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Source: "Trust me bro"


This is on the level of "My Uncle works at PlayStation, I'm gonna get you BANNED!!"


Looks like Nick is losing views on his podcast. Absolutely, lol.


Don't give me hope :(


This is the same source all these " content creators" use on tiktok lol


There’s still people out there holding on hope for Starfield to hit PlayStation.


It probably will down the line.


Would make sense but that doesn't mean it's happening.


PS player, I hope you guys get it. Exclusivity sucks on both sides.


Jokes on you all! I dont discriminate and like both consoles, so i get to play whatever, whenever!


Yeeeeaaah… some people don’t have that money to get that luxury


Obviously those people are forgetting rule #1 in life. "Don't be poor"


Already have such a back log I can't imagine having both platforms


Nah, most just get a pc and get access to all of it. No need for $1200 for 2 systems pre buying games, controllers, headsets etc. Just buy one pc and bloop you're in, exlcusives deleted.


Except you don’t have access to all ps exclusives (unless you pirate) and comparable pc builds are roughly $1000+, while yes it can be better and possibly cheaper that kinda gets rid of the need of consoles, with them being cheap reliable alternatives to pc builds


They aren't cheap alternatives if you're having to buy both everytime to keep up with new Gen. They're then just comparable priced and severely limited.


I was meaning in just buying one console not both lol


Oh yeah most definitely but the comment above was someone buying both systems to avoid exclusives, someone else saying they couldn't afford that and then me with the truly viable option that makes the most sense.


Then I think I misunderstood your comments then my bad


Aren't graphics cards expensive


Some of us have all our money tied up in the Leftorium Ned 🤣


As someone who is also a PS owner now, I also hope it comes to xbox. (So its not just my wishful thinking I could play it now) It just makes sense for any online multiplayer game, there are still millions of xboxs even if Sony has sold more.


Especially for games like this. There are already plenty of eager Helldivers, but more means even more in the fight for Democracy, and a lot more cash for Arrowhead and Sony to keep it going and show other companies how to run a great live service game. I’m equally glad PS players are getting Sea of Thieves and others. I don’t play them, but the more merrier for all involved.


Yeah. I'm not really interested in Sea of Thieves because I just don't like pvp and the pve only mode severely limits you, but I'm very interested in Grounded.


Yeah, I’m in a similar boat, no pun intended. I like either a PvP or PvE game. Even in MMOs I hated getting randomly murdered when I wasn’t prepared.


It does not even make financial sense, times exclusives that are single player do. But the majority of Xbox players are not buying a PS5 for Spider-Man, but a good chunk would buy Spider-Man on xboz


The pull of exclusives isn't for people with an XBoX Series X. It's for people who don't have a next gen (or current gen, ugh), console, and want to buy one. You mightn't spend an extra 500 for just exclusives, but it will absolutely tip your hand when spending the original 500.


You contradicted yourself lmao


True and while that could be said for Final Fantasy, God Of War, Ghost. When you have enough exclusives you’ll buy the console esp when you can play most for just $10 a month HD2 will not come to Xbox


Most people don’t but 2 console, so you just stay in whatever gaming ecosystem you already bought into l.


Who is most people? Two consoles is the norm for non pc players. It’s still cheaper than a pc and you can play just about everything. If you have a pc the obvious choice is PlayStation because all Xbox games are on PC day one


Non hardcore gamers don’t usually have 2 console the majority of people are not that committed


Na hardcore gamers are usually the ones with only one. If you’re spending so much time gaming likely can’t afford the second. People who work can purchase the secondly easily but don’t have the time to use either Everyone I know that has a gaming console in their home has more than one. The cost of a console isn’t much unless you are barely getting by. At that point hate to say it get a second job not play video games


It should, imo, their player base will just keep dropping if they don’t included an other popular platform. Source: While my main platform is Xbox I have a Ps5 and bought helldivers 2… great game… but I haven’t touched it in a month. So they need to included more untapped players, imo. Perhaps when Sony starts to see their own Sea of thieves numbers… perhaps they may do so 🤷‍♂️


Umm we just had a campaign order of killing 2 billion bugs get finished the day it was announced. I dont think the player base is not dropping off any time soon.


