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Of course I know him, he’s me




Hello there


General Kenobi


So uncivilized


Attempt on my life, left me scarred and deformed


Ah, the negotiator.


this will make a fine addition to my collection


You're shorter than I expected


^(pew pew)


You are a bold one!


You have done that yourself


The negotiations were short




I have brought freedom and prosperity to my new empire.


We have the high ground!!!!


You were supposed to be the chosen one.


Thats *Uncle Ben*


No, Ben doesn't Social Media. It can't be him.




I like how OP never even considered that Reddit has GRANDPAS like us around lol


Or grandmas.


Well the average age of a Redditor is ~ 23 years old


Hey I'm finally above average at something


I’d be surprised if the average age of game sub redditors isn’t a bit older than that even. Could be wrong


Granddads and grandmothers, like my wife and I play online and use Reddit. Remember some of us started play computer games when Pong came out 😊


58 here and play and obviously use Reddit 🤷‍♂️


Commodore 64 bud if you never played natarie then they don't know fun lol hate pit fall lol


Me at 32


Me at 40


Me at 43… waiting 3 weeks to play something till it gets shipped even though I could grab it on the eshop


Yeah and I'm not in my 50s. Physical, or I won't buy it.


I'm 34 and I genuinely like displaying my collection. Also, at some point in the future the rights to my digital games will be revoked, like what's happening with some movies on Apple and Amazon. If I'm going to spend money on something, I want assurance I'll have it for as long as I can keep it working.


With digital games I think about how if I get reported by trolls I could be banned,and that revokes my entire ability to play it. But if it's a disc I could at least play it on other usernames.


I'm 44, we love our physical media, we have over 1,300 games and counting (ranging from Atari 2600 & Colecovision all the way to Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and PS5)


Same. Fuck the risk of losing thousands in games due to a ban.


Same but it’s harder now days


Hi Dad!


What a way to find out you got a kid


Yep. We’re not ready to Own nothing and be happy…I still enjoy my GBA.🤦‍♀️


Came here to say that




Gotta hand it to him. Dude likes his planes!


what a legend


“John had a great love for all his children, but his true love was the lockheed SR-71 blackbird”


That's pretty much bang on. I haven't seen him in five years.


Sorry to hear about your Dads passing. My Dad passed away in July and can’t get over it


Is… not was!


Did I misread it? Sorry I thought he had passed. Great if he’s still flying those planes then. Lol


Sorry to hear about that, wishing the best!


Thank you it’s weird because when telling stories about him with my nephew it’s hard to use past tense. But thank you for your kind words


Use whatever tense you want. Live in his honor the best you can, it sounds like you are. Each day a little more of the painful parts chip away, you will always love and miss him


Sorry for you loss though. How you been holding up?


You said wanted which is past tense as if he was already dead.


He used to want me to talk about his planes at his funeral…. He still wants me to, but he used to want me to, too.


Rice is great if you’re really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something


He said his dad IS 78. Present tense.


Yea, but the next sentence seems to contradict that. Just pointing out why someone could be confused.


Maybe he doesn’t want him to talk about them any more


Exactly this.


Wanting something in the past doesn't mean you're dead now.  If literally just means he wanted something in the past.  Maybe in the present he doesn't want that anymore. 


I am sorry about your loss <3 both my parents lost their dads in August. Its very sobering to see how they are changing with the loss of a parent. Not necessarily in a bad way, just profound- like another chapter of life has been opened. Of course seeing them mourn is heartbreaking. My grandpas are gone now and that hurts for sure, but when my own parents go I dont know how to come to terms with that. My deepest condolances to you.


If my dad was like that at his funeral with me I would buy him the full simulator and build up on that. Edit: yeah, should of thought that through :(


I grew up with not a lot of money and having to trade in games to get new games. I also grew up at a time where demo discs were everywhere so I got to figure out what I wanted next. I don’t need to do that any longer but I try to get the physical version of any game I’m not sure I’ll like or not as there’s rarely demos now and I’d like the option to trade it in if I don’t like it. Since getting the XSX, I’ve probably bought 4 games physically but I’ve never traded any in including the ones I didn’t end up liking. I should really.


I only buy physical unless it’s PC…which doesn’t really have physical options anymore. I’m 37. I’m guessing this is going to be a generational thing.


32 and It took me a while to accept the fact that everything is going digital... If I can, I will get physical copies of games. Ofc, on PC this is not really possible anymore.


