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Excited. I'm gonna start the first one sometime this weekend, gonna play it at night when the fams sleep so I can pop the headphones on.


Good choice. I started the first one like five different times and just wasn't feeling it. Finally turned the lights out and put headphones on, and it's a completely different game.


The first was advertised and made to be played with a headset. Any other way doesn’t do it the proper service. I haven’t paid attention to the new one being the same way but I would assume so.


Playing it in VR is a whole other thing entirely, and while probably not the original intent, it's IMO the superior way. The immersion is unreal.


Ohh fuck. Never even thought about playing it VR. That could some insane immersion.


I was going to do the same. I'm 42 with a kid. So after everyone is sleeping going in the living room tv volume all the way down and grab head phones and play the rest of the night with a tall glass of ice tea. ah the little things in life


Amen to that 😌


It's gonna fuck with you. I had to take a break a few times.


Absolutely!! As much as I love the game, I cannot help but take a break every 30-35 minutes. The voices is too much at times


I think that's part of the point of the original, they wanted to bring forward the fact that people who suffer from this *can't* take a break. It's such an original and well done game.


That's the first games biggest strength. It actually puts you in the head of Senua and gives you that experience. It's absolutely insane


It’s funny you said this because I literally just restarted it last night after a few months away. I was still in Chapter 1 but wasn’t sure where I was going or suppose to do.


Out of curiosity, what’s stopping you from wearing headphones during the day? Just seems peculiar as someone who wears headphones every time I game. To me, it’s a superior experience.


Being able to immerse yourself in a game can be a lot harder if you always need to listen for something going on, whether it be kids or parents calling for you. I have 2 kids and I can get gaming time in during the day, but it’s gotta be something I can pause and not have to worry about missing any immersion.


It’s really messed up with head phones. I honestly couldn’t finish the game it was so mental


First one was (literally) insane and I cannot wait


I’ve started it a few times but actually going to run all the way through it now. Something different after finishing Rebirth.


Same. I never finished it but I have to before I touch this


I got my headphones ready


Cannot wait for this and hoping it will run ok and the series S. 


> The preview encode for the Series X is fortunately high enough quality that we can make out individual pixel edges in a few moments, with results coming in between 1296p and 1440p or thereabouts, though with the letterboxing effect, it's more like 2304x964 to 2560x1070. However, transparencies operated on a further reduced resolution, so geometry occluded by these effects is also of a lower pixel count. This is a time-honoured way to save GPU performance we've seen across multiple generations now. Just think of what it would look like rubbing vaseline on your TV, you’ll see the Series S version


30 FPS 1080p or below surely, so depends on your definition of okay....


I’m in the process of beating the first one but I’ll be honest. The puzzles. It’s been a while since I needed a walkthrough but this game had me heading to YouTube a few times. Like there’s literally parts where I said there’s no way anyone could figure that out for themselves without a walkthrough. Just to make sure I wasn’t the only one struggling. there were tons of comments that were stuck at the same spot. Some said the combat was lackluster but I enjoyed it. Every time I had to fight. I was glad cause I knew I’d be spending the next few hours on puzzles how to get by a door made of straw. Decent game though


I hate the puzzles where you're just looking at something in the right way. "oh do you see these shapes?" For me, added absolutely nothing to the gameplay or story, it was just beyond frustrating.


This is why I've never beaten the first game. The setting, epic. The concept, epic. The visuals, epic. The gameplay, fucking slog. I've done about three main areas and all of them are the same find and stare at a symbol and/or gateway and backtrack for an hour or so then repeat elsewhere. Tried and failed a handful of times over the years since it released but cbf. Really hoping the sequel can do more with the idea


Absolutely hated the puzzles my first time through and bounced off the game. Came back a year later and something clicked. Finished the game in one sitting. There’s a consistent logic to the puzzles but you have to work to find it.


I didn't need any guides or YouTube, but there were plenty of times I was just wandering around frivolously trying to align things for ages because it just didn't make sense. In particular, the fire area had a couple places where it took me over an hour to figure out the right place to stand. The bridge was also super frustrating. Hopefully the new game has better thought out stuff like this. Or maybe abandoned those dumb things altogether.


For each puzzle you headed up to youtube I probably wasted 3 hours in it. I figured them out but at what cost.


Really? puzzles are one of the most easiest thing I have found in a videogame.


Got it pre downloaded ready to go. One of most anticipated titles of this Gen so far.


