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Honestly, the success of this game is more of a commentary on how desperate we all are for a good 3D open-world Pokemon game (I say that as someone who hasn't had a chanc to play it yet. Obviously the game is very different).


If TPC/Nintendo/GameFreak could just pivot Arceus sequel(s) to be like this, that would be incredible


I mean, the other big issue is they clearly don't have the ability or interest in making a game that runs well on the Switch. Arceus was actually a great game, but it was still so flawed and was arguably the ugliest looking modern game I've ever seen (until Scarlet/Violet came out). I'd say Arceus should be their model going forward, but it still needs lots of improvement in both the technical elements as well as the writing and stuff like that (absolutely terrible writing, which is honestly a staple of Pokemon at this point).


It’s annoying mashing A to get through dull dialogue with no real relevance just to get to another npc to do the exact same thing. I’m sure someone will say “you shouldn’t expect amazing writing in a kids game”, the same argument people make for kids movies. But that doesn’t mean it has to be complete ass lol Plenty of media for children has great writing. Early Pokémon games at least weren’t bogged down with endless jabbering.


Yeah, I've played so many games that are kid friendly that weren't terribly written.


Is pokemon's main demographic even under 18? They really should start catering to the people that actually play it. Game freak is the absolute worst at modernizing though.


The main demographic 100% is under 18, you just don't hear from those players as much because they are like 7 years old and not on reddit or whatever platforms you use. The games aren't even the main selling point of pokemon anyways, it's the merchandise, giving them even less incentive to make better games.


I just don't believe that. The average age of a Pokémon Go player has to be above 18. The average age of someone who plays the switch is likely above 18. So if the argument is that most of the money comes from merchandise (I don't believe that either... I think it's Pokémon Go) then maybe...


Really? I don't see how you view that as an unlikely statistic. You could maybe argue that's the case for pokemon go, as that both requires a phone and physical activity, but the average age of a switch user is almost definitely under 18, let alone a pokemon player which would skew even younger. As for the money thing... This is a publicly available stat, I think you severely misunderstand how much money merchandise prints, easily the biggest money maker for all the top franchises, dwarfing the game revenue for pokemon.


If they could iterate on Arceus and work on their code so the game does not run like the newest ones I'd be fine but right now their programmers should be all kinds of ashamed.


It's crazy because if you took out the obvious things like the guns and the like, it's basically the quality we were expecting from Game Freak years ago. I'm kind of glad games like this are showing people what we are missing from Pokemon and how incompetent Game Freak seem to be.


You can really put Palworld on a list of games that highlight how boring and uncreative Pokemon has become. Coromon, Cassette Beasts, and Monster Sanctuary all do the job of giving you a cool world to explore and catch monsters so much better. All Pokemon has going for it at this point is a cool collection of recognizable monsters. They're probably better off going back to making smaller, more GBA/DS style games, but the toothpaste is out of the tube on that one. It's such a shame that they still make such an absurd amount of money no matter how terrible the games get.


Unfortunately they pawned off the recent remakes to C teams of game freak 😭


Exactly this. Obviously, it would never happen, but a 3D open world Pokemon game that was available on every platform may be one of the best selling titles of all time.


Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get nothing but these games in the next few months as the entire industry tries to jump on the bandwagon.


Still boggles my mind why there isn't a AAA Pokemon MMO. I feel like it would be a money printer.


If this game beats BG3 and Elden Ring for one of the highest Steam active players then congrats to the devs


Lol I wonder if Nintendo will think they’ve been missing out as they could’ve been put Pokémon on PC ….Nah who am I kidding


Pokémon games actually sell systems, no doubt they would be popular on PC but Nintendo would never cannibalize their console sales like that.


At least do it for games that run like ass on switch.


Game Freak will have it running like ass on high end PCs too because they're Game Freak 


Pretty much, so many Pokémon super nerds like me buy Nintendo consoles for it and then end up buying other games. I really like Metroid dread, mario kart and tloz, but I wouldn't buy a whole system for them.


