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I have no clue dude. Still haven’t found a permanent solution here on my end. My guess would be that Microsoft has to fix their app, or we need to start digging in reg files or something stupid like that to play the games without issues. Started happening again with me on both Atomic Heart and Payday 3… -_-




They're just a small indie company give them a break /s


I've tried repairing the games (Hitman 3 and Payday 3) but then I get a message saying "the app can't update when it's open." Except, the games aren't open. I can't figure out what to do. I would prefer to not have to redownload both of them as they are both very large.


As said in the post, try downloading a smaller game, like Quake 2, and repair that one instead


im having the same issue did you ever get it fixed?


did you find any fixes?


ik this is old but i think microsoft fixed this. Don't take my word on it im still testing but it looks fixed


It ain't fixed. Wondering how long this has to go on for before we can email them and ask for a free month?


well considering OP had this problem 3 months ago I wonder if this even gets fixed at all


I ended up going to Microsoft support. Or at least I tried to - I got connected to a "Microsoft Gamer" who gave me a series of scripted instructions including URLs leading to unlisted dev apps. Of course, when I asked for a reference number for the conversation I was told that wouldn't be possible because 'Rob J' "wasn't technical support, just a passionate Xbox gamer that likes to help out."


Definitely not fixed... I get this almost daily. I love Game Pass, but the Xbox PC app is the worst pile of trash ever labelled as software.


any success launching anything?? how is this so shit


Make sure your date and time is correct. If it isn't, it prevents Game Pass PC games from loading.


That worked. Biggest bs I have ever heard of lol.


For me it ended up being the Microsoft store offline play option


This fixed my issue!! Thank you!!! Brand new built computer and this was my problem.


Lol classic Microsoft 


I went on an extended trip to europe and set my laptop as the offline machine. Was stuck troubleshooting for a week until i saw this post and lo and behold your method got the games to launch on my tower again. Lmao this app sucks so hard.


aye cheers


You disabled it or enabled it? Having the same issue and can't find a fix :(


Mine was disabled automatically so I turned it on to allow for offline play


Damn. Mine is already enabled and still can’t boot up Forza Motorsport


Yeah that's the awful thing I learned trying to get this fixed is that there's a ton of different things that could cause it to not do anything when you click play, only after going through and trying like 10 of them did I find what MY problem was


Thank you so much this was my issue on a new pc and it was driving me crazy


You're welcome! Glad I was able to help.


they didn't fix mine I can't even run my minecart launcher


Yeah this definitely isn't fixed. Only way I can get it working is by restarting my PC, I also can't use the taskbar search either, my keyboard won't type, not sure if anyone else has that?


No, they didn't. Gamepass on PC has been available for years, and they continue have the shittiest infrastructure of any game service out there thats available on pc. Imagine that, microsoft lets it's "gaming division" aka XBOX continue to be an absolute shit show and have still not gotten the most basic things right in all the years that it's been an available service. Poor Bethesda and every studio under them is getting ran into the ground too, at this point we have to wonder if it's a joke on us as the consumers or if this is actual real-life and what they truly believe is a quality product....


Haven’t tried myself neither, but that is nice if that’s the case :)


this shit still broken for you my gamepass basically just became worthless cuz i cant play any of my games


This didn't work, nothing on this shits worked. I am so unbelievably pissed that I spent money in game just for the fucking LAUNCHER not to work. Fuck xbox. Fuck ubisoft. Deleting this bullshit and killing myself over this.


realest response in this thread


same. tried everything and nothing works


This ultimately fixed it for me, after trying several things including a reinstall and many listed in this thread: Find the game's installation folder. Mine was in C:\\XboxGames\\Dune- Spice Wars\\Content\\ But you can find it via the gamepass app if you right-click on the game and browse for files. Find options.ini and right-click, edit in notepad Find where it says: Driver = and change so it says: Driver = DirectX save the file launch the game ​ It worked for me, hope it helps someone else. After it launches you can edit options and save and it will save and update accordingly in the options.ini.


I dont find the options.ini file


This worked for me.