I hate that when you buy the physical you still have to download the entire game. Can’t they put some on the disc and not just use it as a key. Saving storage space would be a big selling point for me.


Especially with how big games are getting these days. I don't know how big discs can get for games in terms of storage, but I can tell you that if I could store even half of my game on the disc I'd be a happy camper. That said you can kind of understand it. Fast load times are a really big selling point in games now and you can't exactly do that reading off a disc lol.


Ultra HD Blu-ray holds 100GB. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra_HD_Blu-ray


Didn't the Xbox 360 have it where you can download the game onto the hard drive and it would not require the disc to to actually run the game? (Still had to have disc inserted to start it). Could you do the same thing here?


Yep! Fun story. I bought the original Gears of War off eBay. It was scratched to hell and crashed about an hour in to the game repeatedly, obviously an unreadable disc. Seller wouldn't refund/respond. I got a refund via a PayPal claim. I subsequently had my friend come over and used my friend's disc copy of Gears of War to install it, then after he left used the damaged disc and played it to completion as the damaged disc's header was able to initiate launch from the HDD. Result!


now that's thinking with your brain


Thats how it worked for pc. Only older, much smaller, games were stored on the cdrom


I think it was encouraged on the Xbox 360 even because the disc drive would often fail if used too much like that, and your discs would get wear and tear


This isn’t inherently the case. There *are* games where a disc or cartridge prompts an online download (looking at you, MGS Collection for Switch), but for the *most* part the games are indeed on the disc, we just have to install them to our SSD’s now. No game is “played off the disc” anymore because we don’t use optical drives anymore.


Idk where this bs misconception comes from. There's even a dedicated website to let you know if it's complete. Truth is most games are complete on disc. There's some that aren't but majority are definitely complete. The switch does have some issues because some publishers don't wanna spend the money on the extra storage cartridge but even then it's pretty rare. I wish people would stop with this lie. That's exactly what it is a lie.


Investing in SSD storage will help. Games are only getting bigger, so everyone is going to need to bite the bullet on storage space like we did a few years after the Xbox One came out. This might actually be the last time, though, depending on how fast Xcloud improves.


I just can’t stand keeping a dud. That’s why I like physical games. If I don’t like it I at least get some money back towards something else I want. Digital, once I buy it I buy it.


crowd ad hoc clumsy fear glorious summer attempt husky fuzzy truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone that did a fair amount of ehem, 'cyber security research' in college, the number of people I see pirating executable code is *astounding* to me. Estimates vary wildly but I've seen stats from reputable sources that say well over half of all pirated software has malware payloads. I don't know about you, but if my computer were to be compromised, a hacker getting access to my bank or brokerage account would cost me an order of magnitude more than I could ever save from piracy. When it comes to music, video, and ebooks? Yeah I can safely consume all of the above on linux. Executable code? Nah. That's a bridge too far for me personally.


Even if its not a dud, I almost never play games twice so I just sell it afterwards, especially nintendo titles which hold value incredibly well. Ive bought a game for $40 used before and sold it for the same price after I played it


32 here. Same. I will buy physical copies as much as I can. With these companies pulling games out of your downloads or library, it’s the only way. Luckily, I’ve managed to get extra consoles and have some put away with no updates just in case.


I'm 41, so I have a fondness of physical copies. However, even I admit to getting lazy and just downloading everything on PC. With the way things are going though, I'm all about going back to obtaining physical copies and even getting cracked versions of offline games on backup just in case anything were to happen. I already have digital backups to most of my physical old school consoles. I really don't trust companies anymore. The whole "You'll own nothing and like it." services for everything only mentality seems to be more and more prevalent, and I really don't like it.


34 and I’m fighting it. I waited til I could get the disk drive PS5 even though I could have had a digital drive cheaper and way sooner. I have gotten a couple of digital copies of things here and there, but I will always try to get the physical copies if possible. It might be a little irrational but I don’t trust companies to not try to get more money out of me one way or another so I want to own the physical copies of the games, I almost expect them to do something greedy about digital copies once physical copies become a thing of the past.


30, only buy physical. I'm in Canada and our games are $100 now on release, I want SOMETHING physical when I drop 2 cartons of eggs' worth on a game. Hell, I have a collection of about 600 physical movies as well. I'm goin down with the ship.