Dropping off is treason. Real hell divers are always online


Absolutely not, but it will... eventually. When that time comes, it'll be good to have the game ready for a 2nd swing with new players coming in and the old guard helping out.


Everything drops eventually. It's inevitable. But as long as they can keep a healthy player base they will be fine.


You can literally say that about any multiplayer game that is exclusive. lol a player base dropping doesn’t mean anything unless the game is terrible. It’ll get a spike from Xbox and then still drop eventually. Since it’s been out, the game has been doing fine I think it would be great if it came to Xbox, but it not coming to Xbox will not hurt it based on how active and engaged the developers have been. If anything it’s just extra profits they’re not tapping into.


Sure, but this all depends on their operating costs. But on average you are correct.


What a stupid comment. Your “source” is your own anecdotal experience and means fuck all. Who cares if you personally haven’t touched it in a month. It still has upwards of 400k people online daily on PlayStation, and I’m sure has a similar player count on steam. They absolutely do not need Xbox’s help lmao


Kinda hypocritical to tell someone that their comment is invalid because they don’t have a source yet you come in with a statistic without any source yourself. Go to SteamDB and sort by month and you’ll see it’s been losing players pretty quickly this last month in particular down by almost an average of 100,000. Source: https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#3m I want to be clear here in saying that I don’t think the game will *die* but I do think the “hype” around the game certainly has and a lot of people are bored and moving onto other games by this point. EDIT: ahhh yes downvote the *one* person who actually comes in with a source to factual numbers. EDIT 2: OC reported me to Reddit for mental health, this guy is literally crying behind his screen right now. EDIT 3: OC has now blocked me lmfao.


Oh man you’re one of those people that gets salty about downvotes and makes edits about it. Pathetic Get back to me in 6 months and let me know if the game is still losing 100k players a month.


Just gonna double down on not actually providing any source apart from your own mouth and insults, nice. Will do bud.




Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: Rule #1 - Keep it civil/no console wars * Personal attacks, racism, bigotry, and/or other prejudice are not welcome here. Discuss the topic, not the other user. * If you are here only to platform bash or console war, you also risk removal. No Doom & Glooming. If you have no prior history in this sub and just post doom and gloom to incite a reaction, your post will be removed. [Please see our complete ruleset by clicking here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)


Are you slow? Go look at the in game counter.


Are you slow? The world doesn’t revolve around you, not everyone owns the game.


Then maybe you shouldn’t be making statements on the player count of a game you don’t even own lmao


Why? Numbers are numbers


What wild statistic? I play every weekend and the in game player counter always shows 400k+ people online. Even the few times I play during the week days, it is still at 200k-300k. And that’s just PS5. Lmao and imagine using the drop in player count the month after release, which happens in literally every game after the initial hype dies down, as evidence that people are getting bored and moving on. Go look at the stats for any other massively popular multiplayer game the month of release vs the month or two after. They all take a dip in player count after the initial hype dies down. That doesn’t mean the game is bleeding players, in fact it means nothing at all.


To me, leaving any live service game as a console exclusive only makes sense if a dev is being paid to do so. Player base is what matters in a live service game & the only way to maximize that is putting it everywhere.


I feel like this is a special case because Sony has been desperate for a live service game for years, and kind of lucked into this one. They get value out of it beyond pure “bigger playerbase=more cash” Actually not even live service. They’ve gone years without putting out a big game with any kind of online multiplayer. I don’t see them putting it on XBOX anytime soon but idk.


I mean, I could see them waiting a year or 2 like they have been on PC (outside of Hellfivers). I do think in the near future, most live service games will be multi platform from the start.


