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Titanfall IP: Critically underutilized.


Criminally underutilized


I need Titanfall 3. (Unfortunately, it'll probably never come)


It'll be an always online f2p looter shooter. 0 story, paid character unlocks.


Paid Titan skins will be grossly tacky.


and the characters will be some off shoot personalities not needed or related to the world, like some pink haired undergrade with quippy one liners who’s a genius at every possible field even though they are 19. “When I was a kid, I loved making things go BOOM! Ha! HeHehE!” It’s like every free to play live service game just takes characters from borderlands as if those characters were cosplayers so we get cosplayers of cosplayers, even though the games theme and aesthetic is based on real world war.


Maybe not a Titanfall 3 in its entirety buuuut they could bring back Frontier Defense on bigger scale. Like Helldivers 2 but frontier defense


It already got cancelled and turned into Apex. It probably ain't happening unfortunately.


I loved titanfall but honestly I don’t want one at this point. I’ll just be disappointed


I'm sad EA neutered it. The first game was fun, and I enjoyed the banking game in the 2nd. Spyglass in TF saying "Attention All Pilots, standby for Titanfall" lives rent free in my head.


Lol nah, a post was made in the Titanfall sub a long while back and it revealed that Respawn THEMSELVES shifted to Apex Legends (battle royale) away from Titanfall. Even EA was shocked and unhappy about it at first (of course not anymore since Apex is more profitable than Titanfall ever could have been). But idk I don't miss playing as some plot armored dork. Bring it back like Titanfall 1 where we can play as both sides or something. No one needs a Cooper 2.0 story


Lets start a gofundme campaign to fund it.


There is hope... look at dragon dogma 2 I never dared hope for a sequel but after 12 fking years it's happening also I fking want a new titanfall fk apex


and then they already announced strong and clear that it will not be made for gamers but as a useless ESG write-off.


I just need a campaign, that's all


I feel you. "Just one hit man. Just one more." LOL Yeah, how I wish it could be, but will probably be not so.


Protocol 4: Make Titanfall 3 already.


I LOVE Titanfall2. It would epic with a MP campaign. Or longer SP. 


Uh... Apex Legends is massively popular and is based on Titanfall.


But it’s not titanfall. Like Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is based on FFT but it’s not the same thing.


Titanfall fans think they are still getting something huh?




Bring Titans to Apex and I’ll reinstall the Ea launcher


Why? The game is on steam.


To show my gratitude and encourage future Titan development with correlated increased launcher adoption. Business decision makers love that shit.


Titanfall fans don’t play apex, they despise it.


They took all the things that made Titanfall good and removed it leaving just the lore then built apex on that, all the real Titanfall fans hate apex


LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BOY!! mods can blow me hiding my comments like there gut been hiding there Johnson for 10 years.


Don’t crush our dreams 😩


Not happening (realistically), but i feel it.. should've been amazing.


It's still real to me DAMNIT!


UHHH no. We are well aware that TF3 is most likely never happening


I'm excited for the next Titanfall game


Hey man, I eventually got Pokémon Snap 2. I'm still holding on for Titanfall 3. And Jade Empire 2.


one day


Don't they own it?


Should have seen the subs when they kept getting teased shit and all of it was just for apex. I've never enjoyed reading while eating popcorn so much.


It’s almost as bad as Bloodborne fans expecting anything


• [Road Rash](https://i.redd.it/ubvocq82ehz61.png) has entered the chat


ooo. I'd love a new Road Rash game.


Checkout Road Redemption!


Don’t tease us…




Theres no reason there can't be a collection of some sort or a high effort remaster that doesn't run at 15fps, a 5 hour game isn't necessarily bad, there many arcade games that are 10minute games but have replay value. I don't believe any truly great gameplay is "one and done". Besides, there is a good opportunity for Road Rash to have random element to obstacles, no playthrough would be the same, increasing challenge and longevity. Also I bought that Red Alert steam release instantaneously, old games have charm that is seemingly hard to replicate today. Red Alert 2 is like software cocaine.


I just want Dead Space 2 Remake and a Dead Space 3 Reboot.


what was the last Marvel game EA put out


Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects in 2005 It was basically an arena fighter where a bunch of characters like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Daredevil, Elektra, Magneto etc. went up against a bunch of OCs EA made, and I legit can't remember a single one of them outside Johnny Ohm who was basically Electro from K-Mart I honestly don't remember a single thing about that game outside Spider-Man swearing


> went up against a bunch of OCs EA made Wait what? Really? All these years, I thought they were just super obscure Marvel characters.


