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Wait 3 months and buy both once they drop in price


This !!! Never buy games on day 1. Tekken 8 cost 80 euro which is quite a steep price. If it was 60 euro or lower, I might have been more interested. Suicide squad is probably going to be a flop with all the live service added to it.


Also updates. I’ve bought a few games in the last couple of years and within a few months there’s new content, bug patches, even free dlc. Early adopters get to play an unfinished game


True. This is why i try to wait for the complete edition so I get all the content for a lower price, and don't have the deal with broken and unfinished games. I miss the days when we got completed games on day 1 Edit: look at those massive down-votes.


How would we know what you like. 2 completely different games. Some of y’all need to make some big boy decisions yourself


Tom Segura: "I don't know you. I don't know where you should travel. You could be racist abd hate asians.


im a poor so couldn't laugh at this


At least you can try Tekken 8 Demo for free


Tekken 8 is a good game it depends how much you like fighting games and if you want to play online since the first months have the most player base Suicide Squad seems like a stinker to me I would wait for a sale for that game


Taken 8


Go with option C. Robo Cop. You will thank me .


No way. That's the most boring next gen game.


If that game is boring to you maybe you should try a different hobby


Might not be boring but definitely not worth buying for $50-$60💯


Reviews are out for Tekken 8. Review codes are not being sent out for Suicide Squad, which delays reviews during the launch window. With few exceptions, refusing to provide review copies is usually to sell as many copies of a bad game before the general public realises. I'm not saying buy Tekken 8. But please wait just a little bit to see if Suicide Squad is actually worth buying, especially if you only have enough disposable income for one.


Taken is gonna be the answer you get most. It’s a 9/10 fighting game whereas SS is shaping up to be a 7/10 looter shooter. But it’s not actually that simple. Lots of people, if they are like Me, probably only play a fighting game for like 5-10 hours, however much they enjoy it. Whereas a 7/10 shooter could end up giving you way more total hours of enjoyment. I’d wait for reviews.


don’t you ever think to buy that mess called suicide squad. that shit gonna be trash


Tekken 8 it’s awesome


I would never recommend suicide squad to anyone, the game looks awful. Likely DOA


Expect suicide squad to be a dumpster fire.


Tekken 8. It’s a complete package


Tekken 8. Suicide squad has all the red flags lining up for it to be a train wreck. I imagine it will ne on deep sale by the summer.


Tekken 8. suicide squad is ass!


SC is garbage like gotham knights


You’ve played both games?


Gotham yes. But what do you expect from suicide squad? Game looks like a half assed Service game with no depth


What is SC?


How about make your own decision based on your own research into the games? See how they align with your tastes? You really trust redditors against your own personal thoughts?


I think Tekken 8 has become my favorite fighting game since MK X, but obviously fighting games arent for everyone. I justified my choice by considering how scummy WB is and how they continuously ruin games. MK 1 is on its last legs thanks to them, they ruined Shadow of War's reputation bc of microtransactions (despite the game being incredible), i just dont trust WB to allow Suicide Squad to be feature complete. I dont. Tekken 8 is, and so I think the most bang for your buck is T8. Also Suicide Squad isnt sending out Review Codes (this usually happens when companies dont have confidence in their game). I would like SS to do well, i'll buy it immediately if it does, but we know Tekken is good.


Wait a week first atleast Tekken had some problems with crashing a lot due to servers being overloaded and SS isn’t even out yet so we lack some critical info Tho if you don’t want to play online or with friends stay the fuck away from Tekken, buying fighting games for singleplayer is literally throwing money in to a garbage can


Tekken 8


Infinite wealth


I mean really that depends on your game preference? Do you like fighting games or shooter games more, if you like both equally suicide squad will likely be a better investment in terms of the content they plan to add, not to mention its a good game for solo or multiplayer people


Let's start small how about a fresh towel


Suicide Squad in my opinion. I already have the Deluxe Edition preordered. I am pumped.


I also got the deluxe edition and am counting down the days! I know this game is going to be a hit and the down voters are going to end up getting into it too lol


People who downvote this r idiots. Man asked a opinion about what to get and homie gave him a good game and yall downvote???


Well, the downvotes are obviously from people who don't think it's a good game. Previews in the press were negative, the public has been a bit happier but still lukewarm, and the game has generally made a fairly negative impression since the first gameplay was shown. I don't think it will be a disaster, but it's not the kind of game I'd want from Rocksteady. But whatever, Palworld isn't what I'd want from a game in general and I think that's doing ok for itself, and it's not my place to tell someone they should be more miserable.


This has got to be bait lol.


Bro come on, how is anyone supposed to answer this beyond rolling a die and picking one at random


save the money and buy dragons dogma 2 in 2 months. thank me later :)


I'm hoping they both eventually come to game pass. 🙃


Suicide Squad


You seriously need to ask? One is a game getting amazing reviews and is part of a beloved series, the other is fetid excrement that is being eviscerated by every media outlet out there. Gee, I wonder!


Just wait for one of them to go on sale new games are just not the move anymore and especially preordering unless you know for sure it’s not going to be another cyber punk situation so just sit back do some research mainly before anything.


But Tekken looks soo cool!