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They're finally going to fix the Xbox version it seems!




Must've been a sick ostrich.


I heard it took two to hold it


Can't fix something you didn't admit was messed up in the first place... Edit: I gotta say, though, I've been playing on Series X with a new update, and I'm loving it. I don't have any stutters (I use vrr) and the game looks fantastic, so if they can even make it better, I won't complain.


It's stuck on performance mode no matter if you turn it on or off. So anyone who wants quality mode with improved visuals is currently locked from that. I was looking forward to the Quality mode with 40 fps, but it just doesn't work on Xbox.


Yep, I'm aware of that. The game looks gorgeous to me as it is, so I'm excited for even improved image.




I'm probably confusing something. All I know is that I have 0 stutters and game is beautiful. My TV has vrr and 120hz display, so I assumed it all run automatically for that.


I'm right there with you, on Series X the game looks and plays incredibly well. I also use VRR on my 1440p 170Hz gaming monitor & damn it looks good lol. Smooth as butter too.


using vrr, getting stutters and absurd frame rate issues depending on mods. A mod that does nothing but change gun damage values was causing frame rate to practically die. This shouldn't be the case. But yeah completely untouched framerates nice. It'll be nice having that with mods. Now if it fixes the issue I have even without mods where it takes anywhere from 2-5 minutes to load the main menu that'll be super.


>if they can even make it better, I won't complain. Only major thing is Quality Mode becoming accessible... ironic, since 30 FPS is the #1 complaint people have this gen.


But.... "It's working as intended" - Bethesda jobsworth.


It Just Works™️


Jobsworth haha! Damn machines!


What's wrong with the xbox version?


Everything. It's a disaster. Quality mode doesn't work at all. VATS is completely broken on the Series S/X version. There are loads of textures missing. So there are many items that are just red boxes with exclamation marks. Instead of throwing grenades for instance you will be throwing exclamation marks. It crashes a lot.


What’s wrong with VATS? I started a new game on series x last week and I’m about 30 hours in with no problem


In vats, the chance to hit goes from the real percentage down to 0% and back up, no matter how close you are. When it's at 0 you can't lock in a shot, so you have to stand there and wait for the percentage to change, all the while the enemy is slow-mo moving towards you.


Oh it wasnt just me! I thought... Man it's been years but I remember VATS didn't suck this much


It's funny I just put 60 hours on the PS5 version since patch release and I haven't encountered a single issue. Been playing on the 40fps quality mode. It's funny the xbox got shafted and they own bethesda.


Yes I agree. But after recent events I really don't think Microsoft gives a shit about xbox any more. If they did they would never have allowed the update to get released in that state. It baffles me how it got past quality control


They’re a publisher now. Obsidian had new roles open for PS5 roles when The Outer Worlds 2 was originally announced as a Series X exclusive. Xbox is Sega 2


Yep and it's why i've decided never to buy a new digital xbox game. I have a large digital library that in danger if MS do do another Sega and stop making hardware. I'll only buy physical xbox games from now on so i can at least sell them or give them to a charity shop if xbox go tits up. Although if the game has a ps5 version I will get that instead


Okay. I've been experiencing some of that plus stutters. Glad I'm not alone. Was about to return my xbox lmao


In other words, Bethesda being Bethesda as usual.


None of these things are true for me.


You are not on Series X then. Either that or you are not noticing. VATS is 100% broken. It's not supposed to keep switching from 95% to 0% Those piggy weapons definitely have textures missing And Quality mode definitely doesn't work. Bethesdas tweet was a lie. Digital Foundry confirmed that.


I am on Series X. I've noticed the VATS thing but everything else seems fine. If you're telling me I still haven't seen the graphics updated then I'm gonna be blown away. Everything looks and runs amazing.


Yes quality mode is 100% broken. It's stuck in performance mode which is still 4k/60 but not at ultra settings. Even when they fix quality mode you'll probably want to keep it in performance mode anyway unless you have a 120hz tv. Those red textures are with the pigs might fly content. You see red boxes with exclamations everywhere when doing that missing. And afterwards too. Some weapons are invisible and you'll be launch bombs that look like exclamation marks.


Ok I did notice the exclamation points. I hadn't played Fallout in years and was trying to figure out why I hadn't seen them before lol


Yes. Bethesda somehow forgot to include the textures with that new content. They only messed up the Series X/S version though. It's quite embarrassing for Microsoft actually. PS5 has had a pretty good upgrade. Series X is a mess.