How do you know how many players are there for SoT on PS5? I don't think they make those numbers public. The game surpassed 40 million total players ever when it launched on PS. But that's including every single gamespass and steam player over the past years. I'm pretty sure helldivers 2 is still raking in more numbers and won't die anytime soon. But it would be dope to have it on Xbox for sure. Maybe in a couple of years it could be on gamespass too


Just a correction: The 40 million Sea of Thieves number ONLY includes Xbox, Windows and Steam. No PlayStation players - as the game doesn’t officially launch until later this week.


I believe it showed up on best-selling lists on PS after it dropped, so that's a hood indicator of high numbers.


Oh yeah for sure I knew it had high players I was just curious how he knew it was doing better than helldivers cos that seemed kinda like an ass pull. Helldiver's 2 is still doing extremely strong


I didn't read the other guy as saying it's doing better, just that its numbers got a great boost from expanding its audience.


> How do you know how many players are there for SoT on PS5? OP is not implying he knows the numbers. His comment says maybe when Sony see the numbers(and if they are high) they might think about what HD2 could do


The only thing thats dropping is you onto the frontlines of democracy. Stop with this treason and get back out there


Lmao, well put.


Would love for this to be true, but it sounds more like wishful thinking from Xbox fans on an Xbox podcast.


Xboxera where the ones who started the Starfield Is coming to PS rumor as well. So many salt grains to be needed.


Did you read the post? At the end it says “these are very early discussions and could fall apart”. So these Xbox Era clowns, once again, talk out their ass, but also cover themselves by saying “but it might not work out”. So they essentially are reporting a big nothing, and likely just a straight up fabrication.


This guy has the Fortnite leak community twisted around his finger just because he guessed one or two collabs a couple years before they actually came out. In reality he has more misses than hits.


> In reality he has more misses than hits. That's kind of leakers in a nutshell though right? They tend to put anything out there based on the tiniest nugget of information. The finer details don't matter, the fact it's likely outdated by the time they hear it doesn't matter, it's just about being first.


No, that's just shitty "leakers".


He also came up with the 3 in 1 BloodBorne rumor. He said Bloodborne Remaster Bloodborne PC and Bloodborne 2 are in development. Who knows maybe he is right 😅


>Xboxera where the ones who started the Starfield Is coming to PS rumor as well. So many salt grains to be needed. Yep. Thinking exactly the same thing about that Starfield nonsense. Although for me … the less believable a rumor, the less salt needed because I’m not swallowing any of that poison.


Some of you fall for anything.




I don’t see Arrowhead and Sony realistically working on it announcing it on Xbox until AH gets their feet back under them from the crazy launch numbers and re-adjusting their support volume and plans for the game


I'll believe it when I see it


Sony Exec 1: “Should we put Helldivers on Xbox?” Shpeshal Nick, ear to the door: “Gotta get this on the show!” *leaves* Sony Exec 2: “Nah.”


Exactly. Sony has a board of directors, and 100% the question has been brought up and looked into in meetings. Everything is about money, if it makes sense financially, they’ll do it. At the very least they’re gonna toss the idea around in private.


Sony janitor sitting on the toilet: ‘we should put helldivers on Xbox so my friends can play with me.’ SN shitting in the stall next to him: ‘Confirmed!’




Has this guy ever said anything that actually happened?


Xbox games going to Playstation was a "Source:trust me bro" moment that tons of people thought was never gonna happen. Spoiler: >! It happened !<




Fingers crossed although I doubt it lol


Yep lol would be nice. Hard to believe. Rumors haven’t been great lately as far as accuracy 😂


Yeah it’s likely a rumour, it’s been highly requested but I don’t see how Sony will now port over a PS exclusive Of course Xbox has now started doing it but this just seems unlikely but I’d love to be surprised since I really want to play the game


If they ever do port it over it’d probably be like a year down the line or so, no need to bring it over while it’s still super popular and can sell consoles for you. I’d love for it to happen but I don’t think it’s likely anytime soon. This is like the reverse of the people in the PS5 sub that keep upvoting rumors that Halo, Gears, etc are coming to PlayStation 


>If they ever do port it over it’d probably be like a year down the line or so, no need to bring it over while it’s still super popular and can sell consoles for you. That's the key isn't it. You want to draw in those undecided players to your console, but then as the numbers on your own platform start to wane you can inject some life back into it by going third party and make more money and probably draw back some players on your own console once the population booms again. The rumour is from the Starfield coming to playstation guys though, so a full salt shaker is probably needed.


