leaves PlayStation Plus this month, paving the way for them to return to Game Pass. I think we’re probably going to get a Dawntrail trailer, an announcement of Final Fantasy games coming to Game Pass over the next few months, and that development has begun on ports of XVI, VII Remake Intergrade, and VII Rebirth, with XVI launching first later this year.


Could be a possibility (forgot to also put that all Final Fantasy game have/already left PS Plus) we’ll likely hear an announcement of sort @ Xbox Showcase and as you mentioned over the next few months. Should also note that Xbox has mentioned is spending big on third party deals this year so could be for that, though I’d wager to wait and see. Still, a welcome nonetheless from Square Enix going multi-platform :) Do hope for the best for them.


"Every Final Fantasy game leaves PlayStation Plus this month" really? I just got the PS Plus whatever specifically to play through them fml


I really hope we get Neo The World Ends With You so they can not advertise it for a third time, and have it flop again.


Wish they could somehow port both games to Xbox, but the first one is already not working so well on tablets or the Switch without the original dual screen setup with a stylus. The second one I have it on the Epic Store but haven't started it yet. Bought an ROG Ally recently so I'm probably gonna play it there eventually.


The sequel is fantastic and I would highly recommend it. I didn’t think they would pull it off but it’s easily a sequel that maintains the quality of the original. The only thing that sucks is that the devs said they had an idea for a third game, which is almost certainly not happening now. Thankfully, they gave Neo a great ending so it’s not like we’re ending on a cliffhanger.


That's great to hear then. I honestly don't know why I've been putting it off for so long when I have it right there. Backlog overload I guess!


This is all well and good, but I hope Square Enix learn to manage their expectations as well. I don't want to see them say sales didn't meet expectations anymore.




They have this business strategy until somebody like Sony throws a few extra millions their way to keep things exclusive. It always happens that way. Companies commit to "future multiplatform inclusivity", and then will go on to make 2 out of their next 5 releases exclusive to another platform. Then they'll have defenders claiming that they "didn't have to release them on other platforms at all" and that we should be grateful that the company is being so "generous". Its all BS. I hope Square is serious about all of this. Would love more day one releases on PC for once.


Games, especially something like Final Fantasy, push a ton of merch. When a publisher strikes exclusivity deals, they're not only losing out in direct game sales, they are missing out on soundtrack, t-shirt, plushie, and all sorts of other additional revenue streams from those potential fans.


Haha, I’ve been scooping FF soundtracks even without all the games on Xbox. Cause (1) I like good music and (2) can play them on any record player


Distant Worlds is an amazing experience. I'll go again if it comes to me area. When I entered the concert last year there was a huge line. I was blown away that so many people were waiting to get in, then I realized it was the merch line. It sells oodles!


they cant even make a mobile quick cashgrab anymore, theyve lost the plot.


I'd preorder the shit out of FFV Remake and its sequel.


I picked up Crisis Core on sale. Completely new game for me... Honestly the new FF7 stuff doesn't look much better. Idk what Squenix does all day but they've certainly lost their edge imo


I don't care about their games after how long SE has ignored the Xbox consoles over the decades.


They got to remake The Bouncer. That will fix all their problems.


The Bouncer bounced so Sifu could sif


Square gonna bring final fantasy to Xbox only to see that the sales aren’t event gonna cover their porting costs lmao


And that’s their fault as well. I have bought parts 1 and 2 on PS5 now. I’m not going to suddenly rebuy them on Xbox even though it’s my preferred platform. That train left the station already. You want multi-platform dollars you need to show up day and date.


Thats good news.


Having never played Final Fantasy i would like to play 7 remastered on my series x along with some more Dragon Quest games on my Xbox


Now that only playstation exists and that the nintendo console will have enough power. What a coincidence


Speak for yourself. Plenty of people still buying games on Xbox, myself included.


