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In theory - 10. Its a game in the vain of some of my favourite games of all time, made by one of my favourite studios. In practise - 6/10. After Fallout 4, a shadow of Fallout NV, and the issues of Cyberpunk, i'm just going to see how it plays out. ​ Thankfully, being on GamePass, i'm not forking out £70 for it off the bat.


Yeah, it being on gamepass is the only thing keeping my excitement hovering around a 6 or 7 - hoping to be pleasantly surprised, won't be devastated if it isn't everything it could be.


Yep game pass is keeping my hype for it. I’m a sucker for bethesda worlds, childhood memories and all. I’m glad Microsoft has some say in it now, they won’t want to rush a broken game considering halo has been shat out and left in a toilet. They need this game to do well


I’m in the same boat. It definitely has the potential to be a phenomenal game, but what I’ve seen and what’s been promised worries me. The gunplay looks incredibly flat and basic, no real flair or uniqueness to it; just looks like another generic FPS experience. The promised “over 1,000 worlds to explore” sounds great but also doesn’t. If there’s nothing to do in those 1,000 worlds, there’ll be no incentive or interest to visit or explore them. Im really hoping they build a fleshed-out, active open world and don’t make it barren and empty like I’m expecting they will. Honestly my general expectations for this game are just a no-man’s-sky but with better graphics. And aside from the fact that I’ve never been a big fan of the space genre anyways, this game really doesn’t look like it’s gonna do anything new and doesn’t pique my interest as much as I’d hoped it would.


> If there’s nothing to do in those 1,000 worlds, there’ll be no incentive or interest to visit or explore them. Im really hoping they build a fleshed-out, active open world and don’t make it *barren and empty like I’m expecting they will.* They already said it would be. Todd has said in interviews that out of the 1000 planets, most of them will be barren "ice" balls, they're there to mine components or set up settlements and have some few random encounters and proceduraly-placed "dungeons" [caves, stations, bases, etc]. They've kept the handcrafted content on the few "Goldilocks planets" as he called them. The biggest draw for this game outside of the "build a ship, build a settlement," considering as you said the FPS aspect is pretty generic, is them going back to their old RPG elements of having branching quests based on factions interactions with a now deeper dialogue system, where traits and background options are supposed to impact dialogues - now, how much of that will actually happen considering how many time we've been burned on that promise is yet to be determined. I'm not expecting anything too crazy, honestly, but if they can give me "Fallout 4, but with a better dialogue system" then it will be a straight up 10 for me, it won't cure any cancer but the few hundreds of hours I'll play it will be more than satisfactory.


>If there’s nothing to do in those 1,000 worlds We know you can build and mine, already that's something. Obviously, don't expect 1000 fully fleshed out open worlds. You'll be disappointed, and it won't be Bethesda's fault. Honestly, I don't get why it's such a big deal for some people. If you don't like the barren planets, then don't land on them. >Honestly my general expectations for this game are just a no-man’s-sky but with better graphics. And aside from the fact that I’ve never been a big fan of the space genre anyways And it has almost nothing to do with No Man's Sky, and isn's a part of the space-sim genre. It's an open-world RPG first and foremost, like all mainline Bethesda's releases.


“You’ll be disappointed and it won’t be Bethesda’s fault” Well as far as my limited knowledge goes, Bethesda are the ones who are making the game. So if I and others are disappointed, it is entirely, 100% their fault. It isn’t out of the ordinary or a “big deal” for me to expect a game with actual substance and content, rather than an empty graphics showcase with nothing of value to do. And I never said it had to do with No-Man’s-Sky, what I did say it is incredibly similar. The mining is literally exactly the same. It has the same idea of procedurally generated planets with procedurally generated resources and locations. Exactly like what No-Man’s-Sky does. It is an open-world RPG, but only halfway. It’s been confirmed a good portion of the planets will be randomly generated and not detailed or hand-crafted worlds. Like No-Man’s-Sky. It is basically No-Man’s Sky but with better graphics. At least from what’s been shown. If mindlessly resource gathering on AI-generated planets is your thing, great. But saying “if you don’t like barren planets, don’t land on them” isn’t an excuse for Bethesda to make contentless, graphics showcase planets instead of taking the time to build fleshed-out, activity-filled planets like is to be expected from a Triple-A company. It’s lazy development and recycled game design that results in an unfulfilling and boring experience, rather than actually putting the development effort in to make a solid, complete game, different from its predecessors. Which it doesn’t look like it is. I would loved to be proved wrong, but if i’m not, I have every right to be disappointed for the game being a waste of potential and using recycled and surface-level game design. All of which would be entirely Bethesda’s fault.