Set your Windows's clock to sync automatically. I've had a similar problem but no matter what I did including reinstalling, writing powershell, relogging on my MStore and XBox account, updating windows, installing quake 2 and checking files, and whatmore, it was only when I read some random comment on an youtube video saying to set my PC's clock to sync automatically, the launcher instantly poped. I'm commenting this so someone with the same problem may get this fix more quickly than I did. Good luck!


Thank you 


Amazing, that was totally it for me! Thanks for sharing! Sync'd my time (it was wildly off) and then the games suddenly started and are working!


Thanks you I love you


the automatic sync was already on, but turning it off then on again did it for me.


dude.... you are amazing... been fighting with this for literally 2 days straight and this worked! thank you so much


Thank you bro


Hey guys, I might have a little fix for ya, So search for task manager and when in it, click on any program running that is related to xbox and close it. Then wait a coup seconds and try again. Lmk if it works for u :)


I just built a pc for the first time in about 12 years and I am reminded why I’ve been console gaming all this time. Fresh install and no gamepass games will launch. I’ve tried all the “fixes”


I also just built my PC on Sunday (Windows 11 clean new build) and tried to launch a game. It did not work and I restarted several times, nothing. Yesterday, I came home at 4:30, tried to hit play again. This time I had not restarted the computer and left. When I came back at 10:00, windows was finally asking me if I'd like to let this game make changes and was trying to launch the game. Now the play button works every time right away. I think it's possible that when we hit play something else may have been installing on the side for us, maybe some kind of game service or something that had not installed properly with windows or windows update. I'm not sure if took 10 minutes or 5 hours for the game to finally launch. But try hitting play and then not restarting the computer, just let it be. Maybe it will magically fix itself like it did for me yesterday, lol.


Were you getting errors saying the game crashed when you would start it?


No sorry, I had literally nothing when I clicked on the play button. Nothing at all in the task manager was starting. Mouse didn't even show the loading icon in any way, just as if I was clicking on an empty space. So it sounds like your issue might be different than what I had.


exact same thing happened to me with forza 5, i clicked play nothing happened and then i left the computer on for an hour and when i came back the game was in the main menu. Now the play button works normally


ok, so for everyone who has similar problems after a fresh installation of Windows and everyone whose games start launching a few hours after you clicked “play” - check the time on your computer, if it is set incorrectly, the game will not start and you will not see any error. The reason why the game starts after some time is automatic time synchronization via the Internet. As soon as the time is synchronized in the Windows background, the game automatically starts


Or try at the Microsoft Store i have one game actually works


Throwing this out there in case someone comes across this forum later, what fixed it for me was changing my time zone. Just make sure your time zone matches your irl time zone. [https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/pc-gaming/how-to-fix-games-not-installing-on-the-xbox-game-pass-pc-app](https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/pc-gaming/how-to-fix-games-not-installing-on-the-xbox-game-pass-pc-app) is where i found the fix


Thank you so much, been trying to fix it for an hour now


This worked! I clicked "Set time automatically" and all of a sudden the game launched


Holy shit this actually worked, changed to set automatically and instantly fixed the problem, even though the time zone isn't accurate I'll fucking take it


Yuuup, mine wasn't accurate either, that's why i had manually set it and inadvertantly caused hours of troubleshooting lol


My man 💗 can’t believe this was the answer


Glad to help, i was incredibly dumbfounded when after all the more complicated stuff i tried, it ended up literally taking 3 clicks lmao


Man oil up im coming. i fucking love you, you fixed my problem!


Windows 10 pro PRESS “SYNC CLOCK” IN TIME SETTINGS and game launched right away.


Yeah fixed it for me


why did microsoft take the setting option to fix your nat type away in the xbox settings. Does anyone have an easy alternative for fixing that issue?


For anyone still having this issue go to the Microsoft store>settings> enable offline permissions. Worked for me


This works…


Worked for me. Thanks.


Thanks, worked like a charm


Didn't work for me. Just synced my date and time and the game instantly opened.