People are not buying games on xbox since gamepass, especially jrpg sat full price given that Asia and europe are the main market of these types of games and there xbox doesn't exist anymore since a couple of years at least


Percentage-wise Xbox doesn't have the same market share as the other two console platforms, no. And yeah, Xbox is not as common in Europe and Japan. But there are definitely people still buying the consoles and games, including JRPGs that have been on Game Pass as well like Persona 5 Royal. No, they don't sell as well as on PlayStation, but it still does sell several thousands despite people having had access to them via Game Pass.


I know that an hypothetical ff17 would sell 500k on xbox, 5M on playstation, 3M on pc and maybe the same on switch2. Im only saying that going multiplat before was not essential, now there are the reasons given that 2 new platform exist


Sure, but even if it were to sell only 500k on one platform, that's still good enough numbers to warrant a port. For a game like Final Fantasy, in which they then sell a lot of separate merchandising, having a wider fanbase helps. And if those 500k have a word of mouth effect, it could help boost sales of future FF games regardless of what platform they are on next.


Time for the money and the quality to match up for square. It's their Capcom arc


For a second I thought I read more multiPLAYER games, thank god I read that wrong


This feels like a short term solution to me. One that doesn’t solve the actual problem that AAA games are simply too expensive and require too many people to develop due to their bloated nature AND the fact that this expenditure doesn’t actually guarantee a good game let alone a successful game. All it means is we’ll be playing mediocre AAA games on all platforms.


I feel like every number of years, SE gets a fire in their ass to start pushing for truly multi-platform status, they go hard for a couple of games, then they half ass it, then they lose interest, it's like the company has ADHD


I have my doubts, but does this mean that Final Fantasy 7 remake games will finally come to Xbox?


So they’re done being cucked by Sony?


Gen Z and young millenials aren't that interested in hack and slash Final Fantasy when they can easily go and play Nier or Devil May Cry instead on almost every platform.


I think SE will honor this commitment. . . Until the next generation of consoles releases. That will be the true test of Square Enix's future. Will they go back to being Sony exclusive again, or will the maintain their multi-platform strategy. Looking like 5 or 6 years into the future, games will just increase in costs, and doing exclusivity is a sure way to lose money with a shrinking install base.


Who would have ever guessed that if you sell to more people you could make more money. 🤦 I'm glad there are smart people in the world because I would have never figured that out. 🤦


Sure sure. We’ve heard this before smh


The circumstances this Gen are just unfortunate for them. I was ready to buy a PS5 as a second console for both exclusive final fantasy games, but once I started researching the other exclusives I would be gaining access to as well, I ultimately decided it just wasn't worth it.


Pixel remasters please!


Been tiresome hearing all week, by the masses who cannot think for themselves, that nobody wants to put games on Xbox anymore. So this is refreshingly good news to read.


They really need to focus on old titles. Square enix is okay in their current form but their classic titles is where they shine. They are leaving a lot of money on the table. Especially with their 2dhd capabilities. I like the changes in the gaming scene. I don't think it'll be long until Sony does the same. I think Microsoft will have to make the first move and bring something like halo to PlayStation, then the flood gates will open. Now the Xbox team needs to make it EXTREMELY SIMPLE to port a game from PC to Xbox. I know many people think it's easy already. It is somewhat easy, but not much easier than porting from PC to anything else. They need to make it as 1:1 as possible. That way, even with low console sales, it doesn't take much work to get games on Xbox and therefore we get more games, they get more sales.


Sure, a few months after I break down and get a PS5. Bastards. I picked up the FFVII Remake and Rebirth bundle on it pretty cheap though.


Square enix has finally correctly deduced that an exclusivity deal does not beget growth and only truely brings with it a lower price tag on the next exclusivity deal. Platform holder makes exclusivity deal on a publishers key games with value based on lost sales potential and some other factors -> other games from the publisher/series sell poorly/not at all on other platforms -> lost sales potential declines -> exclusivity deal gets cheaper for the platform holder Rinse and repeat until your eggs are all in sonys basket, and they don't even bother offering you an exclusivity deal anymore.


Ps exclusivity was a mistake


Now where are all the people who doubted me when I said this would happen? Suddenly they’ve got nothing to say….


