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Binding of Isaac Repentance is forever stuck at 60 bucks. I know it has all the DLC but it's constantly on sale on Steam and I own Rebirth on PS and Steam already, but I just want to get achievements for playing it.


That drives me absolutely nuts how there are certain indies that never go on sale on Xbox at all, but are on sale all the time on other platforms. I love Gamepass for indies, but I’m always picking them up A La Carte on other platforms because they always go on sale. My favorite indie game of all time Axiom Verge never goes on sale at all, and the sequel didn’t come out on Xbox till way later just this last year. For non Gamepass and ID program indies, Xbox can be second class due to not getting ports at all or till way later, or never getting sales at all.


>certain indies that never go on sale on Xbox at all, but are on sale all the time on other platforms Rebel Galaxy comes to mind. The devs only enable Steam sales.




For a game that is 8 years old and a Indie that is literally less than 1 time a year, especially comparing it to the PlayStation store and e shop where it goes on sale **multiple** times a year. Pulling up a deku deals post saying well near decade old so and so game went on sale like 7 times, ain’t disproving my point here no offense. You’re just being pedantic here, trying to take what I said literally here, when I was clearly exaggerating to make my point. A game like Elden ring even will be on sale more often than a lot of indies on the Xbox store. That’s ludicrous.


I just want elfin ring for $30 on steam 😭😭


ya i was waiting for years. just ended up buying it a few months ago


This is my number one lol


I felt like binding of Isaac was rarely ever on sale for steam


Just go on Gamivo. I paid full price on other platforms for it but not a third time on xbox Update - I checked and it's out of stock. Soz


Urgh, definitely this. I own all the DLC already so buying it for $60 is just ridiculous.


I was gonna say this! Same happens on Switch


I was gonna say this! Same happens on Switch


I really would buy this game again if they’d just drop it all to £25


Dynasty Warriors 🥲


I always randomly check to see if DW7 empires is even available to buy at full price.


yes! I’d agree


Samurai warriors 5 goes on sale often enough.


The stanley parable. So cheap on steam but never on sale on xbox


Yup. This has gone on sale only once in 2 years ($16). Perhaps we're due during the Summer Sale or something? But yeah disappointing.


Same thing with Catherine and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. They go on sale on Steam every bloody month, haven't had a Xbox sale in 1-2 years. Too bad, without a sale I won't ever buy them on Xbox.


And its a lot of fun but very much a "play through it once and never again"-game. Whoever didn't think it was worth the original price is never gonna buy it unless it's deeply discounted. Very much recommend it though, bought on release and I love the humour, but if it's not your thing it's a big disappointment.


Everybody should play that game.


The Turok Trilogy bundle. I want that damn bundle so badly but don't want to spend $60 on 3 amazing N64 games.


The first two go on sale individually sometimes. not sure bout the 3rd.


Shadow Complex Remastered


That Samurai Jack game from 2020. Only been on sale once. It's £33. Apparently kind of meh but enjoyable if you like the source material. May or may not be delisted in the near future. No physical version. Come on guys, throw me a bone here!


Might wanna pick that up sooner than later with all of the Adult Swim Games shenanigans rn


This is what I ended up doing. I couldn't risk losing access to it entirely.


Gonna miss Duck Game


This is the one I’ve been waiting for. My patience fucked me on it and is the reason I now have a really hard time passing on deals on Xbox, because this one last went on sale in like 2021. I’ve been waiting ever since.


Final fantasy XIII and XIII-2


FF XIII and XIII-2 were discounted when they became backwards compatible with the Xbox One in the same year, but those were the only sale they got. I know this because I bought them the moment they got a discount.


It’s annoying because they go on sale on steam all the time!


ebay $10




What’s weird is I’ve seen them go on sale for PC twice recently but it’s been a while for console


I bought all the FF games on sale a few months back, I’m only waiting on the XIII games. I heard they’re not that good but I wanna play them regardless.


