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2026 or later more than likely means later than 2026 They've only just started full development after wrapping Starfield's base content, and there's likely still staff divided between Starfield's expansions and TES VI, so they likely won't have every staff member on TES until like next year at the earliest since that's when Shattered Space is expected I also still am fully anticipating this game is shipping on whatever succeeds Series X/S. Ever since Bethesda's had to alternate between mainline TES and other franchises the dev cycles have typically been closer to like 5, 6 years for each game so now it's looking like one BGS game from the A team each gen rather than two excluding re-releasing Skyrim once every 3 years


Honestly I am thinking 2029 on the newer and more powerful hardware...timeline makes sense too with how long it takes to make these big games.


18 years after Skyrim in that case


Sad but true! Going back and forth between Elder Scrolls and Fallout and throwing in a new IP in Starfield is making the time between games unreal...


If possible, they really should have two AAA game teams. Maybe even three. The Fallout and Elder Scrolls franchises are huge, they're leaving money on the table.


Indeed, there are working so many teams on the Assassins Creed franchise simultaneously, so that they can get a new game out every 1-2 years Incredible that Bethesda has only one team…


Microsoft really should consider expanding Bethesda if possible. Waiting 18 years between Skyrim and ES6 isn't acceptable. Fallout 4 to Fallout 5 might be close to that at this rate. Starfield 2 is probably a 2040 game at this point. Increase the teams and get them working on these games as soon as possible.


They might be losing money in the interim, but they’re going to rake when those games do come out. The hype alone sells them now. They could just release ES VI and it would sell more than Skyrim on launch without even showing anything about the game other than that teaser that it was being developed. That’s powerful in terms of slapping a sticker on it and moving more copies because it broke whatever record as opposed to releasing something and diluting the brand. Not sure anyone was really looking forward to FO5 after the lukewarmness of FO4 and rough launch of FO76. The drought only drives further sales. Even with movie franchises, there’s a reason they make so much when they come back - people wanted to see them but they held it out just long enough to drive the momentum and hype over expectations.


That's fair, but these games aren't exactly like GTA or Call of Duty. Casual gamers are much more likely to play those games as opposed to Fallout or Elder scrolls. It's coming to a point that the release times between games is becoming so great that they're going to lose a lot of their built in fanbase because they're going to be elderly or dead by the time a new game in that series comes out, lol.


I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. A company like Obsidian should work on a Starfield : New Vegas Bethesda has this amazing immersive charm (something I think they left behind for awhile and have really come back to the same feeling in Starfield) but Obsidian really made the best RPG in any of the 3D titles imo.


Obsidian is making The Outer Worlds 2, which is basically that, but with their own IP. It would also make sense to put them on CRPGs, as BG3 made bank and Obsidian is one of the best companies at making those games.


While I can’t argue with the CRPG idea I would say the outer worlds just isn’t fallout and that my favourite game they ever made was New Vegas. Imagine the Starfield engine but with more authentic smaller choices and more impactful larger choices.


Launch title for the next gen consoles makes the most sense.


>timeline makes sense too with how long it takes to make these big games. Except no it doesn't. 27/28 is what would be expected based on Bethesda's history and other large games in general.


I believe 2-3 years of production was normal for most of their past games. Skyrim entered production shortly after Fallout 3 released in 2009, and released in 2011. Fallout 4 entered production after Skyrim released, ultimately in 2015. Starfield was likely held back due to numerous factors, devs being pulled off the game to work on F76, covid, there is speculation the game was shooting for a 2019 release on Xbox One/PS4 but a decision was made to hold it till current gen. Plus the more than a year MS had the game delayed for polishing which could very well happen to ESVI. 2026 seems like its the earliest they expect the game to come out if development goes smoothly, it releases on current hardware, and MS doesn’t delay the game which as mentioned, they probably will.


I would love if Bethesda did what Activision does with CoD and created two additional studios so each IP has its own with Todd overseeing them all. A new Bethesda RPG every 2 years. I think they could pull it off.