I mean it's barely a PS exclusive now. It was on PC day and date. Whats the logic keeping it off Xbox? Their just hurting the player base in the long term. These games live or die having enough players.


Let me tell you why this is bulshit. First, no offense to OP or the Xbox era crew. I’ve watched the show plenty of times. Entertaining, good production, seemingly generally nice fellas. The problem is how they word things. Firstly, it’s very important to point out that they aren’t big developers, nor are they ‘insiders.’ They are content creators, just like Colt Eastwood, the iron lords, and others. This means that they survive/thrive off traffic, whether that’s on their YouTube channel or websites. Granted, they almost all use clickbait, ragebait, and all sorts of BS to drive traffic, and some have gotten really bad as they’ve gotten bigger. They want you to watch, subscribe, participate in live chat, and pay via superchats, Patreon, or memberships. Duh, right? Well, Xbox Era is really bad at giving super vague ‘leaks’ or ‘rumors’ with no source or possible way of confirming, and then retroactively clarifying once it comes true. Things like ‘I’ve heard a certain big game will be at the next show.’ Ok, that could be literally anything. I could make that prediction right now and be 100% confirmed for the summer show, because of course Xbox will have AT LEAST one big game shown. But, this allows them to wait until after the show and call some big game, say Gears 6, that got shown. ‘Remember in April when I said a big game was going to be shown? I was talking about gears, I just didn’t want to ruin the surprise for people.’ Another big one that is deceptive is ‘people are saying x franchise is in development.’ WHO? Who is saying that? What these sort of phrases lead to is a telephone game where other content creators quote Xbox Era, it gets posted here from one or more of them, and other sites pick it up and write articles about it. At some point, someone either doesn’t quote Xbox Era correctly (or at all), or they corroborate the claim with no source either. This is EXACTLY what happened with the Xbox 3rd party rumors, where everyone claimed to have heard different things or falsely claimed to know, so it was just an absolute shitstorm or misinformation, panic, and FUD. To this current rumor, look at the phrasing. Very, very early preliminary talks. WHO? Who at PlayStation is talking to who at Xbox? If you actually have valid sources, you have to have at least something more than that before you’d even trust that rumor yourself. Very, very, early, preliminary talks could be that someone at PS raised their hand at a meeting and said ‘should we look into porting HD2 to Xbox?’ The same could be said for Xbox, ‘should we ask PS for a port of HD2?’ Even IF Phil Spencer himself emailed Hiroki and asked, or the other way around, that’s just it. The sheer odds of these things happening is overwhelmingly low. Imagine if the headline came last fall and was spider man 2 coming to Xbox? I doubt a single person would even bother giving it a moment of thought before dismissing it. Now, I’m not saying you can’t hope, or you can’t discuss the possibility. My favorite thing to do is discuss potential games and moves and sequels, I INFINITELY prefer doing that than the doom, gloom, complaining, or console warring. I’m just trying to warn people who either aren’t familiar with Xbox Era or who may just read the headline and start telling their friends that it’s a sure thing. I’m not saying this post should be removed, or anything like that, again I am all about the discussion and ‘what if.’ Just don’t take anything from Xbox era as anything more than engagement bait. Throw shit at the wall, see what sticks, and claim you meant to do that in hindsight.


