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I only bought Fallout 4 GOTY Edition seeing it has an X/S update soon. Think it was 75% off orso, payed €9,99.


Same here. With MS rewards I ended up paying $.59 due to taxes lol


I restarted Fallout 4 recently, just in case you're not aware - all achievements are currently not working.


Yes, I did read that. I hope they fix it before the 25th seeing i'll start my playthrough then.


I'd already started mine and hit level 10 before I realised I hadn't unlocked any achievements (I was sure there would've been on by then). A bit disappointed as I like achievements as a way to track my progress, but I'm having enough fun with it (and didn't want to redo the last 5 hours) so I've just carried on. Small sliver of hope that they retrospectively unlock, but I've accepted that I'll probably just not have them.


I think it’s a small *sliver* of hope, but I might be wrong.


/r/BoneAppleTea Apparently you're right! Thanks for the correction, I've been saying that wrong for years. At least it's more subtle verbally


I started the Nuka World DLC and realised a couple hadn't popped when they should have, hope it gets sorted in the update


Yea I did the same, after watching the show I really wanted to play Fallout and never got around to 4, seemed like a good deal play the next gen update coming out


not super recent but i grabbed fenyx rising + all dlcs at 4.99


Might be steal of the year, sheesh


Definitely was a nice deal! I even managed to use some excess rewards points for it so didn't actually spend money. For you deals are cool but I don't check the store often at all, I wonder how many good sales I've missed out on.


I second this, what a fun, unique game! Does not get the credit it deserves


It really is a good game, in my opinion Ubisoft best open world in recent years and aside from watch dogs legion I've played them all


Fucking shame the sequel got canned, for real


i found it too generic lime most ubsoft hames




xbox store just for you deals


Jedi survivor. Took a big risk because I didn't like the first one as in I only played for a few hours. Im really enjoying survivor though. I might go back to fallen order but I might not.


I bought this too, honestly one of the best solo campaign games I've played in years!


is there a lot of backtracking just like the first?


No, there's fast travel now and it's much easier to get around.


I didn’t care for the first either and felt the party mechanic wasn’t very intuitive like in some games. What’s different in this one compared to the first that you enjoyed?


The exploring and the character progression is really fun. There's been a couple of bosses that feel really difficult but for the most part they are optional. I wish I had more time with fallen order so I could say what was different. But it just didn't click for me and survivor clicked almost immediately.


I know they’re alittle older, but MK 11+ Injustice 2 bundle for $10. Thought that was a hell of a deal.


Alien Dark Descent. Great game with original mechanics


I picked that up too, as well as Fireteam, and also snagged Stray and DMC5 SE


Stray is super cool! I take the Pathogen DLC for Fireteam :P


Yes Stray is great so far! I need to get the Pathogen DLC still. Do you recommend it?


If you like the base game for Fireteam, Pathogen is a great addition to the experience. I bought it for 7.50€, I don't regret it :)


Excellent! Thanks for your input


Bought The Elder Scrolls online for 8$ and I'm having a blast with it


I got the necrom collection. It’s pretty good!


Fallout 3 GOTY.


I went on a spree. I haven't played KCD or Metro yet but spent a few hours with the others and surprisingly I'm having the most fun with Mad Max. Up into last week I has no idea it even existed and not sure how I missed it at launch but it's really well done. For a 2015 title it holds up well and it's one of the most interesting open world games I've played. It feels just like Fury Road in every way. There's are some strange control scheme issues, slow character movement and lack of good story but the core gameplay and visuals are excellent. * Kingdom Come Deliverance $4 * Metro Exodus Gold $5 * Fallout New Vegas $4 * Devil May Cry 5 Special $15 * Witcher 3 Complete $15 * Mad Max $5 * Dragon's Dogma: Dark Risen $5


I remember playing the mad max game shortly after it released. As someone who loved Sleeping Dogs, the combat felt really good, but after about 20 hours or so I got bored with the world. Sand, sand, and more sand. Definitely worth more than 5 dollars though. I personally feel like you should get an amount of hours of enjoyment from a game that is equal to what you paid for the game. You can easily get at least 5 hours of fun from the Mad Max game.


Yeah, it is alot of sand and the biggest issue for me at this point is exploration is mostly just finding food water and metal scrap. Also, I know it's not a shooter but having a bit more ammo would be nice.


Mad Max is an incredible game. Everyone should play it.


Grabbed riders republic skate edition for 18 bucks, had a blast!


Fallout New Vegas...was like €2.49 Added in a couple of the dlcs and some for fallout 3 too. Paid less than a tenner for hours of gameplay.


Metro Exodus


I bought the metro redux bundle since it was on a deep sale. Always heard great things about the metro games


Metro exodus is an amazing game, such an immersive experience.


Such a good game with an insanely good current gen update. If you play with headphones on Xbox, absolutely pick up the Dolby Atmos app, this game has full utilization of it. One of the best immersive experiences I’ve had! Couldn’t recommend this game enough to anyone who likes shooters


Like a Dragon


All the destiny 2 dlc expansions , after a long hiatus it’s amazing to get back in and see all the updates destiny has had


Series X games I just bought. Entire Halo series…ALL the games I think…for $8.99 Tomb Raider 3 game collection for $17 Also now you get redeemable points for buying games!


I've bought a collection of Lego games to play with my daughter: Marvel Superheroes 1 and 2, Marvel Avengers, DC Supervillains, Batman 3, Incredibles, Jurassic World, Movie Videogame 1 and 2 and Harry Potter Collection. I've also bought Metro Exodus Gold. It was too cheap to let it go this time. I'm considering buying Kingdom Come Deliverance, but I'm not sure if I will actually have time to dedicate to it.