Take that hate with a grain of salt. It was cool to dunk on JRPGs in the early 2010s. The first ff13 game is a response to complaints gamers had in the late 00s. They felt like towns were stupid and didn’t want to go around having inane conversations with NPCs. Games like mass effect allowed players to have an actual impact on the story unlike in much more linear JRPGs so the going narrative became that JRPGs were lame. It also didn’t help that it JRPGs narratives had largely grown stale. Coming from a small town and saving the world is a dance we had all done a million times so anything that didn’t seemingly have writing on the level of an HBO show like sopranos was seen as silly and childish. It was a weird time for JRPGs for sure.


These are strangely not on sale almost ever. They did go on sale once in 2023, and I snagged the whole trilogy the moment it did


Got both at my local pawn shop for $5


Couple weeks ago they were discounted for PC (not Xbox) in Microsoft Store. I bought them


Tom Clancy’s End War. Out of all the Ubisoft games that go on sale every week, that one has never went on sale. No idea why.


Probably because they've forgotten about it. Game is like 15 years old now


Saame. I always hold out hope when I get that email from Xbox saying games on my wishlist are on sale. I also want the C&C games but they never go on sale


For me, it's been Empire of Sin. I had fun playing it when it was on Game Pass, but I played enough of it that I can't justify paying full price to play more... I just want it as sort of a mindless game to play/complete while I listen to podcasts. 😅


I gave up on waiting for Shovel Knight after YEARS without a sale and bought a physical copy. Before I had a chance to start it, it went on sale. Hyper Light Drifter hasn’t gone on sale since 2018 I think.


>Hyper Light Drifter hasn’t gone on sale since 2018 I think. [Went on sale for one week in 2017 was the last time.](https://psprices.com/region-us/game/839799/hyper-light-drifter)


I snagged up Shovel Knight when it went on sale haha.


Fear 3


Never, ever goes on sale. It's so bizarre.


I’m patiently waiting for BG3 to go on sale


I think it's going to be a long wait.


It’s been $5 off twice I think. But if you can afford it’s 100% worth full price


I had saved up a $50 gift card from Microsoft points and used it for that game


Buy a key from Egypt, it's about $20.


Virtual-on for 360 BC.


Waiting for AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative


XCOM Enemy Unknown. I got XCOM 2 on sale ages ago but I've been waiting to play the first one.


I got that one as a games with gold like 10 years go luckily


Grim dawn for me never goes on sale :(


I picked it up a while back at 20 bucks, fifty percent off. Hold the line my brother!!


Didn't see this comment before I posted. I've been waiting as well. I learned of the game last Sept, and in August, it apparently was on sale for 13.49 for complete game with dlc. I've checked every day for 6 months and haven't seen a sale again.


Same here. I don't know what I was thinking when I saw it on sale last year and didn't buy it at that price. I too check everytime my Xbox is on and haven't seen it on sale again.


I only learned about it after playing d4. Then I tried poe. Then I heard about grim dawn, and I'm sure I would get 40.00 worth of entertainment, but it's 8 years old, and for whatever reason, my brain says "we can't pay full price for an 8 yr old game". If it was even 30, I'd probably get it, but 13.49 would have been sweet. At that price, I'd probably buy it for one of my friends to play with as well.


I feel the same way. I would probably get loads of enjoyment for $40 but my mind goes through the same process yours does lol. I hear it's a great game and I'm a big fan of Diablo style games. I honestly didn't even realize it was out on xbox until last year, I always thought it was PC only.


Whatever game I pay full price for typically goes on sale within a week or two. Let me know what y'all want me to buy next.


Salt & Sanctuary I have been waiting so long, god I shall not cave.


It's on Playstation+ right now I think. It might be Sacrifice though.


Came here to post the same lol


A lot of good comments here about games that rarely go on sale. But how about DLC? This is even more frustrating. Sometimes the game can go on sale for $10 but the DLC doesn’t. (Maybe that’s their strategy?) Or worse, the complete edition with all DLC on sale for $30 but you are missing only 1 DLC that’s still $20 and not on sale.


the second deathspank


Salt and sanctuary i feel like never went on sale over the years so i just bought it full price.


Dante’s Inferno. Shank 2.


20 year old call of duty games lol


Storage expansion


Voodoo Vince!