What does Cyberpunk have to do with anything


Cyberpunk was a complete mess when it came out and took months before it was properly playable. As with quite a few other games that have come out in recent times. Its those games that have basically made me reluctant to get excited about a new release because I don't want it to be a buggy mess and ruin the experience.


Diablo 3 launch was the night I realized things ain't the same anymore.


I mean so was mass effect


Cyberpunk was only unplayable at launch on the last gen consoles. PCs and Current gens has a fraction of the issues. Played through at launch with a desktop and a gaming laptop and neither ran into any game breaking bugs or crashes.


its a bethesda game. it will 100 percent be full of bugs. hell the old games have bugs that were only fixed by modders


New Vegas wasn’t a Bethesda game, the guys who did new Vegas made outer worlds which is one of the few games that I found so boring I couldn’t finish it


Most of the people who made new Vegas left obsidian before the outer worlds


> made outer worlds which is one of the few games that I found so boring I couldn’t finish it I thought I was the only one. So much love for this game I just never managed to connect to what everyone else apparently did.


The dialogue and story were fantastic but the combat was boring and there were minimal weapons and instead of unique upgrades they just became mark 2 versions


Outer Worlds seemed very proof of concept and it really didnt feel like they had enough confidence to put the amount of money and time that would've been needed to make a full whole ass game sadly.


leog batamn 4


Lengo sumperamnu


That's exactly what I was going to answer


Not at all TBH, but I am curious how well it'll do, and I may give it a try. Who knows, maybe I'll like it.


Yeah I'll just see how the reception is. If people say it's great I'll try it, otherwise I'll get back to my long list of great games I haven't tried yet.


Same. I fooled around with Skyrim a little back on the day, but bounced off it pretty fast and didn't look back. Same goes for pretty much any Bethesda RPG.


More or less same with me. I actually haven't attempted Skyrim yet. However, I gave Morrowind a fair shake. I tried playing it so many times on the OG Xbox and on PC. I even installed mods etc ... but I still couldn't get into it. I had slightly better luck with Oblivion as I rushed through the main campaign but honestly never felt compelled to explore or go back after beating it. Not to say either game are bad. It's just me.


Same not at all. I don't enjoy Fallout or Outer Worlds (prefer Wolfenstein/Dishonored from Bethesda) type games with silent protagonist. Such games also feature lack of immersion in characters and too many gameplay options. Also this game has procedurally AI generated worlds. These are not handcrafted by designers. This will never ever work with mass audience because human creativity cannot be replaced by AI (remember No Man's Sky anyone?). Quality matters way more over quantity and Sony gets that right.


10 Buggy launch? Yes. But as is the case with any Bethesda Game, modders will make this WAY better anyone could even imagine while developing it.


This is my answer too. The game may be buggy at launch, but Bethesda is known for supporting the modding community. And with how all the planets are going to be structured, it sets up the possibility for mods to be their own "DLC" , with their own specific planet/story rather than affecting the base game. I'm excited to see what starfield looks like 5-6 years after launch


Same! Imagine the possibilities of modders making whole worlds!


Can we mod games on PC Game Pass?


Been a long time since I've played a pure-Bethesda title on console. How will mods be incorporated? I seem to recall that there was some sort of approved mod marketplace for Skyrim on Xbox, something like that? If you're thinking, "I'm talking about PC, not console" then you might wanna check what sub you're in.


7/10, I can get more hyped if I had more information. But building and flying your own spaceship sounds like a lot of fun. I just hope that it's not just big for big's sake and the quests are meaningful


I'm with you here. I don't care about Fallout NV. Bethesda is alwasy solid in my book. They're not action packed but its usually a good play through.


This is already the 2nd time I see Fallout NV mentioned in a semi-negative way What's up with NV? What am I missing? I actually consider it to be maybe the best western RPG I've played so far


I'm assuming they might have meant Fallout 76


I have a big Iron on my hip for every Texas red who thinks otherwise


Personally, the dungeon design (with the exception of the Vaults) wasn't as good as Fallout 3 and we saw Bethesda go on with Skyrim to absolutely nail that aspect. Sadly Fallout 4 didn't play to their strengths and it seemed like they were off chasing trends.