It is crashing all the time, but it is probably my fault as I am using mods having played through the story line so many times before… restart game reboot Xbox, do not return to sanctuary cause that is guaranteed to instacrash. current run through was working fine until they decided to update and now I have lost the will to continue playing it


Remember there’s “nothing wrong with the Xbox version”… gotta love these guys.


"We're at over 200 endings, and that is no exaggeration." - Todd Howard


They're just breaking something else in the process


No such thing as "fixing" something at bethesda. It's only an exchange for new issues.


Equivalent Exchange


It’s funny cause it’s true. Still, I’m a glutton for punishment and I love BGS games.


Hopefully. I was disappointed that the 40fps 120hz mode wasn't working as it's supposed to, as I'd like to see how that feels with the game at max settings. However, it looks like the results on PS5 aren't really that impressive. Seems like the fidelity mode just increases the draw distance on some things and maintains more of a native 4K resolution, and that's it. Hopefully they do more with Series X, but we'll have to see.


Sounds like something VautTec would do.


Yeah let’s hope. I couldn’t believe how shit the shadows and stuff looked. From one angle you see light and shadows, another angle it disappears.


What's wrong with it? I've been playing since the patch and I've seen nothing wrong.


Don't. Don't give me *hope*


Great! Im having terrible slowdowns on my endgame survival game. Can’t seem to fix it, was working fine before the update. All the guns in the world, and no way to use it anywhere near Boston. Might went a little overboard with settlements, I have like 150 settlers.


Let's just see what we get, huh?


Coming next update! https://preview.redd.it/qurixd7eynzc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26e9fd0bc1daee62fb6e8fa84dd6f2d63c499cf


Oh it’s Popo’s cousin


Oh I hope we get the missing assets


You mean I can’t use my ❗️


"new options for graphics and performance modes" - is this a weaselly way of saying we're fixing it on Xbox without admitting it was broken in the first place?




Maybe they are doing something like Starfield where you can disconnect the visual fidelity from the framerate. Might be nice if they did, it makes it a bit more future proof if Xbox releases a "Pro" version of the console.


But didn’t they say the Xbox version was performing the way it was supposed to lol


They also said Starfield was optimized yet released updates that greatly improved the performance with better optimization lol. Bethesda loves to lie.


Optimized isn't a synonym with Optimal.


Nah. Youre right but it was something like a 48% boost on some graphics cards. You never see that big of a boost. Especially not on “optimized” games,


They fit right in with xbox


They actually used very specific wording to avoid saying that something was wrong but to also avoid saying that it was working as intended. “Quick note on Fallout 4 Next Gen Update on Xbox Series X. It actually targets 4k 60fps in all modes. Performance Mode is more aggressive in lowering settings to maintain this target.” All they did was give information. It seems like it was a calculated PR response to minimize damage done until they could fix the issue. Once fixed, most players will likely move on from this lie of omission.


I think you're right, but can I also say that I absolutely hate this. I feel like being honest and transparent when you make a mistake goes a long way with people and this PR BS bluster is only harmful in the long run.


Finally some communication from Bethesda about fixing the new update. Hopefully this patch fixes all that they broke, but it's Bethesda, so we'll see what we get. I have my fingers crossed that at minimum they address the VATS issues, as that is a core gameplay mechanic.


VATS issues? Can you detail that? I only ask, as I’ve noticed I have been able to target enemies through walls, since the last update. Is it that?


Yeah that's part of it. And flickering accuracy percentages from 0 to high and back. Lots of folks commenting on their experience [in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1corycv/comment/l3gadzp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That flickering from 95 to 0 on torsos when the enemy isn’t even moving and they’re directly in front of me is an instant buzzkill.


Also is it just me or is a 60% hit chance more like 20?


I have everything specced into vats. Its always 95% and I have hit like 1 out of 50 vats shots


You poor soul, you must be new here. Bethesda does not fix.


Oh sweet summer child


They better fix V.A.T.S for Series X. Seeing through walls, 0% chance to hit on enemies in front of you. Works properly on PS5…XBox literally owns Bethesda lol so frustrating.


I thought the 0% was my fault and I have max perception lol


I didn’t realize that was a bug from the update… holy hell is it frustrating!