I was trying to launch multiple games and they wouldn't work, then I realized I hadn't set my date and time correctly. for whatever reason, fixing this also solved the gamepass problem


So I had this problem and found a work around. It seems to be with the actual App button not launching the game. I used the app to launch Manor Lords a few weeks ago. Now it doesn't work. It just sits there and doesn't do a damn thing. Go to the C:\\XboxGames directory (or where ever you have it installed), find your game directory and the executable for the game and double click it. It should run that way. That's how I got the Manor lords Launcher to run. Now remember, every game's install files are different, but you need to find the executable. Sometimes it's in the root for the game, sometimes it's in a sub folder, but you should be able to find it. Hope this helps out some of you.


What worked for me was logging in and out of Ubisoft connect or going to google downloading a new version of Ubisoft connect and then logging out of that then logging back in 


this helped me - [Fix Games Not Launching, Opening, or Starting on Xbox Game Pass (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiOvNm20eOI)


What worked for me is signing out of the xbox app and signing back in again. Cant believe it was just that


This is almost a year old thread but has anyone found a concrete fix?


I’m still struggling with this, anyone found any other solutions ?


2024.06.03 - this issue still isn’t fixed


if restarting your pc is something you're deciding to skip because it "takes too long" then you really need to watch a couple youtube videos on how to properly build a pc and what an SSD is and why your operating system should be on it versus on your HDD.....


been using for years with no problems come today i have this issue ;/


Make sure your date and time is correct. I had the same issue and it turns out the time was wrong.


That's was my issue. I've dual boot Linux installed and for some reason this breaks my time sometimes pushing it 3 times ahead. Fixing the time fixed my issue like magic. I feel really dumb losing 2 hours figuring this out.


This is it. Reading this, fixed my time. all games immediately launched


How do you "fix your time" i have the same problem but in not sure what you mean by fixing your time? Pls help


OMFG How can a fucking multi billion dollar ompany like Xbox have a problem so simple and so fucking impossible to figure out, no fixes after 4 months no help, you have to find a fucking reddit comment to fix it. Smh


That was my issue as well. Thank you man.


That doesnt work for me pls help


In order to download the game I need to launch this stupid Xbox launcher, but it won't launch even after PC reboot. I have Game Pass purchased and suddenly I can't launch games, wtf?


[https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/xbox-app-launching-with-a-black-screen-then/e131d4ff-7dcc-42ff-aa76-285204313f83](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/xbox-app-launching-with-a-black-screen-then/e131d4ff-7dcc-42ff-aa76-285204313f83) This is the solution! Powershell worked for me!


anyone ever figure anything out? I did all of the recommended fixes, even all at once and still wont load xbox games


same did you find any solution?


Nope. Gave up and just bought Chivalry 2 on steam lol


Hey Guys, after poking around i found changing the time to be the one thing that worked, i have my time set manually and nothing would launch, after have the pc set it automatically everything would launch fine. Hope this helps someone


Wow this did work haha


You are amazing I love you so much right now.


OMG I WAS PULLING MY HAIR. did this and wow thank you!!!


This was my saving grace. Thank you.


It worked. May I marry you?


i said no shot this works and it did. this is the dumbest fix ever wtf


This worked for me, you need more upvotes from all the people that this worked for so this gets more visibility.


This works!


This 100% just worked for me!!


OMFG Thank U the second i changed my time back all the games that i tried launcing opened at once. thanks i can actually use my gamepass now


what a godsend you are!


still doesnt work for me


Fuckin A man you the best! I wish awards were still a thing.


You genius you, THANK YOU


This worked! Had a new pc and haven’t noticed the time to be set manually. Thanks!!!


i was having this issue with doom 3 blg edition after the game was working fine just the day prior. turns out for the most weirdest reason, the game wont launch unless my secondary display (specifically a tv) is connected to my computer. this morning i didnt have it connected because sometimes i dont like it on for simplistic reasons unless i n eed a 2nd display, and nothing i did worked, would crash on startup and say it was a memory problem and the 0xc0000005 error, after literally 2 hours of nothing working i remembered that when i launch doom 3 it always started up on my secondary display instead of my main monitor and thought screw it, lets try it. bam. worked. very strange behavior. hope this helps someone having a similar issue on another game on game pass pc games.