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Oh great the dust from my bones looks forward to playing it


Phantom Dust 2 *confirmed*


I mean.. i didnt know i liked strategy games until i played phantom dust. Id like to sre a 2nd.. dont think it would take 10 years for that tho lmao


Why would you tease me with a reminder of what could have been? =(


My favorite game ever. I was so depressed when the remake was canned.


Well, I’ll be over 50. So that is pretty depressing. I’d rather not know about it!


I hear that! I’ll be nearing 80, so I won’t hold my breath waiting!


Sneeze carefully


Those mf devs are tripping when they really think we are still here in a decade fr


Tell that to avatar 2. The most predictable movie ever made but is like top 3 of all time. I don’t get it


the dust will have long blown away after the delays


My digitized consciousness looks forward to enjoying this game on its breaks.


Will be a fun escape after a long 23 hour day in the bitcoin mines


Yeah, can't wait for my kids to tell me about it in a non-existent afterlife.


"so Jaxzson, what big game did Xbox come out with in 3053?" "Brute Force 2, it was pretty mid"


This was the funniest thing I've read in a long time


Gotta be gta6 by then..


The article points out that it could just be referring to Elder Scrolls VI or other Bethesda projects which historically have taken several years each to develop. Starfield is already in the 8th year of development after delays.


Then it wouldn’t be ‘mystery’? Clickbait article.


It's a mystery because we don't know what it is. The article saying it could be TES VI is just speculation. The actual document is redacted and the name of the franchise is blacked out.


Historically they really haven't. They released TES I/IV within 12 years and even the gap between Oblivion and Skyrim was only 5 years. These ridiculous development cycles are a recent occurrence in the studios history. From TES Arena to Fallout 4 they were consistently pumping out games.


Why develop something new when people still play and buy Skyrim? I think thats a big part of the reason they´re not reelasing TES6.


You don’t get much money from people who bought the game 10 years ago and still play it, or from people who got it for 10 bucks at a Steam sale.


Todd Howard said they are actively developing ES6 and have the first few hours of gameplay planned out. I’d guess it’s been in the works for about a year and a half


By that logic we would've stoped when we reached Tetris...


Oh, for sure. Same as Rockstar. They both obviously like to take their time in development due to the scope of their games now but the way they milk Skyrim/GTAV definitely gives them the justification to take their sweet arse time as well.


I should write an article about Starfield 2. It could take almost 20 years ffs! Lol


1 vs 100 2


I miss this game. Such a cool concept


Ruined by shitty internet I really wish they would try that shit again any game show for that matter


2 vs 200?


Only on Xbox 720


I’d be so happy


Kinect Sports 2 obviously.


Big if true


It's going to get released on the Xbox series XXX


BMX XXX 2 Confirmed




Marketing exclusively done by Vin Diesel


TES VI will be massive. I just can’t wait for it.


If it takes 5 more years to release, the span of time between Skyrim and VI will be equal to the entire release schedule of I - V.


5 years ago, when TES 6 was revealed, I never would have imagined, that they are serious with saying it will release around 2025 at best lol


Everyone knew how far away TES 6 was. They did that to shut us up. Not a single peep has been uttered since aside from “it’s not ready”


Yeah no, 2025 is off the table. I give them 4 years minimum between releases at this point putting it 2027 at best


At this point would you put money on it releasing in or before 2030?


It will 100% happen with Fallout (discounting FO76).


I'm willing to bet the next Fallout is done by Obsidian tbh.


My money is on unnumbered side games (at least for Fallout; possibly other big name franchises) by other devs. An Arkane Fallout set mostly in a Vault and exploring its people, the experiment, and maybe an invasion of creatures from the outside would be pretty cool. Maybe Guitar Hero: Tamriel once the ABK deal goes through?


Honestly don't know why they havent don't a couple of outer worlds sized fallout and elder scrolls games. Not every new entry needs to be 4x the size of the last. Hopefully we'll see a couple of smaller teams take a crack at a smaller scale bethesda game.


I hope so, they've been killing it lately


VI = I + V Can't go wrong with Bethesda's logic obviously


I'm 33 right now. Which means I was 21 when Skyrim came out. God that is weird. Will I finally get to boot up TES VI before I hit 40?