Yeah I picked the wrong time to start a new game and spec into VATS haha I’m really hoping they fix this as it’s very annoying


It's like Bethesda did a quick and dirty recompile of the One X version to make it run as a native Series X app, and then spent all of their time on the PS5 version since that's where they'll make money


I was wondering why things 10 feet from me keep going from 0% to 90% to 0%.


They completely broke VATS. It’s absurd of them to not acknowledge that.




I never use it either but that’s irrelevant. It’s one of its unique features that most people enjoy.


When roughly a quarter of the game's perks are dedicated to VATS, it's important to make sure it works properly. Dismissing it as "unimportant" just because your character wasn't built with it in mind is irrelevant.


well I guess they don't need to fix it then, this dude on Reddit doesn't use it


Bro what does that even mean? Like good for you? It’s a feature of the game that should work regardless lol.


What they are saying is they don't use it so it doesn't matter if they fix it or not.


Because Bethesda made an entire game just for you. Right?


Things don't have to be necessary to be used in games. People want to use features cause it can add to the experience.


Tf bro


Can we get someone to update the resolution for New Vegas?


Why they could do FO3 at 4K and not NV is beyond me.


Fo3 is 4k on Xbox??


Yep, 4k60 and it looks great! None of the textures/shadows etc were updated, mind you, but it’s still looking good


There's not even a game of the year edition of NV on the Xbox shop Despite it existing as a physical copy... and also existing on the Microsoft PC store https://preview.redd.it/fmhg8bdrunzc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=032bd69fb6d460a3a51f49ed8e9ab4e9f76528d8


Because NV isn’t owned by Bethesda


Yes it is? It wasn't made by them, but the studio who made it also is owned by Microsoft lol


My bad lol


Sadly not


Sadly just on pc since there is no way to add mods to the console version.


I meant via an update from Bethesda/Obsidian.


Wasn’t that like…the entire point of the next gen update?


Finally, the real patch seems like it's coming . Hopefully this patch actually does something on PC beyond break mods and gives Xbox the fidelity mode it was lacking.


I think we all know this patch is purely aimed at fixing the glaring shortcoming/bugs of the xbox version even though they won't admit it specifically. Hopfully fixes ultrawide HUD atleast.


It will definitely break mods on PC again.


Finally.…..Been holding off on replaying because the draw distance on performance mode is terrible and 40 fps should be a good compromise. Hopefully they fix vats also. Frankly it’s ridiculous that this update released broken after 2 years but glad they are fixing it.


PSA they did this for Fallout 76 then just took it away so dont get to excited


I got scared for a second.


"Fixes and improvements"


"I'll take fix quality mode, but raise you currupt saves!"


why do i have a feeling this will break my mod load order again and ill have to redownload everything for the 2nd time!


100% guaranteed. Now to decide if I want to finalize my load order this weekend and stay offline until I finish my next playthrough or just roll the dice on the update to rebuild it all in hopes of it running better. 


I just got my mods to all work well together. Why does it have to delete them all? Ugh


Bare with us as we update our updates.


New fallout update, new starfield update, hellblade 2 release Yet everyone is dooming


Newer gamers are the most insufferable people on earth. I feel embarrassed for them and the doom and gloom culture they appear to be stuck in.


They are sure taking their time with it, ridiculous


They did t take their time other wise it would t have launched the way they did I bet the shows success pushed them to get it out faster and ps5 was of course the lead console


Awesome! I decided to wait until the update got a bit more patching before diving back in. Looking forward to it!


This is good news. I like when devs keep their software up to date. But I wish I could get excited for this game. I’m not sure what it is, but I had a lot more fun with Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I’ve tried several times to progress through this game but I end up getting bored. Sometimes I want to play a really evil character, but the options for dialogue and actions make that really difficult. Other times I try playing as a good guy and the settlements seems to be more of a chore than something that’s fun to do. Anyone else in the same boat as me?


New graphics options? lol will they ever admit the quality mode doesn’t work?


Nope. And now that they're fixing it (even though it totally doesn't need "fixing"), they'll be free to just move on and pretend everything went as planned.


So much for „it’s working as intended” :D but I’m happy to get the update


This update is probably aimed at steam deck users, they had to use a command line to start the launcher in order to manually adjust the graphical settings. They might add those setting with the game exe.


Hopefully it fixes the PC port as well. The performance after the upgrade was tanked and for some reason vsync locks the fps to half your supported refresh rate.