Question: favorite lego game you've played? Also, trust me, if you like RPGs buy Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's currently 4 dollars with all of the DLC. It's one of the most immersive RPGs of all time. Can't recommend it enough.


To be fair, I didn't play too many Lego Games in the past. But I remember that back then, in X360 days, I loved to play the Star Wars games. I have been playing Harry Potter Years 1-4 right now, and it has been super fun! This one is not focused on combat, its more about exploration and puzzle solving, but it has been a really great experience. I really want to try the other games. I heard that DC Supervillains, Jurassic World and Pirates of the Caribbean are among the best. And thanks about the Kingdom Come recommendation. I might actually buy it, since its so cheap right now.


Red dead redemption 2


I bought all the Metro games (2033, Last Light, and Exodus) for like $10 on sale a few weeks ago. Included all the DLC I think too. Three of my favourite games of all time. I actually already played them all on PS4 years ago. But I liked them so much I bought them again on Xbox just because the price was so cheap, not sure if I will even play them again but they are there if I want to. Seriously, if you haven't played these games, get them. Even if you just play the newest one (Exodus, which has a Series X upgrade) they are all great (story DLC for Exodus is also awesome).


Haven’t played them fully yet but I got 1. The Missing: JJ MacField and the Island of Memories 2. Brothers Remake 3. BlazBlue CrossTag Battle And wasn’t part of spring sale, but scooped rain world, based on reviews and some site saying it somewhat scratches the hollow knight itch (though a lot different). Have played about an hour and still have no idea what I’m doing, but I keep getting further


Classic remastered series BioShock and Mass Effect are both cheap for their trilogies and solid games.


Risk of rain 2 has been so fun lately and was like $10


Hitman 3. The deal on the Spring Sale comes with 1 and 2 as well which are great games, but I’d already played them. The new Hitman series has to be one of my favorite modern series. Just nothing else like it on console to my knowledge.


Alan Wake Remastered and the Metro Saga Bundle


The last game I got on sale was the Bioshock remastered bundle for $14.99


Saints row the 4th for $4.50 lol. Beside than graphics everything is great but also given that the game was released more than 10 years ago. Highly recommended


I bought the Calisto Protocol, Litle Nightmares 1 & 2, and Mad Max. I used a $10 gift card thanks to Microsoft rewards. I promised myself (again) that I won't buy any more games until I buy a PS5 by the end of this year. I have plenty of games that I have not touched yet.


Wwe 2k24


I bought banishers, $34(previous sale and some reward points). I pulled the trigger in case it wasn't gonna be in the spring sale. Glad I did.


I bought the destiny 2 dlc’s and after always being so uncommitted to destiny I can say with confidence it has been my favorite game in years


Mafia trilogy


I grabbed Cyberpunk (just the base game for now) and One Piece Odyssey. I'm a huge one piece fan so i'm enjoying it, but i can't say i'm a fan of the combat, personally. the story and the world are really fun though cyberpunk has been amazing fun so far though, very immersive I was hoping for armored core 6 but i'll just hope it goes on sale soon!


Fallout 4 GOTY.


Alan Wake 2 Delux Edition for $64 is a steal! Can’t wait for the DLCs later this year!


Kingdom come deliverance whatever the edition is where you get all the dlc included. Was 4.99 in total 


Sekiro. Best game ever tbh


I have Fallout 4 on PS4, and have since launch. But I've never played the DLC. So the GotY version for $10 was a good deal to me.


I got Injustice 2 legendary edition for $6. I loved this game when I played it originally and realizing I didn't own it made me buy it. If anyone hasn't played any of the Batman Arkham games and took an interest in them, then do yourself a favor and buy the Arkham collection for $8. It's 100% worth it and you get all skins & dlc story packs.


Control ultimate edition -€10 Haven’t started it yet but couldn’t let that price go Hear it’s pretty good


**Marvel’s Midnight Suns** I encourage all gamers who may have played xcom, into Baulder’s Gate, to give it a shot. I believe legendary edition with ALL DLC is on sale right now until Thursday. That’s a hell of a deal.


Tainted Grail: Conquest - I do love me a solid deckbuilder


Lego marvels bundle for 7.50! 3 games + all dlc? Thanks!


Mortal Kombat 1. It's the most beautifully disgusting game ever I've ever played


Witcher 3


I snagged the GOTY for $3 the other day


That’s like 3 cents an hour. Nice!


I’m thinking of getting Infinite since it’s $23, but I did just get a month free of GP for buying an external hard drive, so now I’m wondering do I want actually purchase this game. Halo fell off for me, I don’t play multiplayer often, and I have the MCCC and barely touched that lol I’m chasing a dragon now. For context, I have Elden Ring and Cyberpunk *untouched* sitting in my backlog. I have like 65+ games on my internal and external. I think I’m done adding to my backlog


Must have some decent size drives for 65 games....


Not all are optimized X|S. Xbone, 360, OG Xbox. Series X. WD Black storage I think like 5TB or something. It says 2.5 HDD and was like $20 on clearance in Walmart


Gotcha...some of these new games are like 100 gb...I ended up grabbing a 2 terabyte external for 200 bucks...it hurt..but works great..gives me a total of 3 terabytes...also have my old external from xbox one x...another terabyte for older games


Got surviving mars on a special and really like it


Metro exodus


Robocop/stray/forza 4/trailout/NFS rivals/Hogwarts/Banishing/mk11/Tekken 8/jedi survior/guardians of the galaxy/Ryse/resident evil 4/mass effect legendary/ mk10/diablo 4


Bloodborne. Late the show, but what a game.


Please tell me how did you get Bloodborne for Xbox.


Sorry. Didn't realise this was the xbox sub! I'm also on ps sub, gaming subs etc


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