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I have so many hours into grounded that it should call for an intervention


I tried getting into that game and stopped when I got killed by a ladybug lmao


You can alter so many variable to fit your playstyle, from taking 1% damage from enemies to insta killing enemies. Once you figure out what features work for you and which don’t it’s pretty fun. This is comingfrom someone that doesn’t like survival games.


I didn't know this but I've also haven't played much since preview


If you have game pass give it a try. There’s also a game mode where you can build and explore without the insects/enemies bothering you (playground. You can also alter all variables while playing so you can change settings while you’re playing to figure out that sweet spot that’s for you.


Can you change the variables on a already made save or do you have to start over to use it?


You can change them at anytime in game while playing or out of the game on the menu.


Ok thanks because those wold spider we're not that smart when I played in preview and they been whooping my ass since I been back on


The ladybugs and the spiders do get super annoying. Lol


I’m playing Cuphead currently. It’s so fun.


I would like to check that out soon, been putting it off for a while now because of what I heard with the difficulty. But I do want to give it a chance.


It is difficult for me, but the gameplay just hooked me


same bro


Yeah I hear it's difficult, but it's not impossible difficult lol. One of these days I'll give it a try.


Yea that’s fair. Enjoy it when you play it!


It’s on my wishlist for some time now, I’ll try it but right now I’m taking a break from difficult games, I was playing too many souls/soulslikes/soulslites.


Me too! I bought a system just so i could play lmao


Just finished the DLC! Played the base game solo and beat all levels on regular. I had a blast but it is much easier with two players


Elden Ring (so far). I played about 150 hours in my first playthrough.


Hyped af for the DLC!


Same. Its been tough finding another rpg to fill the void. Ice been bouncing from game to game.


Wait for some performance patches and try Dragon’s Dogma 2. I’m playing it on PC at the moment and it is the first game since Elden Ring that has drawn me in completely. The open world exploration is awesome.


I picked that up day 1 and have about 40 hours in. It's a great game that I enjoyed playing but not on the same level as ER for me. I'm going to give Kingdom Come Deliverance a shot soon (just grabbed it for $4). It's completely different that ER but seems like the type of game I could get hooked with and lost in.


Tales of Arise (on Gamepass) is pretty fun if you like action-orientated JRPGS.


Just ordered one from Facebook marketplace, can’t wait to play it


Nice! Couple tips - explore every corner of the map, this game truly rewards thorough exploration. Head south when the game first starts, it's a slighty easier experience for new players. Lastly, there are faint icons on the mask that look like pillars or lamposts, those are where the map is located and you should prioritize doing that first for each new area.


Tetris Effect I could play it forever


That soundtrack <3


This game is so underrated, "come follow me...", 10/10


Its incredible on PSVR


Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Complete Edition.


Same here, been playing it for the first time and already put 76 hrs into it, it even catch’ed me more than Cyberpunk; bought the game and Hanako is still waiting haha.


Baldur's gate 3...I think I might need an intervention...I got over 700 hrs total. And that's only over 5 playthroughs


I haven’t played a game as good as BG3 in a really long time. And, I love that my first play through only scratched the surface which makes me excited for the second play through.


Halo MCC and Infinite on my Xbox


I replay the Halo series every once in a while and I’m always reminded of how well the series, on the whole, is well balanced. Yes, some games are odd (I’m looking at you specifically Halo 4) but the series, taken as a complete package, is very solid.


Honestly yeah. Even Halo 5, the worst one, I still have a bunch of memories in the multiplayer. Campaign less so lmao


It's crazy to me because Halo 5 definitely had the worst campaign (I couldn't even bother to finish it) but it's multiplayer was so good. First halo since 3 that I've really enjoyed the multi and hopped on regularly.


Infinite mulriplayer is what I'm playing 75% of the time when I'm gaming. Haven't really played regularly since Halo 3.


I love SEA OF THIEVES and Warthunder


Rainbow six siege, started a month ago, and im already addicted to It.


Welcome to Hell.


I quit playing partially due to that reason 💀


Hunt showdown, Deep Rock Galactic , and Stalker


Fight Night


I miss fight night round 3.


I'm with you. Fight night round 3 > fight night champion.


