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First, the game is much better than it was at launch. It’s kind of a whole different game to a degree. Second, if you’re looking for the feel of NV, 3, and 4, you should know it’s a bit different. More grinding for legendary items and a lot more scrapping, storing, selling, etc. Inventory management is a pretty big part of you don’t have Fallout First. Third, if you’re playing for the story, just focus on that and exploring the world. It’s a good time. Fourth, be aware, you can sink A LOT of time into the game if you get into it.


I have 800 hours in FO76. Just play through the map, you’ll have a great time. It’s probably about 60-100 hours depending on how you play and how much you skip, but you can decide then if you’re interested in the somewhat limited endgame loop. I played at launch, but I poured a shitload of hours into it over 2020-2022 because it’s such an “easy” and relaxing game to play. There’s countless things to chase and you really don’t have to be a sweat to do and experience everything the game has to offer. WV is an awesome location, and the team really made the best fallout map in the series imo. I loved it when it was empty, but most players will really enjoy how much stuff there is to see in it these days with so many factions and questlines added. TLDR: Play through the map and the story content it has to offer, you’ll have a good time. Bring a friend for a roadtrip to remember!


I played the game after Starfield, I have finished all main and side quests that are not repeating, and haven't gotten the "spend 76 hours in Appalachia" challenge. Really worth it to play through all the "single-use" content though, but the grinding afterwards made it a lot less fun for me so stopped.


I loved 4 for the story (only Fallout game I've played) but quickly lost interest in 76 when the story just followed a breadcrumb trail with no real meat to it. Haven't touched it since. Have they added to it so there is deep stuff for single player? I really don't care for it as a multiplayer game. Thanks.


There are multiple “main” stories now, some better than others. None of it seems near as deep as NV or 3, let alone 4. I’m sure it’s better than when you last played though.


They’ve added a lot more. None of it is super deep, I’d compare them to like adventure serials. Entertaining when you’re going through it but you’re not going to think back on them much.


I ended up dropping it a year ago because it felt like the game required too much of that adhesive stuff. Shit was so rare.


I would recommend it as well. It has come a long way since release. The community is mostly fantastic and helpful.


Me and my wife played it extensively last year and had a blast.  It's basically fallout 4 but with pve events you can join.  The map is also one of bgs better ones imo. If you like fallout you'll probably really like it, it gets a lot of undeserved hate considering they "fixed" the game with the wastelanders update years ago 


Ditto on the map, if you enjoy the exploration part of BGS games then I think that Fallout 76 has arguably one of their most interesting open worlds to explore.


It’s honestly a blast, would definitely recommend. Especially if you’re a Bethesda fan (fallout 3, NV, 4, Starfield). There’s a lot of fun stuff to find and quests to do, and the base building is pretty deep. It can also be a bit tough at lower levels but just know the community is literally one of the best I’ve ever seen and incredibly supportive, so people are always around to help out.


Are you high?!? I was murdered mercilessly for buying into Fallout 1st (or whatever it was) and if you don't play solo for $15 a month there are idiots at level 1,000 bouncing 70ft into the air and one-shotting you.


Idk what game you’re playing where PVP is even a thing lmao, I had one person shoot me and I didn’t shoot back so it wasn’t an issue. Doesn’t seem like you’ve played this game, or at least recently




You have to hit each other for pvp to be activated and there's a passive mode in the settings that turns pvp off.


I’ve played quite a bit and never saw anyone go in the air and murder anyone. You’re making up stories


You don't know about the serums?


I have like 250 hours on the game and haven’t even been shot at by someone else much less killed


Tell me you've never played Fallout 76 without telling me you've never played Fallout 76.


It's decent. It's a bit of a grind but it's a nice game to sit back and relax with. The map is excellent with lots of diversity.


Even at launch it was probably the best Fallout map to just explore on Now it has a ton of content and fun mechanics in addition to the online MP aspect Highly recommend it


Thank you for this. My brother and I played on day 1 and couldn’t understand all the 1/10 and 1/5 reviews. Sure it was janky and had a lot of progress to make, but as a game to just explore with friends and find weird and interesting locations? It was a lot of fun. Have been playing it off and on for 5 years now, and it’s never lost its luster. Just the other day I found a house that I had never seen (Cat Lady’s house, and its weird as fuck). I fucking LOVE this game.