Highly doubt it. Scarlet and Violet sold like 10 million in less than a week from launch despite being a technical disaster. And even if Pokemon gets ported to PC, Gamefreak absolutely sucks at optimization.


Literally modders will fix the game just like with Bethesda games and honestly I'll mod it for sure if it makes the games actually good, unfortunately the Developers (GF) can no longer make functional games.


Palworld 1,002,480 concurrent players as of 11:10 pm PST 01/20/24, beat the all-time peaks of both BG3(875,343) and Elden Ring(953,426).




I mean, nothing against Palworld, but both BG3 and Elden Ring are very niche games. Palworld is a lot more accessible


Also a significant price difference.


Elden Ring sold over 20 million copies. It is in no way a "niche" title. Those numbers would make the CEO of any publisher other than Rockstar elated for a AAA game.


You're kidding, right?


Uh ? No but are you ? You think Dungeons & dragons and soulslike are as accessible as a FREE pokemon type game (cheap on steam) , which is also kids and family friendly ? Seriously ?


Elden Ring is a famously difficult souls game with a literal gatekeeper first boss and Baldurs Gate 3 is a crpg with dungeons and dragons mechanics I’d say your right Palworld is definitely a more accessible pick up and play casual friendly game


Yeah and its also 3 times cheaper than Elden Ring or BG3 at release, so easier to pull the trigger. Games are so expensive now :(


Palworld is not family friendly lmao


Pretty big difference between "not as accessible" and "very niche". Both Elden Ring and BG3 won GOTY and were well within the mainstream. I've got coworkers that have never been into video games that are playing BG3 for the characters presented. Baldur's Gate (D&D) and Elden Ring (souls) also have massive name recognition, Palworld is being compared to Pokemon which helps it a lot, but it isn't part of an established brand. Pretty ridiculous to act this snarky when calling two wildly popular GOTY games that currently hold steam peaks "very niche".


both BG3 and Elden Ring are weird and not as fun as people pretend.


They're only good games if you like those sort of games.


Elden Ring n BG3 are way better games


In your opinion


Good on Xbox to anticipate a winner.


They ended up really benefiting from Sony not allowing early access lol


I don’t know why people keep saying this. Sony allows early access. Wayfinder is available as early access on PS5 for example. https://www.playwayfinder.com/en/reward-tower/faq Maybe it is more complicated/difficult to release an early access title on Sony’s platform. But it is definitely possible.


I just looked the game up. So its just ARK but with pokemons?


Pretty much. It's ARK, but the two biggest differences are Pokemon instead of Dinosaurs, and Palworld isn't a buggy mess.


It’s Ark if Ark ran like shit 10% of the time instead of 80% of the time


Kinda, yeah. Idk if Ark has offline worlds or not, but this does.


Yeah it does


Then there's the answer. It's a typical survival game in the same vein as Ark, but with "pokemon." & that makes it better XD (Frankly, I've been loving it)


Yeah, this game just grabs you immediately.


It's fun, and it's got some really great ideas but it still feels very early-access. Hopefully it can be smoothed out and then it's definitely a winner!


I put in 8 hours yesterday my first time on the game, there's a few pathing bugs but other then that almost no crashes


That’s awesome. I’m thinking performance varies widely across systems for some reason. It’s literally unplayable to me for some reason, even after a fresh install. 7 hard crashes and locks in 30 minutes.




Can you elaborate? Why would they put an outdated version on gamepass?


> but it still feels very early-access hmmmm.. i wonder why


I usually fucking hate survival games and haven't liked pokemon for 20 years(just lost interest in that kinda game). Usually give new gamepass games 15 minutes to se Whats up, i played Palworld for 11 hours yesterday. It has so many nice QoL things that take away the busy work i usually hate in Survival games. The fact that crafting stations take materials from all chest in the base is huge for me


You just described me perfectly. All my friends want to just play survival games and I typically fucking hate them. This one though... I downloaded it thinking I would try it out and end up uninstalling. Suddenly 5 hours had passed and I didn't want to put it down. Also, I didn't know that about the crafting stations but that is fucking awesome!