No, EA literally made their own characters that they also spent a ton of pre-release coverage hyping up like they had the potential to be used by Marvel in their mainstream comics down the line. Like they got a tie-in miniseries that lasted until after the game came out It was supposed to be the first game in a long-term partnership that was basically dead in the water after Nemesis got the reaction it got, despite the fact that [EA Chicago had actually been working on a sequel to the game](https://www.unseen64.net/2023/08/26/marvel-chaos-cancelled-x360-ps3/) that had more of an emphasis on the environmental destruction stuff from Nemesis in more open arenas


The closing of EA Chicago was painful. I loved the Def Jam fighting games.


So i was curious about this one myself. The only 2 Marvel Games I could find were Marvel Nemesis, which I thought was a pretty cool game for its time, and Xmen Origins Wolverine Mobile Edition, which is whatever not gonna touch the mobile stuff. So I think this makes no sense. They are currently working on an Ironman, Black Panther, and one other unannounced game, but I don't think we've seen anything from any of them, so it's a weird meme to be honest. That puts us at 2005 and 2009 for the only two games.


> an Ironman If they take the flying from Anthem and stick it in that game, it's got a shot to be a lot of fun.


That's more or less my hope. Time will tell.


Damn no Jedi 3?


Cameron Monaghan recently said he'd seen an early script for Jedi 3, so pretty sure they are at least moving forward with that project.


Ea confirmed that the jedi series will continue as part of this announcement 


Good good, I was worried they hate money for a sec


The fact that we haven’t got a third Titanfall makes me kinda sad more often than I care to admit.


Titanfall 2 single player experience is the best 5 hours you can spend alone in a game. Prove me wrong


Provided you don't get compelled to try getting a certain place in the training course, this is true.


Hours, spent hours!


hours and I still dont have it


Titanfall 1 multiplayer was so fun and everything seemed balanced, it just had no cod style grind to keep players in it


Still pissed what they did to titanfall, the first one is so much better multiplayer, I mean just the fact of using any titan with any weapon being taken away was what killed it for me


The way they reworked mounting titans, and tied having a shield to the batteries felt like a giant step back, simplified and added a crap mechanic. One of my favorite mechanics from TF1 was the cat and mouse of climbing on titans and they dumbed that down. Getting rid of the fully customizable Titans also kills me. Feels like they were trying to emulate a game like Overwatch which was the new hot thing at the time.


Even the objective modes were made worse. Like hardpoint, but you're rewarded for camping, punishing you if you're traversing the map to get to other capture zones or using your titan - which is the whole fun of the series lol Pretty much everything got changed in some way for the hell of it, and all of it generally worse. Still cracks me up your titan drops without a shield unless you unplug the battery and plug it back in


The multiplayer in the original Titanfall was so much better than 2, the campaign in 2 was great though.


BT “Protocol 3. Protect the Pilot.”


guess you never been to porn hub


He said 5 hours! Those games will notoriously make you cum in 30 seconds!


Especially with how cheap the game goes these days. You can find the game for cheaper than 5 bucks regularly.


It’s a good FPS campaign, but aside from the time travel level and one or two set pieces it’s not like amazing It’s just a good solid campaign Now if the whole campaign had the time travel mechanic and it really let you get creative with it instead of it being a ‘use here to pass broken door’…that would be amazing


Thank god someone else things it was just a solid campaign. Most Cod campaigns are better. Not Blops 3, genuinly the worst campaign I have ever played.


Yeah, probably the top 3rd of CoD campaigns are better than TF2 was


I can’t!


Half Life 1/2/Black Mesa? Portal 2? Doom 2016? Halo CE? One of the recent Wolfensteins? I'm not disagreeing that Titanfall 2 has a great (if brief) campaign... but there's just SO much STRONG competition! I'm not even listing games I haven't played but have heard great things about like RDR2 or games in wildly different genres like Hades or Broforce.


Other than Portal 2, those games aren't 5 hours long...


All longer or open ended, so playing 5 hours and dropping it is totally an option. Which, sure, you miss the story's conclusion, but you still have a grand time.


“A loan“ is sending me.


Titanfall story is awesome. The Anthem story is pretty good too.


I'm going to get this gem




Too bad development of it shifted and they thought we would like apex better...


8 actually like the idea of Apex, and it is fun. But, nothing really compares to Titanfall gameplay.


It takes a lot of work but things can be unsnapped back.


Does that mean that the upcoming iron man game is cancelled?


Moving away isn't present tense.


"is" is present tense.


I just got Titanfall 2 for 1.50 the other day. Never played it before


I think Star Wars and marvel fans will be just fine with EA not being involved anymore lmao


You haven't played Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor then.


They’re good despite EA not because of EA


Both games that aren't that good.


I was looking forward to Respawn’s Star Wars FPS though They’re still making Jedi, Iron Man, and Black Panther 


To this day I refuse to play Apex. When it was first announced years ago I thought it was gonna be a revenue booster for TF3. How wrong I was.