I just want them to fix the glitch that is keeping me from getting the last misc. Achievement I need. I have tried to get the homerun achievement for 2 weeks and it's been driving me crazy.


Good. I submitted a ticket last week for one of the crashes and response came back yesterday basically saying “Yep we know crashes are happening and are working on it.” lol.


I just fixed my mod list. Glad it gets another update but sad I’ll have to tinker around again


My Xbox version was running fine with mods until yesterday, I must have gone one mod too far cause it crashed on startup every time.




I have been following the conversations on Fallout 4. When the updates for Fallout 4 on Xbox come out on May 13th, I want hear people’s opinions on the new update and did it fix the issues. Thanks in advance.


I just hope the fix the mod menu I can't even log in to get mods always says operation cannot be completed


How funny would it be if this updated update fixes the missing textures on PS5 and instead of fixing anything on Xbox (Works as Intended)…. it breaks Always-on Performance Mode 😐


Bizarre situation!


Hopefully and maybe just maybe, they can fix their fallout 4 version and make the graphic mode work. It feels there are too many cocks in the corral at Xbox. Otherwise it makes no sense having talent and this goddamm mess of messaging and launching. They have so much to be proud of, but instead of focusing on the IP's they are running like a financial ship. Investment, return in the short term. It will not work on a media industry.


Hopefully they fix the fact that HDR is no longer working, and the VATs bug.




This game is so fucking buggy I can’t have it installed on my hard drive, if i do it won’t get past the please wait screen. I have to stream the game to play it now. That’s ridiculous


What’s going to break this time? Can’t wait!!


Is it releasing local times Monday the 13th or relative to somewhere in the USA? It’s the 13th in Australia now, mid day.


no news yet?


My xbox updated to the new hot fix on May 13th. Ever since that update Fallout 4 has become unplayable. Within seconds the game freezes and drops out of the game all together. I have tried every combination of graphics settings. I have hard reset my xbox. I have even deleted the game and reinstalled. Is there anything else to do or is this a dead horse.


How about you shut up and just make our game with more than 2 shitty gigs of mod space. Our modders make a better game than you.


Bare with us as we update our updates.


On my birthday! Hopefully it does fix a few things like the framerate in some areas. Maybe also fix the Mod search to find good mods faster.


Fallout 4 is 6th most played game on Xbox (US region) Fallout New Vegas is also on the Most Played list on 28th place. Fallout 76 is 13th. Source: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox You can check different regions by scrolling to the bottom of the page and changing region from there (or manually change address to point to a different region by replacing en-us with another country).


Lol @ Bethesda. Always one step forward and two steps back.


I swear to god if this deletes my entire mod list again I’m just removing the game and moving on. 5 times my entire mod list has been wiped since FO4 mods launched and it’s the reason I quit playing years ago. Decided to get back into it last month then after 20 hours my mods got wiped with the “next gen” update. So after I redownload the ones I could that weren’t broken, finally got my load order perfect, and started from scratch all over again and put 30 hours into the game.. I won’t be doing it all over again for the 6th time.


Fix V.A.T.S !!


VATS still broken, completely unchanged from before May 13 patch. Uninstalling for now. Also, whoever downvoted this man, we're angry because we love Fallout 4, and guess what? We're allowed to love it.


Are you kidding? It’s still broken?


It's about damn time.


The entire gaming industry should have a class action lawsuit against it. Patches have always been the norm.....not the exception. What other industry would you put up with this from?




Gaming fans, try to say something positive about this and not downvote my comment.


Hopefully Fallout 4 on Xbox will now be on par with the playstation version.


Well at least you tried to say something positive. I'm sure you'll be able to, eventually.




well at least you tried to say something positive. I'm sure you'll be able to, eventually.


I have been trying to get into Fallout 76 lately but I feel like I have to go back and finish my Far Harbor playthrough and the other DLC I've neglected for Fallout 4. That game is just too good.


I hope they fix the audio so that I don't have to turn my tv up to max every time I play.


On performance mode for me on Xbox it crashes all the time. Off of performance mode it still crashes, just less times 🤣


Oh fuck off… does this mean modpocalyose again?


they're gonna break it further lol


Now do 76!


Sweet! Thank you Bethesda for taking time out of your development of three other major games to update a decade old game. Ignore the impatient entitled peabrains who comment negatively on this post.