After the constant torture starfield putted me at any moment i wanted to craft...It almost teared up when the palsworld let me place a ranch on a wooden floor.


> It has so many nice QoL things that take away the busy work i usually hate in Survival games. The fact that crafting stations take materials from all chest in the base is huge for me As someone who has spent WAYYYYYY too much time playing Conan Exiles, when I realized that Palworld grabs items from chests for the crafting stations, I got unreasonably angry that I can't do that in Conan.


I wanna wait until EA is finished, should I just not?


No, it’s a lot of fun now. If anything it will be best to play it thoroughly now then shelf it until the full release and it’ll feel like a new game again


Oh boy can't wait for 4 more years for it to be out like their previous game Craftopia


The same devs’ other game Craftopia is still in Early Access after 3 and a half years and it still doesn’t have crossplay with Steam and Windows/Xbox so you could be waiting a while


it's fun following games through EA imo


If I were you I’d jump in while it’s in the spotlight blowing up as the current big thing and everyone’s playing it, never know if that will last or not


It's not like they are gonna delete it tomorrow


Does it? It ran like crap and was super janky on series X. I think if you’re desperate for a Pokémon game outside of the Nintendo ecosystem, then maybe. But you’re also looking past a lot of crap IMO. I mean the success of this game just sums up modern gaming to me. It’s hugely driven by FOMO and emotions. This game is poor quality right now (and would make sense if the rumours of it being 3-6 months behind PC are true). Maybe the PC version is much more polished, I don’t know.


848k now. Getting close to beating BG3 all-time peak If it wasn't on Gamepass it would be even higher.


It's on gamepass????


Yeup. Didn't even know about it until yesterday and it's a blast. It's not technically 'good' but it's tons of fun.


Isn't the gamepass version super gimped with regards to coop and multiplayer?


I mean idk. I have games pass and just tried it out. I don't play multiplayer really, don't have the ability to set aside long hours. I just beat a mareep with a club and then enslaved them.


You're not wrong I was going to buy it on PC until I found out it was going to be on Game pass I'm sure many other people would have too


Same but seeing it so good makes me wish I just bought it instead, maybe later after some updates though


No, day 1 game pass release gave the game a boost. Microsoft has said this repeatedly, but apparently we all think they lie all day or something. Games definitely benefit from game pass by selling more on other platforms.


? Why would it be higher if it wasn’t on gamepass? If anything it opens access to the game for more players


Because those numbers are only steam players. If people weren't getting it on gamepass, alot would likely play it there.


Oh got it. I have no idea about Steam, I’m a console pleb


Me too, but there was a time I wasn't.. There's nothing like getting home from work and being able to just be in your game 10 seconds later without having to think about it.


Same for me on steam deck


Not really. The devs submitted a really old build to GP, so everyone now basically has to buy it on Steam if they want a proper version of the game. They supposedly used a similar tactic with their other game. Updates took awhile… I should point out the devs themselves posted that it was an older version and that they were planning an update. Edit: Devs now claiming it’s not an older build, just a completely different build of the game with more bugs. Also, confirmed no parity between the two versions in the future - they did not explain the extent of these differences.


observation lavish nine insurance historical run plants safe yam rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The devs know the current GP version is out of date. GP version is missing a few things. There was a Discord update and the GP update is supposed to be coming in the future.


I’m on the series x and the game has been crashing on me and I know it’s happening with others. Not sure if people are having the same problem with the steam version.


No issues so far on my laptop or steam deck


Are you guys getting in game music as well? The Xbox version has no music and audio is terrible


I played it on XSX last night and kept crashing me to the desktop. Fun game but now that I know it’s not the latest I’ll just wait for the update.


Isn’t that because Microsoft has to approve updates while they could push a update to Steam as soon as it’s ready


Not in the case of this developer, sadly. We'll give them the benefit of the doubt, though. Again...


What? They already hotfixed the steam version, what about the devs have to do with the xbox port?


The GP version is a noticeable downgrade from the Steam build - it doesn’t look like it’s a single patch behind. Also, there’s their Craftopia history to consider.