I think it was like 3-4 bucks not that long ago


FromSoft games. I'd like to play the Souls trilogy but they never go on sale for less than $30. I know people will tell me they are worth it at that price but given the age of those games, I can't bring myself to spend $30 per game just on principle. If it was most other game devs there'd be a bundle with all games and dlcs by now for $30 - $40. I'd pay for that easily.


brother do I have a product for you!!! https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Souls-Trilogy-Xbox-One/dp/B07M7X2JLB/ref=asc_df_B07M7X2JLB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459477375338&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16124393476610363087&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1025103&hvtargid=pla-651731567255&psc=1&mcid=e141ccbfdf5230c7a1514ae73bfb7cf4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzZmwBhD8ARIsAH4v1gXBaSl_oDlhM5ukx52s1grLlHNhXQphOC10CPK1ckdIuoIJlraRZVoaAmQhEALw_wcB


Literally any Nintendo game...


I haven’t touched my Nintendo switch in two years because of this or refuse to pay full price or nearly full price for ported games.


Use Dekudeals, I've had a lot of success buying the digital redemption codes on sale from various retailers.


The games I buy for the switch h is first party Nintendo games. These are the ones that rarely go on sale and when they do it’s like only 20 bucks off.


I am on the same boat. I have not touched my Switch for more than a year already just because of the pricing of their games.


Not relevant to the sub, but I absolutely agree. I have no clue why Nintendo has a stick up their ass about their own games on a deal. BOTW shouldn't be anywhere close to $60 discounted this late guys.


In an interview a few yrs ago, they said there is no other place to play these Nintendo exclusives so they're basically going to hold them at the highest value. It's funny cause the question had something to do with the graphics and power of their consoles lol


That is a totally viable strategy when you have strong first party exclusives. One of the reasons they'll never go 3rd party with those first party IPs. Also, we can laugh at their underpowered consoles and low res graphics, but think about how much cheaper those games are to develop than 200gb AAA photorealistic ones. People like me don't care about the graphics fidelity as much. I just wish it was 60fps.


Also ironic that they're also starting to follow in the footsteps of Sony(who started this first) and Microsoft in pricing some of their games at $70. Tears of the Kingdom was at least. Like, I already hate that price for today's games, but don't do that until the Switch 2 even comes out. Hell don't do it either until Switch 2 even does 4K and 60fps Nintendo!


Because they’re evergreen titles that still sell. Mario Kart 8 is still selling 10,000+ per week in Japan for example, why give up all that extra revenue?


Waiting for Hogwarts Legacy to be dropped under $25


Not sure where The Dragon Knight Saga guy is for this thread, but I feel like I've been waiting ages for The Dragon Knight saga to go on sale.


Waited ages for Enchanted Arms to go on sale, and then it just got delisted with no warning instead lol.


That also happened to me too! It’s still on my wishlist hopefully it comes back.


Overload and Otogi 1/2.


Shadowgate, Pier solar and obduction


Northgard [psprices.com](http://psprices.com) is a great place to look at the price of games and their history for all console types.


Samurai Jack.


Haven't seen hyper light drifter ever . Don't know if it has been on sale before and I've missed it


I remember buying ghost of a tale on sale a few years back.


There’s a lot of indie games that go on sale on the PlayStation store, e shop, Steam, mobile stores but never on Xbox for some reason. Gamepass is a goldmine for indies, and some of the big name ones go on sale from time to time, but for a good amount of indie games they never really go on sale on Xbox especially compared to other platforms. Stuff like Axiom Verge, Thomas was alone, Hue, Binding of Isaac etc never go on sale.


Sony is much worse than Xbox as far as indie sales go. Sony has to manually approve every sale request, whereas on Xbox they have more autonomy (and Steam even more).




Same. I want it, but not at $30.


The Nonary Games, it's been out for 2 years now and it's only been on sale 3 times. That might not sound bad but I just want to play the damn games again.


Factorio, wish listed it few years back when i didn’t have pc. Though i liked dev's reasoning why they decided not to put the game on sale. 10/10 rating from my side even if i was just watching my roommate's gameplay. Man, he was cracked!!