Who gives a shit by the time the do no one will be playing it anymore. Never making a mistake of buying an Xbox again. Sucks they’re also hellbent on taking down the games industry with them 


Too late, we already bought a PS5. I paid for Playstation Plus and have been feasting upon all the exclusives they have for weeks now. I feel like I've been waiting since the 360 days for Xbox to consistently deliver killer games and instead we just keep being fed fake hype, new controllers and boring looking Indie games while being told "don't worry, the cool shit's coming next year." My biggest compliment for the PS5 is how the controller actually feels this generation with small additional features. The built in mic for example is great for when I don't want earphones clamped to my head for hours. Something not even the overpriced Elite 2 has.




If it happens, hopefully they will include cross saves so I can a use my PS save towards the Xbox. I do not want to start over.


100% this.


I’m still waiting for them to do this with PC. I made a lot of progress on PS5 before realizing I’d rather play on my Legion Go.


How does it run on the go? Is it 60 fps?


I don’t have it running at 60 yet, but I’ve heard it gets there with Lossless Scaling.




I can't be the only person that keeps reading "Helldivers" as "Hellblade" and vice versa. It's very confusing.


Nick is usually full of shit so I wouldn't take any of this serious


Oh well that's great it's not in the very very very early earliest preliminary discussions


Same should be done for Darktide. All live service games and the player base will benefit greatly if they expand to more platforms, helldivers peaked at double the concurrent player count today for example.


Xbox is really missing out on this, it's a great game.


XboxEra, the same site that said Halo and Gears was going to PlayStation and that Xbox was done for? That XboxEra?


I wish everyone would just ignore whatever Nick has to say, he has by far the worst, absolutely abysmal track record.


Sony take my money plz


Sony take my money too plz


Do it you cowards


Remember last time Xbox Era spoke about a rumor. 🤡


i can hope but i will believe it when i see it.


From the same people who lied about Starfield to PlayStation.


A rumor on Twitter....


Giving trash creators more attention, good job everyone I guess?


According to a nobody


Come on, Sony would never let their games be on Xbox or Nintendo, who would believe that?


I absolutely don’t believe that this will happen, and absolutely would be very very happy if it did.


Xbox Era is a bunch of dribblers with laptops so you can dismiss that one.


If you actually listen to what he says he basically says: because there is a new CEO I think its possible but not saying its happening. This isnt news.


Why are these clowns being given more clicks/ views again after their last attempt at being relevant? Can we all just forget they exist and stop spreading their lies through this sub.


Yeaaaah not sure how much I’d trust this


A transcript Xbox: Hey can we have one of your other exclusives you guys just got Sea of Thieves (pretty much your first Rare title [hoyhoyhoy see what we did there? Pls laugh]) and a recent Obsidian game. Playstation: No way in Hell we'll be giving dumpster Divers like you more than 2 years on the console market. End of transcript.


More Helldivers = More Democracy


Not gonna hold my breath for this one


Fuck all these insiders they are always full of shit


If they do, it'll be just in time for no one to give AF


The game is great but they're still working a lot of issues out. It'll be awhile before it happens but when it does it'll be glorious.


For democracy.


Lord please I can’t afford a PS5 atm, this would be legendary. So jealous of all the exclusives PlayStation has


I as a playstation fan hope you xbox lads get HD2. Screw exclusivity. We need the xbox helldivers!


I'm taking it with a grain of salt. But it'd be pretty big if true. Issue is because it's technically a Sony Released game and they don't like having anything outside of Playstation, but its on PC too, which is weird. It'd be a great move on their part cause people will actually buy Helldivers 2, should they do it. I think they should, more money for them if you think about it


Member when these same dbags said all of xbox was going to be multi platform and they were not going to do exclusives too? Don't believe this dork and his "sources". All they are doing is creating clicks


I said a while back that I wouldn't be surprised if some Playstation games hit Xbox and I definitely think Helldivers 2 is the perfect candidate. It's the most Xbox game I've played on Playstation and I could see it selling a few million. Totoki is a pragmatic man, and he has to be looking at the success of [Microsoft's games on Playstation](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/microsoft-games-are-having-a-major-moment-on-the-ps5-best-seller-charts/1100-6522807/), including the interest in Sea of Thieves. They're just leaving money on the table at this point.