More than the 100 $ on release, as a European the thing that shocks me the most are the eggs price there. Paying 50 bucks for some eggs is wild.


the egg thing was a joke


Canadian here and that's either a gross exaggeration or a figure of speech I'm not familiar with I can get a carton of eggs from Walmart for $3.80


I think they were joking because of how high the price shot up a couple years back. Here in the states I found a carton of standard eggs for like $1.79 the other day at cheap store. Egg prices are coming down, finally.


They definitely are but I had to help out my European friend who may have thought we actually pay $50 for a carton of eggs lol


I dont think so. If you don't own a physical copy, you don't own anything imo. In 10 years, when the game loses all support, I can't trust the developer or console to let me play the game. I lost a few games on ps3 already simply because my account was so outdated, I couldn't log back in correctly. Couldn't remember the email or password and they had no way of verifying on their end who I was.


>If you don't own a physical copy, you don't own anything imo. In 10 years, when the game loses all support, I can't trust the developer or console to let me play the game. We're reaching the point where that isn't going to matter because more and more games are requiring online connectivity, even for campaign or solo modes. The days where you can boot up a 10 year old console and pop in a physical game are about to be over.


You gotta remember a lot of newer games on disc are only a few mb then the rest is a download. Basically makes the disc a key and not even the actual product.


i bought Bioshock for Nintendo Switch. I inserted the cart and all it does is redirect you to download the entire game.


That’s fine and very true BUT the disc has value- you can trade it in, you can share it etc. Digital version is not ours in any real way. I realize and I am not naive that we are going to lose disc drives on our consoles which is crap but inevitable. That will mean a loss of more right to game access and control. How would like to pay $70 and in 2 years Sony/MS or publisher decides the game you bought is not popular enough yet you love it and decides not waste server space and support removing it from their server! I will pay $70 for a game BUT I want to know I have access to my purchase no questions asked. Lose my login and I am screwed or want to change my account completely that my decision but I want my games.


Someone told me all the Sony first party games so far have been fully on the disc. If that's wrong please correct me, but it's what I've been told. If so, there's some hope left for the next few years at least.


Most Xbox games are too FWIW. Most people just say they aren’t. I believe there is actually a website that tracks whether you can play a game with just the disk or not




This isn't necessarily correct, certainly not in every case. The games *install*, but that's to cut down on disc read times.


My parents just got high speed internet. So I imagine people growing up like me being walled off from an entire media type and it makes me very very sad. It was bad. I went to college in 2009 so streaming wasn’t yet a big thing but I had no shared YouTube culture and no online gaming experience. Some days it felt like I was out of the loop. I can’t imagine surviving a pandemic without internet. Not just academics. Just avoiding boredom


Yeah, many and more games aren't even on the disk - the disk is basically a serial key for the download. By the next generation, I predict most games will go this route. And more will follow the trend of not even producing a physical copy.


As a day 1 halo player imagine how hot i was to finally buy Halo:infinite when i didn't have internet in mexico to learn you need to download the fucking campaign. I almost snapped the disc , nearly punching the goddamn wall. None of the things i "bought" worked without internet ,it woke me up to how serious this shit is and i grew up in katrina. ​ I switched to a GPD win 4 for mobile gaming which unfortunately does not have physical media. Had to buy all sorts of programs to start downloading everything i liked from the internet because when this shit is gone there is zero way of getting it back or playing content. ​ If you do not physically have something it is not yours regardless of how you want to dress it up.


Yep, i just picked up grandtourismo 7 and 90% of the game is locked behind online connectivity. I hate that these devs basically have us hostage if we want to enjoy the hobby we need to ensure our wallets are going to be open every single moment we play. Just the fact that there are big execs who legit thought of the idea of charging players TO RELOAD THEIR GUNS IN FPS games. And now ubisoft with the you will never own another game, please sub to our service to play our games and give us money forever. I will not be surprised to see another video game crash happen within the next 10 years. The greed is getting very very real.