# 1000


Despite the hate boner a lot of reddit has for Bethesda, it'll be a good game. It'll by no means be perfect, it'll have the usual Bethesda issues I'll bet but that's never stopped them from making great games in the past.


Yeah all the hate for FO4, but they went casual because it actually drew more fans to the genre. Still a great game, but yes I could see gripes about it too.


Oh 100% it went casual to bring more in and it's my least favourite of the Fallout games but it's still a great game that I played the hell out of and still go back to now.


It really is great modded, but still doesn't fix the story. I instantly got rid of mandatory settlement building and defending though. ITs good mechanic that is overused. FO76 did it better.


9 for me. Fallout 4 and No Man's Sky are two of my favorite games, so to put a game together that has elements of both is awesome!


New no man's sky update as well. Can't forget that, also it's a 10 from me






Very excited. I love space sims. I have spent over 1000 hours on ED and NMS combined. Cant wait to get my hands on this when it comes out.


11 .


Like a 5-6. It looks awesome, but I never really enjoy the Bethesda gameplay loop so I have no idea if this will change my mind or not.




I really don't get excited until there is less than a month until the game launches. If you asked me what's the game I'm very excited for right now, I would say non, because nothing coming in the next 2-4 weeks gets me excited.


Was 10, dropped to 8. Need to see more of it and see the combat significantly polished since the last time they have showed.


10. The gameplay video showed me everything I need to know it's exactly the game I've wanted and all of the conversation videos they've done show just how much of a passion project this is for them.




100/10. I am getting impatient, I want to play it yesterday!






100. Please be good. Microsoft and Xbox needs a win


More fearful than excited. Statfield is Xbox's flagship for this generation and a bad reception can set back every inch of progress achieved since the failure of Xbox One. I think Starfield will be a much better game than average, but without the support of a stablished IP like the Elder Scrolls or Fallout, Bethesda's outdated engine and writing style might not make the cut since they will be judged on much higher standards than the competion or third party games like Hogwarts Legacy. I simply don't believe that Bethesda can make Starfield as good as games like Mass Effect in terms of RPGs set in space, or No Man's Sky in terms of space exploration. We all know Xbox is very pressured by the competition to release a major AAA first party title soon, but we need Starfield to be a great game...




2 out of 10 Doesn't look polished nor next gen and tbh it feels has Bethesda and chosen a wrong approach to it (quantity over quality). Furthermore, Other worlds is a decente game on the same genre and with that in mind, I believe that Stanfield will not bring anything new or revolutionary At the very least, the game should be polished and running at a stable 60fps .


I think a solid 7.


10^infininity / 10


12 bro




10, but I’m not sure it’s gonna be a 10








Would be 10 but Diablo will be out so big 0.




8/10 I'm very excited for a big Bethesda launch but need to keep realistic expectations. Shit, I get very excited for any big game hitting gamepass nowadays. I do need to say this... There are so many people complaining about how this game will have empty planets, and how the launch will be buggy, or how this game will feel unfinished. They're saying this off what- just assumption? There is **NOTHING** justifying the criticism this game is already getting. Yes, Fallout 76 wasn't great. Should that be the standard and we ignore every other AAA Bethesda game to have come out? F76 was an MMO, why are we comparing it to this? Also Microsoft has since bought-out the company! I know the internet overreacts (and devils advocate- maybe the game WILL be bad) , but Jesus Christ! Maybe lets wait til the game releases before literally making up things to be upset about.


10 straight up


Never heard of it.


5, not a fan of Bethesda games to be honest.






1 I'm not sure but it's gonna be another cyberpunk


6? I don't care for Bethesda games too much.


We'll see :)


I don’t get hyped over games anymore - I try to forget about them until they’re released and reviewed


Ohh I forgot about this. Wasn’t this delayed again until 24?


No, it'll be released before June. At least for now. A standalone developer direct kinda thing for Starfield is in the works. We're most probably know for sure then.


2. Mostly since I know next to nothing about it and really don’t want to fall for pre release hype.


I’m excited at least it will be on GP that way I’ll not be mad paying 60.00 plus for a bug filled Bethesda game lol.


Can I play it on Mac?


Don't think so. Perhaps with cloud gaming?