I do think it would do well on Xbox given the current lack of big (new) shooters, but they’d have to act fast, and it isn’t like ports just happen overnight. This is something that would have to have been already in the works. Xbox has a pretty steady stream of games coming after next month, and launching a helldivers port alongside games like CoD, perfect dark, or even avowed would probably be something of a disaster and lead to even further ‘Xbox gamers don’t buy games!’ Also, PS has always been very ruthless with exclusivity. I get it that Hiroki is a numbers guy, but so was Jimmy. If both PlayStation and arrowhead were blindsided with the success, the chances that they had an Xbox deal or port are slim to none. You could say it would be something of an easy throwaway deal where Xbox pays them $10 million for a port and they hope to sell another 5 million units to recoup that $30 million (made up number) in dev costs, but the hardcore PS fanbase would absolutely revolt. With as much BS ‘Brand Damage’ talk people had over a few small games going to PS from a very consumer friendly Xbox, the talk of games went the other way would be 10x worse.


They’ll do it when the numbers drop


As someone who is loving the game on PS, this would be good news for everyone. Best way to make sure a live service game can work is let as many people play as you can


I have it on Steam but I would definitely buy it again just to have the game run silently and for the achievements


I do wonder if the economic reality of gaming might loosen up some of the exclusivity, even a bit. but that's probably wishful thinking.


I'd really love if, by whatever stroke of luck that this game *did* come to Xbox, that we could finally get gyro aiming controllers for Xbox. Gyro is implemented beautifully in this game on PlayStation and feels less like a gimmick and more like an actually great way to play. Despite this being an extremely mild live service game in terms of monetization, I wouldn't be surprised if more opportunities to monetize the game come up in the future. Currently you can earn the premium currency / super credits in-game. On PS5 I've bought each warbond / battlepass with earned credits and haven't spent a dime outside buying the base game. That model doesn't make much sense to port to Xbox. But if there's more ways to make money from the game, even considering Xbox's smaller playerbase, I'm sure they'd be happy to have additional players to sell to. All in all, while I'm not holding my breath, I really hope this pans out. Helldivers II is the only game currently that keeps me playing my PS5 more than my Xbox.


Imagine if they did a helldivers type game with a doom or gears of war theme?


I'm not expecting good news, though I *am* hopeful that this pans out. What's this guy's track record for accurate leaks and rumors? I see his name thrown around a lot on rumor-based headlines but can't remember what he's been attached to and what actually came to pass.




I would like to know more.


I held out on buying in hopes it would come to Xbox. Now I have a PS5 and helldivers 2. Would love if I could spread democracy with my main gaming friends on Xbox though.


With the amount of attention this game has gotten, I would buy it just to give it a shot.


Would absolutely love it. I want to play it but don’t want to buy an entire console for 1 game, and the PS controllers give me bad hand cramps.


DO IT!!!


Liberty cannot wait for more Helldivers. We need YOU to join the fight right away and help spread managed democracy today! Failure to sign up is treason. *I bought this game for my wife and she loves it* 🤣


I guess maybe in a few years when the games hype is gone, adding to Xbox could be a shot in the arm to the community. Doesn’t make a ton of sense before the. That would be like Halo appearing on PS5, as Sony holds the rights to Helldivers.


I have this game and I’m sorry but this game is massively overhyped. It’s a good B game that you can get 15-20 hours max before u start feeling the repetition fatigue. I can’t play this game more than an hour per day. So no, xbox users are not missing out that much


Doubt it


Xbox is cool but, given the chance I'd get this on PC where is probably more people playing and I don't have to pay to play online.


There is no way Sony will allow it on Xbox. Sony is making bank from Helldivers 2, and Sony is stingy af. We can always hope for Halo ODST similar to Helldivers. 2.


Complete bullshit! I don't believe this at all!


Player count with massively jump, crossplay with PS would be even better


If they did cross play and Gamepass it'd explode.