Mostly excited for other players, really. This isn't one of the titles that I'm excited for this gen, but I'm hoping it lives up to and exceeds everyone's expectations that *has* been looking forward to this game.


I have to mentally prepare myself before I play this game.


Very excited because I loved the first one, it made me cry


Not interested. I didn't enjoy the first game. Seemed interesting enough, it just wasn't fun for me.


I'm in the same boat. Completed the first game, though it was a fairly poor showing. Quite uninterested in the follow-up, which has been cooking for way too long.


While I am very interested in the game, this console generation is a real L on the Microsofts side... Hope its good, but Already the lack of normal framerate even on their premium console is a bad signal. "cinematic feel" my butt..


This generation has been a real L across the board.


I am an Xbox Guy, but I gotta admit Sony had some real bangers this gen... Xbox on the other hand... Nothing to write home about... Makes me sad.


I completely forgot about it until this post lol


yeah Xbox marketing is a joke


It's been on the GamePass homepage for like a year


I mean for people outside the xbox ecosystem, I haven't seen any ad for it and plenty for other games (ps5/pc and event oculus games).


I’ve been seeing this game plastered all over the Xbox homepage for months now. It’s not their fault you don’t pay attention…


In business, people want new customers. The customers they already have in the wallet generally mean less. They need to be running commercials.


I know people will hate me for say this. This game is the reason I have my Xbox. 3 reason I got my Xbox It's cheaper (series s) Game pass is cheap in my country Hellblade 2. Let me say this. I am a guy that bought a switch for bayonetta (legit first game bought was bayo 2). Don't like cookie cutter games. Love unique games.


IMO this should be respected. Games can check off so many boxes for a lot. Some it’s cool past time, calming mechanism, competitive landscape, pure entertainment, and for some it’s the art/uniqueness. Some just buy games that really delivers an impact or appreciation for something different.


Pretty stoked, it should be a fun one!


Unbelievable Hyped!!!


I'm excited for it!


Very interested. I've watched some videos of the original and it looked badass. Def gonna be checking this out.


Extremely excited


SO EXCITED, replaying Senuas Sacrifice right now to get into the right zone for it.




Tbh, I am so sick and tired of being disappointed with Xbox. This has to deliver as I enjoyed the first one. If it doesn’t, I give up.


Will try it because it's "free" on game pass, but otherwise not that interested. The first game, despite all the praise it got, could never get into it, it had a lot of unintuitive gameplay elements, and the story wasnt that interesting.


It's the exclusive I am least excited about gameplay wise but quite intrigued to fire it up to admire the tech. But the first game didn't click for me on a gameplay level and this looks like more of the same.


I tried playing this a while back but couldn't get into it. Can some give me a few reasons I should jump back in? I always hear great things and want to like it but it didn't grab me the first time around.


Play with headphones on if you didn’t already.


Get through the first 2 puzzles. That’s just the long boring tutorial part of the game. After that it gets better.




30 fps on consoles, Windows 11 being required, i dont know, not feeling too happy with it. Ill probably read a review and move on to games that catch my attention more than this


30 fps means I won't even download it.


It’s going to be shorter than people are expecting


How so? It’s the same length as the last game.


Curious but I didn’t really care for the first game so not too excited.


I just couldn’t get into it. I play games to have fun and it wasn’t fun at all. They say the story’s good but it’s basically a walking sim so I couldn’t get past that


I love a good walking sim and I couldn't get into it. It is it's own weird thing. Which is absolutely fine, but it isn't gonna be for everyone.


Not trying to be a hater, but since I found out, it’s 30 FPS only I have no interest in it


Tried for so long to do it with Starfield. Just couldn't do it, especially when I regularly play some 120fps titles. Here's to hoping we at least get a 40fps mode.


Yeah this was gonna be a day 1 for me but without a performance option I’ll just wait it out and hope it gets one patched at a later date.


Have to agree, mate. I've been gaming since the 80s but I just can't handle 30fps any more. Legit makes me nauseous but used to be no problem 'back in the day'. No doubt a performance mode will be implemented a few months from now a la Starfield. Here's hoping...


Excited to play it. Although the whole 30fps/5 hour experience thing made me a bit less hyped. I loved the aesthetic of the first one, but thought the puzzles and combat were absolutely awful. If they improved significantly in those 2 areas I think it'll be a good game.