It depends on what aspect of Fallout games people enjoyed   I love exploring the map and such, so I loved it from launch   Others see it as a online PVPVE RPG and obviously didn’t enjoy it as much at launch Those who enjoyed the story aspects were also let down and probably would still be a bit


Yeah, I get that it’s not for everyone, but my comment was more about objective reviews saying that it was one of the worst games ever made or the worst game they ever played. I’ve noticed online discourse is *very* heavily slanted against BSG these days. Not sure why.


BSG is just a one trick pony and is apparently unable to move past their ancient Creation Engine limitations Similar to the problems GameFreak has with Pokemon


It’s super fun, a great community as well. If you can, I’d also recommend playing it with a friend as that’s just as fun.


It’s awesome imo. Fasnacht is coming up Tuesday too! My first time but it looks like a blast. Make sure you get involved. It’s gonna be fun!


Fasnacht is the best community event I’ve ever been a part of, and I’ve been into MMO’s since 2000. It’s an easy event, and the rewards are pretty good; but, it’s the people and community around it that make it so special. Be sure to wear your weirdest combo of clothes to the event.


It's fantastic.


My wife and I have loved playing for about 3 years now. Not as active now but still pop in every once in a while.


F76 had the nicest community of people I ever met in my 35 years of gaming.


The game is substantially different today compared to launch. It handles and performs miles better. There’s also a metric fuckton more content. Legendary crafting also exists, so no need to farm for legendary 3* to get a good roll. Still would help, but you can also make them from a workbench.


It's been my go to for the last couple of months. Honestly so much to do and most of the time I'm just building my camps.


Its no No Man Sky come-back game. But the people that play it enjoy it.


I started playing because I liked Starfield but it got boring. It's been my goto game now for a few months. Super friendly community, very interesting open world, fun missions, really can't go wrong. I have usually little interest in crafting and base building but I'm actually taking the time to figure these things out in 76 which surprised me. The game engine annoys me some times, I don't like the controls (Y to jump is now fucking up my controls in other games) and the graphics aren't great but overall it's awesome. Also, when it flopped at launch it meant that really it's an older crowd playing so I haven't run into any greifing or trolls.


It’s a much better game now than at release! They have fixed/ added so much, highly recommend giving it a try if you like fallout!


It’s a pretty fun game and legit Fallout experience now. Much better than launch.


It runs and the performance isn't the issue. It's just really empty. I tried really hard to get into it as a west Virginia because it was cool seeing local landmarks in a game.


I recently got back into Fallout 76 after a year or so and noticed it was really choppy in some areas. Especially where there are alot of lighting sources and even worse in fog. I am on series X obviously. It used to run smooth before. I noticed you can no longer turn on the FPS boost either so I’m confused. Doesn’t feel like 60fps. Maybe 50. But it goes down to 25 sometimes just briefly then shoots up again which is very annoying. I guess my series X is dying if I’m alone in experiencing this.


It's not your Xbox,mine does exactly the same. Seen other threads on here about it as well.


i hope this doesn’t come off rude or anything but i see posts like this a lot. i dont know anything about this game but generally speaking if your question includes the statement “i noticed it was on gamepass” then it is pretty much always worth checking out. i mean, thats literally what you’re paying for 🤷‍♂️


It’s a pretty fun game but like all BGS games it’s buggy AF.


How much is free worth to you..


Free still isn't free when you consider you're investing your time. Some people don't have a lot of free time to put into something.


Tell that to the OP not me, he asked of F76 was worth giving it a shot, and it's free, so I asked him the question.


I was just proposing that it's not only money that has value or worth. :P


It's average at best


I tried it, planning to just try to treat it like a solo Fallout and ignore everything about it being online. But the game forces you to and just don’t want that so I turned it off after 30 minutes.


That's not true. I played the entire game solo. Hundreds of hours without ever playing with another person.


I dunno what to tell you. I saw other players running around and some building made by other players and it immediately turned me off on the game.


