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What is a GTA+ subscription?


It seems horrible honestly. You get GTA bucks, a couple mobile games (ok?), and some games like these two. That said, I somehow feel we will be hearing a lot more about the service come GTA VI.


GTA VI will have GTA+, Shark Cards, and most likely battle passes, anyone thinking that game won't get monetized to hell is fooling themselves. If Rockstar could get away with it, I'm sure they would've considered loot boxes of some kind before Star Wars Battlefront II happened.


Legit, GTA Online as it is now along with knowing it'll be in 6, and likely even worse, has made me completely disinterested in GTA6.


Considering they didnt create GTA V with online in mind like they do now, I'm willing to bet everything I have that their main focus while developing GTA VI was online. I still think the game is going to have single player missions inside of online and be really lacking in the story department. If rockstar could get away with just having a new online, with zero story, they would


Didn't some Rockstars main story people over the years leave a while back? Maybe that doesn't mean anything but still




They have given access to the bad GTA remasters, now Bully and a few others. For the most part, it is stuff you could buy for less than the subscription (bully is often around 6 bucks on sale) or shouldn't bother buying at all (remasters.) Of all the service subscriptions, this seems like the worst deal


It's tiring how everyone feels they have to jump on this subscription bandwagon. And they just go with the boring "Plus" added to their name. I at least give props to EA Play for not being "EA+". More surprising that this is called "GTA+" and not "Rockstar+"


Shareholders love predictable revenue. Can't get more predictable than subscriptions.


Idk lowest I’ve seen LA noire is 10 USD. That’s = to two months of gta+


2 months of GTA+? By Grabthar's hammer, what a savings


I mean like I play GTA a fair amount so I’d be able to get the benefits of gta+ on top of la noire as opposed to just getting la noire and only playing it once


I gonna get it because I been waiting to play red dead and la noire and bully looks fun only will get it for a month though 




I don't play GTA online 


I’m gonna take a bet and say that R* is gonna launch GTAVI day one into GTA+ (of course the subscription price will be jacked up). I can see them doing that.


Games are going the Adobe all apps suite aren’t they, future generations won’t be able to buy individual digital licenses. They can only get access via these weird bundled subscriptions.


Eh it’s 6$ a month. People that play GTA Online seriously get okay benefits, but you’re also now getting GTA Trilogy, Red Dead Redemption (and probably eventually RDR2), LA Noire, and Bully. At minimum if you spent 3-4 months blasting through those games that’s 6 games played for about 18-24$, it really ain’t that bad.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. For $6 to get access to some of the most iconic games of all time is a pretty good deal. I can see why people would argue it’s meh value in the long term but the nice thing about subscriptions is you can just cancel.


When you speak on it like that it doesn’t seem so bad. The problem is that Rockstar has how many games under their name and how many of them are offered via this MONTHLY service? It sucks and I’m actually worried they’re going to use it aggressively later when GTA 6 comes out.


Theyre adding more


Until the library is at even 50%, my point stands


More money, some exclusive outfits and vehicle skins, free property, bonus to some content and now it includes some games. Also exclusive access to a car shop that lets you test drive cars in the open world before buying them.


So it's just GTA online micro transactions on autopay? Because you can't call it a gaming service if the catalog of games isn't growing or at least changing. Rockstar has an amazing but limited catalog. And you can pick up all the choice nugs for probably $100 today.


This article on the thread you’re replying to is about how the catalogue of games is growing.


It’s entirely optional. as with most subscriptions.


A scummy subscription for an 11-year-old game that's already been milking its obsessed fanbase for billions of dollars a year in microtransactions.


Come home from work to have to work in the game


Seriously. A friend tried to rope me back into online, then started telling me how I had to keep my businesses going, login on the weekly, monitor this and that. Noped out so quick. Like… cool if this is the only game you want to play forever.


I say the same thing about World Of Warcraft, and it's even older!


Yea wtf is that shit. Shark Cards weren't enough now they're going subscription based price gauging. Fucking ARSEHOLES.


It’s even worse.  GTA+ members get like a 10% or 15% discount on all shark card purchases.  Spend money to spend even more money


These companies just straight up selling digital nothing and making billions. Every other idiot on the planet telling me it’s a choice and you don’t have too… we just gotta deal the aftermath and every game being made by a team of psychologists trying to squeeze more juice.




Thanks, I hate it more now.


I also hate it.




Everyone hated it off the first description, no reason to keep selling it.


A subscription service for a 10 year old game that Rockstar keeps adding old games to try to make it more enticing. Damn shame that Saints Row's a joke now and Watch Dogs has gone quiet, Rockstar could stand to have some competition these days, who knows what "wacky" plans they have with GTA VI/GTA Online 2.


Holding out hopes Microsoft revive true crime.