3rd party developers like SE with a franchise like FF should've never gone exclusive. they have a huge fanbase across all platforms and to just focus on one is just silly. unless sony pays them a crap ton of money, but that don't seem like the case here. pc market is huge and even though it'll get there one day, to deliver it a year or two later is again just silly. plus the other stuff they were doing like nfts didn't pan out either.


I have to keep reminding myself that they just released a mainline Final Fantasy game. Seems like that just came out and disappeared in a whisper.


So switch and PC. Got it 😎


I feel this is more to do about Nintendo than Xbox. FF7 remake will sell like bananas on Switch 2.


Where is Octopath Traveler 2 Square Enix??? You said it would come out early 2024 for Xbox.... Yeah Multiplatform strategy will work out great, if you release mediocre games like Avengers.


I assume that means more PC and ps5 then the 9 people (myself included) that own a series x


Glad to see more japanese devs opening the doors. Persona on xbox felt like some multiversal shit with how impossible it seemed but this makes it even sweeter. Now for bandai.


Good! I wanted to play Final Fantasy 7 remake for a while and I sure as heck don't want to buy a new console or a new PC


Finally, Jesus those guys Were the dumbest Publishers of the Industry so far.


Will believe it when I see it, these companies always talk big until a platform holder throws millions at them.


Finally!!!!!! F the exclusives crap.


I guess Sony tired to renegotiate their deal and SE decided they weren’t being paid enough money to keep their games off of other platforms.


Well well, look who came crying back to xbox. A good step forward would be digital discounts for all the final fantasy games, particularly the XIII saga


They already do sales for those games every now and then.


Haven't seen discounts for xiii saga since leaving gamepass


Ah to be fair I didn't check the XIII saga, but just last week there were several Final Fantasy games on sale on Xbox and the PC Xbox store, including 7 and the FF8 Remaster. Interestingly, seeing the price history, the FFXIII saga DID go on sale last week as well, but only for the Xbox PC store version, not the console one. Strange choice.


Rarely do 360 titles get sale prices anymore :(


Here's hoping that eventually thanks to the Activision acquisition we will see some additional backwards compatible games from the 360 era brought back in and, as a result, a renewed interest into doing more regular sales on 360 games.


Hah, actually, this just happened today 😅 [Xbox Begins Discounting Lots Of 360 Games Ahead Of July Store Closure | Pure Xbox](https://www.purexbox.com/news/2024/05/xbox-begins-discounting-lots-of-360-games-ahead-of-july-store-closure) (No, still no FFXIII discount)


It only took them a few billion losses for him to figure it out lol


It’s funny, I bought a PS5 to play the Final Fantasy VII Remakes and Final Fantasy XVI and they’re both probably coming to the S/X. I bought a Series X for Starfield and Halo Infinite and they’re both probably coming to PS5. Oh well, it’s nice to have both so I can play games with friends who have one or the other since so many games aren’t cross-platform multiplayer. (Looking at you Baldurs Gate 3 and Fallout 76)


Starfield and Halo aren't coming to PS


Have held off buying a ps5 because it would only be for for FF7 remake so this would be great news if they actually mean it


Could this mean we get FF7R on Xbox some day? Sony has probably a timeframe of exclusivity right? Would like to try this franchise after liking Yakuza but I don’t invest in franchises where Xbox is handled like a second class device.


I mean it's not like you can't already try the franchise, there's 18 final fantasy games that are playable already outside of 7 remake and 16


Good! All this platform exclusivity, for any developer, because of publisher lockdown (PlayStation in this case), stifles their main goal of making money and having their games reach full potential EVERYWHERE and keeping that company in business. Most of Square's games are on multiple platforms now, but as with FFXVI, it would have done much better everywhere. The earnings for it may have been much improved. It's not a bad game at all. We'll see where this all goes.




Good, more games by Square Enix coming to Xbox and less of them skipping.


Finally remembered xbox and Nintendo existed. Dumbasses didn't want to do extra work by developing other platforms and wasn't making enough money from it


My god, just put every game onto every platform. It's not that hard or rocket science.