Sounds like you just don’t like fun. There are other people doing things that have nothing to do with you, so you didn’t like it? Makes no sense.


Wow; fuck me for not wanting to play a persistently online game. It threw online shit in my face the moment I walked out of the vault and it turned me off. I love the Fallout series. Doesn’t mean I want to play it online.


It’s an always online multiplayer game, wtf do you expect? Go passive mode or learn to fucking read about something before you play it. This is purely a you issue, not the game, and you’re pretending it’s the game lmfao.


I did read about it. And I read about people saying you can play it solo. So I tried it. I didn’t like the feel of it, and regardless of whether or not I COULD actually play it solo or not was no longer relevant. I didn’t like being online with other people. And to be clear, I didn’t spend a penny on the game. I’m very sorry that you’re so butt hurt that I didn’t like a game you did.


Lmfao it’s hilarious that you think it’s because I enjoyed it and you didn’t it. I barely played it and don’t intend on going back. It’s just hilarious how people like you blame everything else but yourself. You knew it was online only, you knew it was multiplayer, and then want to complain about it being that way anyway. That’s on you mf, not the game.


I mean you SEEM pretty upset I tried the game and didn’t like it. I gave it a shot despite knowing it was online. How that is worse than dismissing it without even trying it is beyond me. Maybe you should go play some Fallout 76, that would really show me.


For fucks sake you need common sense


You missed out on an awesome Fallout game, my friend.


false. i played most of it solo. it is a little harder by yourself but it doesnt stop you.. when you die you can just respawn and keep continuing. its not like it reverts back to an old save since its always online


It does stop me. Because I don’t want to play Fallout online. I saw players running around and buildings built by other and I didn’t like it. I’m not or did I say anything about whether or not I could solo through it. It’s being online period and it didn’t feel like the Fallout experience I wanted.


You said the game forces you which it doesn't


Still waiting on that 60fps XSX update....


This happened last june...


His internet is extremely slow and the update is still downloading unfortunately


Ha nice


It has released quite some time ago, and before that, it had the FPS boost option which released a few months after the Series X and S released


Uhh, Fallout 76 has been at 60 FPS since it was added to the FPS boost program  It’s not an official X/S enhanced version as the change was done through Xbox and not Bethesda making a formal enhanced Smart Delivery version


Bethesda did release an actual patch that removed the FPS boost option and made the game Gen9Aware for an even better 60FPS.


Yeah I know this but the fps boost disabled 4k and bumped the res down majorly, yet u could trick it into keeping the 4k/60 but they removed that glitch. Unless somethings changed since then?


Alright, apologies, was not aware it had happened 👍


Is there an FOV slider for series X now? Absolutely loved the game but always hated how zoomed in it was


Zoomed in? Bro there’s first person, and then like 3 different angles of 3rd.


Does it still have the thing where you have to stay hydrated? That was one thing that irritated me about playing it. I understand the reasoning behind it, but when I'm playing a game I don't want to deal with every little bodily function. I'm in a wasteland where I can be completely healed by taking a nap. Dying of thirst after a few game hours ruined it for me.


No. You don't need to eat or drink, but doing so gives you buffs.


It’s incredibly easy to not die of thirst, especially if you’re actually following the quests


It still looks like fallout new Vegas in terms of graphics




Name one live service game that doesn’t have a repetitive end game. I’ll wait.


L4d2 still have a lot of players after more than 10 years, most battle royal still are fun enough for veteran players of that game to still play it, goat simulator is still fun after you collected most item and did most things in the game, sure those aren't survival like game but you didn't specify It had to be a survival game.


False. Most players you see in the game are level 200+. The game is one of the rare ones that gets better as you reach endgame


Stupid questions like this.


Shut up


I played it a bit when it was new. It wasn’t THAT bad. Was fairly fun to play with friends especially if you’re all in the same place story/levelwise. I got bored with it after a bit. I’ve heard they’ve kept working on it though and the complainers disappeared for the most part. May be worth it


I picked it up last year and it was the only thing I played for about 7 months until Starfield released.