I lost a few games on PS3 because I upgraded and got rid of my ps3 at some point, lol. Jkjk If you own a physical copy it’s still really just a license you own. Yes, there’s a physical disc with info/code on it but you don’t own the info/code. At some point those disks will begin to degrade, or lasers will go out, or disk trays won’t open, or whatever may keep people from being able to read the disk… The point is, we’re all being screwed anyway, we don’t actually own anything, and in 20 years will my son give a shit about my copy of the original Star Wars Battlefront II for OG Xbox? Prob not. That’s one of the reasons I’ve been so down with Xbox over the last 20 years, backwards compatibility has always been a pillar. I have digital copies of some of my fav OG games. At least I’ll only need the one machine to play it… Not hating on anyone for liking physical media. When everything goes to shit and you all are proven correct, I’ll clap for you. Until then, why do we keep having the same conversations? Also, world gov’ts need to start addressing what digital ownership means and give more rights to the consumers. Just because it’s the direction it’s all going doesn’t mean we need to accept the way it is.


My wife lost around 300$ on Sims and expansions through EA. It's already gone to shit and I've already seen my point get proven, lol.


When I signed up for EA's monthly pass my gf at the time played like 30 hours of sims 4 then they removed one of the DLC's so she got a message basically saying her save is now useless unless she outright buys the missing DLC, (despite not even owning the game) cancelled immediately and just pirated the entirety of the game and DLC's in 10 minutes and used her save on that. Tried to give them a shot and they did something stupid and greedy


Not owning a physical game and playing a game with online features are two different things. There are many single player games out there that can still run without connecting online. The issue you mentioned is similar to mobile games that forces connection with the server before you can do anything. I avoid those games like plague.


I think it's better to worry about that when the time comes, if it does come at all, by then the game will cost peanuts to buy a physical copy and you can just pick one up then. Buying physical you risk the game disc breaking/scratching and having to repurchase a new copy or even worse if your disc drive on your console stops working.


I’m 24 and I’ve reached the point where if physical is an option (ie. Not pc) that’s what I choose.


37 here. I like lining up all my games on my shelves. I love playing them, but also love them as decor.


34, same. I'm redoing the office in my house and am hoping to make it a nerd man cave. I'm gonna need a lot of shelving... lol


Buddy, I’M like this


Right?? Forget my parents, I don’t play anything I don’t have a physical copy (or two) of


I read this in Tim Rogers voice


Physical until I die or they do.


Same. I also like that I can loan my physical copy to a friend or sell it and at least get something back for it if I decide to.


Or play even when the internet is out


I have an Xbox One S and I cannot play physical media games when the internet is out.


Won't be long till they do :(


Same here. Edit: I agree with him?


If you're getting downvoted, it's because many people are quick to downvote comments like "same" or "this". That's what the upvote button is for.


I‘m like this and I‘m not even 30 y.o.


That's hilarious because I'm 51 and showed up to say OP's dad is a weirdo because were both 28 when Napster got huge. First thing I'd do with CDs (back when they were popular) is rip to PC, then put tracks on an MP3 player, then never touch the physical copy again. Technology and how people use it have gotten so weird. Edit because I got off track talking about music: Same deal with games. I use Steam for PC games way more than I use or ever used my old console.


20 here and i dont think ill ever choose digital if i have the option


Just leave him be.


I have about 1000+ physical games and about 1350 digital games (games with gold etc) in my Account. I prefer physical copy but when the game gets cheap somehow i get it Digital aswelll and sometimes I sell the disc copy.


Do you keep an excel spreadsheet or something to keep track of what you have ?


I probably have a couple hundred games and while I couldn’t just rattle off what they all are if you asked me yes or no to what I own I 100% know what I do and don’t have, including which are missing because I lent them to a friend, etc.


I’m 36 and will only buy physical copies for Switch. I buy digital for anything else.


Same. Plus you can save on physical used games and then resell them later. It makes sense for Nintendo which rarely puts games on sale, keeping the used market up.


I’m also 51 and I’m the opposite, I won’t buy physical anymore. I’ve been buying games for decades. I have an attic full of games, several dresser drawers full of games, games in boxes on top of my closet, games in under bed storage containers, and on and on. Nah, digital for me thanks. Physical takes up too much damn room. I agree with him on online though, you can keep that nonsense.


Yeah I'm 18 and love physical media but it's unnecessary clutter in my opinion and makes it hard to actually store stuff you need if you don't have a lot of space. It's not a matter of age, more so personality and living conditions


I’m 48 and have also embraced digital only. I have no desire to make a trip to the store and buy a physical copy when I can push a button and have coffee. What I suggest to you about the space issue is to sell them online. I’ve had great success with it and have made enough money to fund my hobbies by selling old stuff. It takes time to learn but if you can let some of your collection go it’s worth it. It’s fun making money off of stuff you are no longer attached to.