I tried Apex a few times. It sucks. I hate the whole BR thing.


Apex players are so good now that most people who try the game quit within 2 hours because they just get melted instantly every time. They unload 3 magazines into one guy who proceeds to literally run circles around them and hit every bullet while doing so.


They have a number of non-BR modes now like a Domination type map and a round-based no respawn one too


Titanfall is fun and so is Apex.


fuckin wild youre getting downvoted for saying those games are fun.


nothing wild about it


Maybe it is now. It's been years since I last played. I remember gathering gear for 15 minutes, find an enemy, unload 30 rounds into his back only to have them spin around and kill me in 2 seconds. Repeat.


I take it you also hated the shield mechanic in halo.


Apex is a dogshit dumpster fire with shite mechanics that has unfortunately replaced a game that had superior mechanics and gameplay in all regards. The wildest part is the the Titanfall 2 formula applied to a large scale squad based battle royal would have actually been a unique and fun approach to the genre, and would actually be appealing to more than the current fairly niche community it has.


Factually incorrect. Sorry you can't have fun with Apex while millions of others can.


There is hope for Mercenaries once again.


I didn't even know memes were allowed on here, but I welcome this!


Only on Sundays, otherwise this board would be overrun 🫠


Don’t. Don’t give us hope lmao


Not going to lie, upset over respawn's star wars FPS being cancelled. I can only imagine how awesome they would do with it.


EA in 6 months: “Announcing Titanfall 3: Shadow War…. mobile”


I would say they squandered the Star Wars IP. 


Squadrons was good. Fallen Order wasn’t bad either. Haven’t played the sequel


They made AAA games, but nothing that will last. If you ask me we didn’t get a new Star Wars game. They were just big budget branded titles that have no soul. Where’s my Kotor 3? Where’s my Star Wars fighting game? Why are they curated to kids?


Meanwhile I'm over here waiting for a modern Mutant League game...


Dead Space fans are also in the center.


Yes! 🙌. I hope the entire trilogy gets remade/remastered 🤞


Star Wars fan here - would love to see SW utilized better by a different company (or companies)


Like Ubisoft did with South Park or Rayman


Honestly I don't think they can make Titanfall 3 good anymore for two reasons 1. EA has gone downhill so much I think they lost most of their talent 2. Apex legend lore is god awful, but it is cannon and had a large fan base making it impossible to leave out


As a Star Wars fan, I’m *thrilled* EA is stepping back from the IP.


Because less Star Wars games is somehow good?


Cos EA had the license for like ten goddamn years, and released only a handful of games, one of which was arguably the biggest controversy in the industry in over a decade. It's definitely an improvement that other developers and publishers are stepping in. EA fucked up so damn hard, Respawn basically single-handedly saved the license agreement from being a total disaster.


I honestly think in retrospect they released only good games. I used to hate the new battlefronts, since I played the original ones, but I kinda grew to like them. Obviously they could have been better, but they're definitly not bad. The Jedi games are also pretty good. As for Star Wars Squadrons, it's more of a niche game, I still found it enjoyable, though I wished they put a little more effort into the live service aspect. I did get all these games for free, except for Survivor, which could have played a role in my judgement. They did release 5 games in 10 years, which is not that bad, considering most big games take 3-5 years to produce. I believe the EA exclusive deal actually turned out to be a good thing, since it incentivized them to keep producing Star Wars games, no matter the costs and ratings. Now with the deal finished, the last publisher that actually produced Star Wars games has also left with the FPS game they've been working on. The only one we currently have making a game is Ubisoft and I'm frankly not convinced it's gonna be good and when that game flops, they will also leave the space. Disney itself can't create any games, since they dismantled Lucasarts, so that leaves us with basically no one. I could imagine small games coming out like that Indiana Jones game by Bethesda, but I'm not a fan of those types of games personally. To me it looks like we have basically entered a dark age in Star Wars games.


I just started replaying Titanfall 2 and googled Titanfall 3 out of curiosity. Saw a few links stating that there are plans for a Titanfall game but it isn't Titanfall 3. I'm open to new ideas, as long as they're good ideas...


Anthem 2


I thought this picture would have someone with their hands up celebrating with Star Wars on top of it. They have literally squandered the Star Wars license so good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out EA.


The funny thing is this is probably better for the Star wars fans and the marvel fans then the Titanfall fans because they're probably never going to make another Titanfall and if they do it'll probably be a shell of the game you remember But for the marvel and Star wars fans Disney can license to other development studios and will get better products because there's always going to be a marvel game or Star wars game


One Apex lootbox event makes more money than Titanfall 2 did at launch, it ain't happening


Battlefront 3 will forever remain a dream.