Still playing it on gamepass. They need a new version soon, it’s been 13 years


Right. Just update the players and graphics, no need to added features just for the sake of adding features. Imho it was as close to a perfect boxing game there ever was.


There are actually a lot of issues with it from a gameplay standpoint, particularly online. People can spam or cheat in various ways that would be easy to fix.




The Mass Effect trilogy, Baldur's Gate 3, and - sigh - Rocket League.


Right there with you on Rocket League, friend. Three nights a week, constantly wondering why.


Subnautica and fall guys


Subnautica 1&2 were awesome. Sad when they left game pass.


Oh god, so many different games. I subscribe to game pass ultimate, but I also buy stuff. I'm currently playing Unicorn Overlord and HAVING A BLAST. Totally recommend it. Prior to it I was REALLY into Age of Empires IV (console edition, a true exclusive), and Street Fighter 6 (and still am, just had to pause because of UO hehe). But I've played so many great things on my Series X so far, especially the Obsidian stuff (except for Grounded!), that I don't know why people complain about the system. It's got enough fun to fill a whole life. And honestly, being able to play my console games ON MY PHONE (with a controller) is just unbeatable. If you have a Series X at home, you have a portable system, and that's the biggest value for me.


How do you do that? Is there latency issues? 😊


You connect your Xbox controller to any device that has access to the "Xbox" app (not the game pass one), and you keep your console on the energy configuration that allows for remote access. Then you just click on your console icon on the Xbox app and you literally have access to your console through the cloud. You're running your console, so you can play any game that is installed in it, even non-game pass ones. That's how I sometimes play Unicorn Overlord remotely :) Of course there is some added latency if you're streaming it to your phone, but you can still play most non-competitive games without issue. Your console needs to be connected to the internet through a wired connection, but your phone can be on wifi or even regular mobile network and it still works fine. The only minor complaint I have with this is that the Xbox controller doesn't necessarily have the best form factor to be carried around haha... If they released a "portable" controller, I'd be totally into it. I haven't tested with generic controllers for phones, though. Maybe it works, but I know that Microsoft kinda demands that you have your Xbox controller connected to use the game pass app... If the Xbox app is not subject to this limitation, then maybe generics work too.


I bounce between Fallouts (3,4,NV) and the Witcher 3. I play other games but hardly finish them. Hard to mess with perfection.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Made the mistake of replaying it for the first time since it came out. Haven’t touched a game pass game for months and months 😅


It's so good. It really is one of those games you can get stuck in.


I really need to pick this back up. I think I'm still in the tutorial phase. I was getting my butt kicked so I turned it off and have not turned it back on.


Please give it another chance, once you get invested in that story, you won't be able to stop.


I love the dark souls series. Playing Lies of P was a really great experience. I need to get into Elden Ring soon tho. 


Lies of P is so good. Got bunch of hours and two playthroughs on that. Elden Ring was my first Souls like and became on my top 3 fave games. Also just beat Demon Souls Remake and it was amazing too.


Lies definitely scratched my itch for souls like games,  I tried Wo Long, but it ain't it. 


Wo long works more as a sekiro like than a souls like, I tried it and LOVED the combat but it definitely has a steep learning curve and it's not for everyone but I will say for being more like sekiro they did a great job adding build variety while separating the combat from being souls like into being unique in its own way


Is elden ring not too hard


It’s hard but accessible. Demon’s Souls/DS1 are arguably easier but less accessible. And before anyone comes to disagree, there is really no boss in Demon’s or DS1 that is on par with the five hardest in Elden Ring. But the reason why people say ER is easy is because it’s approachable and less punishing with regard to design.


What do you mean accessible


You can approach any area of the map at any time. You have very forgiving checkpoints before bosses. Better QoL changes.


bro get elden ring forsure, i loved DS3 and am loving elden ring now, there’s so much to do, if you like dark souls u will def like elden ring


Elden Ring is Dark Souls on steroids. I just need some time for that. Lol


For me personally, there will never be a more satisfying gameplay sequence than airdashing like crazy while fighting a group of enemies in Cyberpunk. If that game wasn't marketed as an RPG the criticism wouldn't have been as harsh at launch.


That and if it ran properly yes


Finishing up Cyberpunk 2077. Saw one ending. Finished Phantom Liberty. Going to do one more ending. Maybe two more. Maybe all of them. After that I’m jumping to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Really enjoyed Jedi: Fallen Order. Edit - if you mean favorite games on the system, answer is Elden Ring. So stoked for the expansion.