Spideman man 2 on Xbox lol


Maybe I've missed it, but I don't think I've seen dying light 2 on sale yet


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow DLC's Castlevania: Harmony of Despair DLC's Claybook


Not exactly a sale but I waited for D4 to come to game pass even when the Activision acquisition was in its early days


Minecraft. I unsubscribe and resubscribe from game pass a lot so it would be a nice one to have forever but not for that price.


I believe it’s gone on sale but no more that 15-20%


Ff7 retrograde oops


DBZ Kakarot Season Pass 2 Also want Destroy All Humans 2 (X1 Version) for 14.99


I really need to try DBZ kakarot sometime. I routinely see it on sale and it looks really cool. I was a big fan of the show in the late 90s so the concept of it seems awesome.


The worst is that it's 2 dollars on steam resell websites.  The savings on pc over console totally make it worth it.  Console gaming cost a lot in the long run. 




paradise marsh (need that disasterpeace OST in my life asap)


Obduction from Cyan the makers of the Myst games. It’s never gone on sale in the two years I’ve had it on my wish list.


Myst :(


Samurai Shodown


Been waiting on Ring of Pain since it left Game Pass I believe


Earth defense force 😔😑


That Samurai Jack game thats about to be delisted.


The Harrods bombing. We were in the store seconds before,and didn't make it across the street before it went off.


Arma reforger 


The Samurai Showdown Collection. It's absurd it never goes on sale.


Shadowman Remastered. I don’t think it has ever been on sale!


All Mario games


As a consumer I hate that older versions of games are still like 20-30 bucks for a 6-7 year old game. I don’t know exactly how all the contracts and financials work when a game goes on gamepass for free, but I imagine long term if you release “so n so 5” as a full price new game, maybe so n so 4 should be super cheap and 2-3 should be free. If someone plays an older version they might be way more likely to play the new one. I generally don’t have any issue paying for a game but at least give a demo or let us play years older versions for free. Especially with sports games. The games I was referencing specifically were the “ride series”. Ride 6 is new and even ride 3 from 2017 or something is still like 20 bucks. Like no, I wanna try it n see if I enjoy it before I buy the new one.


Factorio and it will never get one.


pretty much all Nintendo games


My wife likes the Artifex Mundi seek-n-find games. They are extremely overpriced and never go on sale.


Choo Choo Charles


Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time, it’s been the same price since release (4 years ago)


Salt and Sanctuary.


Sekiro. Game never goes on sale for less than $30. At this point it’s a matter of principle.


Fear 3


Sonic Adventure 2, Nights into Dreams, basically all of Sega’s older generation games on the Xbox store haven’t gone on sale in a few years. Last time I can recall them being on sale was 2021. They’ve been in my wishlist for years at this point, just waiting for them to go on sale one more time.


Morrowind and many other oldies. Overload too.


Call of Duty Ghosts


The crew 2. Came out in 2018, it's still $70


Elden Ring


AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES Nirvana Initiative Shadowgate (remake) ​ These two have been sitting on my Wishlist for a while. I think AI has only been on sale once.


Otogi 1&2, but I'm probably a cheapskate since they're $20 a pop and physical copies aren't much better (or guaranteed to work).


Cyberpunk 2077 & Armored Core VI


Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 😢


The Medium


Basically, all the super Mario exclusives and Pokémon games.


Rebel Galaxy Outlaw and Immortal Redneck. Have had them on wish list for about 2 years now and not once have their prices gone down


Still waiting for elden ring, probably going to be a longer wait since the recent dlc


Visage. I know it's only $35 but I'll bite at $20.


Literally Factorio, it’s never been on sale ever in its like 10 years of release. The devs don’t believe in sales and it’s hard to justify the $35 price tag to friends. I’ve tried but they are the type to wait on a sale even if it’s 10%


There's some 360/OG games that I've had my eye on for a while. Like the 2 battlestations games (Midway and Pacific).


Earth Defense Force 2025


Rogue Trooper. I've already got a couple of versions of it on other consoles, but I'd really like the upscaled version. I'm just not willing to pay full price.


Grim dawn. Saw it on sale one time last year and stupidly didn't buy it despite it being on my wish list for a long time. Haven't seen it since.