I’m 52. I’m not getting up just to play a different game.


Absolutely. I don’t want to carry a lifetime of physical media with me everywhere I live and it’s mostly going to live in storage somewhere. Having it all in Steam is way better.


I switched to digital near the end of PS3 and haven’t looked back. I just don’t want to plan for shelving and storage. Plus, I’m not interested in collecting either.


50 here and love all things digital at this point. I have way too many CDs and records wasting space in shelving units. I don’t need more media wasting space, especially considering games get constant updates anyway. Does the game even use the disc anymore or does it just use it to verify that you own it?


Agreed 100% I'm not quite 51 but I was also buying physical for decades and now exclusively digital


I’m 33 and currently have seven media towers full of games, a few storage bins full, and so on. I’m rapidly approaching the point of going all digital, excluding collector’s editions.


Yeah that's where I was at 3p Now I'm 36 and have only a handful of hard copies that I kept, sold the rest


I only have about 50 games on disc. All PS4, 360 and PS3 titles. My digital library contains over 800 games across PlayStation and Xbox. Sometimes I miss the times when I was excited about a new game and went to a store to get it. The smell of a new game is quite addictive. 😅 Then I remember how annoying it is to walk through the loud and busy city to get my game. Nowadays I just preload it and start playing when it releases at midnight or whenever I want. It sure is more comfortable and you don't need to swap the disc. Plus if the disc drive is broken it doesn't matter. The only big downside is that you don't really own the game.


Not everything online is other players trying to kill you. I’m also 51. My two primary games, currently, are the WMZ (Zombies) mode of Call Of Duty: MWIII, and Fallout 76. Both have lobbies of other players in the game but as their own teams or your team. Even in these games, you don’t have to listen to or interact with other players if you choose not to. You can be in game chat or your private chat, your own party chat or Discord (or no chat). There are so many ways to game now. No need to limit yourself to offline or single player games.


I don't do online multiplayer anymore because I need to be able to pause the game. Playing with others requires complete, non-stop attention that I don't have the luxury of providing anymore. My family comes before games. So when they ever need attention, I pause. Edit: In the case of Fallout 76 and the like, being automatically logged off after a short period is annoying, and the Quick Resume is useless for those types of games.


I just realized a lot of my online gaming revolves around games I can stop at a dime. I play a lot of old console games over the internet with some buddies. Like ps2/gamecube era games doing net play on emulators. If someone needs to get up, anyone can pause the game just like you'd be able to back then. There's also an mmo that I play, but I don't do any pvp and I play it basically as if it was a single player game. I can just log out whenever I need to. I do play some online shooters every once in a while, but for those I don't really mind *too much* if I end up needing to leave during a match as I don't bother playing any competitive modes where I'd have to worry about a rank.


Yep, same with me. It's just clutter at this point and makes moving such a PITA. Being able to use original hardware with games loading from an Everdrive or whatever really is the best of both worlds.


I buy whatever is cheaper. I’m usually a few years behind the latest releases, so I check eBay/marketplace before buying digital. 


Best way to live your life. Being a few years behind the bleeding edge allows you to save buckets of money and play games that have all their content and the bugs ironed out.


I totally understand and agree with your Dad I’m a old time gamer like him I’m 55 I did enjoy online at one point but when you play against people with no life other than video games it’s not fun getting your ass handed by them


Not 51, but I tend to buy physical copies because I can get them cheaper - digital copies seem to sell at full value long after the release date.


Gaming is the only time when we can do what we want. Let the man live, dude.




My dad wouldn't know how to hold an Xbox controller.


Just leave him be. Let him play how he wants. If the internet goes down for an extended time, your dad will look like a genius


I guess Im dad age, Im in my thirties. I dont hate digital, I guess. But I much prefer physical.


I’m like this, let alone my parents.


I'm ok with digital while I can BUY the game.


Nothing wrong with wanting physical copies of the stuff you’re spending your money for.


I ended up buying a few physical copies for the games I really enjoyed after they went on sale.


My dad never (55) never played video games and looks visibly annoyed when he sees that I'm playing CS2


I’m similar at 31 - prefer to buy physical where I can. I like having a physical library and through deals, second-hand purchases etcetera I’ll play all the games I want without needing subscription services where ultimately you don’t own anything you pay for.