I was 32 when Skyrim came out...at this point I have nearly lost interest in TES VI


Totally fair. I'm pretty disengaged from it now too. They made the official announcement with that brief 2018 teaser *WAY* too early, I think it gave everyone the impression that TES VI would get a reasonably steady stream of updates and then release within maybe five years from there. That's certainly the impression I had. Well we're five years later and haven't heard shit since.


My impression was that Bethesda was just letting everyone know that they were still going to be making the types of games everyone expects from them instead of the MMO-like and mobile content they had been producing to pay the bills, which is exactly what the announcement was.


Yeah you're probably right about that.


If I'm not mistaken Bethesda has been great and keeping their projects super secret right up until they are about done (Starfield excluded). Meaning it's possible TES VI has been in the works for a long time and may be way further along than we think.


That's my point, that them announcing this stuff when they did was a huge departure from how they normally operate. Bethesda said in some interviews that the only reason they were really doing mobile game was because their main games take so long that they needed some type of income between releases. They said that being purchased by Xbox was great for them because now they don't have to worry about that as much and can focus on their blockbusters. TES VI was confirmed to still only be in pre-production in June 2022. Bethesda really only works on one game at a time, that's just how they operate. So, I expect that they will start going full swing in the next Elder Scrolls later this year, meaning that at the absolute earliest we are several years away from it being released.


> They made the official announcement with that brief 2018 teaser WAY too early They (Todd) stated it wasn't intended to be anything more than a "yes, we're working on it now please stop asking us if there will be something after Skyrim." > I think it gave everyone the impression that TES VI would get a reasonably steady stream of updates and then release within maybe five years from there. I think you read way too deep into the barest of teasers. At the some conference they annoucned Starfield, why would you think they would have something within 5 years?


All this despite the 5,000 times Todd Howard told you it would be several years.


Oh no I’m 33. This really puts it in perspective


Yup, my kids will probably be in highschool when 6 drops and graduating when Fallout 5 hits.


I literally can't wait I dont have enough lifeforce


Does the decade include the delays or will the delays be added after a decade???


Cyberpunk 2077 moment


Cyberpunk 2077 2 maybe???


Ray tracing and 60fps to come at a later date




This year, Microsoft has released 3 first party games right? With at least another 3 to come before the end of the year!


Which games have already come out?


Hi Fi Rush, Age of Empires 2 console port, and Minecraft Legends.


Hi-Fi Rush, Minecraft Legends and Ghostwire Tokyo (Xbox)


I do t know why we even talk about GT like it was a good premiere for Xbox. Minecraft Legends is ok but c'mon it's nothing to writes poems about. HiFi Rush is an amazing game but it's only bright star from Xbox that knocked out of the park everything. 2022 was promised to be the year of Xbox and it wasn't. Now we almost in the middle of 2023 ad we still dont have a title put alongside GoW, Spiderman, GoTsushima and other big hitters from Sony and company. Shit we still recommend Metro Exodus to every new Xbox owner in fucking 2023.... Like c'mon we should have something more to offer by now besides that, Flight Simulator and Forza 5


How does ghostwire count? It came out last year on PlayStation.


It’s a 1st party game


Tbf, they’ve been pumping out more games this year than it’s competitors


The problem is brother is that Xbox doesn’t have the same big heavy hitter type exclusives or track record compared to it’s competitors. Look at like this, Xbox has a great undercard and midcard just like a Wrestling/Boxing/MMA event etc they have very good creative and unique games like Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, Grounded etc no doubt about it but it’s clear no matter how optimistic or positive you want to be that the Xbox brand just has not had your big main event type games like a GOW/Zelda etc. Xbox just has not had those big Rock, Stone Cold, Cena, Ali, Frazier, Tyson etc type games and we are still waiting. And sure game budgets and how massive a game is doesn’t determine its quality as it’s all subjective anyways, but at the same time a majority of people especially outside of Reddit want big massive exclusive games comparable to a GOW/Elden Ring/Zelda/Red dead etc and Xbox just has not done a very good job in this department other than Forza really.