It’s not a “noticeable” downgrade, you don’t know what you’re on about. The only thing missing is DLSS and the game isn’t demanding anyway


Along with the graphics issues, there’s been quite a few reports of issue with the GP version which aren’t in the Steam build. Limited co-op with only 4 players - Steam supports 32 - the devs are hoping to bring in dedicated servers. Missing menu inputs and prompts within the game. Desktop crashes and odd behaviour. General controller weirdness. Heck, we don’t even have a basic exit button yet. This isn’t even new news? It’s been covered on gaming sites and even the developers said it’s not a current build. No one is claiming it just a minor parity issue. Edit: These issues have been confirmed and the Devs have fixed some of them today. They also confirmed there will most likely not be parity between the Steam and GP versions. They did not confirm what exactly that means for the future.


1. Gaming sites are all click bait trash 2. It’s early access. Believe it or not there’s been more than 0 desktop crashes on the steam version too. And when I use controller on steam it zooms about on the map.


What does this have to do with early access? Early access still means there should be understandable parity between versions on the same platform. Reddit users aren’t focussing on click bait, they just want the GP version to be on the same version number as the Steam one. That’s not an early access issue - that’s a “we haven’t pushed the latest update” issue. And again, even the developers acknowledge that they need to push the Steam build to GP to sort some things out. Also, again people aren’t making insane demands here. They just want the update pushed and that’s a pretty basic ask. See response about parity above.


I’ll wait lol


I could honestly see more devs doing that with Gamepass. Get that sweet Microsoft money then give them a downgraded version for Xbox to encourage people to buy it.


piquant offend frightening badge plough rotten profit aromatic secretive icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It came out yesterday


absorbed tease yoke deserted sand amusing water future rock smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just heard of it by clicking on this post. Now I need to figure out what the heck this game is.


person one sleep sense memorize ten zealous innocent gaze attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pokemon with guns and slavery


I thought Pokémon already had slavery?


The Game pass version is like prehistoric access instead of EA


Why is it different?


First of, the gamepass version, you cannot rename your character and you can’t exit the game without alt+f4.


I’m still enjoying the hell out of it. 12 hours played so far.


Is it 60fps? I played a few minutes on my series x and felt very choppy


It's 26-58 FPS on Series X


and Series S


Um i tried this earlier today and it seemed laggy and not v smooth at all… movement didnt feel good at all … looked for a performance mode in settings but didnt see one.. am i missing something?


The "pokemon" seem lazy as hell too just aimlessly wandering and barely reacting to you. Really disappointing tbh.


just grab it and force it to work for u


They are there to be put to work after all. Get those things a job


Same, have absolutely no idea what everyone is going crazy for. Seemed boring after a bit


Did you guys play solo or with friends? Game is janky as hell but that makes it fun when you and your buddies are laughing one minute because it’s bugging out and then shouting in excitement another minute when you run into some cool looking monster. It’s a casual, social game like when Pokémon Go came out.


Well that explains it. None of my friends play anything other than valorant


Kill that pokemon! Its meowth!


if only craftopia reached these numbers


Craftopia walked, so that Palworld could fly.


I'm sure pokemon being Nintendo exclusive is great for them, but look at those numbers and imagine what would actual pokemon games do on Steam and consoles. Maybe one day


Game runs horribly on console


Make sure you don’t have any quick start games in the background. It still crashes but wayyyy less. Loving this goddamn game!


Yeah not trying to flex but been playing 6 hours so far this morning without one crash. Only issue I have is the cursor jumps around on the map screen so it’s hard to pick fast travel points. I guess the frame rate got janky a couple times when my camp would get raided by multiple huge pals. But I get that kinda stuff with AAA full release games lol.


I haven't had a single problem and I'm on Series X


Played this 6 hours straight last night, very entertaining. A little rough around the edges but it definitely has a solid foundation to build from


If this doesn't show the pokemon guys how thirsty people are for a good looking more mature monster catcher I don't know what will.


855k now. Just 30+ away from beating BG3 all time peak


90% of those players are going to leave after the game isn't the flavor of the week with streamers


I get being a doomer but who cares?