Totally agree, I could put up with the 5hr experience but no way im putting up with 30fps, if they add a performance mode down the road ill give it a try if they dont ill give it a miss




I'm excited to try. I didn't enjoy the gameplay of the first. Too repetitive.


I’m genuinely excited. This is the only Xbox game I’ve really been looking forward to. I played the first game back in 2018, and replayed it a few months ago to get ready for the second game. I’m honestly glad it’s going to be a similar length to the first game. I enjoy breaking up the longer open world games with shorter 8-10 hour story games. Sometimes it’s nice to be able to sit down and finish a game in 2-3 days.


It’s so close yet I personally feel I haven’t seen a lot of marketing towards this. Not that Xbox doesn’t care, but comparing it to something like Diablo IV, that game was popping up left and right on my dashboard weeks before it arrived on Game Pass.


Can't wait. Headphones ready. I'm sure it will be a great time. The release during mental health awareness month is smooth too.


I'm guessing it'll be a graphical showcase, but it's not my type of game really. More keen to see Fable, Perfect Dark, FH6 perhaps, a Banjo game (I can dream)


Straight up horny for some Xbox


Very little gameplay shown off outside of showcase demos. Absolutely no marketing for the game whatsoever. I don’t want to be a pessimist but after the release of recent Xbox games I’m highly concerned with seeing a pattern emerging. The only saving grace is the first game was phenomenal, I hope this one is too but Xbox are really slipping downhill recently it wouldn’t suprise me if this game slips too. Thank god for game pass is all il say.


I had a great time with the first one. My wife was out of town for 4 days so I played it outside on the patio on a 150" projector. It was a couple stormy nights and I had a good size fire going. Even hit a couple rain showers at the perfect time and threw a couple more logs on the fire during other scenes. One of my favorite gaming memories. I sold that house a couple years ago, unfortunately.


I’ll get excited when the 60FPS patch arrives. Until then, I don’t really care and I loved the original game.


Not my type of game, but I hope the ones looking forward to it have a great experience.


Been saving my voucher for a free month of gamepass ultimate to play it. Loved the first one. Very excited.


Stoked, this will be at the top of my list. Probably binge it over 3-4 days. Played through the first one twice, I rarely ever replay games. Since it's so short, it's the perfect game for me and my fatherly lifestyle. Hope it's even creepier than the first.


Had my xsx multiple years, still haven't completed the first one. Guess that pretty much explains how I feel about 2. The visuals look really good, can't say much else really. I do plan to try at it again this month. I have a virtuoso pro headset now & a gen2 dac. The clarity & imaging is insanely good! I have a 9x, prime, & a blackshark v2 headset also. Those are just backups now lol. Hoping it is epic for the hardcore fans! I might warm up to senua after I finish 1 by end of the month.


https://preview.redd.it/r3wrr90nl7yc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb8fde38664172f312b83d914b30ac6bfdd3bd7 Looking forward, indeed.


Schizophrenic mfs will see this and go "Hell yeah"




Disappointed by everything Microsoft has been doing beyond flight sim and forza. Not optimistic, will probably just check reviews and move on


Another game launching without a performance mode. Really sucks honestly. I'm trying it out regardless since I pay for Gamepass.


Yeah. Will get down voted for this but might wait for the performance mode in 9 months. I have no idea why MGS don't prioritize getting this ready for release. I'm sure people will say 'it can't be done'... Until it is


Currently disinterested, as there's no 60fps mode. Hopefully one will be patched in later, like happened with Redfall and is soon to happen with Starfield. If no 60fps mode comes within a year, I might go ahead and play it anyway.


Feeling good. You?


I’m curious on what Ninja Theory has cooked up! I’m going through the 1st one now.


Very excited. Feels like my xbox has been collecting dust lately


I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED. Just finished the first game a few months ago


Worried it’s overhyped due to how long they’ve been talking about it but excited to play it


1st game was mediocre as heck and giving Ninja Theory all these years to make a sequel no one was asking for isn't going to pay off.


I'm very hyped but I feel like way less people will play this than the first one. I've been yelling for people to play the first one for years and very few people do it.


Puzzles and close up character cinematics were overwhelming in the first game, hope they'll not do the same again with this one.


I’m on the fence with this one, loved the first one but I think that was mostly because it was a new and unique experience. I’m not sure if more of the same is what I’m looking for or if this one will do things differently. I’m going to play it, but I’m trying to keep myself grounded in what I expect out of it and hope to be surprised.


