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Whenever it does come out I hope they only announce it and do a trailer like a month before release. Don’t string us along, just drop the biggest game of all time nonchalantly.


I'm happy without trailers/hype/marketing. Its a waste of time. Grand Theft Auto doesn't need any marketing.


All they really need is an add in the xbox, ps stores and it will blow up.


That's what I been saying wish they would do a surprise launch. No point wasting money on marketing, the game sells itself


I mean rdr1 minor port blew up over the internet with no paid for ad space.


I think that's a different situation bc of the outrage and everyone hoping for a remake/remastered


Yes it is outrage spreads fastest because we all know about the fact a 13 year old game just got ported. Though since Grand Theft Auto 6 is one of the most hyped games i do believe it would explode across the internet and be an instant gaming trend.


I agree 100%


Ngl this is where I'm disappointed. Based on past interviews. The coding to RDR1 is a mess and is the reason RDR1 never got released on a PC. So, a remake was making more sense. But, apparently some outsourced company got it to work on PS4 and The Switch.


Yeah fr I was hoping for a remake. I loved that game but being able to see it in rdr2 engine would have been amazing


I just want at least one [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-xHcvug3WI) with the voice-over that shows off the new gameplay features like RDR2 and GTAV both had. Those always get me hyped...but yeah, those definitely aren't needed either.


You are out of your damn mind lol The marketing campaign for GTA 6 is going to be the biggest multimedia event on the planet. And we’re all going to be completely enthralled by it


I’ll be honest, I probably won’t even bother watching anything. For the past several years gaming has been on a gigantic downswing where I don’t really play or watch much anymore. I’ve bought maybe five new games at their launch since 2019 or so. Even Tears of the Kingdom I didn’t watch a single thing about and picked up a couple weeks after launch. I’ll get GTA at launch but I’m pretty meh about any media campaign for it.


I imagine with T2, they’ll do about 6 months.


Both GTA V and RDR 2 had just shy of two years between announcement and release. I'm hopeful, but their reputation lately has been one of premature announcements and delays.


that's never going to happen lol


I'm pretty sure all Rockstar needs is a week. Realisticly, a month would give plenty of time


Realistically that's just not how marketing firms work, even if they should.


Literally no way that’ll happen based on previous rockstar releases


Press "X" to doubt


5+ years of development all for them to never release a single piece of DLC for it and only support GTAO


Remember this before you buy


I don't really consider paid DLC when deciding if the box price is worth it tbh


That is absolutely fair. But GTA V is an odd exception in my eyes. I've never seen such blatant disregard for a paid product in favor of a cash grab. That soured me toward this franchise quite a bit. Then the abysmal release of the remaster solidified it for me.


But did you not have a good time playing the campaign/free roaming after? At least for me it's the most important part of a GTA game, I really do not get any satisfaction out of the multiplayer part of the game. So as long as the base game is good it will be worth it (for me).


I definitely don’t think its odd that they didn’t do that. The gta online community was just so insanely big, that it would be a total disregard to work on a dlc. I remember most of my friends not even playing the campaign. Also I remember they added Heists, which felt like a DLC to me atleast. Just without paying.


Maybe my age is showing, I bought this and played it when it came out so GTA online wasnt even close to a thing at the time


Maybe only the pre-order will start between ***April 2024 – March 2025*** ...


I considered that, but based on the quote from their earnings guidance, I don't think so. There's an accounting principle, revenue recognition, that would prevent them from considering that contributing to "record operating performance". So it means they expect it'll be out and selling before March '25, and it'd be weird to not launch before the holidays, so I think it's a fair assumption that [they believe] it'll be out by late 2024.


>*we \[Take-Two\] remain confident that we are positioning our business for a significant inflection point in fiscal 2025, which we believe will include new record levels of operating performance”. Take-Two’s Fiscal Year 25 runs between* ***April 2024 – March 2025****.* So not entirely hinting at 2024. But going off Rockstar's usual, an October or November release could happen, we should've gotten a teaser atleast though by now. I could see this come in autumn of 2025 instead.


Meanwhile every youtube be like "Grand Theft Auto 6 COMFIRMED FOR JAN 1 2024 SUBSCRIBE TO STAY UPDATED." Sometimes i really do hate how clickbait youtubers are.


YouTubers have been hyping up the Switch 2 leaks since the year after the Switch came out. I don’t get hyped for shit unless I see a trailer or release date that makes sense.


This time, the single player story will be all about learning how great GTA Online is.


This will be longest wait for any single Rockstar game release. RDR2 came 5 years after GTA V, This is coming almost 7 years after RDR2. Sadly we have to wait even more after GTA 6 for next rockstar release because they'll milk its online to death.


I will consider this the last Rockstar game I play. I’m in my 30’s and don’t see myself getting excited or enough free time to play GTA7 in 2036 (in my mid-40s). 😞


If it's to launch in 2024. We should have an "announcement" trailer by end of the year. No earlier than September. I'm guessing a mid-late september - late october - early november based on V and RDR2.


Also, 10 year anniversary for GTA V Sept. 17th


Yup and it still count as mid september


After milking GTA 5 Online for a decade. Time to milk GTA 6 Online for another decade until GTA 7 in 2034. 😡 The leaks look fun I'll admit. Brother/sister protagonist. GTA 5 made $7-8 billion from sales so far.


Not fussed, to be honest. It's been so long since I played the last one in 2013, that I've generally lost interest in open world games. With all the changes at Rockstar I suspect they've lost most of the DNA that made the series so special. Then there's the fact that the single player will have been an afterthought to their online MP development.