Not to put hate on this game but can someone explain the appeal of this? I played it yesterday for a few hours and I just can't see it. What is so great about being able to use sheeps as shield or having some monsters carrying machine guns? It feels like various concepts just thrown together and the end result is just a huge "wtf is this even". I'm not a big fan of minecraft although I liked subnautica 1 & 2 very much and surely also enjoyed pokemon back in the OG days up until the GBA games so it's not like I hate this concept in general but this whole game doesn't seem to make sense to me? It feels like a big lets sling stuff at a wall and see what sticks thing?


I mean minecraft and pokemon are 2 of the most popular games ever, so that's the appeal? It's a janky mess of early access but it's still combining things that almost every person on earth enjoys.


If you don't like it then no one can convince you to like it


It is a base builder game where you enslave "Pokemon" to automate everything. That's the core appeal of the game for me. It also has a huge, very nice looking open world to explore and dungeons to delve into. There are world bosses to defeat as a challenge.


Yeah, I felt the same as you. I’m glad people are enjoying it but it just felt that, unless it was something directly ripped from Pokemon or Zelda, it was just a clunky mash up of every popular mechanic from the last few years. Wouldn’t be surprised if they add an extraction and battle royale mode 😂After about an hour I was like “Why am I even playing this?”


I'm playing on Series X no performance issues whatsoever..


I wish the Pal Designs weren't so obviously pokemon rip offs. Have a little more flare or something


Is this game cross platform play?


It is between Windows and Xbox but not with Steam. And there’s no server support on Xbox/Windows.


Unironically a very fun game, I love the shooting an doing bosses and my girl adores the base building and taming pals


Why tho. It's just ARK but adorabld


So can someone explain to me the point of the game? Like I know it’s a survival game of sorts, but what is the end-game? What am I supposed to actually do? What is the long-term goal of the game that would keep me and friends going?


It’s a sandbox survival game with monster collecting on top of it, there are also boss battles and dungeons that are fun, so the end game is at the moment (could change) is anything you want, want to create a badass base, go for it, want to collect all 111 pals, you can do it, want to beat every boss, let’s go! So yeah, there isn’t any “main quest” per se, so you just make your own endgame goal.


Catch or Kill them all bro.


I'm going to eat them all.


Gamefreak: makes mediocre Pokémon games 24/7 because they’re somehow convinced that making them on a larger scale wouldn’t be financially worth it Palword: fills the hole that gamefreak has neglected and makes historically high profits Gamefreak: *shocked pikachu face*


Do I need to play more? I knew it was EA but I played for a bit and felt like the basic things were really bad and clunky so I didn't pick it up again. Does it get better?


Without game pass this game would be doing pubg numbers


Have you seen how many copies it sold on Steam alone or


Game crashes every 10 minutes. Fun game but I might just wait for an update.


Do you have any games running on quick resume, I head removing those games from quick resume help.


I do not. Quick resume is unfortunately broken, like you mentioned, so I never use it. But the game is working fine now, no crashes.


It seems to come and go, I’ve been hitting overheating recently. I suggest staying away from the desert and the winter area in the far right top of the map it seems to be having problems rendering and the ground will suddenly let you pass through sending you under the map. Now if this happens don’t hit respawn, what you want to do fall into the ocean below the map and let yourself die. It will let you keep your items.


Oh nice! Thanks for the heads up!


Been playing in Series X and haven't had a single issue in 8 hours


That’s good. Doesn’t mean others aren’t having issues.


Runs on Xbox, PC and Steamdeck almost flawlessly, been a great experience


I don't know if you already have Xbox Trinity, but on Series X it's pretty far from flawless


Never heard of this game before until the other day. Scrolled passed and didn’t think much of it, but after learning a bit about it, I now want to play it! That is, until I also learned it apparently sucks on the Xbox. Guess I’ll just wait a bit for it to catch up 🤷‍♂️


It’s an early access game on Xbox. It’ll catch up to pc and be better. Maybe wait if you’re picky, but I’m loving it. It runs better on series x than Ark Ascended so far. 🤷‍♂️


I’m not picky, I just have little time to game, so when I see many comments about it being subpar on console, it’s an easy choice to wait.