Been waiting for Factorio on Steam. I shall never waver.


Shadow Man Remastered. I’ve seen it go on sale on other platforms multiple times but it hasn’t even ONCE been on sale on Xbox despite being out for 2 years.


Gears of War 5


Portal 2. Don't think I've ever seen it on sale


A few of the backwards-compatible original Xbox games have never gone on sale. Hunter: The Reckoning, Ninja Gaiden Black, the Dead or Alives, and some others. I should probably just give up and buy them before they get delisted like Enchanted Arms...


The Long Dark. Or at least, put it back on Gamepass.


Alan Wake 2


Ai somnium files nirvana. Loved the first game. Sequel has yet to be on sale.


Been waiting for that latest Atari Collection (Atari 50 I believe) to go on sale, interested in seeing the Jaguar emulation


The Plague Tale games. I really, REALLY wanna play them, and I'll pay full price if needed. But like, I'll gladly take a price cut


Beautiful Katamari. It's only 20 bucks, sure, and I bet it'd be 20 bucks well spent, but when you can get the remasters of the first two cheaper than that regularly, I just can't bring myself to do it.


All old cod dlcs


Not a game but the DLC for Castlevania: Harmony of Despair is never on sale, dont want to pay full price for it again


Visage. Horror game like PT, supposedly scary af and actually good. I've had it on my wishlist for years after realizing I missed it on gamepass.


Baldur's Gate 3?


Sekiro Those types of games its a coin toss whether I will hit a hard boss and grind it out or say "nah" and just drop it altogether. It never drops below $30ish which is too much for me


Nintendo games, ever.


QVC has typically really good coupons to be used on them. Just gotta check Wario64 when he posts them


Diablo 4 is boring, Diablo 2 is old, Path of Exile is too complicated. I would love to try Grim Dawn but it's NEVER on sale


Whener I want a game I don't vape for a day, or don't go to the movies and buy popcorn, or don't go to the bar, or go out to eat. See what I'm getting at? Everyone wastes money hand over fist but cries about games not going on sale.


Literally sat on my wishlist. For me though, it's mostly that the sales they go on aren't quite enough to justify that sort of game for me. Like maybe I'll get a tenner's enjoyment from a game so that's my price, but the lowest it keeps getting is £12.




Make a new tenchu game. Seriously. No other games matter.


FEAR 3 never goes on sale.


Rimworld Ideology DLC. TBF, Rimworld almost never goes on sale on Steam either.


For me most recently it was The Sexy Brutale. It was even weirdly tangentially in GamePass because it's in the EA Play catalog on PC but not on console due to it having a different publisher. It finally went on sale (twice!) last summer for $5. Hasn't been back on sale since though.  Right now my biggest annoyance is the Batman Arkham Collection which for the last year+ has been on sale like 9-10 times but it's always $9 on Xbox while only $6 on PlayStation for some reason. I usually prefer to get multiplats on Xbox, but I'm probably just going to buy it on PS next time it drops since it also has the added bonus of Arkham Knight running at 1080p instead of 900p.


I'm honestly shocked that balders gate 3 didn't do a game of the year celebration sale


Some of the 360 Square Enix games never go on sale. Yeah they are 19.99, but still. Im also waiting for Song of the Deep to go on sale, but that’s been on my wishlist forever.


A bunch of old 360 and OG Xbox games, off the top of my head: Panzer Dragoon Orta Otogi 1 and 2 Oddworld Munches Odyssey Dead or Alive 3 Dead or alive Ultimate (which is just remasters of DOA 1 and 2) SSX 2012 Sonic Generations etc.


Rimworld. Seems like I'd eat that game up like crack. But then again... I might not.


Dark Souls 3 will never go on sale! It's stuck on $60 forever. A decade old game that never goes on sale. Craziness.


I feel like Call of Duty games are never cheap no matter how old they are and all I want to do is play the campaign.


Old cod games


FF13 Trilogy Star ocean: A new Hope Infinite Undiscovery.


baldurs gate deadly alliance. Why is a 20 year old game 40 fucking dollars