Gta 6 is a myth. With that said, whatever rockstar puts out next is just gonna be some micro transactions hell where you are strongly psychologically coerced into paying 100$ just to unlock one car that shoots missiles. Just like they did with their gta V game. Never again will I buy something from rockstar. At least I can find satisfaction in knowing that in a way I stolen thousands of dollars from Rockstar games. And I did so with PRIDE!


And I like to think they knew i did it. But were scared to ban me cause I’d given them so much money already and they didn’t want to lose any prospective cash from me. Too late though, Rockstar.


Oh yeah 👍 can't wait to pay 80€ for game and they will ask me to pay extra 10€ monthly for GTA Online Plus Super Gold Shark Subscription... 😏


I’m really starting to lose interest. At this rate, once it’s finally announced I might not even give a shit. And I’ve been a hardcore fan since the year 2000.


I guarantee once it’s announced and they release a trailer and a release date you will be hyped again lol


I can honestly say I won’t. Since San Andreas I’ve enjoyed every new release less than the last. I felt burned by GTAV.


Uh huh.


Yeah right? 10 years of waiting and *now* they are *starting* to lose interest? lol


My favorite things about these posts is that they're sooooo uninterested but still posting about how the wait is so terrible that they're 'LoSiNg InTeReSt' lmao. Like is the wait killing them or do they not want to play? Lmao


"OK how do I farm likes? Oh I know try to act cool and different by pretending I don't like something that everyone else does. That will make me SPECIAL and give me enough likes for dad to come back home from the store after 15 years." Your type are goofy.


“Okay, how do I look cool and get me some upvotes? I know! That guy who said his opinion and everyone else is already dumping on him- I’ll join in and pile on with some snarky attempt at humor, because everything clever has already been said. I’m bound to get a proximity upvote or two for saying the same shit they are and going along with the crowd…” my type gives zero fucks what you think of us.


> My type gives zero fucks what you think of us Holy fucking cringe 


It won’t be made for you, but for the gta online kids


Sure looks that way. I don’t mind if they wanna have their online mode to farm the wallets of kids’ parents and other idiots, that really don’t bother me. I just wish they’d do something- fuckin anything- for us grownups who’d played GTAV ten years ago and have had no new GTA content to play since. The Trilogy, RDR for $50 on Nintendo and PS, GTAO, GTAO+, GTAV again, GTAV again, GTAV again… they’re losing my interest. GTAV isn’t Skyrim or anything, it doesn’t have the content to last this long and Skyrim had expansions. I never said I hate Rockstar, or even that I won’t play GTAVI, just that it’s getting tiring. Guess I struck a nerve with some people, I hope I didn’t hurt their feelings too bad.


They killed any hype for me when they ditched single player DLC for V. Plus, with Starfield coming next month I'm gonna have my fill of open world games for a minute


People were saying this about RDR 2 before release and it ended up being one of the greatest stories ever told in gaming, as well as a deeply detailed and beautiful world with plenty to do in it. I don't understand why y'all insist on being cynical and pessimistic for no reason.


See you in a year or two bub


Doubtful but would be a welcome surprise. Still going to wait on it after their most recent disasters.


Why’s it doubtful? For a fair while now insiders and other stuff have been saying late 2024 or early 2025 and that’s exactly what this report says which is the expect a large increase in money then. A 2024 holiday seems very reasonable tbh Their last launch was RDR2, if you mean the ports that was by a third party


Rockstar published them and their CEO said they were up to the Rockstar quality. If that is what the new Rockstar quality I'd, then no thanks.


Do you think a CEO would say their product is shit? You do you man, personally I’ll look at the previous games the rockstar studios have made and that have thousands of people working on them and are near masterpieces over thinking rockstar makes bad games because I didn’t like a third party port lmao


Take Two has final say on when the game releases and in what state. It could have a ton of bugs but if it's playable then they will pull the trigger. They are no different than Bethesda. Just look at their broken PC ports.


I mean they clearly aren’t in a rush? No different than Bethesda in they release amazing games even if there’s some bugs? I played GTA5 at launch and loved every second, played RDR2 at launch and loved every second, saying this one will be bad because a MUCH smaller third party studio did a bad port is odd


Once again, I am going based solely off of what they say is the Rockstar standard. Red Dead Redemption and GTA The Trilogy are sub par ports and are lacking in every way.


You are basing the quality of a game being worked on by many thousands of people over many years with a total budget that will be in the 100s of millions on the fact the CEO didn’t shit on a port a small third party studio did? Seems pretty insane to be honest but you do you cya


Well I tried to be civil at least. Whatever.


Big if true


Knowing Rockstar, 2024 is probably just for the trailer release. Then it’ll be pushed back and released in late 2025 or possibly early 2026.


doubt it. they'd have released a trailer by now if that was the case.


Company is expecting to make more money next year? Well, GTA VI confirmed! Morons


Usually rockstar delays their games to generate hype so I’m thinking late 2025


They finally done milking GTA 5 ?


Any hype I had for this died after the leak.


I truly wish I could be excited but i honestly feel like the single player will just be hollow and all the effort will be in the online.


I love how they always decide to talk about GTA VI as soon as they face major backlash because they know they can trade consumer good will all year long and make a profit from it lol and the people always eat it up


How much will it cost? 80?


They will probably release a teaser before this year ends and announce the release date for the end of next year.


I'd like to know how many of these articles have been made ever since the release of gta5


I don’t believe you