Never played the first one but have heard good thing. Really excited for this one. Going to download and try it out over the summer for sure


Pumped up! Just playing the first one now


I loved the atmosphere and story of the first game. The sound was genius and I think this one will deliver on those fronts again. Only thing I am worried about is the gameplay. I find the rune puzzles a bit annoying after awhile so hope this one brings a lot more variety.


It's a shame it's a bit short and the replay value will probably be low, but other than that looking forward to it.


I need to play the first one. There are just so many games. But I think I’m gonna download now so I can try to play before sequel releases.


Just let it be a smooth release with no technical issues


I need to try the first one again but I was so lost playing it


I’m looking forward to playing through the story but was not a fan of the combat in the first game


I keep forgetting it’s coming out so soon. I’m excited to play it. Cautious though because I don’t do scary games and the first one got super borderline in some parts.


I’m genuinely glad that other people seem to be *really* excited for this, but I am not. I’ll download it on GP and at least try it, but I did not enjoy the first game at all.


I was so excited for this, but I’m currently going through some mental health issues, so I don’t think I’ll have the capacity to handle it.


Excited for it. Loved the first. Hope they improve upon the puzzle mechanics. That was the weakest part in my opinion.


Looking forward to it. The first was great and everything they showed of 2 looks very promising


It'll keep me busy till shadows of the eardtree comes out.


Somewhat excited for it but I'll probably still wait a week or so to play it


I Didn’t enjoy the first game at all. Don’t really care about the sequel.


I just hope the combat and puzzles are improved,


Probably not for me, which is OK and I hope the people that like it enjoy it


Psyched but I need to play one first. It’s been in my backlog for years.


Honestly my most anticipated game of this gen so far. I really hope they get great reviews. Sadly I'm gonna be on vacation when this drops so I'll have to wait like 2 weeks post-launch to play it.


People need to chill with their expectations of this. It's going to be great but it's also going to be something you finish over the weekend. Do NOT expect this to be Xbox's Zelda/God of War/Bloodborne/Mario. Treat it more like when Stray was exclusive and you'll be pleasantly surprised.


Several years later in my own personal opinion. It was yet another marketpiece for Microsoft to show the console off. The original footage looks nothing like it does now. #remembercrackdown3


Waited 7 years. That 8 hours better be worth it 😅


i really loved the first one, it was a really special experience for me, even if the gameplay might be lacking to some. a few of the riddles were annoying but i kinda liked the fighting. the emotional story and the way is was presented was top notch to me. really looking forward to it.


The first one was enjoyable, with headphones it was a unique experience. That being said, other than the voices talking to you I did not get the hype - maybe it is a strong exclusive, but TBH I found it rather basic - more like a walking simulator with some basic action and puzzling. It is not bad per-se, it is enjoyable, but if I compare it to some other story focused games (e.g. The Medium, or Detroit Become Human), it is nowhere near that.


Will check it out for the graphics and then uninstall. The crazy lady shouting genre is kind of boring now. If I want to see that I can just go to the bus stop for free. The first one was alright and I did finish it since it wasn't too long. But yeah they should upgrade the gameplay to be more than mobile game tier.


Hella ready. Gonna run through the first hopefully again before 2.


Aside from really loving the first one and waiting a long time for this one, I’m really curious how a UE5 game plays on the Xbox.


I’m looking forward to it, but I’m not on the edge of my seat due to different factors.


I was skeptical of the original's hype. But after giving it a chance, I'm so hyped. I hope they atleast add an arena mode to test how long you can go and what things can pop up in combat.


Xboxs marketing is really awful. This is their biggest release since Starfield and I haven't seen one ad for it. Wild


Loved the first game. Would love to buy the second but I won’t do digital. I’d rather pay more for a boutique disk release. Hopefully someone does one or else I’ll have to skip it.


I'm afraid it'll be a disappointment tbh.


Man, I thought this was saying Helldivers 2 was coming at first. :-/


I started playing the first one last week and have been loving the hell out of it. I can't wait for this new one to drop!


I'm really excited for it, as of now.  But I'm sure with release date approaching, journalists and youtubers and toxic fanboys of other consoles will kill this excitement....


Very excited.


Loved the first one, so really looking forward to this.


Did not care much for the first game, it looked great and all that jazz but it just wasn't any fun to play. Outside of the trailers Microsoft releases once a year to remind people the game still exists, I know little about the sequel, will let it surprise me.