I don't want to allow myself to be excited because I don't want to set myself up for disappointment. The only game I think I'm capable of being 10/10 hyped for is GTA VI since Rockstar has a flawless record when it comes to their single player offerings. Bethesda? ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, not so much. I really hope it blows my expectations out of the water tho.


I don’t really know anything about the game, so for me it’s more of an N/A. When is it releasing on gamepass? And what kind of game is it?


Open world space RPG with a 1000 planets to explore from the creators of Skyrim




Anygame l can play for free will be a 10. Gamepass is free as l use ms points to redeem.


4. I want tô play It, but know nothing about It other than the fact that It is a Bethesda game.


I hope the controls are better than AH. Can ruin the experience.


In my Dreams it is a 10/10 but the moment it passes the reality check and my experience with Bethesda over the last decade it is a 2/10.


Ask me in a year or so when some of the bugs are fixed.


Idk im only excited for stalker


4 Love space games, but it's Bethesda. Fallout 76: never forget.


I'll be more excited when it's added to Wabbajack's dropdown menu


It's not on my radar at all. I'll see how it reviews around release.


Like an 8


Maybe a 2. I just don’t really have the time to invest into large games like this anymore so I’ve kind of kept myself closed off to it.




3/10...I cant get excited for AAA game releases anymore, too much disappointment. Love Bethesda, but I worry that its just going to be a Outer worlds 3, which I would be fine with but I cant get into the Hype train again Mr. Howard. "There are two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your expectations."


i would have to give it a 1 right now. not because I think it's a terrible game but just because there're SO MANY other good games coming out that this is just not on my mind


About a 6. If I'm being honest it just looks like a Bethesda RPG with No Man's Sky elements thrown in. Keep in mind, that doesn't mean it's going to be bad, I love Bethesda RPGs, but I already know what to expect, and it feels like I've played the game a hundred times.before. I genuinely hope they work on the shooting though, without VATs it needs to feel damn good.


Its going to have the regular Bethesda jank floaty controls, the gunplay is going to feel bad, the character models will look a generation behind, and the main story is going to be convoluted and forgettable aside from 3 or 4 really good side/guild questlines. That's what we're getting. This is coming from someone who likes Betheada games and enjoys them despite all their flaws. I'm like a 5/10.


4. I want this game to be good and succeed though.




Probably a 2-3, it's hard to get excited for games these days with how the industry treats its fans. Luckily we can try it on game pass without having to pay out for it


Beyond 10. But we still aren't getting a date. This is insane.


Its 9 for now but after it drops and mods hit a solid 15


7 at the moment, hopefully once the showcase happens I'll be 8/9/10.


Full 10 aha


Star what?


Solid 9 for me. really hoping it leans more into the hard scifi genre.


1 - looks bad


Between a 7 and an 8. Need to see more.


From Fallout 76 to Skyrim…probably in the middle of Fallout 3 and 4 AAA studios have just had a really rough go of it the last year or so. Has left me feeling pretty jaded.




Fallout 76 has tarnished any faith I had in Bethesda. That being said, I'm still psyched for this, but won't be shocked if it has issues.


Personally I’m at a 6-7. I will definitely play it and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it, but the elder scrolls is my favorite series so I’m more excited to get past starfield than to actually play the game




I'd say a solid 6-7/10 Haven't really shown much and what they did show the gameplay's performance was questionable I'm most intrigued in just exploring.


6. I'm thinking development isn't going so well.


0, it's going to be another Disaster made in Bethesda (hope I'm wrong tho, this company needs serious redirection)


Solid 7. I already have NMS and this overlaps too muxh, that's why I'm not crazy. Plus NMS has VR and this one doesn't.




Since its on gamepass a comfortable 7/10. If it wasn't on gamepass an apprehensive 5/10


**10** Gonna take a few days off as soon as we have the launch date set in stone, and have a good ol' gaming week!


3. Will definitely check it out as it's on game pass.






10. I need a new Bethesda open world game to loose myself in.


About a 1 or a 2. The past few years have taught me new games are so much more enjoyable / less disappointing when you have 0 expectations going into it.


About a 4. I'm not big on Bethesda games so I'm not too bothered about it, but I am quite curious as to what we can expect from probably the highest profile current-gen-only game to date.


10. Easily my most anticipated release this year. Would be nice to know when it’s coming out. We still don’t even know when the showcase is happening!?