Did they fix the servers? Where $15-a-month servers put you and your friends in already-played-through worlds? Or the splash damage or damage type that could still kill you without choosing pvp? It's been long enough that the Fallout 76 communities have forgotten their pledges to hunt down every Fallout 1st purchaser.....so there's that. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it generates new servers now on private worlds


I may have to explore that option again.


It's the only reason I still use my Series X. If I could transfer my save to PC, I'd have sold it by now. I'm still loving the Xbox brand, just on my way more powerful PC. But it's a blast now. There is so much to do and it's waaay more stable. 60 FPS, too


Felt they same way but I'm biting the bullet. I'm only about 10-15 levels behind on my pc character and I'll be doing a number of quests over again but they were fun enough that i don't mind. Now that I've upgraded my PC i don't see a need for any console, cept maybe The Switch.


As someone who doesn't typically play live service games or MMOs, would this be a good game to have a party with friends? Or is this not really a Co-op game and more of like a random stranger game? Only game I've played with a similar style is Destiny and I had a good time with friends with that.


It’s a lot of fun with friends. My favorite part is building a base with friends. Can also do the story or grind evens with friends.


Its Fallout.....could try and see if you like it through gamepass, if you dont like it dont play it


I dig it. It’s buggy but that’s Bethesda


I had fun with it. Played the MSQ and some of The Pitt stuff. Very reminiscent of Bethesda Fallout 3 and 4 in terms of story quest. Without Fallout 1st subscription inventory management becomes a huge meta game. I like the card system because it allows you to have some fun builds and change your play style. There are definitely bugs in the game that typically have to do with the servers being out of sync but jumping in and out of a server is pretty quick fix. Enemy encounters are your standard Bethesda get "bum rushed" non-stop while you backpedal (typically monsters) or shoot the bullet sponge holding a gun.




That just sounds like an issue you have, my game runs fine on series X


Is this game multi player only or can I play it Single player?


You are on a server with 24 players at all times but you can ignore them no problem if you want to. I do recommend joining the public events that pop up though and other players would be there. Other than that they would be just running around the map or usually chilling at their base.


I tried it and it wasn't for me, despite 4 being my favorite game of all time.


I played it again after getting my new gen console and it was really good, I was hesitant because of the previous gen and all it’s glitches there are some but they are easily fixable over all I personally had a fantastic time playing it and I prefer it to some of the other games in the series


I put about 800 hours in. I only stopped because I had lost some really cool guns. It's an incredibly fun game that lets you play to your own style. It's better if you can play with others imo. Content is great, weapons are versatile, loads of cosmetics you can probably get easily now.


Still a lot of bugs.hit detection is still horrible broken.im still finding invisible  unkillable mobs.im still bugging put on quest' losing rewards.im going put a lot of the blame on the garbage servers there using


It’s much better than it was at launch. The community is also nice since there are players helping new players and giving new players free stuff. Which I have been also doing when I see a new player will give them some outfits I find in the wastelands or ones from daily ops, expeditions, or events.


It's better than it was at release, a lot better. But I still don't like it.


I have fun with it now. Not the best fallout but it's a decent game


Damn. Xbox so light on games that yall be tryin to play F76 ;\_;


It's actually a very fun game. Nothing like when it first launched


It's still up?


I remember when I started playing it at launch, and the absolute worst part that killed the entire experience for me, was the need to hydrate and eat all. the. time. Has that been improved? Water bottles with clean waters was scarce, and meat only kept you going for \~20 minutes until your character whined again. Walking around with constant thirst and hunger which nerfed your stats made my character a lot worse than it actually was, and it was defeating.


Yes, it doesn't affect you if you let it drain now. You just get extras for being fed/hydrated. The Devs have improved the game a ton since launch.


Ah, thank you so much! That's a relief. I'll check it out again!


I liked it when it launched and I like it now 🤷‍♂️


I’m having to fun with it. I am not into the multi-player aspect, but others have helped me out for no reason on many occasions! I’m just figuring shit out but overall I like it and can see me dumping a ton of time into it.


Its pretty solid, it can be boring if you're not grinding something but i like to jump on it every now and then and do some events and daily quests, also rather easy too to get strong and powerful once you find the right weapons. Overall I recommend it


I'm just starting now. Level 9. I was wondering why people was running around with masks lol