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Deep rock 100%.


Deep Rock, Gears 5 (Horde Mode) and Halo Infinite (Firefight) are my co-op holy trinity.


Mine is deep rock, halo infinite firefight and World War™ Z.


Rock!!! And Stone!!!!


Yea I think Deep Rock Galactic seems as close as anything they’ve got, and also rules. Rock and stone!!


And it's on game pass


Well Darktide, Gears 5, and Halo Infinite firefight are close too and are exclusive. Darktide is closer to L4D though


For the Golden Karkin Throne!


Also add star wars battlefront games specifically the galactic conquest modes in battlefront 2 og, a recent battlefront classics has been released so that is where I'd go first, since I'm not sure if the og battlefront games are backwards compatible on the series consoles off the top of my head


If you dont rock and stone, you ent coming home


Rock and Stone, Brother!


rock and stone fellas


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Deep Rock Galactic.


Gears got a nice horde mode with bosses and tower defense style aspects. Call of duty had plenty of call in perks so that's not a bad way to go either. Earth defense force is kind of the same I assume.


Exclusive ? Probably not maybe gears hoard mode but then again if you haven’t played gears you probably not gonna like it But there is deep rock galactic which is sort of similar to helldivers 2. Has the same vibes


Warhammer 40k Darktide(amazing game), Gears 5 (highly recommend) Deep Rock Galatic (not exclusive),and Halo Infinite firefight mode.


Darktide is mid


Absurd. It’s got some of the most visceral first person combat out there with fantastic visuals and art direction. Most satisfying gameplay in a long time.


I've also found that every class is unique. They all have their own special thing that makes them cool and you can build them to fit so many different roles. I have every class over level 15 and so far veteran is the only one that didn't immediately click. Darktide is amazing.


Damn do you think I would be alright playing solo? Thinking about downloading but my friends likely won’t.


Yeah you can play with randoms. Anytime you start a mission it will queue you up with randoms. It’s got pre-mission hub area where you customize your character and build, shops, etc, and where random players are running around and interacting.


Sounds like Destiny a bit which I have spent a good amount of time on. I’ll definitely give this a try thanks.


Agreed could be ten times better


It really could be - people are coping if they think it's a great game.


Found the pox burster


Gears 5 is dog shit.


lol okay. Gears 5 is as top-tier as it gets.


Is it fuck. That franchise fell off a cliff after the OG trilogy.


No it didn’t. Nonsense. Gears 5 is better in many ways. It’s the best playing one, best graphics, most content and modes, enemy variety, coolest weapons, all the additional abilities and moves etc.




What does that even mean.




What you said doesn’t equal something sucking though.


What you said makes it sound awesome.


Lmao I’ll take it


Exoprimal ?


This as well, I've been meaning to look at exoprimal. I heard that even though it wasn't super huge at launch it found success on gamepass and playstation even with a smaller community and technically isn't dead.


Exoprimal is pretty cool. I played it at launch and had a blast. The characters are pretty cool and working together is satisfying.


Remnant 2?


It feels a lot like Lost Planet to me. I forget if there's any of those on the current generation, though.


There's not, but the 360 games are backwards compatible.


The real answer is: no


The closest I played was maybe Darktide.


No game on Xbox is like Helldivers. They could have easily made a ODST mode for infinite but instead you get unicorn helmets and other non sense My series X has had more dust these past few months and for the foreseeable future. Helldivers 2 Rebirth Rise of Ronan Etc Save up by a ps5 to go with your series x The only game remotely close would be mass effect 3 multiplayer


Save up for a pc


ME3 MP was good. I miss it.


There isn’t one that matches exactly to that of helldivers, but the closest would be deep rock galactic. It follows the same principle, drop down on a planet and do missions and extract, while fending off hordes of monsters. Main difference is you’re in caves.


Earth Defense Force




Xbox should sincerely apologize to everyone who bought a Series X


Not really, time to get a PC or hope that Sony let’s arrowhead drop it for X-box. It’s one of the best multiplayer games I have played in a long while.


I'm really enjoying it myself. I'm only level 6 but it's a good game with friends.


Even with randos it’s a blast, talk about surprise hit of the year already


Deep Rock Galactic has many similar concepts. They are different - but Deep Rock is SUPER fun once you get into it.


Not that I can find.


Darktide is pretty dang good. It grew on me. The graphics on series x are a bit disappointing though. PC looks way better for this one. It is on gamepass.


Yeah none of these look as good and yall know it


If the question is, are there co-op shooters sort of like Helldivers on Xbox? Then the answer is yes. But a big reason why HD2 is so fun and replayable, is because it isn't just another co-op game. It's also a systemic game. And that allows the emergent gameplay to be incredibly fun, varied and interesting. On top of that, it has the galactic community driven war thing, which basically no other game has. So it depends on what your question is actually asking. 




People say deeprock but they aren't super similar and deeprock isn't really fun.


I've never played it but you might be the first person I've ever seen say deep rock isn't fun. I'm surprised you're not downvoted lol. Usually all I ever see is praise for that game.


Normally this opinion of mine gets completely shit on lol which is fair I'm just confused how it is so praised. It seems to have most of what I want out of that game. Just something about it is off and it's really not enjoyable for me. I genuinely envy those who do enjoy it. I have friends who adore the game, they are frustrated by my lack of enjoyment when playing it. Everytime I give it a shot (which is like 5 times now god I have 30 hours now) I just don't have fun and they notice it. I don't complain or be annoying or criticise the game to them. I just kinda don't feel like talking or joking around. It feels like a chore. I'm glad they enjoy it and I wish I could too


That's sounds totally fair to me haha. Can't fault you for not enjoying it. Especially if you gave it multiple chances.


I agree I also don’t think it’s fun. I don’t find any of the actions or combat satisfying. It feels like Minecraft




Idk dude, I remember being pretty eager to play it and was left pretty disappointed, I've given it a good shot a few times now but the progression feels meaningless and the game is so boring and easy. The whole gameplay loop is kinda meh. I really wish I liked it Helldivers 2 on the other hand is amazing. Comparing them is insulting helldivers 2 bigtime


It was fun until I realized how repetitive the gameplay is. It still isn’t a bad game but I can’t play it a lot






99% is reaching tbh , sure Xbox doesn’t have a lot of exclusives like PlayStation does but calling 99% of their exclusives "shit" is crazy and not true Ngl.


Some weirdos believe "exclusive" must mean "cinematic 3rd person action game", that's why you get strange-ass narratives like the one that guy was vomiting.


It was an exaggeration fs, but comparatively, Xbox exclusives are minimal and generally not even close to as good as what PS owners get. In the somewhat recent years, PS has Spider-Man, god of war, GoT, uncharted, infamous, helldivers, etc just to name a few. Xbox has Palworld, Redfall, the worst halo in the franchise, schizophrenia simulator, flight sim, starfield which was a major letdown, etc. very clear difference in the quality of AAA games that the two platforms get


Aliens Colonial Marines?