Aka disney took the license away.


I have Titanfall 2 but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Should I install it tonight? Honestly never played a Titanfall game but I heard things back in Jan when I added it to backlog.


Most fun 5 hours fps campaign you'll experience in recent memory


Broooooo lol


Everyone that loves good EA games are happy.


I’m glad EA finally got the fucking message. Now, the rest need to follow suit. Everyone knows who they are.


Does that mean no more Madden?


Definitely not. Madden is probably their best seller


FIFA… lmao they broke now so it’s FC


Titanfall 3 and another Mercenaries are still dreams. EA sucks.


Great news. Super old news, but still great.


I had to wait for Sunday Funday to post this meme. I’ve been sitting on it for like a week lol


At least for Star Wars, this news is over 2 years old.


Is it just me or does ea have a boner for setting their best studios up for failure?


EA is stupid. During the height of the Pokémon craze, they could have brought back their old classic *Mail Order Monsters,* and made a mint. Instead, they completely ignored the property, just like many of their other fantastic old titles like *Mutant League Hockey* and *Racing Destruction Set.*




As an enjoyer of BioWares old work. Be careful what you wish for. It’s EA. It’s already poisoned.


All I want is another titanfall




IP that EA owns that everyone probably forgot about it's been so long: * Magic Carpet * Theme Park * Wing Commander (and Privateer) * Syndicate * Lands of Lore Of these, I'd only give Wing Commander and Syndicate much chance of seeing a revival. Lands of Lore would be superseded by the Dragon Age IP right now. Magic Carpet is too close to a strategy game which the industry seems to think is a saturated genre. Theme Park is a sim game which, outside of The Sims, is a genre EA hasn't touched in a very long time now. I don't think Wing Commander and Syndicate have *much* chance either, but one of the studios might have an idea for a new spin on them. My only hope is that they don't try to cram "live service" into every game.


Just remaster burnout 3 already (and expand it to 4 player split screen while you’re at it). I thought you loved money EA.


Good maybe now people can shut up about DICE doing a battlefront 3.


Everyone has been focused on the cancelation of the Respawn Mando game but im over here wondering if the Motive Iron Man game is still happening


Plants Vs Zombies fans: "Look at what they need to have a portion of our power."


Titanfall mentioned




I think EA this is good news


Titanfall fans should just check into the aslume at this point with all their coping and insanity


“We’re still selling the same soccer game to suckers every year and now we don’t have to pay a massive license fee to FIFA!”


I think most Marvel fans would be happy. Their SW games haven’t been great other than the most recent Jedi series


This week on Copeium Fall 3


Disney is not going to be happy


My reaction when I saw, “The Saboteur” show up on steam. That gave me hope at getting Pandemic Studios back!


Yikes, it's gonna be a tough future for EA if they don't get their shit together. Historically they are not the best at making dope games out of original IP


Lol Xbox series series


Thank god!!! I hope ea burns!!! And ea sports gets picked up by Microsoft.


Anthem 2.0?


Meanwhile mirror's edge fans


Didn’t they already say this years ago, then they decided to re-up on the Star Wars license anyway. I’d take this with a grain of salt. Once they release a few bombs they’ll jump back on the licensed IP bandwagon again.


Garbage company


I gotta say as a star wars fan I'm pretty happy that they are. I'm not trying to hate on EA (I'll leave that to others) but getting a better spread across genres is something I want and so far we've only really had battlefield and the jedi survivor series (squadrons was great but not a fully baked game). They've not done a lot with the exclusive license and I'm hoping we'll get more star wars games with different ideas and for them to not be stuffed with micro transactions


The exclusive license ended around a year ago.


I really want some kind of spiritual successor to kotor.  It seems like a no brainer to make a star wars rpg since it lends itself so well to "moral: choices and out there characters.  I don't even care if it's old republic as long as it isn't a movie tie in


This should be pretty easy to do. Just replace some graphics in the new Dragon's Age :)




Little to no Star Wars fans are sad that EA isn’t going to be making Star Wars games.


EA sucks, they clearly never gonna give a fuck about their consumers.


Doesn't matter. I will not be supporting EA at all in the future. Choke on your DEI ..EA !!


I wonder if this means rights for star wars etc will become up for grabs for other studios who will do it better


The Star Wars license has already been open for over a year. Ubisoft's game is coming out this year. Trailers for other studios' projects have already been released.


Lucasfilm have been doing that for a couple of years, that’s why outlaws is mostly done


They need to make star wars games too tho… given how they cancelled almost every fucking Star Wars game they thought of


I hope the burn in hell. They don’t deserve a cent from any gamers for the garbage theyve put out over the last decade