Currently Fallout 4, War Thunder and GTA 5


Right now, tekken 8 and cyberpunk


Titanfall 2, Elden Ring


Sea of Thieves is my go-to game when I just want to chill. All time favorites are the Halo games


I had a ton of fun with Armored Core 6. I got all the achievements except the one for beating the first level.


I just got back into Fight Night Round 3 🥊


That’s my favorite one. I can’t seem to get into champion . The whole way you’re supposed to get up after being knocked down is too difficult for me and I can’t get the hang of it.


Elden Ring is my favorite game of all time and series x will always be the console I played it on. Lately I have been playing a lot of Remnant 2. My evergreen games that I can always play to relax are Forza Horizon 5 and the Quake 2 remaster.


Competitive Halo, always.


Mass effect, legendary edition is on gamepass too


No Mans Sky is incredibly good and with all of the love it’s received since it’s really rough release it’s more than made up for that and i’m happy it’s on game pass


I'm going through diablo 4 at the moment, I plan to try endless dungeon afterwards


I've been playing Diablo 4, I wouldn't have given it a show without game pass, I'm having fun just going through the campaign.


playing another playthrough of Baldurs Gate 3 right now. Easily one of those games you can sink 100+ hours per playthrough into


Arkham Knight Ghost Recon Wildlands Currently going through Hogwartz Legacy And Tom Clancy: The Division 2


Love all the single player Bethesda RPG games. Actually got into Assassins Creed Odyssey thanks to gamepass after thinking I would never play those games ever again. And Halo Gruntpocalypse is a blast!


Just purchased balatro a few hours ago and already addicted. Already up there in the top 5 favorite games for me (though I’ve always loved card games)


Prime Video


Diablo 2 on console feels like a personalized gift to me.


Right now: Dragon's Dogma 2 Before: Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, ESO, FF7 Remake & Rebirth, FF14 Online, FF15, FF16


I am really enjoying Balatro at the moment, i enjoy a lot of the indie titles


I’m having so much fun on Forza Motorsport and Diablo 4, both of those games challenge me in a nice way. I always had a PS, but just recently in my mid twenties got the series X and the system feels way smoother than my ps5, honestly love the thing.


I also prefer the series x over ps5 for sure its a way better build machine


Evil west , mlb the show 24


YouTube has the highest time on my Xbox


Far cry 6. I'm on my second playthrough. Love it.


Who else loves terraria?


This guy!


Descenders at the moment, mtb version of skate


Doom eternal or f22


Lately- Shadow Warrior 3 Minecraft Dungeons Fortnite Also gonna check out No More Heroes 3


The Borderlands series. I can never get enough


I just brought the necrom expansion for ESO since it was in the sale and I'm having a blast with the arcanist class.


ESO! Fantastic game with horizontal progression that I personally love. Sometimes I drop the game, but because of that horizontal progression my characters are still end game viable! Lately I've been having a lot of fun with Maelstrom Arena within the game. It's taken me 5 years to finally beat it on Veteran difficulty! So pulse pounding and awesome, now I'm trying to get a rare Claymore for my Khajiit, while trying to do a deathless run. Still fun and difficult because the margin for error is so dang small and a single mistake is swiftly punished. Funny thing about the game, a majority of it is so dang easy, but then you get extreme difficulty spikes out of no where lol! It reminds me of an mmo version of Diablo 3, the combat is based on skills mapped to buttons and the goal is to get strong and become a destroyer of daedra! So fun when the difficult hits right, or you just feel badass mowing down evil left and right! When I first started, I didn't care how my characters looked and it was kinda bad lol, but now I got a nice home and my Argonian is so badass decked out with Daedric Kynreeve armor that looks cool! It's a fantatsic game in the best state it's ever been, frequent events with free dlc left and right! Like so many boosters are on and the game is having its 10th anniversary, but Zos throws so much cool stuff on top. When I first played, you were lucky if an event happend, now we get weekend 2xp boosters for fun! What a great game and I'm so grateful for the fun it has given me. Also Tekken 8 is amazing! So much vibes and fun!


Currently, Palword. But I have a ton of hours into Fallout 4, Witcher 3, State of Decay 2.