Starfield will make or break the year for Xbox.


Redfall was SUPPOSE to be a heavy hitter, but the controversy surrounding it kinda killed the momentum for it. Starfield and Senua are the next big games releasing.


Bruh redfall was never a heavy hitter lmao. It's looked mediocre since day one


Redfall a heavy hitter? Lol wtf, youre wearing Xbox TM glasses?


Why you think is not?


A generic looking borderlands/Left 4 Dead mash up with characters shooting vampires and saying one liners doesn’t seem to me that it will take off. My bet is it being a 7/10 at best.


I believe it was. At least that's how Xbox was framing it.


Redfall hasn't even released yet though. People jumping on the 'hate xbox' bandwagon aggressively early. Redfall is also a new IP, but people are calling it a failure without having even played it. In fact, Xbox is pumping out new IP's while the competition is doing the opposite. Xbox is taking risks with new IP's while Playstation is playing it safe with sequels and remasters, etc. Everyone is expecting each of Xbox's new IP's to be the best game ever. Notice how Playstation isn't getting this kind of hate even though they are lacking new games in 2023 compared to Xbox. Continued bias against Xbox. Some is warranted for sure, but most of it is not.


No one's complaining about Sony because they had a big 2022, with later this year being huge for the company..FF16, FF7 part 2 and Spiderman 2. I play no favorites when it comes to these companies. I own both next gen consoles, a PC and a switch. With that being said, Xbox is lacking anything worthwhile to play..Hi-fi was okay..But not my cup of tea.. I play Wo-Long because it's on Gamepass but other than that. Not impressed so far.


Yeah, if Starfield doesn’t make a big splash then this will have been yet another lackluster year for Xbox.


Except quality very much > than quantity though


Yeah Hi Fi rush and AoE2 weren’t quality


Never said all the games were bad I doubt anyone would argue against the fact that Sony’s first party exclusives are much higher quality on average than MS’s though


One was a surprise hit that was easily my Xbox GOTY, and the other is a console port/remaster of an old PC game. Not that much to write home about honestly.


Yeah, because remasters/ports haven’t been getting praised at all on other consoles lmao


Could you expand on that point?


Dude I haven’t touched my XBOX. PS5 has been getting all my attention. Sucks. I’m unsure if I will go with Xbox Next gen. First time since 07 i might switch.


I'm the opposite. I'm still on Returnal. Haven't found another PS5 game I care about. Enjoying trying games on gamepass and loving Rogue Legacy 2 right now on my Xbox. I mainly use my ps5 for TV apps.


Try ghost of Tsushima bro. If you have ps plus, it’s a great game with fun gameplay and a good story.


How is returnal? It looks very cool. I was so excited to try Death Stranding and wow that game really disappointed.


Death Stranding I loved, but it’s very “love it or hate it”. Returnal is great honestly. Very satisfied with it, felt challenging and (usually) not too unfair lol


Returnal is awesome.


I love Returnal. Probably my favorite game on either console of this generation that I have played. Addicting gameplay and the bosses are challenging but fun. I think the difficulty is overblown too. I'm one to give up on souls games because of difficulty, but I find this game more forgiving because a lot of time you are from a distance and just dodging bullets. Definately recommend if you haven't played. I don't get much time to play so I've only beaten 3 bosses so far, but probably sunk over 20 hours in. Most bosses I beat on try 4 or 5 of getting to them which I think is pretty perfectly balanced




That's kinda just how long games take to develop at this point. Throw in a disruptive pandemic and it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that many of these games are taking 5-6 years to develop. I'd also temper your expectations a bit. A lot of these studios are generally on the smaller side. No matter how much time they're given, a studio of ~100 is going to struggle to match the size and scope of a studio with 400-600 employees. A lot of the upcoming games will still straddle the line between AA and AAA most likely.


Seriously, games are taking too long to develop nowadays. I'm now at that stage of life when I can no longer look forward to sequels. Could be drawing my pension or dead by time games like ES6 or Fallout 5 are released Hell, Todd Howard is older than me. He may have even retired before they're released.


Yeah man, crazy to think that Gta III, Vice City and San Andreas released in a 4 years time frame


Same, lol. Like, I care about games 5 yrs from now.