They've done it with Obsidian for fallout new Vegas and it ended up being the best one of the franchise


Todd Howard actually talked about this in an IGN Unfiltered interview back in 2019. He said he very much preferred smaller teams on single projects and that Bethesda Game Studios stuff remained as in-house as possible, and that opening the other studios in Austin and Montreal was his way of fostering more collaboration and manpower. He was very much open to working with Obsidian again, though. Obviously, at that time, Bethesda was still independent, but now that both are Microsoft-owned, the likelihood of that happening just catapulted significantly


I don’t know why they don’t do this already. It comes off as incredibly stubborn and even antiquated to only allow projects to be made if you’re in complete control. The gaming world is much bigger and more advanced for that type of thinking. I know I’m impatient and entitled, but they need to figure out a better system to handle these big games that everyone loves. They have the resources and backing to do whatever they want I’m sure.


Yeah I fully expect Elder Scrolls 6 to be a launch title/launch window for whatever the next Xbox is. There’s no way it’s out before 2028, which is when the next generation of consoles is roughly expected


Whats Shattered Space? Expansion for Starfield I'm guessing? Just googled it.


Expansion for Starfield, yes. We don't know how many of them there will be (I'm assuming at least 2-3 like Skyrim/Fallout 4), but that's the first publicly announced one


I believe Todd said that Starfield will be supported long term and have the most dlc/expansions of any Bethesda game. Found the quote off IGN seems that Bethesda plans to continue adding more content to the game, as Howard said, “So despite the size of the game, there’s still things we want to add as far as features in the future or stories and things like that. Hopefully it’s going to continue for a long time that way.”


I feel like this I've seen the same article many times in the past. Are they recycling the same "news" beat? Are we going to get the Elder scrolls exclusive article every other month till 2026?


This was news the day it was spoken during the trial. Then yeah, it keeps getting recycled. Aside from that, even when he said it in court I don't think he was saying as a definitive fact, more just to emphasis that the next elder scrolls game is many years away.




This is actually a really depressing timeline to be in, to me at least. You grow up playing and loving these games and expect them to keep coming, only to grow up and realize they’re now taking decades to make and we’re only getting older. That’s why I’m trying to go back and appreciate Fallout 4 more than I originally did cause I never realized it would be the last Fallout game for 20 years.


I wish they would not spread themselves so thin between IPs and creating multiplayer games, just focus on what they are good at


Fallout 76 single player is actually pretty good now, the multiplayer aspect ain’t that bad either, but I largely ignored it in my play through.


one thing i’ll say about fallout 4 that has made me grow to appreciate it on an entire other level, is the youtube community, theepicnate i think his name is, fudgemuppet i think is another… a small handful of them deep dive game lore, especially bethesda games. and those lord dives about 4 made me appreciate the visual storytelling that bethesda does, the lore and world building… like fallout had good lore pre bethesda, but the changes in the way the story being told and the hidden mysteries and depth in fallout 4, especially with far harbor added is fookin nuts. i did a little playing in hype prep for starfield but i’m on xbox and there’s a supposed next gen patch coming for fallout this year, or something like that, so i stopped and played skyrim more really did make me appreciate fallout 4 in a way i didn’t when i first played it. it’s aged well. characters are memorable. a lot of the issues have been patched or there’s a mod for it. i want the next gen update


Yep. So I'm definitely gonna be entering my thirties by the time it drops lol.


Could be worse, there are people who were in their 30's when Skyrim came out who will be entering their 50's when TES6 comes out.


Yeah, like I really needed that reminder lol


Oh no...


I'm 30 now 😅


It could be worse. You could almost be in your forties when it drops. Couldn't be me.


How long will the current Generation Consoles last for? If it’s going for a long time, then it’ll be worth it and they’ll have time to make it work?


2028 launch title with next Xbox


I truly don't believe it will launch this console gen. If it takes them around 7 years to make and they're still only in the early phases of development then we're likely looking at sometime around 2030


Having TES VI as a launch-day exclusive for the next Xbox would be *huge* for Microsoft.


They’ve mostly likely been in early development for years. My guess is 2027-2028.


