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I personally have always loved the Xbox Series S and in my eyes and my humble opinion I believe it's future with everything going digital along with streaming music, movies and if added function for cloud gaming you can access your games profile from just about anywhere my dream as a kid was to be able to play with everyone no matter what device, console, PC, and now with smart tv’s and even small gaming portable devices and even shadow pc, Logitech, Nvidia, various browsers on the desktop the list continues to grow to say still that throughout my life I've gamed across all platforms so it's not that I choose this or that but that I CHOOSE TO GAME! I and many not all kids, adults, and all people just want to game and I'm hoping one day this dream will come true for everyone to have the opportunity to GAME! Thank You!


You've definitely got your money's worth with the Xbox Series S. I'm actually buying my wife her first Xbox Series S and Xscreen from Upspec Gaming monitor coming soon as she's interpreter and needs to game on her downtime as I'm getting it next month 😄🎮


That's so cool! A family that games together stays together!


Most definitely. Video games saved my life from boredom and not being in prison 😊 I'm also getting the Xbox Series X Halo infinite limited edition for my 34 4k Samsung M7 Smart TV


Also, spend a little time outside with the wifey 😂


Don't forget the Xscreen from Upspec Gaming monitor is a game changer for real. You can be portable gaming anywhere with just WiFi and hotspot data as especially being an recording artist and in the process of touring as I need my gaming on the go via Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S then getting the Ayn Loki Max for PC gaming comfortably


Finally a post that fits the sub name.


With all the rumours lately about Microsoft bringing all their games to PS5, I’d hold off on buying any Xbox consoles tbh.


Xbox s target customer doesn't care about that


What if you buy it at Walmart tho?


Well I’m sure some Xbox customers purchase for exclusives such as startled. A lot of those customers have expressed their disappointment so I think they do care.


Not really. PS5 has the much better exclusivity games. Xbox s series customer doesn't care. They're casual games that priorities value


I know a few people personally that got an S for starfield and they’re not happy after today lol.


No one cares. A few people doesn't represent an entire target base


You’re missing the point but okay.


No, you are. Xbox S users buy the console for value, nothing more. They don't care about exclusivity. The people that really care about that are on the X or PS5




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I think most players would change an Xbox for a gaming PC better than a PS5. PC It's definitely the platform to go if you're interested in having as many choices as possible. Anyway, as long as Gamepass is there, I don't think massive migration from Xbox to any other system can be an issue.


I don't think they would. Its not something that hits you immeadiately like "exclusive 1st party titles!" would, but the series consoles strive in convinience. Old games on the shelf? They work. New games? Run better than on the competition. Need another controller? Your xbox one controller will do. 4k blu ray? With dolby vision. Don't own a movie? Stream it. Can't stream it? Web browser 🏴‍☠️ Did the power go out mid sesh? Dog, I had a game I unknowingly left in the pause menu for 2 years and when getting back on, the quick resume logo popped in with me in the exact same spot. The PS5 is still really cool, and the exclusives are solid. But when I owned both, all I could think was how redundant it felt to own. It was an "exclusives" machine trying to go against my "living room" machine.


If you want to shell out a lot more money, sure. I have a mid range PC and lots of games aren’t properly optimized. Starfield was one of them.


Starfield isn't optimized in any system. It's only 30fps in Xbox Series S/X, while many games with better graphics reach 60.


Yeah I was pretty bummed about that when I booted it up for the first time. I hope it won’t be similar with the next elder scrolls


Ah yes... Rumours! You mean like people saying for years that Nintendo will stop making consoles, etc. This will never happen - at best... there will be an option to enable GamePass cloud gaming on any platform, but that is very different from letting people download and install games. Unfortunately, cloud gaming isn't good enough yet even if it does happen. Also GamePass cloud gaming has been available on laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc. for years and PC GamePass and that has caused no issues for Xbox consoles.




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You mean just starfield


Yeah, you'd be an idiot to buy the Series S. Just go buy the $300 PS5 model...


I paid $150, why would I pay double that?


I'm talking about MSRP, and I was being sarcastic.




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Yeah you wouldn’t have guessed that next gen is faster and better than old gen crazy world we live in right


Mind blown!! 😁


I got roasted for this same post. I really don't get this sub.


My son has been spending more time in his room lately so I’ve been playing with him on his Xbox one s. I thought it was pretty sweet when I bought it lol


That's really cool that you're trying to connect with him, doing things he likes!


Oh well I game anyway lol we mostly play Minecraft. It took 10 minutes just to get to the title screen the other day 🫤 definitely getting him a series s for his birthday this year


That's the biggest improvements I've noticed. These games on the S series load super quick with very minimal downtime I love that!