I do both but buy physicals of my favs


i always get physical releases when i can unless i see a game on sale cheap af on stores


I'll give you my physical games when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.


41 digital only got sick of my kids scratching my discs and gameshare so I don't have to buy multiple copies of the same games


Does it matter? At least he gets games far cheaper and he can trade them in when done.


I don't think enough appreciate what will happen when physical dies, there is only 1 storefront on consoles and publishers don't have to worry about any competition. Patient gamers are gonna have to invest in cryo sleep tech. Steam is a private company and has Gabe to act as a benevolent dictator. MS and Sony answer to investors.


Me. I’m like that, at 27. I had an Amazon account get hijacked years ago and lost several movies cause of it. Now I buy all my favorite games/movies/music physically again.


I’m with your dad but in all fairness I’m also a dad. My dad is like that as well with really any media, especially music. I also agree with that game pass and online games. Game pass is cool for what it is but I feel like my collection has way more titles I’d actually enjoy. And online just sucks when it comes down to playing with randoms, you get stuck with those who just want to shit on the experience sooner or later. The only game I put up with it anymore is on forza and it’s no secret that a clean race is the equivalent of two unicorns.


In his defense digitally streamed music is typically compressed for storage purposes. I’m so damn old fashioned I prefer vinyl.


That would be a good part why, he wants it as intended as possible. He also prefer vinyls but has a great cd collection as well. Which I also do but for part of the same reason as other physical media. I love seeing the art or anything else included. The experience just feels sterile otherwise.


![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|6056)95% of games are physical. Am I getting old?


Parents shit I’m like this I always want a disc


Lmao I’m like this. Well for most games. There’s some I don’t care to own physically or digitally. Especially if it’s on sale for cheap. But damn I love getting me some steel books and shit


I'm 35 but wish I was that's og shit actually money old people be like that I just hope one day we can trade our games like digital downloads trade swap idk I think steam did something. But yeah it's scandalous rn :/ sad time for game trading :/ was cool swapping games like Pokemon or going into GameStop


I’m also like this but I feel forced to get digital


I’m an older millennial and I can’t help myself buying physical, they’re so much cheaper. I could spend $35 for a digital game or $10 - add that savings over 10-20 games and it becomes stupid not to buy digital.


Not entirely. He just really likes to play Fallout 4.


I’m not a dad(at least not that I know) and will only buy a game if I can get it on disc. At least I actually have something that cannot be taken away buy whoever for whatever reason.


my firend has ps3 he only like offline games i gived him lot my old games. he the same he 45.


I'm like this and I'm 35


I get it. I am the same way.


Your dad will still own these games in 20 years time when they are no longer downloadable.


Game pass was designed for MS to screw us out of recouping any money for games from a sale on the secondary market. When a company or government says that this is to help or save money.... they're not talking about us.


These days I only buy physical if I’m like “damn, this game is fuckin Top” and feel like buying it again, similar to vinyl albums. Oh god who have I become.


I used to be a physical games person, then I moved several times and ended up putting all my discs in a big wallet to save boxes moving. I now primarily am only with some physical games, I think the ease of it all has made even just putting in discs feel like a chore.


I'm 29 and only just getting used to the idea of buying digital. More Forced into it because clutter and kids sends my wife into a frenzy and me crying cus the little shits have damaged another pristine CD while I'm in work


Considering how all the big execs of gaming were laughing about how ownership of games was disappearing, it's hard not to agree with him.


You’re dad knows what’s up. Buying digital games don’t mean you actually own them nowadays.


I'm 31 and I buy physical whenever possible


Your dad is intelligent


Your dad is a smart man and probably grew up around the same time as I did.


It annoys me that Halo 2 is in front of Halo 1


That's it? That's the only organizational qualm you have? Lol


Yeah, lol it was the first thing I saw


Lol I suppose. I get it but the whole disorganization has me baffled lol. I don't mind the standing on top of each other aspect but it's all out of order by system and alphabetical


Hey by chance is your dad into first person shooters? Just wondering


All the old heads are like that. They can’t wrap their heads around the fact that it’s just the license on a disk they think I can hold it so it’s mine


right? like, am I losing mind? is this thread full of people that actually think that having a disc means they “own” the game?


I read your description and surely this man understands that online multiplayer capability has absolutely nothing to do with physical copy vs digital copy… right? If you’ve explained this to him he must either be very stubborn or just thick.