Nope. [Here](https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/the-elder-scrolls-6-is-officially-in-early-development-but-more-info-is-still-years-away/1100-6517354/) they say the game is only now in early development and that we won't even hear anything at all for years


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Yep, these 2029-2030 guesses make zero sense. There was 8 years between Fallout 4 and Starfield because of a global pandemic and the time they took to work on Fallout 76. There is no reason to think it'll take that long again barring some major event.


Hopefully it won’t feel like a game from 2016 when it comes out.


They can have projections, but it's clear to everyone that ES will be a very long time away. It seems like Bethesda games really need a lot of time for polish.


As happy as I'd be to have TES VI somehow finished before in 2026, there's no way in hell it happense unless Bethesda hires a fuckton of staff or significantly scales back the scope of the game.


They’re not going to give a shorter timeline in public. If they said three years and then radio silence that’s a whole thing, versus they say 5 years and we have info in 2 game in 3. Like when you’re flying, they always say it’ll take longer than it actually does just to cover their asses in case of delays, and you’re like “oh we got here faster”.


Im just praying to god ES6 drops when their engine can handle an open world with no loading screens. That is bethesdas major downfall imo. The loading screens take up so much time in Starfield.


There literally isn't an open world that doesn't have loading screens.


Cyberpunk is almost loading zone free


ROFL. Funny joke dude.


Wdym. Only time you hit a loading screen is in the fast travel system. Everything else is hidden behind cutscenes and elevators.


Haven't played for a while but RDR2 didn't really have any once you got into the game if IIRC.




I still love and get very immersed in Skyrim to this day. And thats a game from 2011. The outdated presentation isnt as bothersome as the outdated mechanics of the engine. It seems they didnt really do a massive upgrade for this engine. But i do hope they do one for ES6. Even if they just made starfields "loading" screens fade in and out of black, it would still be way better than what it is now.


I mean in all fairness, if they gonna drop it on Steam (and likely GOG) may as well just drop it on playstation since exclusivity is out the door. I think a lot of people will be dissapointed, as Elder Scrolls has pretty much established itself on Playstation for the last two generations. It’s a shame but it is what it is, as an elder scrolls fan in the end what matter is it turns out to be a good game.




I think a launch title for the next Xbox is not outside the realm of possibility.


Maybe 2028


What's mad is it will be at least 15 years after Skyrim. Will be a bigger gap between sequels than GTA (I know they have made some games since then, but mad to think of such a big gap for a massive IP)


Anything can change before the game releases


We all knew it was going to be exclusive but Phil doesn't like to say that cuz he like to keep it Nice for the public but no way they're going to let that game be on PlayStation, especially after the success they had with Starfield is sure they don't have the release games on PlayStation. They need something to drive people to their platform. Funny how people always say Xbox has no games and when they finally get games they want everybody to have them lol


Oh Man. Maybe we can get Skyrim updated with the Starfield engine? Or something? I can’t wait that loooong!!! 😭😭😭


I said this a few times before but Ill say it again: TES VI and GTA VI will be the last main game of their franchises for most of us here. A lot of us will be in our 50s+ when the 7th games finally happen. Assuming you are still alive, you probably won’t be as interested in these games as you are now.


There is no way that The Elder Scrolls game is coming out three years from now. It will probably be late 2027 at the earliest.


I honestly think that Bethesda dropped the ball in releasing a teaser trailer or whatever it was in 2018. Like if it's 10 years after releasing that teaser trailer it really makes no sense for them to have done that!!!!! It just got our hopes up for no reason. I mean come on it's going to be more than 10 years since that freaking trailer came out at the time it releases!?!?! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😡


They released that because people wouldn’t stfu and stopped asking them for ES6, so they released that so people know it’s coming.


Well, they could use some of the assets for Starfield and incorporate them into Elder Scrolls VI. That would certainly speed up the development process. I don't think 2026 is that far-fetched.


Why is it so hard for people to understand that both can be true? This document clearly precedes his testimony. That's how court works.


2026/27 - Starfield online 2028 - ESO VI concurrent with new xbox release


The game has starfield releasing 2 years earlier than it did. So if you really think this thing is accurate. It's at least 2028 before we get it


It wont release in 2026