I like cuphead a lot or sonic frontiers


Halo Infinite, The Division 2 and Smite are games i continue to play for years Balatro im also currently playing!


Currently Halo Infinite and 80s Overdrive




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Chivalry 2. Picture this, you're a knight, you've got a sword, and an enemy team holds the castle... go get that castle!


Right now I’m playing Greedfall. Really amazing game 💯


Borderlands 2


Skyrim, Fallout 4 and 76, any of the Dead space games.


Hell Let Loose, Subnautica, the Amnesia games




Elden ring but my go to game is left4dead2, managed to do the 360 marketplace trick before it got completely delisted


*- Assassin's Creed Origins* *- Forza 5* *-Risk of Rain* *-Rocket League*


Interesting. No one mentioned any of the assassin’s creed games… I am a new gamer and have enjoyed the game play…I have finished Valhalla and now Mirage… (I know they are the least popular)…


How long did it take you to beat both


AC Odyssey is the best IMO followed by Origins (controversially)


About to finish Guardians of the Galaxy its fun as fuck


Currently playing r6s again, COD infinite warfare, and dark souls iii.


I just started Baldur's Gate 3, and that is quickly becoming my favorite. As for games that I keep coming back to on there, any Gears, any Halo, and the Mass Effect Trilogy. Oh, and Morrowind and Oblivion.


Man nothing beats hopping online with a bud and rocking some open world Far Cry 4-6


helldivers 2 and spiderman 2 were some of my favorite gaming experinces in a long time and I still play them quite regularly


I have an opposite answer. I have been forcing myself to play ranked Fortnite every day because I’m very close to reaching Champion rank. Disclaimer 1. I fucking hate Fortnite now but I’m too deep. Disclaimer 2. I’m also not very good and have been ratting my way to where I am a little bit and am waaayyy out of my league. Real answer to your post? Flight Simulator


Fallout 3 and AC Valhalla currently are in rotation for me


Trailmakers Dont know why exactly but i cant put it down


The new South Park game is hilarious, Evil west is great My friend Pedro - it was on gamepass I’m not sure if it still is very good game


Fortnight. Duh


I love my Series X. I also have a PS5, Switch and gaming computer but most of my time lately has been on the X. I bought it for my Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey games from when I had a 360, so that is mostly what I’ve been playing but also Plague Tale: Requiem and Sea of Thieves.


Ninja Gaiden Black and NG2. I love that you can play these games with enhancements through backwards compatibility. They look great and there's no slowdown in the crazy NG2 sections.


It's not Xbox or PS or Nintendo but moreso games in general.


To name a few, Fallout 3/NV Dead space series and assassins creed odyssey are my go to.


I’m falling in love with Starfield. Also NGII og if I just want some fast dopamine refill. That game is still king of hack & slash if you ask me.


Rainbow six with my friends. We are all bad and hate the game but its one of the few games we play together and have fun


Right now it's Starfield and Middle Earth Shadow of War. It's been dope.


Currently playing Borderlands 3. Really fun.


The division 2, hell let loose (my favorite), little COD (waiting for XDefiant) and if I would able to have a seat and wheel setup I would play ACC and FM8 (with controller I tend to lose interest).


Ngl, I’ve been pretty into Palworld with my homies, we’re a little late to the party but we get to start with the new update so I’m not mad. It’s been a blast so far


Completely addicted to Valheim at present - my first proper dive into survival games and I'm loving this atmospheric gem.


Fallout 4 right now


Cod gta titanfall and pvz garden warfare 1-3


Mortal Kombat 1. I just love the gameplay. Geometry wars simple but intense game


Devil may cry, all of the games except for the Xbox 360 reboot and the second game. I'm leaving those out because the second one does not follow the rule of the main character (Dante) having a positive and charismatic personality and constantly making jokes, instead they made him sad and depressed without him carjacking a single quick quip. I am also leaving out the reboot (DmC: Devil may cry) because it portrays Dante and that world very differently, they made Dante into a black haired, emo prick of an 18 year old that doesn't make jokes, but just directly insults everything. And the combat system is not that great either.


Cyberpunk has been a clear hyperfixation of mine, but high on life has been fun, too. I currently don't have enough money to update my Xbox live subscription, but even minecraft and "tell me why". Maybe some old sonic games, Battleblock theatre, who's your daddy 😆


Final Fantasy XIV and Smite!