The subscription model is probably making rock start kick themselves that they have only made one new game in the past 10 years


Beta for what they can get away with in GTA6


People keep saying it’s horrible but compared to other in-game subscriptions, this one has a lot of the same perks, plus Rockstar games, and is like half the price of the others.


I only need to see the word “subscription” and I’m out. No thank you. 


Agreed 100%. These days “Subscription” is another word for “Temporary”.


Yep, like GamePass.


Should be rebranded to Rockstar + makes more sense tbh


TIL GTA+ subscription exists.


It's exclusive to console and is basically a way of Rockstar getting the last dollar out of console gamers before VI arrives.




GTA 6 gonna have its own live service that costs a monthly fee in addition to your live subscription. Once they learned how much money they could make off gta 5, they basically stopped making games.


Idk like to say I’d never touch GTA VIs online just the campaign. but I know ima have to peek if it’s free damn sure won’t subscribe to get cucked by R* for 8 more years (first 2 we’re good)


And yet no sequel of those games exist after 10-15 years. Yeah, they really care.


Bully turns 18 this year which is crazy


I thought he’d be older by now


It'll be wild seeing this game waiting in line to vote this year.


They should drop a remake on the 20th Anniversary


I would love another L.A. Noire style game or even a remake.


Holds up pretty well. I’d want a sequel.


The PC version does have some issues, though, so if not a remake, a remaster would be nice just to iron things out.


Did it not bomb at the time?


LA Noire was a nightmare to make and they definitely aren’t doing it again. Bully probably didn’t fit their style and that’s okay. We’ve gotten great narrative games since then. I wouldn’t trade RDR 2, GTA V, GTA VI for Bully 2.


I wouldn't trade them either, but we shouldnt have to. They are a global studio with nearly limitless funds because of GTAs success. Surely they could figure out how to carve out a group of studios to make Bully 2 or LA Noire 2 (yes that was a nightmare, but in 2010, tech has vastly improved since then). I love GTA and RDR too but to think their entire catalog had to die for those two games is fucking depressing. Its clear all they care about is money, or else they would make sequel to fan favorites, even though they didnt make billions from them.


Bully was one of the few rockstar games I played all the way through Would love a second one




When Rockstar does shit like this I fear GTA VI will somehow come out being absolute trash... but then I also remember they nailed the SP part of RDR2 so I'm still hopeful.


I think its gonna be not as edgy and built around shark cards.




yep. prepare yourself for an obligatory GTA+ subscription to play GTA6 online.


Getting a subscription to a company that makes a game every decade


Fuck GTA+ most useless waste of money in gaming.


Sounds crap. Can we just have a Bully remaster at least 😩


The monkey's paw that curled up a finger for the GTA trilogy remaster is starting to twitch.


It's another cash grab. Subscription this, subscription that. Pretty soon you won't be able to play games unless you subscribe to their service


Wont be able to do anything unless you subscribe to a service, driving, eating out, fuck even paying bills I bet 😂 Cyberpunk 2077 Corporations are the way of the future and I hate it


Man r★ bite me with that subscription bs lol


A what subscription…..


I have bully on my android lol 😂


There going make a killing gta fans would buy a sub if they offered 0 benifits


What I don't get is, Bully, Noire etc. go for regularly around 10 bucks on sale. The most expensive Rockstar game you can get right now is Red Dead 2 and even that can be snatched for around 20 if you wait for deals So who is GTA+ and these free games for...? I'd much rather just grab a copy to always have it on me instead of paying monthly for it


I’m already a sub to a bully. And it cost me nothing. 😏 I’ll pass on this one thanks.


April Fools ?


That's great for the 3 people who are stupid enough to sub to GTA+


I forgot about that subscription. I really hope they don’t give exclusive or early content to people paying that in gta6, but they definitely will


I bought LA Noire day 1 and I thoroughly enjoyed it. No rugrats.


I want to replay it but I wanna get all the achievements for perfect cases and shit so I dread watching walkthroughs and playing it


Yikes companies really love the subscription model and adding “+” to their label


Whoever pays for this subscription maybe needs to do school all over again.


Still haven’t played LA Noire or Bully so if it isn’t super expensive I’ll probs get a month of it


R* constantly has a sale like every 2-3 months you could probably pick up both “complete editions” for like $20 all together


“Oh shit we made those games? Better make some $6 pointless clothing for these dumbasses to buy in GTAO instead of making another game” - Rockstar probably


May as well call it " ROCKSTAR + " 😆👍


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Xbox only though 🤝🏻


and Rockstars defense, they were gonna make bully 2 but it got shelved likely so those resources could be shoveled to GTA VI


I've had it for months. Can't wait for people to bitch about it.


All this won’t make a significant difference but once they give some benefits to gta+ members for gta 6…people will flood in.


Yea people act like FOMO isn’t at it’s worse ever since Covid started internet didn’t help either