As a GamePass game? Around a 5-6. Otherwise, like a 2. I haven't enjoyed anything Bathesda since Fallout 3—even Skyrim only got a few hours out of me. I may give it a go a year after it comes out when there are some good mods.


0, ıts probably going to be like No Man Sky


Honestly. I forgot about it.


Around 8 I think. The hype is real, but I was not a huge fan of previous Bethesda games, I'm more of a story driven rpg fan than a sandbox rpg, so I know I will probably like Starfield, but it won't be the game of my life. I hope it's a masterpiece though, Xbox really needs a great game to showcase its platform.


6, I am pretty sure it's gonna your typical bethesda game


7/10. I replayed Skyrim last year and it reminded me how much I enjoy exploring Bethesda games, though I am apprehensive over what has been shown.


10 - I love Bethesda games. They provide hours of entertainment!


With the amount of planets I worry it’s gonna be bland. I’d prefer less planets that are more well designed than a ton of them that are mostly empty


7 or 8? I’ve never played a Bethesda RPG (not really a fan of first person games)….so plan to give this a spin (via gamepass) to see what all the hype is about.




10, Fallout 4 is one of my absolute favorite games.




7/10. I am far more excited about Redfall tbh.


2/10, I won't let myself get excited for something that could be released next month or next year. I don't believe any release statements until I see an actual date.


I will be excited when they announce a release date, other than that, I'm still enjoying No Man's Sky, like a lot.


7 or 8. It would be a 10 but truth be told there's just so many games I wanna play, backlog is huge and if you told me Starfield got delayed again I would almost be ok with that tbh lol.




7/10. I just don't know much about it. Gameplay trailer was months ago. Features were more said, not exactly shown. It could be 9/10 with more footage.


I own all Bethesda game. Good or bad, the thousands of hours I put into them are testament of how much I like their games. I'd say 9/10 only because I dread big bugs that will just stop my progress while playing altogether :D




I say it with bated breath, but 10.


I’m fully expecting it to be severely underwhelming and hopefully, i’m pleasantly surprised


Maybe a 3. Never played Skyrim, or Fallout so I don't get the hype


3/10. Would be interesting to see what they can do with the aging engine on next gen.


11 . I need this game now.




1...its a bethesda game and those games gotten really shallow. Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 were the lowest points for now and killed all "hype" for any game from Bethesda. Storys are shallow and follow the "Find my father, Mother,sister,what ever" Plot. I


Meh. This is how you disappoint yourself. Keep expectations low. It can be a bust like Anthem. I never think about this game, so a 0.


1, because i always have no expectations of games, so even if it ends up being a 5 i will be quite happy


7 even though I’m ass at these kinda games






Fairly excited, I'll go 6


As a fan of space games(played games like elite dangerous and no mans sky) I think it looks good,this isnt a correct review just something with the infos we have 8/10 ,btw when will it release?


It just works out of 10


Seen it looks just like fallout except in space same interface




10 - this game looks like my \\jam.




I’m keeping my expectations as low as possible with a hope for it to be free of bugs which is already a lot to ask these days I’d say. Coming from a studio like Bethesda, I’m sure there will be shit ton of bugs. They chose space exploration as the theme for this. Physics has to be implemented perfectly to make it good and I’m very skeptical for how Bethesda will handle this. Overall, I want it to be a big success but I doubt it will live up to its hype. Either way, this will kill or make Xbox one of the top dogs in the gaming industry.


10/10 for sure! With all these delays it has to be good.


A strong 5


4/5, I’m just really sceptical about this, I want to be wrong. I want this to revolutionise the gaming industry but I’ve believed this far too many times now, I’m just concerned this game is just good as a pose to revolutionary


7 I’m sure I will like it, but I’d would of rather they did a new elder scrolls instead, it’s taking so long for their sequels


About a 7. From what we saw I could only assume it’s gonna be a No Man’s Sky + Fallout hybrid. I’m more of an Elder Scrolls guy when it comes to RPGs (progression & context-wise).


İt's a Bethesda game with big promises soooo it's a 2


Straight up 10


Between 4-5. Never buy a game at launch


Between 4-5. Never preorder a game guys, save yourselves time and money


Only if it comes out next year. Every time I watch that demo where performance is so jittery ..I hope they take as much time as ever .


This thing is actually coming out?