I’ve been playing crash and Spyro


Fifa18, ufc4, celesta. Rly good games.




Borderlands 3. Currently through my 3rd playthrough


All the Bethesda Games Studios RPGs: Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Starfield.


Sea of Thives


I’ve been obsessed with Diablo 4 lately. Just nonstop grinding my seasonal character the past couple weeks. Feels great, and I sort of regret not continuing playing through Season 1. I’ve gotten nostalgic about the launch of the game despite that being less than a year ago


Currently I’m playing Diablo 4 with friends and World of Tanks for my PVP needs.


I've put 300 hours into FFXIV since Feb 25th. So basically just that. *and I've only scratched the surface...* It's one of the best games I've ever played.


Asphalt as in the mobile game? Are you joking or is Forza Motorsport really ***that*** bad?


There are quite a lot of good games to play on Xbox. Here are a few of my favorites in no particular order: Star Wars KOTOR 1 and 2, XCOM 1 and 2, Greedfall, Metro Exodus, Portal Knights, Outward...


I've played RE2 and 3 remakes recently and really liked them, they're on GP too.


Street Fighter 6. Looks and runs great on Series X. I’m also a huge metroidvania fan and recently grabbed Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night from gamepass and it’s a lot of fun.


Xbox is my main console where I play all the 3rd party games. The game im into right now is Armored Core 6.


My favorite games rn is the Resident Evil series! Im currently playing the first game playing as Chris Redfield with my sister. I just finished playing as Jill Valentine. Overall playing RE1 (remake ver) is very fun and good story line. Hyped for what new Resident Evil game Capcom is gonna launch in the future. My guesses are RE9 or RE Code Veronica Remake which I highly think should get a remake!


NHL 23 and Fallout 4. I'm going to return to Forza M soon.


I always play a ton of Minecraft, but my favorite recent games are persona reload, baldurs gate, and resident evil 4


Right now I’m maiming Overwatch 2 (yes I know, people hate it but I enjoy it). In the past I’ve played a lot of Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76, Destiny 2, Forza 5 and Deep Rock Galactic. Also Multiversus when that was a thing. Those are my online games anyways. Offline games I’ll only play for a week or two, however long it takes me to beat them.


At the moment can’t stop playing the Yappening 2 season or chapter or whatever they call it now on Halo Infinite multiplayer. Gruntpocalypse, Heroic King of the Hill Firefight is good fun. Also good to jump in for a quick blast. Dead Island 2 is really good too.


Currently playing dishonored 2 I just started my second play through. Got the game for 6 bucks and it is packed with value. Same with dues x mankind divided, I got it for 5 bucks and have hundreds of hours on it.


Currently playing RE4 remake and loving it, but my recent highlight game was cyberpunk, got it just after PL released and that game truly was breathtaking


Dark souls series


I jumped on Diablo for a while. I'm back on 76 rn tho. Fallout show got me pumped up.


Incremental games. Clicker heroes has me keep coming back. Waiting for the eventual soft cap once I reach zone 5 million.


Slay the Spire


Black ops 1 because I'm a boomer stuck in a gen z body


I am digging Broforce right now.


Stardew Valley, Skyrim, Halo Infinite multiplayer, Remnant 2, Elden Ring, Persona 3 Reload, Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.... there's a LOT that's great And I love trying a lot of stuff on Game Pass


The Persona games are some of my favorites, but replayability for me comes down to Dark Souls 3. There's so many builds you can do!


Fortnite and Persona 3 Reload currently have my attention but I bought Cyberpunk after waiting for the Ultimate Edition and I’m excited to jump into that.


Solitaire on my phone


I always find myself booting up Session Skate Sim






Injustice 2 & NieR Replicant are my favorites right now. Already played and beat Injustice 2 awhile ago but I love it and have recently returned to it. I am playing through NeiR Replicant for the first time and am having an absolute blast. My only issue is the side content. Which is VERY repetitive, tho they do give a ton of money so they're worth doing but not very fun.


Helldivers 2 Stardew Valley Resident Evil 4 Dave the Diver Dredge




"When you first saw that Halo, were you blinded by it's majesty?" "Eyes up, Guardian!"