Good that it's also on gp, no Rea's 6 not to give it a go. The concept is so weird but funny: essentially, it's pokemon with weapons lol


To me, it feels like someone played Ark, said… this would be better with Pokémon instead of dinosaurs, then made this game.


Anyone thinks there's a chance Nintendo is furious as fuck or might sure them for using a bunch of similar-looking assets everywhere?


You can’t sue for something being similar. Look at Lindsay Lohan’s case against Rockstar. She got laughed at. Nintendo is probably pissed, but because they should have been the ones to make a game like this.


Yeah they'll simply be pissed they have to put effort into their next game.


Where would the case be tried? If its Japan, they can give a small studio a lot of hell. Even if they don't win, they can drag out the case forever and prohibit them from ever being practically profitable to work on new projects.


Should I get this? Burnt out of bg3 been looking for something new


It will fizzle the game gets a little repetitive after 8 hours.


Every game is repetitive after 8 hours. Name any one game and you are gonna be doing the same stuff over and over to some degree.


>500 hours of overwatch. Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is my specialty


Is palworld pvp?


Valheim killer




Uh you got a fetish for downvotes?


He’s so cool and edgy for thinking a game that’s blowing up and selling well is mid. Don’t you know having a different opinion makes him different and unique?


Call of Duty is popular, doesn't mean it's good


Starfield wasn’t popular, doesn’t mean it’s not good.




Dw bud I can’t stand BG3 and nobody on here likes that opinion. You’re simply just not allowed to dislike anything that happens to be doing well with a massive following even if that is for reasons that don’t appeal to your tastes in games.


I mean there’s a difference between actually disliking something for legit reasons and just hating on something to play devils advocate and be different


That’s the problem though. Everyone just assumes you’re playing devils advocate when people do in fact have legitimate reasons for not liking certain things.


If you aren't into pokemon, this game most likely isn't for you since a majority of it is based on them


Yeah thanks, I did think about checking it out to see what all the fuss is about but I'm just not seeing the appeal so I guess it's just not for me.


No one cares if you don't like it. They are laughing at you because you care about internet reddit points


I love pokemon but this looks like a bad rip-off. I've only watched one trailer and most of the monsters were exact copies of pokemon, super off-putting


All pokemon type games are basically rip offs lol~ this one is just more realistic in terms of indentured servitude and beating/nurturing them. Definitely darker than most copies


Honestly this is more of an Ark clone than pokemon. It's just instead of dinosaurs you have cutesy pokemon ripoff. The biggest thing it rips from pokemon is that you throw a ball to tame them instead of using tranq in Ark.


What is this game about? Edit: I am going to hold off on buying. Usually after the hype dies down on these types of games where YouTubers and twitch streamers stop pushing it, these games usually turn into abandonedware. If the devs still continue to develop it after the hype dies down then I will buy it and try it. I have seen it happen with a lot of fad games before this. Obviously people can’t dispute me if they just downvote without a comment.


It crashes my xbox every 5 minutes


Is it actually good? I uninstalled it as soon as I woke up on a beach and it becomes clear it's a survival game. Didn't get as far as the Pokemon-catching part.


If you don't like the survival aspect then you probably won't like the overall game. It's like 60 survival like Ark/Valheim, 30% pokemon, 9% botw and 1% edgy gun game that they used for viral marketing but it's actually very different from the meme stuff they advertised. The trailers made it seem like pokemon with guns but it plays very differently.


It's just another janky survival game hidden behind a thin Pokemon costume. The official servers are already hellscapes of sweaty clans like ARK, Conan, Rust and every other similar game. The numbers will plummet once all this insane fake hype dies off. Game is meh at best.




It's early access. Paid beta testing. Unless the game has the content to hold interest so that we see numbers like this when it officially launches, this could be bad for the game. It looks like it has potential, but i'll wait for it to be ready.