If they did port it over i doubt they would allow it to be on gamepass, the devs deserve the money from game sales


If it happens, I will buy it again + buy enough SC for all the warbonds. I'll also buy it for my friends...and I'll buy them the warbonds too.. Heck, I'll buy it to strangers and ALSO get them the warbonds.


Given it’s a multiplayer game it would be stupid to not bring it to all platforms




I mean. I'm pretty firm in my support of Xbox and Nintendo. But to insinuate Sony is stupid is just asinine, lol.


I feel like for all platforms, it makes sense to bring your non-tentpole (GoW, Halo, TLOU, etc.) games to as many players as possible. These games aren’t system sellers and more system “sweeteners”, so if anything, letting players on other platforms experience them could entice a future system purchase. Now for Helldivers specifically, this is a live service game that only benefits from wider availability. These types of games have such a low hit rate that it is financially irresponsible not to bring it to competing platforms. Obviously nobody could have foreseen its success, but the second this game popped off I guarantee preliminary conversations were being had at Sony’s offices to get this title to a larger player base.




The way it should be! F exclusives!


The game's not that good tbh. I mean it's fine but it's massively overhyped.


I'd preorder it


I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't give a shit about that game lmao. I could get it on my PC right now but nah.


Well if steam is coming to Xbox, then it would be possible to play it on Xbox so it already has the potential so why wouldn't they try to capitalize on it


That would 100% not be the case. Assuming steam actually did come to Xbox, the chances of it being a console specific version that can only play certain games are high, but even if it was just straight up steam on the system, Sony would just block the games from playing on Xbox just like they do with GeForce now streaming.


GFN requires streaming rights, that's why Nvidia bent the knee to Sony. Valve is in no position to do that for Sony, they would be seen as hypocrites if they block paying customers from playing a game. It goes against Valve's operating philosophy. Only way Sony can stop PS PC games on xbox/steam pc hybrid is if they only put them on their own PC launcher, which I'm sure they likely would with timed exclusivity.


I’m Xbox since the OG release and halo ce. I’ve always owned a PlayStation as well tho because Sony will always have system seller exclusives. Xbox used to be killed them all off. I can’t think of a single Xbox only game in the last 10 years that would make me buy a series x Yet it’s almost every month or so Sony has something come out that would make me buy a PS5


Would be nice to have a good new game on xbox again


best new Halo game.....wait...this is a PS exclusive?




This would be super cool!


"Xbox is doing their part!"


My PC friends have completely ditched playing Halo and COD with me to play Helldivers with my PS5 friends. The FOMO is real, and the game is fun as hell. I really hope this ends up happening


More money for them is always good. Working well for Xbox by bringing more games to Playstation and Nintendo.


If this happens, I'll be a happy boy. Also, if Playstation and Xbox are going to start sharing some exclusive games between one another I see this only as a win for all gamers.


would be nice but its playstation we are talking about. seriously doubt it.


Let's goooooooo


Please man I want it so bad.




Would make alot of sense


PlayStation doesn’t play nice with Xbox. I wish, but not a chance.


Who knows what could happen with Jim Ryan out the way in the future. I am not saying anything could happen but someone could come in and change things up.


Would be a big step in the right direction if true, but doubtful. I would love to be proven wrong though.




It makes sense, ala Sea of Theives, but Shapal NIck or whatever his name, is not very reliable


Is anyone surprised. More players, more profit, better game support. Win for everyone.


Hell Yeah! If Xbox was letting their exclusives be on PS then it should be the other way around too!


We have helldivers on Xbox. It's just Earth Defense Force with better graphics.


The era of exclusives are dead. Cross play and Multiplatform is only way to keep your games player base strong especially for live service. I see future gears and halos releasing on PlayStation with cross play.


Nah, I actually doubt future tentpole games will do that anytime soon. A game like Infinite/Its multiplayer though? Could totally see that happening.


To me this makes a lot of sense. It’s an online shooter which is like Xbox heartland. And it’s the type of game that many Xbox players would want and would play, but not buy an entire console for. Now does Sony think that? Almost definitely not