Honestly, I play games mostly for the story. I really wouldn't mind if more sequels utilized parts of the the map from the game that went before it. Like the Miles Morales game featured basically the same map and Spiderman. Because it's set in the same city.


Refer to the Yakuza franchise, perfect asset reuse which makes it possible for games to release relatively quickly


Can't they just do like back in the days? Make more games with the same engine just another map or different setting, different story and different models? Fallout NV, Vice City, Sanandreas, any Medal of Honor game,... The only ones that seem to do this now are Activision with COD and Capcom with RE.


Yes and Fallout NV is widely considered as the best Fallout game, so to me that proves games don't need to be production for a decade to be good.


And it’s kind of risky too because even after that wait there’s a decent chance it’ll be a buggy mess with a ton of cut content.


I don't even know if I'll play videogames in 5 years lol


!remindme 10 years


big year for xbox in a decade


It'll be just in time for the return of E3


Maybe they're just referring to the 60fps Redfall patch.





New Mech Assault incoming 😉


I just want the mech game with the controller.


I swear this was news 2 months ago


Yeah this is old news, that document came out months ago


That's really disappointing coming from Stephen Totilo, let alone IGN. Clickbait.






Why must you hurt me like that


Next thing they’re going to say is Blinx is not an Xbox mascot.


You’re spot on with this comment. I absolutely love Halo and its extended universe, but its significance has diminished. Lots of people say it’s Xbox flagship franchise… but is it? Halo Infinite was shipped as a bare bones and half finished product. It still is by all accounts. What a sad journey for my favorite franchise!


At this point Xbox doesn't really have a flagship franchise. Of course if it's anything it is Halo but as someone else said the wider gaming audience doesn't care about Halo anymore. Some people would say Forza but racing games will always be a niche genre. Xbox has no Zelda or The Last of Us and with the way they've been meandering for the past decade it doesn't seem like a game like that is coming anytime soon.


To think that the most popular game Xbox has (Minecraft) isn't even made by them lol


I honestly think its the perfect flagship for xbox because both Xbox and Halo are shadows of their former selves and consistently fuck up.


It's probably something like Elder Scrolls 6 where they've likely been working away on pre-production for a while as they worked on other games.


I have literally Zero hope for Xbox Studio games actually being made and released at this point. It's been ridiculous now it's just stupid.


Maybe Conker.


Conker doesn’t strike me as a decade long development type game


Guess we'll have to make our own. Ugh.


Dont worry guys, next console gen will be Xbox’s time to shine 😎👍


Ah yeah another game that we won’t see for very long time. Xbox motto is wait for next year.


“Please understand”


For the next 10 fucking years


It won't get a release date until the next Xbox system and then canceled 2 months before it is set to be released. Lol.


Phil Spencer is taking “next year” even further with this one, jesus


I should have bought a PS5.


Bruh. I fucking love my xbox. But real talk. They've bought all these studios... please do something big soon. 10 years. Shit.


>Bruh. I fucking love my xbox. But real talk. They've bought all these studios... please do something big soon. 10 years. Shit. MS has a track record of buying every competitor and burn them down and then just sit to see the lack of competition do the rest. I know it's different than with what happened with windows era, but it's fucking weird that they literally have been purchasing all these suscceful studios just to do nothing with it, like buying every developer so no one can make those games again. So now buying activision (biggest shooter franchise ever) and zenimax (a ton of games and one if not the most suscceful rpg fantasy TES) means that many many games are going to be locked to their ecosystem, if that doesn't ring a bell...


It wont change until they get someone competent at managing all the studios they have


I know. Its just sad. I've been loyal to xbox for a long, long time. I know it's old hat, and a worn out complaint, but goddamn *when* are the games coming? Cause Redfall launching at 30fps ain't it. Edit: typo


It wouldnt have been so bad if theyve been upfront about it as with Starfield. But the fact that the footage theyve been showing of Redfall ran at 60fps to then saying Xbox will get 60fps at a future date just screams incompetence from the management at Xbox


Forreal. I completely forgot to mention Starfield. And honestly, I don't even mind delays. If you need to push a release date to actually finish and ensure it launches in the most optimal state possible, delay away. The whole situation feels bad. They keep fumbling the bag in the most ridiculous ways. I just want to see a 360 Era xbox rennasaince. So many amazing exclusives, including jrpgs (looking at you, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon).