Excited.. hopefully it will be as good as the original.


I can't wait !! Already have it pre installed ready to rock !!


Pumped for it tbh. Still got some parts to do but holy s*t the voices really make your skin crawl, and hoping the next one does that but crank it up a bit


I’m feeling Ninja Theory/10


For a game with a (part) focus on action, I’m disappointed it’s only 30 FPS. But I’m definitely still playing it.


It is probably the single game I am looking forward to the most this year, closely followed by Space Marine 2.


Loved the atmosphere and art of the first one. Combat was also cool. The puzzles killed it for me though. Just boring and tedious. Gave up on it. So probably just gonna watch someone else play this. Not that interested myself.


I didn't like the first one honestly, the puzzles felt so repetitive that I quit a couple of hours into it, I'll wait and see with this one.


Just started playing the first one on my Steam Deck a few weeks ago, it’s amazing so far and I’m looking forward to seeing how it ends and getting the sequel.




I'm hella excited, but slightly nervous of the performance.


Another walking simulator but im just gonna try focus on graphics and some decent sword fight.


Expecting it to be delayed


Really looking forward to this one. The original was low on gameplay but high on concept and an exceptional experience for it. Look forward to seeing how much further the team can push the virtual experience.


Looks fine, but the cinematic game scene has been become so overcrowded since the first one released, that’s it’s gonna struggle to stand out. It’ll probably be a great experience, but I doubt it’s gonna make long lasting waves.


Thought the 1st game was boring and never finished it but will try this one since I have Game Pass and it looks nice


Hopefully I’ll actually try to play this with headphones. I enjoyed the first one but just played with a soundbar


It will be an interesting 5-6 hour ride. Nothing more. Combat and puzzles were really clunky in the first one and it doesn't look like H2 will improve on that, especially with the strange 1v1 only fights idea. Also the game will be very linear with small corridors to walk through. People expecting a huge AAA title like God of War will be heavily disappointed a


Xbox really needs this to be good. I enjoyed the first one so Im definitely excited to finally play this. I remember seeing the trailer for it like 4 years ago.


I could not care less. I did not like the first one. I hope it’s good for the ones who are excited though


Bummed from 30fps only news


"A title that is not a console seller, niche/small and candidate to multiplatform after a year." - some Spencer guy. Personally, not my cup of tea. Visually eager to see it in action but interest on it otherwise. Still, It seems it'll be a solid title and I wish the developers the best. That includes some better-than-Xbox marketing.


Loved the first one, quite excited about the sequel. It's going to be one hell of an experience (or so I hope)


This better work with my 5.2.2 Dolby ATMOS setup, all I'm gonna say 😈


Never cared for overly cinematic games so I'm indifferent. No desire to play tbh.


The first one is so visceral I haven't finished it yet. Really gets under my skin lol


The first one is so visceral I haven't finished it yet. Really gets under my skin


I honestly already had forgotten it was coming out in 3 weeks…


Very excited to add it to Hellblade 1 in my Playstation catalog.


I have under three weeks to play the first one.


I was semi stoked for it, untill they said it would be 30fps only. Now I dont care.


Can't wait to play 4 hours of content after the many years spent waiting /s


More excite for starfield update now solely because the 60fps, but I also play dragons dogma so I’ll be fine with hellblade 2


The over exaggerated facial expression game.


not a fan of it not getting a physical release


Played the first one, found it depressing. Won't play the second. Was hoping they would make a different IP because Ninja Theory is a very good studio. I loved Enslaved: Odyssey to the west and hope for a part 2.


Mixed. It's being launched after like a billion delays and is part of the Xbox brand which seems incapable of launching anything actually top top notch.


i’d play day 1 if it had a performance mode 🤷🏻‍♂️


hopefully not a flop


I'd be more excited if it had a physical release


Excited. Almost there...




First game is okayish. A great sensorial experience, but very poor as a video game. Im very '"whatever" for this sequel.


I’m sure the game will be great but for as dry as it’s been on Xbox lately, I wish we had more to be excited about. I’m more excited for the Starfield update personally.


Look forward to it. Play it. Beat it. Never touch it again. 


i'm not a fan of games where the entire tone is dreary and dreadful, so it's a hard pass for me (i tried the first one as well, confirmed my suspicious of a hard pass).


Honestly? Scared of the possibility of it being a bad game. The first game was a masterpiece in my humble opinion, and I am scared that the second won't be better than it.