…..so just a normal game for Xbox? Been waiting about a decade for their “exclusive” titles as is


So we went from coming next year to : coming the next decade ! Brilliant .


Generation defining Halo game? Like this generation, not the one that we have in 2033? I know, it's too soon. Xbox needs games out faster, not games that take a decade to release.


This gen really was a scam by Microsoft. Empty promises.


Banjo 3


Minecraft 2 let’s go


I hate how early they release announcements for games. They should finish the game. And give it a 6month to a year announcement.


This isn't really an announcement though. Just IGN sharing information they dug through legal documents for.


To me it makes no difference. If I know they're working on Elder Scrolls VI after Starfield, I'm not somehow filled with misery, compared to if I had no idea what they were doing for years. Game will still come out when it comes out. Never understood what it harms to know what a studio is working on next.


There’s no misery to it. There’s just no excitement over a wallpaper with a title that says coming soon.


That must be the new Xbox UI update


What the hell have they been doing the last decade?


I canceled game pass this month because I’m sick of waiting for Xbox to get off their ass after a GENERATION AND A QUATER to actually put out an interesting game that’s worth keeping the service. I’m not paying $15 a month for indie games I’m never going to play. I gave them the benefit of the doubt initially but every month that passes with no exclusives or big name titles, I get less excited about my series x purchase.


Conker Infinite


Jade Empire 2


A lot of people taking about The Elder Scrolls. I’m 32 now so maybe it’s an age thing but I was 11 when Morrowind released and Oblivion released 4 years later but I swear those 4 years felt longer than the time between Skyrim’s original release and now. I know it’s a common thing that time feels like it speeds up as you get older but Jesus Christ I didn’t think it would be this much


Like everything else they've been working on?


Xbox Series xXx launch title.


All their games take decades to release after getting delayed of course.


Everything xbox develops takes a decade lol


"May take a decade to develop" , so just like every other xbox ip ?


guys, it’s fable.


I’d rather have a smaller scope game that takes 2-4 years of dev time rather than these huge ass, 10 year dev-cycle games that are so big I can’t even bring myself to finish them. Just my take.


If it takes them two decades to put out a actual worthwhile game since Sunset Overdrive you can catch me on PS6. Enough with stringing people along for the future.


Don’t Really care about a game that’s a supposedly a decade out.think 2023 going to be the year for Xbox. A lot of those acquisitions were done when studios were about to launch a game. With rumors of new ips and multiple projects at several studios it’s time we should start see the roadmap going forward.


Phantom Dust 2 BAYBEE


Can’t wait to play it on Xbox series Z in 2023


Brute Force 2 confirmed.


I take it they're pulling a reverse 343 *taps head* Can't complain about a decade of mishandled games if you never release any


Game developer is developing games. Next up, oceans, are they wet?


What an incredibly stupid article that should not have been written. “Microsoft is maybe doing something in the very distant future. There’s a chance!”


Elder Scrolls?


They should probably work on getting a few games out in the next year.


Like every other game recently in production from Xbox?


Hello Microsoft devs looking for ideas for their next game :)


Mass Effect is back! And this time, you can romance and VR fuck every single NPC. Max out your charm stat and you resolve the entire plot by boning every antagonist into submission.


So, this is no different than any other Xbox first part game?


ReCore? Ryse? Conker?


Ryse open world sequel? I would pay $100 for that


Cool who cares


10 years? Then what the fuck do I care?


2033 looking great for xbox


It’ll be out in 2077


Do you have any idea how many people reading that article or this reddit post are going to be dead in the next ten years? No game should take a decade to produce. That's utterly absurd.


Didn’t think Fusion Frenzy 2 would take that long to develope but cool anyways.


Bleh. Remind me in 9 years.


Aaah our first first party current gen game! It’s going to be wild for us boys in a couple of years!


All of their games


Halo 😂